Chapter 555

Jia Ke was really not good at seeing these things, so his teacher Li Wenbin declined, so he turned his attention to Zhang Chaoxin, which meant that Zhang Chaoxin was asked to write a question.

Zhang Chaoxin saw what Jia Ke meant, and then lowered his head in thought.

"My lord, do you have pen and ink?"

After hearing this, Jia Ke told Li Deshan next to him, "Prepare a pen, ink, paper and inkstone for Mr. Zhang."

After Li Deshan got the order, he immediately left the hall, and after a while, two young eunuchs came in carrying a small sheet with pens, ink, paper and inkstones on it.

Zhang Chaoxin pleaded guilty to Jia Ke, and then came after the small table case.

Then I started thinking and writing on it, and after a while, I drew up this year's exam questions.

Zhang Chaoxin blew on the paper in front of him to make the ink dry faster, then stood up, came to Jia Ke, and handed the prepared test questions to Jia Ke with both hands.

Jia Ke took it over and watched it carefully. He was also very curious, wanting to see what the ancient imperial examinations were about. Although Jia Ke has been in the world of the Red Chamber for many years, he has never entered the examination room. So I'm really curious about what they test.

After Jia Ke read it carefully, she found it terrifying. Compared with the modern college entrance examination, this examination question is ten times more difficult and not worth it.

It turned out that the general examination was divided into three sessions: the first session examined the three principles of the "Four Books" and the four principles of the "Five Classics"; There are five strategies.Examination questions and answer themes mainly come from the "Four Books" and "Five Classics".The writing of the test paper is strictly stereotyped, and there must be no breakthroughs in the content of the answers and the format of the writing.

Jia Ke now feels that her scalp is tingling. Fortunately, when she traveled to the Red Chamber, she decided to seek promotion through military merit. If she had taken the imperial examination like Jia Zhu, she would still be a penniless bastard.

After reading the exam questions, Jia Ke said to Zhang Chaoxin who was standing below, "Is it too difficult?"

After hearing Jia Ke's words, Zhang Chaoxin laughed, "My lord, don't worry, this question is already easy. My lord doesn't know that the most difficult part of the imperial examination is not the Xiangsihe examination, but the Tongsheng examination."

"How do you say that?" Jia Ke was also a little curious after hearing this. According to Jia Ke's understanding, it should be the easiest to be a scholar, and the most difficult to be a Jinshi. How did you come to him? of.

"My lord, the county magistrate only decides the examination for scholar, so the county magistrate's likes and dislikes are very important. In addition, there are a large number of people who take the examination for scholar, and each county has a quota every year, so the competition is more intense than the examination for Jinshi. too much."

"Furthermore, there are three examinations for talents, which are the county examination, the government examination, and the courtyard examination. If there is any mistake in any of these three examinations, it will be rejected. Those who can still be selected after these three examinations are all human beings. The best of the best, so people have the saying of Jin Xiucai and Yin Juren."

After hearing this, Jia Ke understood a little bit. The ancients said that everything is inferior, and only those who study well can send their children to study if they have a little money. There are too few, which is why the competition for being a scholar is so fierce.

Jia Ke also nodded after hearing this. At this time, he understood that it is difficult to test for a scholar. Now he can't help but think of that Zeng Guofan. This Zeng Guofan can be regarded as talented, but he actually took the test for a scholar more than a dozen times. I just passed the exam.When it came to the exams for Juren and Jinshi, it was smooth sailing, which shows that the competition for the scholar exam is fierce.

"Let's do the exam questions like this. Don't reveal them when you go back. Send someone to pick them up from me on the day of the exam."

After Zhang Chaoxin and Li Wenbin finished listening, they clasped their hands together and said, "Understood."

Besides, the writing style in the capital is at its peak now, because candidates from all over the country come to the capital to prepare for the exam, so thousands of candidates make the capital noisy.

And if these juren are older and have some experience, those who are young and successful will start to speak freely.

During this time, Jia Ke kept receiving news from the two spies. It was these people who talked about government affairs in the restaurant, and criticized Jia Ke for being a living Cao Cao.

Jia Ke now understands Cao Cao's feelings back then. He was under the surveillance of these people, and he used a magnifying glass to take a closer look to see if he missed anything.

Jia Ke is still young and narrow-minded, so he ordered Wei Kun to memorize the names of these people. When the time comes, he will personally read the test papers of these people, but if he makes a little mistake, he will be demoted immediately.

Jia Ke wants them to remember who is the master in today's world?

And many candidates are still kept in the dark. They only know how to talk about it, but they don't know that their names have been recorded in Jia Ke's small notebook. This time the test may be more or less auspicious.

In the current capital, besides the mansions of Zhang Chaoxin and others, the most lively place is Jia Zheng's place in Rongguo Mansion.

Because everyone knows that Zhang Chaoxing's path is now blocked by Zhang Chaoxin himself, and Li Wenbin is a gentleman of morality, so Jia Zheng is the only one who can take the road.

As long as he got Jia Zheng's favor, if he said a few nice words in front of the prime minister, I'm afraid this subject would be asked.

