Chapter 596
Seeing that Li Deshan had returned, Jia Ke asked while revising the memorial, "The emperor has returned."

"Returning to the master, the emperor has been arranged by the slaves in a small hall in the harem."

"You need to send more guards, and you must never let him have any fellowship with people outside."

Jia Ke felt that King Zhongshun was able to summon so many princes and nobles this time, and the relatives and relatives of the emperor must have given an order or hinted at it. Otherwise, how could these people obey King Zhongshun's order?
After hearing this, Li Deshan nodded again and again, "Returning to the master, I have ordered my confidant eunuch to guard there, even a fly cannot fly in."

After listening, Jia Ke nodded and stopped talking.

Li Deshan waited for a while to see Jia Ke, without any other explanation, then looked at his face lightly, seeing that there was nothing unhappy, then came to Jia Ke again and said: "Master, the slave In Ningshou Palace, my subordinates discovered a secret passage leading to the outside of the palace."

As soon as Jia Ke heard it, she immediately stopped the pen in her hand.

"What's going on? Tell me carefully."

"When the servants were searching Ningshou Palace, they found a partition wall in the former emperor's bedroom, and then found a secret passage leading to the outside of the palace behind the partition wall. The servant has sent someone to follow the secret passage Chase the past."

Jia Ke was silent for a while after listening, "You keep the gold medal for now, and if necessary, mobilize the nearby garrisons, and get them back to me no matter what."

When Jia Ke said this, his hands were already tightly clenched. If Jia Yuanchun doesn't know the practical things, then he can only be sorry.

Li Deshan got Jia Ke's order and agreed again and again.

"Master, the emperor's children are young and did not participate in the rebellion. They are still in the mansion. I don't know how to deal with these people."

As far as the emperor is concerned, besides the little prince born to Jia Yuanchun, there are several other children. Among them, the eldest prince born to the former empress is the most respected by the emperor.

Now Jia Ke was thinking in her heart that these children should not be kept, after all, they were all disasters.

"How could it be possible that these princes did not participate in the rebellion? I think King Zhongshun and others must have taken them as a banner."

Li Deshan understood Jia Ke's meaning as soon as he heard this, "It's still the master who is thoughtful. I am a slave. If I have a master, I will be satisfied."

Jia Ke smiled, and then ordered: "Although they participated in the rebellion, they are still young, so give them a lighter punishment."

Li Deshan was a little puzzled when he heard it below, what does this master mean?A few princes should be added to the rebel team just now, and now they have to be punished lightly.

"You go and prepare the three-foot white silk, give these princes a face, and preserve their corpses. No matter what, they are the emperor's sons."

After Li Deshan heard this, he immediately shivered. He was not punished lightly, but he wanted to kill the grass and root out the root.

Although Li Deshan thought so in his heart, he didn't show it at all on his face, but replied respectfully to Jia Ke: "The servant will do it now."

Jia Ke nodded and stopped talking.

When Li Deshan came out of the hall, he felt that his back was drenched with sweat. He often let out a sigh of relief at the door of the store, and then he regained his composure.

Then Li Deshan didn't dare to neglect, and immediately set off again with his personal eunuch.

At night, Li Deshan returned to the Qianqing Palace again, and at this time Jia Ke was in the bedroom of the Qianqing Palace, reading leisurely with a book.

Li Deshan came to Jia Ke carefully, and then said softly: "Master, the servant has already finished the matter."

Jia Ke nodded after listening, "These princes who participated in the rebellion don't need to make a fuss, you just send someone to bury them in the imperial tomb."

After listening to Jia Ke's instructions, Li Deshan immediately agreed with a smile.

The next day, Jia Ke did not go to the Prime Minister's Yamen, but directly met with the ministers of military affairs and generals in Beijing in the East Nuan Pavilion of the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Jia Ke sat on the throne where the emperor used to sit and looked at the civil and military officers below who saluted him, and couldn't help but develop an air of supremacy.

After everyone saluted, it was Sun Yan who came out first to report yesterday's events to Jia Ke.

"I would like to report to the King of Yan that the capital was roughly cleaned up yesterday. All the rebels have been imprisoned in the sky prison, and their family members have also been imprisoned in a centralized manner. I would like to ask the King of Yan to show me how to deal with it next."

Jia Ke said with a gloomy face, "I leave it to you that you are the Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment. These rebels must be dealt with severely, and their families must not be let go."

After hearing what Jia Ke meant, Sun Yan knew that he was going to set off a big prison this time, but in Sun Yan's view, this is what people in power often do.

When Jia Ke launched the coup for the first time, he didn't adopt any big purge strategy, but adopted a soft approach, and didn't do anything to these princes, nobles, royal relatives and relatives?
Now that they have rebelled, there is nothing left to say.

