Chapter 618

Jia Ke saw that Third Sister You answered instead of herself, so she said to Qin Keqing, "I will trouble you with the matters in the palace. I will go to the front to deal with the emperor's funeral."

After Jia Ke finished speaking, without waiting for Qin Keqing's consent, she left the bedroom of Qianqing Palace and went to Qianqing Gate.

Qin Keqing looked at Jia Ke's distant figure and felt that he was so strange. The Jia Ke now and the way she was when she first married her were completely two people.

At this time, Third Sister You, who was standing beside her, looked at Qin Keqing silently, wondering what she meant?
"Is there anything else you want to order, Ma'am?"

Qin Keqing woke up after hearing Sanjie You's words, and said directly: "You go back and rest first, and I will naturally handle the rest."

Third Sister You agreed and went back to her room.

After Third Sister You left, Qin Keqing hurriedly ordered the court ladies and eunuchs beside her to send a message to the emperor's other concubines in the inner palace, asking them to prepare mourning clothes and prepare to be filial piety for the emperor.

At the same time, Qin Keqing went to Fengzao Palace in person. After the emperor went this time, Jia Yuanchun and his children naturally went up.

Not to mention that Qin Keqing settled down in the harem, but also that Jia Ke led the eunuchs to the Qianqing Gate within a few steps after leaving the Qianqing Palace. Almost all the civil and military officials in the dynasty have been waiting for him for a long time.

Jia Ke entered the Qianqing Gate from the harem. At this time, there was still a golden chair next to the emperor's throne at the Qianqing Gate, which was prepared for Jia Ke.

Jia Ke went up the imperial steps to the emperor's throne, took a deep look, and then sat on the golden chair beside her.

Seeing that Jia Ke was already sitting upright, all the civil and military people below knelt down together.

"I've seen Yan Wang Qiantui, thousands of years old."

"Be flat."

After listening to Jia Ke's orders, all the civil and military people below stood up and looked up, which made them a little frightened. It turned out that Jia Ke was sitting upright, but he was wearing a snow-white mourning dress.

Although the people below saw something was wrong, they didn't dare to come out and touch Jia Ke at this time.

Jia Ke saw that civil and martial arts had been tentatively decided, so she stood up and came to the center of the imperial steps, and said with a sad face, "I want to tell everyone bad news. Just now, I got a report from the harem that the emperor died suddenly, so I sounded the alarm bell and summoned everyone to discuss the emperor's funeral."

After Jia Ke finished speaking, there was an immediate commotion below.

Jia Ke stood on the imperial steps, looking at the expressions of the civil and military officials below, trying to read their thoughts from their faces.

At this time, Sun Yan, the foreman of the Military Aircraft Department, immediately stood up and said: "Since the emperor has passed away, it is important to deal with the funeral as soon as possible. What are you talking about here?"

After everyone listened to his words, they gradually stopped talking.

Seeing that everyone was quiet, Sun Yan went out of work again, cupped his hands to Jia Ke and said, "I want to report to King Yan, I don't know where to stop now."

Jia Ke directly ordered: "Let the emperor temporarily stop the Lingzhonghe Hall."

After hearing this, Sun Yan didn't have any rebuttal, but cupped his hands and said: "In this case, I recommend myself to preside over the emperor's funeral."

Although Sun Yan had no objection, all the ministers were a little displeased after hearing this sentence, because what is the Hall of Central Harmony, it is the smallest of the three halls.

The Hall of Central Harmony is neither as grand as the Hall of Supreme Harmony nor as magnificent as the Hall of Preserving Harmony. It is the smallest in size, only a quarter of the Hall of Supreme Harmony and half the size of the Hall of Preserving Harmony. How can such a hall be Undertake the important task of organizing the emperor's funeral.

But everyone saw that Jia Ke was living in the Qianqing Palace now, and understood that Jia Ke was very taboo about the emperor's placement in the Qianqing Palace.So everyone stopped talking.

Jia Ke was eager for someone to take over. After all, this time the emperor was disposed of by him, and he felt a little awkward in presiding over him.

"Then there will be Lord Lawson."

As soon as Jia Ke finished speaking, Shi Tianye, the governor of the left, stood up and reported to Jia Ke, "Since the emperor has passed away, the country cannot live without a king. I don't know who should inherit the great power."

Jia Ke had already planned on this, but he still had to pretend to ask the ministers below.

In fact, this matter is already obvious. Some time ago, all the princes were given to death by Jia Ke in the name of treason.

Now the emperor's only living prince is Jia Yuanchun's child, and he is the only one who can inherit the throne in name.

But the ministers below don't think so. There are a few ministers who are loyal to the dynasty, and naturally they want to continue the dynasty in the future. If Jia Yuanchun's youngest son becomes the emperor, then Jia Ke will be even more unscrupulous. It is one step away from usurping the throne.

So several ministers glanced at each other, and then their eyes became firm.

"Everyone, this is a major national event. If you have any ideas, feel free to speak up."

As soon as Jia Ke finished speaking, He Kong, the servant of the Ministry of Rites, stood up and said: "Today, the world needs a wise monarch to rule the country. You are obedient to the king, and he is familiar with the Four Books and Five Classics. He is a good candidate."