And Jia Zheng also liked the feeling of being surrounded by the princes very much, so these days, he had a small banquet for three days and a big banquet for five days, chatting with these scholars was very enjoyable.

And after every banquet, Jia Zheng would call Jia Ke to his side when Jia Ke was free, and consciously or unconsciously recommend to Jia Ke what he thought was a young talent.

Jia Ke couldn't hide from this matter. After all, Jia Zheng was his father. In this era when feudal ethics ruled the world, your father has orders. How dare you disobey?
Therefore, every time Jia Ke had to endure the irritability in her heart, stand respectfully beside Jia Zheng and listen to his admonitions.

But Jia Ke occasionally pays more attention. After all, those who can leave their names in Jia Zheng's eyes are some capable people. exposed.

And since these scholars have made some achievements in the Four Books and Five Classics, they are also very tactful, and they can find Jia Zheng to flatter him. It can be seen that they are tactful, and such people can still be used.

Jia Ke believed that as long as his position was secure, these people would have no chance of betrayal, and these smooth people would not risk their wealth and life for the sake of loyalty to the emperor and patriotism.

Don't you see, those who dare to stand up against injustice are young and energetic students with a heart for public welfare.

Ten days later, the trial began.

At the gate of the Gongyuan in the capital, before dawn, thousands of candidates had already gathered, and these people were all waiting for the triennial examination to begin.

And Jia Ke also came to the Prime Minister's Yamen early, waiting for Zhang Chaoxin to come to collect the examination papers in person.

Soon, Zhang Chaoxin came to the Zongli Yamen. He came to the lobby and saw Jia Ke waiting there for a long time, so he hurriedly saluted him first, then cupped his hands and said, "My lord, Zhang Chaoxin, the chief examiner of the examination, came to collect the examination questions."

Jia Ke didn't say anything, and took out the exam questions that Zhang Chaoxin had prepared last time from the cabinet next to her.

But Jia Ke didn't hand it over to Zhang Chaoxin immediately, but put it on the previous crimes and changed a few of them.

And Zhang Chaoxin, who was standing below, felt a little cold behind his back. Fortunately, he didn't bend the law for personal gain, otherwise, if something happened, his head would be lost.

Are there still few examiners who died because of cheating in the imperial examinations in the past dynasties?
After Jia Ke finished correcting the exam questions, she said to Li Deshan next to her, "Give it to our chief examiner."

Li Deshan took the test question, came to Zhang Chaoxin, and held it to him with both hands.

After Zhang Chaoxin took the exam questions, he didn't leave immediately, but stood there and asked respectfully, "What else do you want to say, my lord?"

Jia Ke thought for a while, and then said: "This exam is the first scientific exam since I took office, and there must be no mistakes. When judging the papers this time, we should try our best to select those who are mature and prudent. Qing is not the time for them to come out."

After Zhang Chaoxin listened to it, he understood what Jia Ke meant. This Jia Ke wanted to choose some tactful people. After all, Jia Ke’s reputation is not right now. If a tactful person is admitted to Jinshi, they would definitely not dare to talk nonsense. language.If it's those young people with stunned heads, they will naturally ignore them and embarrass Jia Ke. Should Jia Ke punish them?

After Zhang Chaoxin understood what Jia Ke meant, he cupped his hands and bid farewell to Jia Ke.

Zhang Chaoxin came out from Jia Ke and returned to the Gongyuan in an official sedan chair. At this time, the Gongyuan was closed and locked, only a small door was open, which meant that it would be completely closed when Zhang Chaoxin came in.

Zhang Chaoxin entered the Gongyuan and went directly to the lobby of the Gongyuan. Li Wenbin was already sitting there waiting for him.

When Li Wenbin saw Zhang Chaoxin coming in, he quickly stood up and saluted Zhang Chaoxin. Although Li Wenbin is now the deputy chief examiner, his official position is only a small official of the sixth rank, and he is far behind Zhang Chaoxin, the minister of military affairs.

Zhang Chaoxin came to the main seat, and after sitting firmly, he waved his hand to let Li Wenbin sit down, and then said: "The lord has already ordered, this time, more mature and prudent people will be selected for the exam."

Li Wenbin nodded in agreement and said: "My lord, I still think far and wide. If those young people who want to become officials in other places, if they pass the exam, they may have to practice for a while, and these old-fashioned and prudent ones can be released after only one or two years of study. "

Zhang Chaoxin nodded, then took out the test paper and handed it to Li Wenbin, "Let's start announcing the test questions."

Li Wenbin took the test question, glanced at it, and felt a sudden shock in his heart. It turned out that the test question had been crossed out several times and had to be changed again.

But Li Wenbin didn't change anything on the surface. He came outside the lobby and said to the clerks waiting beside him, "Start announcing the exam questions, and let the candidates be careful not to make mistakes."

The next three days of waiting will be a torment for these candidates.

For the past three days, they have to hide in a small shack about one meter in length and width. It can be said that they can't eat well, sleep well, and have to think hard about the exam questions.

(End of this chapter)

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