Chapter 628
After receiving the order, Zhu Lin only felt that it was difficult. She had already felt it herself, and Jia Ke never believed her.

Moreover, Jia Ke didn't fully believe even the ministers recommended by him.

Zhu Linshi thought about it all night in her room, but in the end she could only think of Qin Keqing.

Although Jia Ke already knew Qin Keqing's identity, his favor for her has not diminished, which shows the weight of Qin Keqing in Jia Ke's heart.

And now Qin Keqing has given birth to a child, and this child is the eldest son, who will inherit Jia Ke's family business in all likelihood in the future.

Now Jia Ke is too powerful to make a move. If we can concentrate all our energy on this child, when Jia Ke is gone, we can use this child to rule the world, and then repeat Jia Ke’s way of bringing the emperor to command the princes. Maybe it will work. .

So Zhu Lin sent his thoughts back to the young master through letters.

The young master read the letter carefully several times, and then he thought about it all afternoon in the garden alone, and finally had to admit that Zhu Lin's method was the best way for him to regain his position in the country.

So the young master immediately replied a letter to Zhu Lin, asking him to concentrate on Jia Ke's son, and at the same time, asking Zhu Lin to find a way to make himself the teacher of Jia Ke's son after he was awarded a Jinshi, so that he could always near.

But Zhu Lin didn't expect at all that his actions had already been carefully observed by the hidden guards on the side.

After Jia Ke got the news of the hidden guard, she was furious.

If these people were targeting him, Jia Ke could bear it even though he was annoyed, but he never thought that they would turn their minds on his son.

Jia Ke glanced at the harem with a gloomy face, and immediately wanted to order someone to catch that Zhu Lin immediately and tear her body into pieces.

But after all, he has been in power for so many years, and he will wake up immediately. If he arrests that young master Zhu Lin now, he will be out of his sight again.

And even though Sun Yan had reported that this young man would take part in the imperial examination in a few years, if he was allowed to go on like this in the past few years, I don't know how many troubles would be caused.

Jia Ke finally endured it, and then Jia Ke ordered Li Deshan to strengthen the supervision of Zhu Lin's family and at the same time send more people, it is best to catch him before this young man takes the imperial examination.

After receiving Jia Ke's order, Li Deshan went to make arrangements immediately, adding a few more people to Qin Keqing's side in the harem.

As expected of Zhu Lin who has been engaged in espionage for so many years, she immediately felt that there were more strangers around her, so she immediately hid up and did not make any moves. She just showed her face in front of Qin Keqing every day, and then took care of Jia wholeheartedly. Ke's son, Jia Zhi.

And Qin Keqing is not a fool who has been in charge of Wuyang Hou's Mansion and Yan Guogong Mansion for so many years.She already felt that something was wrong beside her.

Qin Keqing couldn't ask Jia Ke, so she could only keep it in her heart and observe carefully in the future.

Not to mention Zhu Lin's correspondence with that young master, but also Jia Ke's nearly 900 million taels of silver, plus the tens of millions of taels hidden in his mansion, he felt that the time had come to prepare for the Northern Expedition.

Since Jia Ke decided to take action, he didn't hesitate, and immediately summoned Zhang Chaoxin, Minister of Industry, Fan Kang, Minister of Rites, and Peng Bi, Minister of Military Affairs, three of his absolute confidants to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

After the three came to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, they each greeted Jia Ke, and then Jia Ke asked the eunuchs to prepare chairs for them to sit on.

Seeing that they were done, Jia Ke said straight away, "I've invited you here today because I have a big matter to discuss."

The three people below all looked up at Jia Ke after hearing Jia Ke's words, waiting for his next words.

"The Tatars in the north are a big problem for our court. I repelled them last year, but Arslen Khan was determined and did not settle down like this. Instead, he sent people to harass our border. I watched They are accumulating power in the north, and once they recover, they will definitely go south."

When Jia Ke said this, she looked at the people below, which meant to let them express their opinions.

As Minister of the Ministry of War, Peng Bi was most concerned about these matters, so he spoke first: "My lord's words are very true. The Tatars are just white-eyed wolves who are not familiar with it. Going south when the dynasty was in decline caused great harm to us. I think we should focus on eradicating them completely."

Fan Kang nodded after hearing this, "In the past few years, our Central Plains Dynasty has been governed by our lord, and the weather has been smooth. This year's tax revenue is already the highest in history. And there is no turmoil in various places. It is time to use troops. "

Zhang Chaoxin, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, didn't know much about these things, but he also expressed his attitude positively, "Please rest assured, my lord, as long as my lord orders it, I will fully cooperate to complete all the weapons and armor."

