Chapter 600
The empress dowager looked at Jia Ke with a calm face, and finally breathed a sigh of relief. This time, she took a big risk, and it can be said that she offended Jia Ke badly. Take it lightly.

Jia Ke looked at the Empress Dowager with a smile on her face and said to him, "I have something to ask the Empress Dowager."

"Your Majesty Jia, you are welcome. Since you have something to say, just talk about it." The Empress Dowager looked at Jia Ke, although she had a smile on her face, but for some reason, she felt a chill in her heart.

"Then Wei Chen took the liberty to ask, what did the Queen Mother think? She did such a thing."

When the queen heard Jia Ke's question, her heart was at a loss. "What does Master Jia mean by this? The Ai family doesn't understand."

Jia Ke looked at the Empress Dowager, the smile on his face had disappeared, and now Jia Ke's eyes looked at the Empress Dowager with a cold light, as if he wanted to nail her to the ground.

"Does the queen mother still pretend to be stupid with her minister? Why did she take the little prince to escape from the capital?"

After listening to Jia Ke's words, the Empress Dowager was silent for a while, and then the smile on her face became brighter.

"Master Jia still doesn't understand?"

"Please tell the empress dowager?"

"Then I'll tell you the truth."

"My minister is all ears."

Now that the empress dowager had decided to tell the whole story, she finally let go of her vigilance, and she turned around and sat on the soft couch in the main hall.

"Originally, I brought Jia Yuanchun out of the secret passage, thinking that King Zhongshun would arrest Jia Yuanchun and the little prince to threaten you, and wanted to buy you."

"Then why didn't you come back in the end?"

When the Queen Mother heard Jia Ke's question, she fixed her eyes on Jia Ke and said, "Master Jia has locked up almost all the royal family this time. It seems that their lives are not long."

"Conspiring to cause chaos and imprisoning the emperor is a crime that cannot be punished, and there is nothing a humble minister can do."

"If these people are guilty, what crime are those little princes under ten years old? I heard that they will be gone within a few days."

Jia Ke smiled slightly and said, "Although they are young, they have a strong heart. They all gave King Zhongshun the banner. Thinking that King Zhongshun will control the court in the future, they can also be emperors for a while."

The empress dowager didn't listen to Jia Ke's justification, and continued: "Looking at Mr. Jia's meaning, these people are dead. It seems that they are the royal family and nobles of our court. This time, Mr. Jia will wipe them out. ?”

This time, Jia Ke didn't say anything, just answered the empress dowager with silence.

Seeing that Jia Ke didn't answer, the Empress Dowager didn't go into the matter further, and continued, "Although the emperor was imprisoned by King Zhongshun, the emperor still participated in the rebellion at the beginning. I don't think Mrs. Jia will let the emperor sit in that position anymore. gone."

After the empress dowager finished speaking, she turned her eyes to look at Jia Ke, only to see that Jia Ke's face had become serious, it seemed that she had said something on her mind.

"The emperor is gone, and the other princes participated in the rebellion and were dealt with by Mr. Jia, so in the end only this child can ascend the throne."

"Wouldn't that be nice? It's the kid's destiny, too."

"Master Jia, is this a joke, begging for my lack of knowledge?"

"Weichen doesn't have the guts."

"From the perspective of Aijia from ancient times to the present, how many good last emperors are there? Which of the founding emperors is kind-hearted?"

After hearing what the empress dowager said, Jia Ke's expression became even more ugly. Although the empress dowager is a girl, she actually understood her own thoughts.

"Then Jia Yuanchun's child is the last blood of the royal family. Since this child has already left the palace, why did he return to that place of right and wrong, and finally lost his life?"

Jia Ke laughed loudly after hearing this, "The queen mother is indeed worthy of being a hero among women, and she can see it clearly. In this case, I have no choice but to offend you."

After Jia Ke finished speaking, he told Li Deshan next to him: "The empress dowager is tired, send the empress dowager to the Kangning Palace to rest. From now on, you will be responsible for every meal and drink of the empress dowager."

Li Deshan heard the chills in Jia Ke's tone, so he quickly agreed, and then personally brought the eunuchs under him to send the Queen Mother to Kangning Palace.

After the queen mother left, Jia Ke's face became even more ugly. It seemed that he had to hurry up, otherwise his face would not look good when these words spread.

No, after a while Li Deshan returned to the hyperthyroidism side, "Master, the Empress Dowager has already rested in Kangning Palace."

"Send a few more of your powerful men to Kangning Palace, so don't let the Queen Mother break out with a knife and gun next time."

"The servant has already dispatched several powerful masters to serve the Empress Dowager in Kangning Palace. I think the safety of the Empress Dowager can be guaranteed."

Jia Ke nodded, then glanced at the hall.

Li Deshan followed Jia Ke's eyes and looked around. It turned out that there were still many maids and eunuchs standing in the side hall of Qianqing Palace. The conversation between Jia Ke and the Queen Mother just now did not force them.

