Chapter 545
Zhou Rui naturally knew what happened this week. Now that he got Jia Ke's letter, he didn't dare to neglect. He pulled out the horse that had been prepared long ago from our courtyard next to it, led it out of the side door of Rongguo Mansion, and then got on the horse. In this way, in the middle of the night, the fast horse galloped straight to the old doctor Lu's house.

Along the way, we ran into several waves of patrolling infantry commanding Yamen soldiers, but the leader of these soldiers did not dare to stop him when he saw that it was Zhou Rui from the Rongguo Mansion, so he let him go all the way to the old doctor Lu's house without hindrance. .

Zhou Rui got off his horse and came to the gate, knocking on it non-stop.

The concierge at Old Lu's doctor's house is a discerning one, he knows, but if he can knock on the door in the middle of the night, it must be because a relative of a high-ranking official's house has a sudden illness, otherwise he wouldn't be in such a hurry.

So he hurriedly asked through the door: "Which prefecture are you from?"

After hearing this, Zhou Rui immediately shouted: "I am from the Rongguo Mansion. On the order of our uncle Yan Guogong, I am here to invite Mrs. Lu to come to the mansion for a doctor."

The concierge dared not be negligent after hearing this, and hastily opened the side door, inviting Zhou Rui's family to come in, and then asked him to wait for a while before going to the inner house to report.

After a while, the light of the lantern in front flickered, and then there was a sound of chaotic footsteps. The old doctor Lu came over in person with a group of scary people.

Seeing the old doctor Lu coming, Zhou Rui hurried forward to give him a hand, then took out the text message from Jia Ke in his arms, and handed it to the old doctor Zhou with both hands, "This is a message from my uncle to the old doctor. A letter from the imperial physician."

Once Granny Lu took the letter, she opened it and saw that she was indeed asking her to come over.

The old doctor Lu did not neglect, and directly ordered his housekeeper to prepare the car immediately.

It didn't take long for the vehicle to be ready, and then the old doctor Lu got into the carriage immediately, and Zhou Rui led the way, and they rushed to Rongguo Mansion in a hurry.

Besides, Jia Ke and Mrs. Wang were not in a hurry to wait in the house. About an hour later, they heard footsteps outside Jia Zhu's yard, and then the curtain was opened, and Yu Chuan'er and Zhou Rui's family led the old doctor Lu to come in.

When the old doctor Lu entered the inner house, he first saw Jia Ke and Mrs. Wang, so he hurried forward to greet Jia Ke first, and then bowed his hands to Mrs. Wang.

"Grandpa called the old man to come this time, but in your house, which nobleman has an emergency?"

Jia Ke said helplessly: "This time, I invite the old gentleman to come here for nothing else. It's because my younger brother is not in good health. Please ask the old doctor to come and have a look."

After hearing this, the old doctor Lu stroked his beard and didn't speak. He just stood there for a long while before saying, "I saw Lingdi's illness last time. At that time, I prescribed a prescription. At that time, I only said this prescription. The son can only last for one or two years. But later I heard that your family has hired another capable person, which allows the younger brother to continue until now. Could it be that the patient has problems again this time."

Jia Ke said helplessly: "Mr. Lu didn't know something, but he invited a powerful doctor to prescribe a prescription, which made my brother's health somewhat better. Who would have thought that this disappointment would start to use that medicine again?" Furong, now her body is going downhill rapidly, so please ask the old doctor to take a look."

Granny Lu frowned as soon as Jia Ke said that Jia Zhu started using that drug again, this time she was not really worried.

"I have no other way for the time being. Go in and see the patient first."

So the old doctor Lu, led by Jia Ke and Mrs. Wang, entered Jia Zhu's bedroom again.

At this time, Li Zhi was already at Jia Zhu's bedside, preparing the seat for old doctor Lu.

The old doctor Lu didn't talk nonsense, he came directly to the bed and gave Jia Zhu a pulse.

This pulse lasted for nearly a quarter of an hour. The old doctor Lu had a sad expression on his face. He put down his hands and didn't speak, as if he was walking outside.

Jia Zhu and Mrs. Wang quickly followed old lady Lu out of Jia Zhu's bedroom.

Everyone came back to the living room, and then the guests and hosts were seated, and then the old doctor Lu said: "This time, it's stronger than the first time I saw it. I couldn't even do it last time, and now I can't do anything."

Mrs. Wang started to sob when she heard this, she just felt that Jia Zhu's life was not long.

Jia Ke thought it was better to rescue him first, so he said to the old doctor Lu, "We still have the prescription prescribed by the doctor last time. The old man can see if he can change it so that my brother can be brought back to life."

In fact, old doctor Lu had wanted to see the mystery of this prescription a long time ago, but she was too embarrassed to open it. Now that Jia Ke said it herself, it was exactly what she wanted.

"If there is that doctor's prescription, I'll take a look and change it accordingly, maybe it can still save me."

After hearing this, Mrs. Wang immediately saved Yu Chuan'er and showed the old man the prescription.

The prescription was actually in Jia Zhu's study, and soon Yu Chuan'er took the prescription, and then handed it to Mrs. Wang. Mrs. Wang didn't even look at it, and pointed to old Mr. Lu.

