The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 602 Reconsideration

Chapter 602 Reconsideration
After Jia Ke gave Li Deshan instructions, she returned to the throne, picked up the memorial just now, read it carefully again, and finally wrote a few words firmly on the memorial, "Send it back for reconsideration."

After Jia Ke finished approving it, he said to Li Deshan next to him, "Send this document to the military plane now, and let them discuss it again."

Li Deshan took the memorial and stepped back a few steps before turning around and going down the imperial steps.

At this time, Jia Ke suddenly ordered: "When you go, tell Sun Yan, so that he will not make mistakes."

After listening to Jia Ke's order, Li Deshan quickly turned around and agreed, then left the East Nuan Pavilion and went straight to the military plane in front of the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

After Li Deshan left, Jia Ke fell silent. Now he remembered that when he first started his business, the forces left by Prince Yizhong really helped him a lot.

But now these people are their own troubles, but they are not monolithic, have you cut off contact with them since you saw Zhao Shu?

In this case, Zhao Shu can be used with confidence, but this Sun Yan has helped him a lot, and he has revealed the news to himself several times. If he is dealt with now, people who don't know the truth will seem to be a bit mean. Unfeeling.

Jia Ke thought about it and gave him another chance. If he was no good or bad, then he would not be to blame.

At this moment in the Military Aircraft Department, Sun Yan was a little restless. Although he had passed yesterday's memorial at the Military Aircraft Department and handed it to Jia Ke, he didn't know what Jia Ke would do next?
Sun Yan was also forced to do nothing by that side, and he didn't dare to blatantly surrender to Jia Ke, so he ended up in this embarrassing situation.

After Sun Yan came to the military aircraft department this morning, he seemed a little absent-minded.

Sitting next to him, Fan Kang looked at Sun Yan, and couldn't help but shook his head.

While Zhang Chaoxin was sitting there, he kept sneering. He was against Sun Yan’s memorial at the Military Aircraft Department yesterday, but Sun Yan was the foreman in the Military Aircraft Department. In the end, he passed the memorial to Jia Ke in this capacity. before.

From Zhang Chaoxin's point of view, Sun Yan had two minds.

But the other two people in the Military Aircraft Department, Tian Ye and Meng Ming, sat there and always existed, looking at the memorial in their hands, and did not participate in the performance of the three of them.

At this time, the curtain of the military plane was raised, and Li Deshan came in from the outside.

When everyone in the Military Aircraft Department saw Li Deshan coming in, they all hurriedly got up to greet him, because they all knew that Li Deshan would definitely be the candidate for the inner minister in the future. Although they were high and powerful, they couldn't offend Li Deshan casually.

Everyone greeted each other, and then Li Deshan held a memorial and said to everyone in the military aircraft department: "The master read this document and felt that it was very wrong, so I called back for you to reconsider."

Sun Yan took it casually and took a look. It was the brochure he handed over yesterday. At this moment, his heart began to beat non-stop.

After Li Deshan handed the booklet to Sun Yan, he said in front of everyone: "The master asked me to tell Mr. Sun, and I hope you will not make mistakes."

When Sun Yan heard this sentence, he shivered. He knew that Jia Ke was already impatient with his two ends.

After Li Deshan said this, he bowed his hands to everyone in the Military Aircraft Department, then left the Military Aircraft Department, and went back to East Nuan Pavilion to serve Jia Ke.

Fan Kang looked a little dazed when he saw the other party holding this memorial, so he stepped forward and said, "Master Sun, what is going on with this memorial? Tell everyone."

Sun Yan narrowed his eyes after hearing Fan Kang's words.

"It's not a big deal, it's just the paper we discussed a few days ago. My lord said it was inappropriate. Let's discuss it."

After Zhang Chaoxin heard this, he said with a sneer: "Isn't Mr. Sun the foreman? You can decide for yourself. What do we need to discuss?"

These people under Jia Ke's command have a very bright future after Jia Ke is fully in power, and now they are a little impatient. Now they are secretly fighting openly and secretly, just to stabilize their position in the future court.

Sun Yan was not happy when he heard this, "Master Zhang, what are you talking about? I am also thinking about my lord. These royal family and nobles have infiltrated all parts of the country for so many years. If I make them anxious, my lord may There will be trouble."

Zhang Chaoxin just couldn't help sneering and didn't say anything.

Seeing this situation, Sun Yan could only stop talking, but turned to Fan Kang and said, "Master Fan, how do we deal with this matter?"

Fan Kang thought about it and said: "I think our lord thinks that this time the sentence is light, so Mr. Sun might as well deal with it more severely. If you think about it, the lord can agree."

In fact, Sun Yan also knew that this was the only way to get Jia Ke to agree. If he was really just Jia Ke's master, he would have agreed to it a long time ago, but now he is entrusting the two families with one hand, and he is a bit in a dilemma.

