Chapter 575 Indulgence (for subscription)

Sensing the urgency of the situation, Sun Yan didn't wait to waste time. When everyone went to work in the Zongli Yamen the next day, Sun Yan quietly dragged Fan Kang to a secluded study.

"Mr. Fan, there's something wrong with the recent atmosphere, don't you feel it?"

Fan Kang sat comfortably on his seat and took a sip of tea before saying, "They're just clowns, don't worry about them."

Sun Yan was in a hurry now, "Okay, my Fan Shangshu, you are too steady, but I heard the news that the royal family is now in motion, and even those nobles have betrayed the Rongguo Mansion and started to connect with each other .”

When Fan Kang saw that Sun Yan was really anxious, if he didn't tell him a little bit, he might not know what he was going to do. If those people were alarmed and the lord's event was ruined, then it would be a big deal. trouble.

Thinking of this, Fan Kang put down his teacup, stroked his beard and said to Sun Yan: "Master Sun, you don't have to worry, these things are all within the Lord's expectation."

After Sun Yan heard this, his eyes narrowed. He had been in the officialdom for many years, and he didn't need to point it out, he already understood what Fan Kang meant.

"In this way, I'm relieved, but there are still many people in the court who are the lord, what if these people jump the wall in a hurry."

After hearing this, Fan Kang said expressionlessly: "We just need to keep a few leaders of our own. As for the others, we will also give them a test."

Sun Yan was startled. He didn't know whether it was Jia Ke's intention or Fan Kang's private decision. If it was Jia Ke's intention, it meant that their lord was becoming more and more mature and possessed the appearance of an emperor.

"Master Sun has been on the alert for the past few days, waiting for my news at any time. Once you get my message, you will immediately set off for Baoding. There are our people there."

Sun Yan nodded, and now he was relieved. It seemed that Jia Ke had already arranged everything when he left. He just said, how could such a cautious person like Jia Ke leave such a big hole?
After Sun Yan returned to his residence, he thought about it for more than an hour in the study, and finally made up his mind.

It was he who wrote seven or eight letters in a row in the study, and let the servant secretly send them to several mansions in the capital.

These people are all under Sun Yan's command, some of them were left behind by the old prince, and some of them were recruited by Sun Yan himself over the years.

Sun Yan now knows that there are major events happening in the capital, and it is not easy for him to win over these subordinates. If he loses everything in one day, he will be alone again in the court.

After these people received Sun Yan's letter, they immediately began to prepare their bags according to Sun Yan's instructions.

A few old people who were left behind by Prince Yizhong quietly passed the news to a secret inn again.

Not long after, a carrier pigeon flew out of the inn and headed south.

Wei Kun had been keeping a close eye on Sun Yan for a long time, but this time, Sun Yan's action exposed their stronghold in the capital.

After Wei Kun got this information, he felt like he had found a treasure, and finally caught a little tail of this organization.

You can't act now, you have to follow the vine to see if you can catch bigger figures.

Wei Kun is very concerned about Jia Ke's orders. Since Jia Ke cares about this organization very much, as a slave, he must share the master's worries.

After Sun Yan sent out these letters, he sat in the study and was silent for a while before he sighed.

Sun Yan is currently an official with two masters, and is in a dilemma, but in the face of his own interests, loyalty has long been thrown out of the blue by him.

In fact, Sun Yan had long since discovered that someone was watching in his mansion. After Sun Yan thought about it, he was afraid that Jia Ke was the only one who wanted to watch him.

This time, when Sun Yan passed the letter out, he wanted to send a message to Jia Ke, telling Jia Ke that he was loyal.

As for his old master, in Sun Yan's eyes, he was just a clown, too small in size, so he couldn't compete with Jia Ke no matter what.

But Sun Yan didn't dare to part ways with the old master so blatantly, because he knew that master's viciousness very well, so he could only use this method to pass the news to Jia Ke.

Not to mention that Fan Kang is here to stare closely at the emperor and his subordinates.

Besides, the Zhongshun Palace at this time has already gathered many dignitaries, including members of the royal family and representatives of nobles.

King Zhongshun sat in the center as the emperor's younger brother, next to several old princes of the royal family and several rising stars.What is done below is the representative of the nobles of the Manchu dynasty.

"Everyone, everyone has been holding back for a while, and now I can finally take a breath. I hope everyone seizes the opportunity, otherwise, everyone knows what kind of treatment they will receive in the future."

No one else spoke at this time, but Sun Xuan, the eldest son of the king of Nan'an County, who is now the first-class prince, spoke first.

"What the lord said is right, everyone can think about it, once Jia Ke succeeds in usurping the throne, which one of us here will have a good fruit?"

After hearing his words, all the princes and ministers below began to discuss.