Yu Chuan'er then walked a few steps to the side, and handed the prescription to old doctor Lu.

The old doctor Lu took the prescription and looked at it carefully. After seeing it, he knew the secret of the prescription.

This prescription is not very shrewd in medicine, but it has found a new way, which opened the old doctor Lu's eyes, and at the same time it seemed to clear the clouds.

It should be said that old doctor Lu's medical skills are better than that of Mr. Zhang, but he didn't think of treating the disease from another aspect. Now that he read this prescription, he knew that there is another way to go, so he felt that his eyes opened up .

"Lord Jia, I saw that this prescription is indeed infinitely mysterious. With this prescription as a base, I will draw up another one. It should be able to save Lingdi's life for the time being."

After hearing this, Jia Ke could only nod her head. This is already the best way.

So the old doctor on the road wrote the prescription on the spot, and then showed it to Jia Ke.

How could Jia Ke understand this, so he didn't even look at it, and handed it to Mrs. Wang next to him.

Mrs. Wang came to treat Jia Zhu during this period of time, and she can be considered as a doctor after a long illness. Taking this prescription and comparing it with the previous one carefully, I think it is much better.

Seeing Mrs. Wang nodding her head, Jia Ke breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked Old Madam Lu, "Is there really nothing that can be done about my second brother's illness?"

The old doctor Lu pondered for a while, then raised his head and said, "Master Jia, it's because I didn't try my best, I really can't do anything."

Jia Ke thought about it for the same reason. On Earth, such high technology could not completely get rid of this thing, let alone in ancient times.

But Jia Ke still had hope in case, "If there are precious medicinal materials, can you save your life?"

"Master Jia, the thousand-year-old ginseng you took out last time is already an incredible thing. Is there anything else that can surpass that? Even if there is, I'm afraid there's nothing you can do about it."

Jia Ke doesn't think so. Although those life ganoderma are precious, there are indeed many in Jia Ke's ring space.

It is said that the most precious thing in this world is probably that little spiritual spring.

So Jia Ke bowed his hands to the people present, and said: "Mother and Mr. Lu stay here, I will go back to the mansion to get something, Mr. Lu will have a look."

Then Jia Ke left the room and went straight to her mansion.

This time, Jia Ke did not enter the inner house, but went directly to her study, and took out a jade bottle from a hidden compartment in the study.

This jade vase is not an ordinary thing, but a magic weapon given to Jia Ke by those old Taoist priests when he was in the Qingxu Temple. Jia Ke is also a person who knows the goods, so he has kept it until now.

Jia Ke quietly entered the space with the jade bottle, and used the jade bottle to fill a bottle full of spiritual spring water in the space.

Only then did he come out again, and then returned to Jia Zhu's room in Rongguo Mansion with the spiritual spring water.

At this time, Mrs. Wang and the old doctor Lu had been waiting impatiently, but seeing Jia Ke going to get things so seriously, they knew that it was no small matter, so they waited patiently.

When Jia Ke came in, the two of them looked at Jia Ke together.

Jia Ke didn't bother, and directly took out the jade bottle, handed it to the old doctor Lu and said, "Mr., I also know some masters in the mountains. The thing in this bottle was given to me by a master. He said that this is the aura of heaven and earth, the essence of the sun and the moon. It is condensed and can life and death human flesh and bones. I am not sure, so I have never dared to use it. It is hidden in the mansion. Now take it out, the old man has a look. Give it to my second brother if it’s useful.”

As soon as Mrs. Lu heard Jia Ke's words, a smile appeared on her face. She didn't expect that Mr. Jia was such a big official, and still believed in these witchcraft?How can there be any gods and ghosts in this world?Is there still less suffering from these Taoist priests in the world?How many palace nobles died just because they listened to these Taoist priests.

But he couldn't explain it clearly in front of Jia Ke, so he had no choice but to take the jade bottle, then opened the seal and smelled it carefully.

In the opinion of old doctor Lu, these things are nothing more than soups made from some herbs. What kind of panacea is the essence of heaven and earth? After so many years of preservation in the bottle, it is probably no longer a soup, but a poison.

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Lu has been smelling it all the time, but she can't help feeling the strange smell of the water in the jade bottle, and there is an indescribable feeling that goes straight to the heart and lungs.

It was only now that the old doctor was surprised. Could it be that there are really gods in this world, otherwise how could there be such a thing.

But the old doctor Lu was still not sure, so he poured the tea in the nearby teacup on the ground, soaked it, put it on the table again, and then carefully poured out a wisp of water from the jade bottle.

Then old doctor Lu picked up the teacup and drank the Lingquan gently.

As soon as he entered the Linquan, he felt that the spiritual spring had penetrated directly from his throat to his whole body. Needless to say, it was very comfortable, and all his old problems seemed to be relieved at this moment.

Now the old doctor Lu believes that this bottle of water is the essence of heaven and earth. It seems that he has missed those Taoist priests in the deep mountains, and they may still have some tricks.

The old doctor Lu let out a sigh of relief, and then said: "I didn't expect there to be such an instant product in the world. If there is this bottle of water, I am afraid that my brother's life will be saved."

When Madam Wang heard this, she burst into tears of joy. She had been worrying about Jia Zhu's health for a while, and now she finally heard good news.

(End of this chapter)

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