Fan Kang looked at Sun Yan's expression, patted him on the shoulder with a smile, and said meaningfully: "This man must not be half-hearted, otherwise he will not be able to do things safely."

When Sun Yan heard this, he understood Fan Kang's meaning in his heart. This time he was frightened. It seems that Fan Kang has doubted himself a little, so will Jia Ke also doubt him? If this is the case, then there will be big troubles.

Zhang Chaoxin sat on the side, seeing Sun Yan was in a dilemma, a mocking face appeared on his face again.

"Could it be that Mr. Sun has some difficulties? Or is there some connection with these princes and nobles, such a small matter can't be handled well, how can my lord entrust you with a big matter?"

After hearing Zhang Chaoxin's words, Sun Yan couldn't suppress the anger in his heart, but now he was even more worried that Jia Ke had doubts about him, so he endured it and said, "In this case, I'll go back and let them try again. Never let the lord down once."

Fan Kang smiled happily when he heard this, and then said: "That's right, man, you always have to plan for yourself."

After Sun Yan heard the phrase "Always plan for yourself", his heart became active. The lord knew that he was the person left behind by Prince Yizhong.

After Sun Yan made up his mind, he didn't stay at the military plane, told the others for a leave, then left the military plane, left the palace, and went directly to the yamen of the Ministry of Punishment on Yujie.

After Sun Yan left, Zhang Chaoxin walked to Fan Keng's side with a smile on his face and said, "Master Fan, do you think that this foreman will follow the master's wishes this time?"

Fan Kang glanced at Zhang Chaoxin, but did not answer. Zhang Chaoxin was now fighting Sun Yan fiercely. It seemed that he had his eye on the position of Chief Minister. His position was stable now, so there was no need to get involved.

After Sun Yan returned to walking, he ordered his subordinate master to send two servants to discuss matters.

After a while, Chen Ling and Jiang Yan, the two servants of the Ministry of Punishment, came to the study in a hurry.

The three of them bowed to each other in the study, and then they were divided into the host and guest.

Only then did Sun Yan say: "My lord has already read the record of how we dealt with princes and nobles last time. He thinks our handling is a bit inappropriate. Let's discuss it again with the Ministry of Punishment."

After the servant Jiang Yan heard this, his eyes rolled up. Hearing what Sun Yan said, Jia Ke was not satisfied with the result this time, and Sun Yan insisted on this matter. If so, what would happen between them? Will there be conflicts?Isn't this a good time to be in charge?
Chen Ling was different from what Jiang Yan thought, this person was quite upright.

So Chen Ling opened his mouth and said to Sun Yan: "My lord, what crimes do the family members of the leaders of the chaos have committed? Moreover, many of these people are women, children and young children. Please show some compassion and give them a light sentence."

Sun Yan didn't say anything after hearing this, and Chen Ling also said the same thing during the last discussion.

But Jiang Yan stood up and retorted loudly: "Master Chen's words are wrong. You say they have no crimes, but you know how they enjoy the glory and wealth. If there are no people in front of them to block them, how can they do so?" Xiaoyao, since he has benefited, he said they were innocent when the incident happened, what's the reason for that?"

After Chen Ling heard this, he didn't show any weakness, "Whatever they say, they are also the flesh and blood of the royal family. I'm afraid the world will criticize them if they just killed all the nine clans."

There is one more thing that Chen Ling can't say, this time when he returns home, all the princes and nobles will be wiped out, all the relatives of the emperor will lose their heads, then the royal family of this dynasty may be extinct in the end.

This has never happened in the inheritance of past dynasties. Even some powerful officials in charge of the court, the overhead emperor would not kill them all like this.

Hearing what he said, Jiang Yan immediately stood up and glared, "What do you mean? Do you sympathize with these rebellious people? Or do you have connections with them, so you speak for them?"

When Chen Ling heard that Jiang Yan dared to slander himself, he was also annoyed, "What are you talking about? Could it be that you want to learn from the cruel officials in the previous dynasty and exchange other people's blood for your black hat?"

From above, Sun Yan understood the thoughts of his two assistants, one wanted to punish severely, and the other wanted to be magnanimous.

But now there is no choice for Sun Yan. For his own wealth and life, he can only sacrifice these people.

"You two don't need to quarrel anymore. I think our sentence this time is really too much. Since ancient times, princes have broken the law and common people have committed the same crime. Since they conspired against each other, they should consider the consequences. If they don't punish severely this time, people in the future will follow suit. , can we let them go again?"

After Jiang Yan heard this, he glanced at Sun Yan who was sitting on it. It seemed that the lord had recovered, but even if he couldn't achieve his goal this time, it was considered as a letter to Jia Ke. Not in vain.

Although Chen Ling wanted to refute after hearing this, he still opened his mouth and didn't say anything else. Although he was more upright, he was not a fool. Looking at the situation, he already understood that it was the person in the court who had already spoken. It cannot be undone.

(End of this chapter)

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