"Let's deal with these people. If even a little bit of what's said today gets out, you'll die."

Li Deshan hurriedly said after listening: "Master, don't worry, there will never be any news about what happened today."

Jia Ke nodded after listening, left the side hall of Qianqing Palace, and went back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to deal with official duties.

And Li Deshan let out a sigh of relief after Jia Ke left. Now his back is soaked, what happened today is really scary.

Li Deshan didn't expect the empress dowager to be so bold, and to speak out Jia Ke's thoughts in public. Isn't this harming their slaves?
Not to mention Li Deshan's conjecture just now, it really touched the Empress Dowager's mind. The Empress Dowager just wanted to tell this secret.

It's just that the Empress Dowager did not expect that Li Deshan had been working with Jia Ke for so long, and she knew Jia Ke's thoughts long ago, and Jia Ke never concealed it in front of Li Deshan. The relationship between them was not what the Empress Dowager thought. Simple.

If it wasn't for Jia Ke's absolute trust in Li Deshan, why would he hand over the hidden guard to him and let him serve him by his side?

In this way, nothing happened to Li Deshan, but those court ladies and eunuchs lost their lives for no reason.

After Li Deshan let out a long breath, he left the side hall of Qianqing Palace, and at this time Dai Lian quietly came to Li Deshan's side.

"Mr. Li, if there is nothing else, the younger one will go back first."

Li Deshan glanced at him unhurriedly, and then said: "Don't rush away, our master still has one thing to do."

"Boss Li, give your orders."

"Send some good hands and deal with all the people here."

After listening to Li Deshan's words, Dai Lian understood that Jia Ke wanted to kill people to silence him. He knew exactly what happened in the palace, and now he was not too surprised by Li Deshan's order.

After receiving the order, Dai Lian quickly surrounded the side hall of Qianqing Palace with many strong eunuchs.

And the maids and eunuchs in the side hall of Qianqing Palace have also reacted to it now, and they are trying to silence them.So these people rushed out from the gate of the palace, trying to escape with their lives.

How could Dai Lian let these people escape, as soon as he gave an order, the eunuchs under him immediately raised their swords and guns, and within a short time, all the maids and eunuchs serving in the Qianqing Palace were buried here.

Then Dai Lian ordered his subordinates to drag away all the corpses of these people, and then a group of eunuchs came in and began to clean up. After a while, the blood on the ground was washed away, and it was no longer possible to see what happened here just now. .

After Dai Lian finished dealing with this matter, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately came to Li Deshan's residence in the palace.

Seeing Dai Lian coming, Li Deshan asked, "How is it? Have you finished everything?"

"If you go back to the chief manager, everyone will be dealt with cleanly."

Li Deshan nodded, breathed a sigh of relief, and then ordered the eunuch next to him to bring fragrant tea.

"You've been tired since morning. Let's have a rest with a cup of tea. Let's talk about the future affairs of the palace."

Dai Lian couldn't help himself, so he sat next to Li Deshan, picked up the teacup and took a sip, the tea was really fragrant and the tea he drank before was completely different.

"How about the tea, isn't it good?"

"The chief manager's tea is naturally excellent."

"This is a tribute from the south of the Yangtze River. It is specially for our master. The master has rewarded me for my hard work. You can taste it if you are lucky today."

After Dai Lian finished listening, a flattering smile appeared on his face, and he kept praising Li Deshan for being highly valued by Jia Ke.

Afterwards, the two chatted about how the dark guards would operate in the future.

As he was talking, Dai Lian felt a pain in his abdomen. Dai Lian was not a fool after being a secret agent for so many years, so he immediately understood that the cup of tea just now was poisoned.

Dai Lian can't care so much now, he just thinks about being a backstop when he is dying.

So Dai Lian gritted his teeth and rushed towards Li Deshan. When he got to Li Deshan's side, he punched Li Deshan's chest. With all the strength he could use for this punch, once he hit it hard, Li Deshan's bones and tendons would be broken immediately.

Unexpectedly, Li Deshan sat there motionless, just grasped lightly, then clenched his fist, and then looked at him with a sneer.

Dai Lian was startled at first, and then he understood that Li Deshan was deep enough. At first, he thought he didn't know kung fu, but he was also a master.

Dai Lian's face was full of ferocity now, and he said to Li Deshan: "Li Deshan, why is this?"

Li Deshan looked at Dai Lian with a painful expression on his face. He grabbed Dai Lian's fist with one hand, took another sip from the teacup with the other hand, and then said: "This is also your fate, but the master ordered it to come down." Now, everyone who heard these words today will be dealt with, do you think you can be an exception?"

Dai Lian really regretted it now, he really thought that he was an exception because Li Deshan reused him, but he didn't expect that Li Deshan didn't regard him as one of his own, and when Jia Ke ordered him, he naturally obeyed with all his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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