Some people think that it is rich and noble now, even if Jia Ke succeeded in usurping the throne, without the title, relying on the property left by his ancestors and his relationship with the old Rong Guogong, he can be safe and sound, and there is no need to get involved.

But some people disagreed. They thought that if they lost their titles, even if they were rich, they would still be someone else’s fish. It’s better to take advantage of Jia Ke’s absence and fight to the death. If they succeed, they might be able to restore the glory of their ancestors.

Sun Xuan sat there watching these people talking, most of them wanted to give it a go, after all, the inheritance left by their ancestors could not be carried out in his own generation.

Sun Xuan saw that the time was almost up, so he nodded to King Zhongshun, sitting on the watchful King Zhongshun, and when he saw Sun Xuan winking at him, he knew the time had come.

After all, there are many people who oppose Jia Ke now. If we talk about it for a while, these people will retreat in fear that they will make trouble.

So King Zhongshun sat in the middle and patted the table, "When a man dies, he will die. If he can't eat five tripods in life, he must cook five tripods in death. Now is the time for us to honor our ancestors and be rewarded for our meritorious service."

After hearing his encouragement, the people below all began to cheer up, but there were still a few who shook their heads and remained silent.

When King Zhongshun saw that someone disagreed, his eyes widened, "Today we are fighting traitors for the country, if someone has two hearts, he should be treated like a traitor."

King Zhongshun's words frightened the half-hearted people below, so they expressed their opinions one after another.

"We will be loyal to the king and serve the country, and we will never join forces with Jia Ke, a rebellious party."

"My lord, please give me an order. I will wait and see."

King Zhongshun was angry when he saw these people express their views, "Since everyone is working together, let's shed blood for an alliance in a while and make a written statement, so as to prevent someone from betraying our big guy."

Sun Xuan was naturally the first to respond, and the others were already in a bind when they saw this situation.

King Zhongshun led everyone to the lobby, and you have prepared the incense table for the ceremony.

After everyone made an alliance under the snow, they signed their names on a call to crusade against Jia Ke.

After this set was over, they returned to the side hall again.

After everyone was done again, Sun Xuan stood up and bowed to everyone, and then said the strategy he and King Zhongshun had planned long ago.

"Everyone, Jia Ke is taking troops to the north to fight against the Tatars. The capital is empty. It's time for us to use force."

Since the people below had already shed their blood as an alliance, they had no way out, so they began to make plans one by one.

The grandson of Zhenguo Gong Niuqing is now the first-class uncle Niu Jizong, and he is the only one among these people who is somewhat capable, otherwise it would be impossible to attack the earl.

Niu Jizong first stood up and bowed his hands to everyone, and then said: "We don't hold military power, so I think we should gather all the family members of each prefecture for unified dispatch, and then concentrate all the family members of each prefecture. They don’t have much fighting power, but they can go up to the city wall and defend the city after a few days of training with weapons.”

Hou Xiaokang, the first-class hereditary grandson of Duke Xiu Xiaoming, also said loudly: "Brother Niu said well, as long as we rush into the imperial city with our family and rescue the emperor. At that time, the emperor will send an edict to the four directions to recruit the king of Qin." Even if Jia Ke came back with hundreds of thousands of soldiers, he might not be able to do anything to us."

King Zhongshun's idea of ​​sitting in the middle and nodding his head coincided with him. In King Zhongshun's mind, most of the civil and military people in this world still have their hearts towards their royal family.

Sun Xuan added at this time: "There are still many minions of Jia Ke in the capital, and some people must not be let go. If Jia Ke leaks the news and makes Jia Ke come back early, our previous efforts may be in vain."

When King Zhongshun heard this, he knew it was almost done, and it was time for him to come out and make a conclusion.

"Since all of you have opinions on getting rid of treacherous ministers and protecting the emperor, I will reluctantly be the leader here."

After King Zhongshun finished speaking, all the princes, nobles and relatives of the royal family cupped their hands together and said, "Of course the prince should be the master."

"Okay, I'll be here on behalf of the emperor and the late emperors, thank you all."

After King Zhongshun finished speaking, he stood up and bowed to the princes and nobles present, as well as the royal family.

These people who were sitting also quickly stood up to respond and said in succession: "Don't dare."

King Zhongshun did a good job again, and then gave an order to everyone: "The time is urgent and there is no delay. This king is here to lick his face and give orders to everyone."

After listening, all the people present looked at King Zhongshun with serious faces.

"When you return home, immediately gather all the families and send them to Niu Jizong, who will take charge of them."

Everyone nodded together, and there was no difference.

"The other one is that all the grown-up servants are also gathered together, and Sun Xuan gathers together to distribute weapons, and when it's time to attack the imperial city, he will follow his servants into the imperial city and rescue the emperor."

 Brazenly begging everyone to subscribe.

(End of this chapter)

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