The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 571 Steel Collision

Chapter 571 Steel Collision
On the battlefield, the armored cavalry slowly moved from the back of the formation to the front of the formation.

Arslen Khan waved his command arrow, causing his cavalry to retreat towards the center.

The infantry and mercenaries in the Western Regions are also fighting and retreating now. Although they have suffered heavy losses, fortunately, after the initial period of chaos, they are now barely calmed down.

Standing on the high platform, Jia Ke saw that the opponent's armored cavalry had also moved to the front of the formation, and knew that the opponent was about to launch a fatal blow.

After Jia Ke thought about it, the only one on his side who could fight against the thousands of armored cavalry was the Modao Army.

The Modao Army under Jia Ke's command was established by Jia Ke referring to the Tang Dynasty.

These soldiers are tall and burly men from Shandong, wearing iron armor and holding Mo Dao. This army can be said to be Jia Ke's trump card.

The Mo Dao held by the Mo Dao sergeants is about 3 meters long, the handle and blade are 1.5 meters respectively, and weighs about 33 kilograms. Its earliest prototype may be the Zhanma Sword in the Western Han Dynasty, because both are double-edged, long and narrow, Abnormally sharp, can be stabbed, designed to deal with cavalry.

And based on this, Jia Ke made everyone in this army put on thick armor to increase their defense.

Now is the time to formally test the power of the Modao.

So Jia Ke immediately blew the horn to stop his infantry from advancing, and slowly gathered the cavalry in the formation. The cavalry on both sides did not dare to fight this armored cavalry, but wandered around looking for his flaws.

Immediately afterwards, Jia Ke waved the command flag again, and a group of armored men walked out of his formation.

Everyone in this group of armored men wore heavy armor and held a several-meter-long mo knife in their hands. Although they moved slowly, they moved forward like an iron mountain.

Arslen Khan also saw the changes in Jia Ke's team after the formation, and saw that the opponent had come with a group of armored infantry, who wanted to fight the infantry with his own armored cavalry, so he couldn't help but sneered.

Arslen Khan didn't hesitate any longer, and immediately blew the horn, ordering the armored cavalry to advance faster, aiming to defeat the armored infantry in person and then show off its power.

Hearing Arslen Khan's urging, the armored cavalry immediately mobilized their horses and trotted forward.

The Modao team on Jia Ke's side also rectified their formation, lined up in a dense team, and marched towards the opponent's armored cavalry.

It didn't take long for the two armored troops to collide.

The armored cavalry on Arslen Khan's side wore iron armor and kept piercing forward with big iron spears.

And the armored infantry on Jia Ke's side swung the Mo Dao, using centrifugal force to slash from top to bottom.

At this moment, the two sides immediately met each other. The Mo Dao weighed several tens of catties and chopped from top to bottom. Even the opponent wearing iron armor couldn't bear it.

Arslen Khan's armored cavalry kept swinging iron spears, but the armored cavalry used to charge to kill and injure the enemy. When they stopped to face the armored infantry, they immediately showed their weakness.

This iron-to-iron collision only lasted for more than half an hour, and Arslen Khan's armored cavalry had almost lost almost all of them, while Jia Ke's armored infantry also suffered a lot, but they were still able to line up in a neat line. forward.

Seeing that there was nothing he could do, Arslen Khan hurriedly blew the horn and ordered the armored cavalry to retreat.

By the time the armored cavalry retreated, there were no more than one out of ten.

Arslen Khan stopped pestering him and ordered his slaves and mercenaries to come back.And he returned to his Dazhai with these Tatar warriors under his command.

And in the blink of an eye, these slaves and mercenaries in the rear were strangled by Jia Ke's soldiers and cavalry in front of the formation.

Then Jia Ke sent his troops to attack the Tatar camp, hoping to break through in one fell swoop while the opponent was not fully prepared.

Unexpectedly, Arslen Khan was prepared for this time, he ordered himself to wave down the most stable Meng He and guard the camp.

When Meng He was in Dazhai, he saw that several parties had already lost the battle, so he made preparations a long time ago. He opened the front door to welcome Arslen Khan into the camp, and then let the soldiers come from several villages. Enter the door.

By the time Jia Ke had killed all the rear guards and was about to approach the Tatars' stronghold, the Tatars had almost returned to the camp completely.

When Meng He saw that Jia Ke had led an army to attack, he knew that he could no longer be merciful, so he ordered the gate to be closed immediately, and thousands of Tatars were shut out of Dazhai.

Seeing that they were abandoned, these thousands of people even cried and shouted for the people inside to open the door for them, so that they too could escape with their lives.

But Meng He forced his subordinates not to open the door. Under his strong suppression, these thousands of people could only be abandoned.

When Jia Ke led the army and arrived in front of the Tatar stronghold, he immediately ordered to shoot the bow and shoot the arrows. The thousands of Tatars who did not enter the stronghold were shot into hedgehogs in a blink of an eye.

Jia Ke didn't stop there, and started to attack tentatively, the Tatars' Dazhai.

But Meng He had already made preparations. When Jia Ke's soldiers were just approaching the battle, he ordered all arrows to be fired.

Seeing this situation, Jia Ke immediately ordered the English longbowmen to shoot at each other so that they could get close to the opponent's Dazhai.

At this time, the offensive and defensive positions were different, and Jia Ke commanded the troops to attack the opponent's battle, but Meng He's defense was impeccable, allowing Jia Ke to attack for nearly an hour without breaking through the Tatar camp.

