Chapter 613
After Jia Ke finished writing the royal orders, he handed them over to Li Deshan who was waiting at the side, and then continued to instruct him: "Go to the building office and let them make a gold book, and then send it to your grandma and a few aunts. It can also be regarded as an explanation to them.”

Li Deshan respectfully accepted several royal orders, then saluted Jia Ke, and then bowed and retreated.

After Li Deshan went out, Jia Ke breathed a sigh of relief. Sometimes this family matter is more difficult to handle than state affairs.

When Li Deshan arrived at the office, the manager of the building office had been waiting for them there early. When he saw Li Deshan coming, he hurried over and said with a smile: "Director Li, does your lord have any work? Let us build the office." manage."

Li Deshan glanced at him, then lifted up some of the king's life in his arms, and said to him: "The prince has a life, he wants to confer a few empresses in the harem, and order you to build an office, make a gold book and a gold seal."

The head of the office took over the king's order, so he naturally had to do his best to show his face in front of his new master.

The craftsmanship of these gold books produced by the Manufacturing Office is very mature, and the materials are ready-made, so they received Jia Ke’s order in the morning, and in the afternoon several gold books had already been made, and even the gold seals had been engraved. It's done.

As for the passing of orders, it naturally fell on Li Deshan.

And Li Deshan happily took over the job, after all, it was also a happy event.

The first one was naturally Qin Keqing's side hall.

At this time, Qin Keqing, since she told Jia Ke about this matter in the morning, was a little impatient, and kept sending the court ladies and eunuchs beside her to inquire.

But what news can these people find out?So now, Qin Keqing still doesn't know what Jia Ke is thinking?

When it was almost night, Qin Keqing was about to send someone to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to ask Jia Ke if he would come back for dinner.

Suddenly, he heard Ruizhu, his servant girl, come to report that it was Jia Ke's personal eunuch Li Deshan who came to deliver the king's order.

Qin Keqing understood what was going on as soon as she heard this, and immediately ordered her to take a bath and change clothes.

It had been a long time since Qin Keqing came out, but Li Deshan still stood there respectfully, not daring to be slighted.

As soon as Li Deshan saw Qin Keqing coming out, he immediately came to Qin Keqing's side in three steps in two steps, stretched out his hand to gently support Qin Keqing, and said flatteringly: "My slave congratulates your mother."

After hearing Li Deshan's address to herself, Qin Keqing knew that the matter had been settled.

So a smile appeared on his face, and he asked knowingly, "What's the matter with you coming here?"

"If you go back to your mother, our prince has already passed down the king's order to make your mother the right concubine of Yan Wang."

The smile on Qin Keqing's face became even brighter when she heard this.

Then Li Deshan took the king's order from the hand of the eunuch next to him, and then said to Qin Keqing: "I have to wrong my mother, we have to go through a formality."

Qin Keqing nodded slightly when she heard this, and then knelt down in the middle of the hall, and the maids and eunuchs serving Qin Keqing saw Qin Keqing kneeling down, and knelt down on the ground together.

Only then did Li Deshan take a few steps back, opened the king's order in his hand, and said: "Yan Wang Yu: Qin's family is lovely, gentle and virtuous, elegant and dignified, restrained and cautious, respectful, careful and respectful, and generous and peaceful. Canonized as the main concubine, who will take charge of all affairs of the palace, and grant the golden book and the golden seal, this is the imperial edict."

After hearing this, Qin Keqing quickly bowed to the ground, "The concubine will obey the king's order."

Li Deshan then delivered the king's order in Qin Keqing's hands, and then quickly helped Qin Keqing to stand up.

After Qin Keqing got up, Rui Zhu who was beside her quickly helped her to sit on the throne in the middle.

After Qin Keqing sat down, Li Deshan took another tray from the eunuch next to him, and the company delivered it to Qin Keqing.

Qin Keqing took a closer look, and it turned out that there was a gold book and a gold seal on it.

Qin Keqing took the golden book first and looked at it, it turned out that it was engraved with the content of the king's order that Jia Ke had just sealed her.

Qin Keqing then took the golden seal again, and looked carefully, there was a colorful phoenix on it, and the inscription on the bottom - Yan Wangfei Qin.

Qin Keqing was very satisfied after seeing it, and then winked at Ruizhu who was beside her. Ruizhu hurried forward to take the tray, and then stood beside Qin Keqing.

Qin Keqing received the golden book and gold seal, and then asked Li Deshan, "This time, I am the only one who canonize it, or are there other people as well?"

After Li Deshan heard this, he hurriedly said cautiously: "If you go back to your mother, you still have a few orders from the king."

"Oh, what are they talking about?"

"My lady, the lord has an order to make Aunt Shi a side concubine, the other three aunts and the new Aunt You are concubines, Shao Yuan and Liu Xuan are beauties."

Qin Keqing nodded after listening, all of this was expected, but she didn't expect that Third Sister You had a good time and made her a wedding dress by herself.

Qin Keqing then asked again: "Your lord canonized your son."

Li Deshan's heart skipped a beat when he heard this, it was not a trivial matter, so he secretly glanced at Qin Keqing, and then said cautiously: "Returning to your mother, the prince did not pass on the royal order of being a prince."