Jia Ke knew that this person was King Gongshun's teacher, so it was reasonable to recommend King Gongshun.

Jia Ke didn't immediately veto this proposal, because in his opinion, this candidate was just a companion. From ancient times to the present, he had only heard of brother and brother, but never heard of brother and brother.

Just after Jia Ke finished asking, Fan Kang stood up and objected: "Although King Zhongshun is familiar with the Four Books and Five Classics, his mother is just a lowly concubine, and the emperor has heirs, how can he be allowed to inherit the throne?"

It turned out that Wu Wang's mother was not a serious concubine, but a maid who specialized in washing clothes in the palace. The Supreme Emperor met him by accident once, and saw that this woman was extremely beautiful, so he took it by his side.

Although it was this woman who gave birth to him, but because of her humble birth, she was not made a concubine, so it was embarrassing to even have the status of King Gongshun.

He Kong, the servant of the Ministry of Rites, heard Fan Kang's words, and immediately retorted: "Master Shangshu's words are wrong. Although the emperor has left heirs, they are only babies who have not yet reached one year old. How can he be in charge of the general rule? Among the emperor's relatives, King Gong Shun and the emperor are brothers, the closest blood relationship, and they are the best candidates to rule the world."

Fan Kang was a little unhappy when he heard his words. This subordinate didn't care about his own face at all, and contradicted himself that day. If it got out, everyone thought that Fan Kang couldn't restrain his subordinates.

"This is not a place for you to talk, back off for me."

He Kong looked at Fan Kang's arrogance, so he was not polite, "I am also a member of the third rank, can I not even say a word in this court?"

Fan Kang saw that this person didn't want to repent until now, didn't he know that he was protecting him?

"According to the etiquette, the emperor has heirs in the world, and the king of Gongshun will inherit the throne in that round. I think you abolished the government for personal reasons."

He Kong was not weak and said directly: "The world is unstable now, and a responsible emperor is needed to preside over the overall situation. How can a baby rule the world. I think you have ghosts in your hearts."

Seeing that this man was so ignorant, Sun Yan couldn't stand it any longer. He stood up, pointed to his nose and said, "Aren't there so many ministers as good as you alone? If you are sensible, go back quickly, so as not to make a big fuss." Misfortune is upon us."

But He Kong retorted with a stiff neck: "Death is death. For the peace of the world, what's the point of throwing away this head?"

Jia Ke stood above and looked at this man, and dared to contradict Fan Kang. It seemed that he was determined to protect the obedient king.

Naturally, Jia Ke couldn't let him do what he wanted, "He Kong roared at the court, what should he do?"

At this time, the left governor, Shi Tianye, hurriedly stood up and cupped his hands and said: "Roaring to the court, Anlu will be demoted to the third level and retained."

After hearing this, Jia Ke said directly: "The person here will demote this person to Hainan to serve as the magistrate."

The crowd at the bottom immediately understood that Jia Ke was trying to scare the chickens and monkeys. He Kong knew that Concubine Xiande had given birth to a son, and that she was Jia Ke's own sister, so he dared to recommend the King of Obedience.

After hearing Jia Ke's treatment of him, He Kong knew that he was doomed this time. Once he arrived in Hainan, in that remote place, where the climate was not acclimatized, he might not live for a few years, so he might as well just die in this court Fighting, even if you die, you can leave an eternal reputation.

So He Kong immediately stood up again, and said to Jia Ke: "When the emperor dies, according to the law, civil and military officials in the court want to admire his dignity. I wonder when His Highness King Yan will allow us to meet the emperor?"

When Jia Ke heard his words, she became angry from the heart, and the evil turned to gallbladder, "Ignorant fool, there are all civil and military courts here, is there still a place for you, a little magistrate, to talk?"

He Kong was not weak, but pointed at Jia Ke and cursed: "You imprisoned the emperor and took charge of the court, and now the emperor has died suddenly, I think there must be a reason."

This is already pointing at Jia Ke's big nose and scolding him for regicide.

How can Jia Ke bear it after hearing this? "Where is the warrior in front of the temple, pull this evil obstacle out and kill him with a stick."

As soon as Jia Ke finished giving his orders, three or four warriors from outside the temple barged in. They arrived in front of He Kong, knocked off his black gauze hat without any explanation, and dragged the man out by grabbing his arms. .

He Kongming knew that he would die this time, but he was not weak. Although he was pulled away by the warrior, he still cursed: "Jia Ke, the traitor, murdered the king and plotted rebellion, God has eyes, I am waiting in the underworld." Let's see what happens to you, Jia Ke."

When Jia Ke heard that this man dared to curse himself, he immediately ordered again, "How dare this man curse the lonely king, pass on the order of the lonely king, let all the male members of his family accompany him to the underworld, and send all the female relatives to the Jiaofang Division."

The people below heard this, and some honest officials couldn't bear it. Everyone knew that the emperor was going this time, but Jia Ke was already in charge of the world, so no one dared to object.

Now that He Kong dared to expose people like Jia Ke in court, he still admired his courage, but he didn't have the guts to confront Jia Ke in court like him.

(End of this chapter)

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