Seeing this situation, Jia Ke knew that there was no point in attacking again, so he ordered Ming Jin to withdraw from behind.

So the two sides slowly disengaged and returned to their camps.

Arslen Khan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Jia Ke gave up the attack and retreated to his camp.

Arslen Khan came to his tent, and the leaders and generals followed him into the tent of the Chinese army.

Everyone stood up in the middle of the battle, waiting for Arslen Khan to speak. This time, they lost again against Jia Ke, but the Tatars below did not feel any frustration, because they had nothing to lose against Jia Ke. I have won, and now I am slowly getting used to it.

Arslen Khan looked at the nonchalant faces of these people below, and felt a burst of anger in his heart. There is no shame in these consecutive defeats. Is this still a Tatar warrior?

"Today's match. What do you think?"

The people below looked left and right, all bowed their heads in silence, they had already been subdued by Jia Ke, so how could they have any opinion, as long as they could save their lives, it would be fine.

But Meng He stood up at this time, "Qi Da Khan, in the eyes of the general, we failed this time because Jia Ke's soldiers are well-equipped, and we are not inferior to them in terms of courage."

Arslen Khan nodded after hearing this, and didn't say much. This is for Menghe's face, so do you need to say that?Who here can't see it.

Seeing Arslen Khan's expression, Meng He hurriedly continued: "It is not difficult to defeat Jia Ke. I think that although Jia Ke is now in charge of the Southern Dynasty, his foundation is not stable. Now Jia Ke is leading the army outside. There will definitely be turmoil, as long as we hold on to Jia Ke here, once Jia Ke retreats, we will be able to defeat Jia Ke."

Arslen Khan was not very optimistic. He knew Jia Ke better than anyone else. Jia Ke was very scheming and cautious in using his troops, so he would not leave any openings for his side.

But there is no other way now, so Arslen Khan lowered his head and thought for a while, and then ordered the people below: "From now on, no one is allowed to come out of the camp to fight Jia Ke without my order."

Arslen Khan's order was in line with the thoughts of the generals below, so these people said in unison, "Yes."

Arslen Khan knew that he could not defend passively here, and he had to give Jia Ke some color, otherwise the city would collapse completely.

"According to my order, the cavalry of each tribe will be divided into five waves, and start to harass each pass in the Southern Dynasty in turn, so as to disperse Jia Ke's troops. If possible, break through the Southern Dynasty from other places and let Jia Ke divide the troops. That's it. We also have a greater chance of defeating Jia Ke."

The generals below nodded after listening, this is also their common tactics.

So the Tatars began to prepare to strengthen the defense of the camp according to Arslen Khan's order, so as not to give Jia Ke a chance to take advantage of it, and at the same time sent cavalry to prevent sneak attacks and harassment.

After Jia Ke returned to the camp, the Jiedu envoys and general soldiers sitting under the battle of the Chinese army, as well as their generals, stood on both sides.

"We fought well today. Although we failed to break through the Tatar stronghold and succeeded in one fell swoop, we still dealt a head-on blow to the Tatars. Let us rest well today. We will fight tomorrow and try to defeat the Tatars in one fell swoop."

The generals below suddenly took orders.

The next day, Jia Ke gathered all the generals in the big tent early, and then led more than [-] people out of the big village, and went to the front of the two armies to challenge the Tatars.

When Jia Ke lined up in front of the army and sent people to challenge him, the gates of the Tatars were closed, and they did not respond to Jia Ke's provocation.

Jia Ke led the men and horses in front of the formation of the two armies from morning to evening, yelling and cursing non-stop. The Tatars seemed to have become determined after eating weights, and they just didn't want to fight.

Seeing this situation, Jia Ke was also very helpless. Although he really wanted to wave his soldiers and attack the opponent's camp, Jia Ke saw that the opponent's defense was tight. If he attacked by force, he would suffer heavy losses, so he had to give up this idea and retreated. In the camp, think of a way.

For the next ten days, Jia Ke was challenged every day, but the Tatars stayed behind closed doors, ignoring Jia Ke's provocation.

At first, Jia Ke felt that the Tatars were timid, but after a long time he felt that something was wrong.

The Tatars advance and neither advance nor retreat, and waste money and food here, what is the reason?
When Jia Ke was wondering, news came from Xuanfu Town, Datong Town and other places on horseback that Tatar rangers were found everywhere and began to harass everywhere.

After receiving the report, Jia Ke understood what was going on. The Tatars wanted to divide their troops and attack them separately.

But Jia Ke was dismissive of the Tatars' plan. Now that the Nine Sides are impenetrable, and Datong and Wang Ziteng are in charge, there is nothing wrong with it.

Since there is no danger in the care of all parties, Jia Ke thought, you have Zhang Liangji, I have a wall ladder, and the Tatars gathered tens of thousands of horses at Gubeikou. There must not be a lot of food and grass in their camp, and they will definitely need more people from the rear. stop support.

The Tatars are nomads, and they don't store a lot of money and food. Their rear area is mainly the Western Regions, and those places are the foundation of the Tatars' money and food.

But the Western Regions are thousands of miles away from Gubeikou. Although there are many Tatar horses, such a long supply line is enough for them to choke.

Jia Ke thought about sending cavalry to harass the opponent's supply line, so that the Tatars would have no food to eat, and he would have to retreat if he did not retreat.

After Jia Ke figured it out, he had a plan, so he immediately summoned the leaders of the tribes of the Manchu Eight Banners to meet.

After a while, the eight commanders gathered together in Jia Ke's big tent.

(End of this chapter)

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