After Sun Yan withdrew, Zhang Chaoxin came out of the shift again, cupped his hands and said, "I report to the King of Yan that I will be responsible for repairing the Palace of the King of Yan. However, the grounds of the original Duke's Mansion of the State of Yan are really small, and I am afraid that the scale of the Palace of the King of Yan cannot be guaranteed."

After Jia Ke finished listening, she tapped her hand on the imperial case, and said, "Then demolish the Prime Minister's Office next to it, so the scale should be able to reach it."

Zhang Chaoxin quickly replied: "If the prime minister's office next to it is demolished, there should be no problem in terms of scale, but my lord, if the prime minister's office is demolished, where will we work in the future?"

Jia Ke looked at the people below, and saw that they stretched their necks waiting for Jia Ke's words.

"From now on, the king will be working in Dongnuange, and the original military aircraft department will be reopened, and you military ministers are still working there."

After Sun Yan and other military ministers finished listening, their faces were full of surprises, and everyone knew what was going to happen next, so they changed the topic and talked about other things.

"How's the law and order in the capital now?"

As Huang Baifeng was the oldest among the generals, he naturally came out to answer.

"Returning to the Commander, I will send soldiers to maintain order in the city. All the Xiao Xiaos will be taken down, and all the rebels who surrendered will be arrested and locked up in the camp outside the city, waiting for the command of the lord."

"How many of these rebels are there now? How many are new recruits?"

"These rebels number about 5000, of which [-] are newly recruited men from the capital."

"Since they are newly recruited strong men from the capital, we should lock them up for about 10 days first, and then release them when they calm down. After all, they are also victims."

After listening to Jia Ke's order, Huang Baifeng knelt down on one knee, clasped his fists and said, "I take orders."

After Huang Baifeng withdrew, Zheng Kai stood up again and said: "My lord, these strong men and their families who were forcibly brought in, yesterday there were many people at the gate of these rebellious camps, crying and howling, I don't know what to do. Soothe them."

"What's so difficult about it? Go back and post a notice telling these people that their relatives will be released after the capital is settled, and let them go home and don't make trouble here. If they still don't listen, they will be charged with treason. Discussion."

After Zheng Kai listened, he took Jia Ke's order and stepped aside.

Fan Kang finally stood up, "Master, now that the capital is initially stable, it should be announced to the world."

Jia Ke nodded after listening, and then said to Fan Kang: "You are the minister of the Ministry of Rites, and you are the one to write this imperial decree. Anyway, all the jade seals are in our hands."

So Fan Kang drafted an imperial edict in Dongnuan Pavilion on the spot.

The typed content is: Zhongshun King and Nan'an County King are planning to commit crimes, intending to rebel and hold the emperor hostage.Jia Ke, Duke of the State of Yan, ran thousands of miles to save the emperor from the fire and water. Today, Shengjia has returned to the palace, but he was frightened by this, and his body has ulcers, so he cannot handle the government affairs. event.

After reading it, Jia Ke was very satisfied, and there was an excuse in the imperial decree. If the emperor suddenly disappeared in the future, it could be said that he was frightened by the rebellion of King Zhongshun and others, which is why he was in poor health.

Jia Ke nodded after reading it, and then said to everyone: "Now the capital must not be chaotic, and you military ministers must grasp the situation."

After hearing this, several military ministers hurriedly assured Jia Ke that the world would not be in chaos.

Jia Ke went on to say: "Sun Yan, after you go back, you will torture those who participated in the rebellion. I don't believe it. They are the only ones? The ministers in the court did not participate."

This time, Jia Ke became cruel.This time, there was a big cleansing of the court, and all those who opposed him were wiped out.

After hearing Jia Ke's order, Sun Yan immediately said, "I will obey the prince's order."

Sun Yan paused for a moment and then said: "Shangshu Liu Wan is involved in judging the chaos this time, so I don't know how to deal with it."

Jia Ke felt a little pity for this Liu Wan. Although he was a relative of the emperor and had used force several times, he was indeed talented. There were several million taels of silver, and he was able to make up the money there. He was a capable minister, so after Jia Ke came to power, he didn't dispose of him. He just wanted to give him a chance to abandon the dark and turn to the bright. Unexpectedly, he was also a stubborn person, and this time he participated in the judgment again.

"There is nothing more to say. Put him in the sky prison and lock up all his family members. Your Ministry of Punishment will interrogate him carefully."

Sun Yan quickly agreed, and then stepped aside.

Next, Jia Ke ordered the generals present to control the army in the capital so that there would be no mistakes.

Then there are several Jiedu envoys and general soldiers who originally reinforced the capital, and asked them to return to their respective stations. After all, the capital now has nearly 70 million people, which is really too crowded.

All the generals obeyed their orders after listening, and then retreated under the order.

The ministers of the Military Aircraft Department also quit the East Nuan Pavilion and returned to work in the Military Aircraft Department next to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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