After hearing this, Qin Keqing nodded and said nothing, then said to Li Deshan in silence for a while, "Go and do your work."

Li Deshan bowed and retreated after hearing this.

After Li Deshan left, a woman turned out from behind. This person was none other than Qin Keqing's nanny Zhu Lin.

Zhu Lin came to Qin Keqing's side in a few steps, and then said: "Your Majesty, you have to hurry up, if you don't ask for a title for our young master now, when the uncle really wins the country, I'm afraid it may not be how to answer at that time." Something happened."

Qin Keqing nodded after listening, "I also know this truth, but if the prince doesn't speak up, what can I do?"

Zhu Lin thought for a while and said: "It can only be that the lady blows the pillow more and begs slowly. I think the prince will definitely not refute the empress's face."

Qin Keqing could only nod her head after hearing this. In fact, she already had some bad premonitions in her heart.

Not to mention that Qin Keqing was worried here, but also that at this time, Third Sister You had just stayed in a small hall in Qianqing Palace.Then the next day, Jia Ke's imperial order arrived.

Although Jia Ke only conferred the title of Third Sister You as concubine concubine, Third Sister You was satisfied, at least she had a title, and at the same time felt that her back was hardened.

The only thing Sanjie You is worried about now is her mother and sister, but thinking about it, Jia Zhen is looking at her own face, and her mother will definitely live in peace in Ningguo Mansion. This sister is really too weak.

So Third Sister You turned her eyes and came up with an idea. She immediately took out a few treasures from the things Jia Ke rewarded her, and then ordered her eunuchs to go to her sister to reward her, which also let others see At first glance, Third Sister You is not easy to bully.

The little eunuch took Sanjie You's order and immediately left the palace and went straight to Ningguo Mansion.

When they arrived at the gate of Ningguo Mansion, the people at the gate immediately informed Li that Jia Zhen got the news and rushed out to greet her. Although she was just a little eunuch, she was also serving Jia Ke after all. Jia Zhen dared not offend her now.

The little eunuch jumped when he saw the head of the Ningguo Mansion, he didn't expect Jia Zhen to come to greet him, so he hurried forward a few steps and knelt down on the ground and said: "My servant has seen Lord Jia."

Seeing this, Jia Zhen hurried forward a few steps, helped the little eunuch up, and took his hand to the study together.

After each sat down, Jia Zhen asked: "This time, does the prince have any orders?"

"Returning to the Lord, it's not the prince's order, but our Concubine You Shu, who gave something to her sister, and ordered the younger one to come and deliver the order."

Jia Zhen was taken aback for a moment after hearing this, and then realized that she was probably talking about Third Sister You.

"This little father-in-law, could it be that you are talking about Third Sister You?"

After listening to Jia Zhen's words, the young lady jumped up.

"My lord can't say that now, our master has now been named concubine by the lord, and he is also a famous person."

When Jia Zhen heard it, it was exactly what she thought.

"Then this time there will be Mrs. Lao, but Concubine You Shu's elder sister is not here now, and has been taken to another house by his husband-in-law."

The little lady became a little anxious when she listened, "Then please ask Sir to send someone to lead the way, so that the little one can complete the errand."

"Don't worry little eunuch, I'm just sending someone to lead the way to take him there."

Immediately after Jia Zhen finished speaking, she sent a personal servant to take the little eunuch to Second Sister You's house outside.

So Jia Zhen quickly sent someone to take the young eunuch to Jia Lian's outer house in Xiaohuazhi Alley.

When he got here, the little eunuch saw that the house had been neatly tidied up.

The servant who brought the little eunuch hurried forward to knock on the door, and a woman came out after a while.

"What's the matter, it's time to knock."

The servant was not happy when he heard that, "Open the door quickly, the lady in the palace is here to deliver orders."

Waiting for a while frightened the woman, so she quickly opened the door, and then looked outside, and sure enough, there was a eunuch standing there, and immediately ran towards you desperately.

After a while, Second Sister You came out with his mother, Mrs. You.

Seeing the eunuch, Third Sister You took a step forward and said respectfully: "My father-in-law, my man is not at home. If there is business, I will send someone to invite him immediately."

The little eunuch knew that this was the rightful owner when he saw the similar appearance to Third Sister You, so he hurriedly said respectfully: "This madam, could it be Aunt You?"

"I am Second Sister You."

"Then it can't be wrong. I am here to deliver something to my aunt under the orders of Concubine Youshu."

After the little eunuch finished speaking, several burly eunuchs following behind him brought the things over.

Second Sister Liu felt painless for a while when she heard this, and finally she carefully inquired with the eunuch to find out that her younger sister, Third Sister You, was lucky enough to have been conferred the concubine concubine by Jia Ke.

After these people left, Youlao Niang and Second Sister You were still in a dream. He and the others did not expect their third sister to be so capable. She had just entered the palace for a day and won Jia Ke's favor.

And now Second Sister You has also started to gain confidence, and she feels that she is no worse than Wang Xifeng in Rongguo Mansion?

When Jia Lian came back that night, he was even more happy to know the news. He was a little afraid of the tigress in his family when he married Second Sister You, but now everything is logical.

I, Jia Lian, married Second Sister You not because of her beauty, but because of her relationship with her elder brother. This reason is perfect.

(End of this chapter)

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