Jia Ke nodded after hearing the attitude of these three people, knowing that this time he was going in the right direction.

"Since this is the case, the Northern Expedition is mainly about several aspects. The first is food and grass. We have been enjoying good weather in the past few years, but food is still a little tight. Is there any way you can get me food for a million-strong army for two years."

The three people at the bottom looked at each other a little bit when they heard that Jia Ke wanted 100 million people and food for two years.

They thought that Jia Ke's going north would be 50 million people at most, and it would be enough to fight for a few months, but they didn't expect it would take so many people.

After hearing what they said, Fan Kang pondered for a while, and then said: "My lord, although the weather has been smooth and the people have been peaceful under your governance these years, after all, the floods and droughts in the past few years have hurt our vitality. It hasn't fully recovered yet, but now we have to raise food for a million-strong army for two years, and I'm afraid the people will suffer again."

After hearing this, Jia Ke also nodded in agreement with Fan Kang's words. He was exactly what he was worried about. Now the court does not lack money, but what it lacks is food.

Jia Ke then asked Fan Kang: "If it's just a year or two of hard work for the people, don't you think there will be turmoil in the world?"

Hearing Jia Ke's question, Fan Kang said, "My lord, the food in our dynasty is just enough to ensure peace in the world. If the lord buys a large amount of food from the people, if there is a drought and flood, I'm afraid there will be big problems." Moreover, once the lord buys a large amount of grain, the price of grain will rise, and the people will suffer in the end.”

"Then what to do in your opinion."

"In my humble opinion, we might as well take the silver and go to the southern vassal states to buy. These places grow three crops a year, and a lot of their food is wasted. If the lord takes the money to buy it, they will definitely be willing."

Jia Ke's eyes lit up after hearing this, how could he forget about it?People in those countries in the south are all lazy men, so they can eat enough and wear warmth, which shows that those in the south are rich.

Jia Ke's eyes lit up when he thought of this, the people in these southern countries are all softies, if he takes all these lands for himself and lets them cultivate them for himself, wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone?
"Those vassals in the south are lazy as hell, and they are able to enjoy the weather smoothly and have no worries about food and drink. What do you think will happen if we take his place?"

When Fan Kang and the others heard Jia Ke's words, they were shocked, which had never happened in the Central Plains Dynasty.

In the past, the rulers of feudal dynasties paid attention to the inner king and the outer sage, and they were very tolerant towards the subordinate countries. Even if they violated the interests of the Central Plains a few times, if they apologized afterwards, they would not do anything to them. How could they speak like Jia Ke? It is necessary to destroy the country of man and seize the land of man.

This is the difference between Jia Ke and the ancient scholar-bureaucrats. Although Jia Ke has been almost assimilated by the ancient feudal ethics, the ideological spirit cultivated by modern times is still stubbornly in Jia Ke's mind.

Fan Kang thought for a while, and then said to Jia Ke: "My lord, it is very easy to calm down these small countries, but I am afraid that they will not be safe forever, and it will waste people and money after a long time."

After hearing this, Jia Ke laughed. This is all caused by Confucianism. To occupy a place of human beings and to behave benevolently and righteously towards them, isn’t this just looking for trouble on your own?

If it is to occupy their land, if they resist, they will be executed immediately, and a high-pressure policy will be implemented. After a period of time, these people will be honest. The poor peasants who had no land to sweep the land immigrated to.

"I don't think it's a big deal. These people are enemies. You don't need to talk to them about benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trust. You should treat them like slaves. The people in the Central Plains will all be slave owners. I don't believe they won't Honestly."

Zhang Chaoxin, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, nodded when he heard this, "My lord is right, these barbarians are assigned to us Central Plains people as slaves."

Meanwhile, Peng Bi, Minister of the Ministry of War, was even more joyful, "Master, if you want to go south, you don't have to worry about all the military dispatches. Our Ministry of War will handle it."

Fan Kang heard that these people agreed to go south, but shook his head and said: "This war will cost money, and the Northern Expedition will be made in a few years, so the court doesn't have so much money."

"You don't have to worry about the money. I have already exceeded tens of millions of taels from the emperor's treasury. These three major merchant gangs have sent me several million taels. I originally wanted to wait for the Northern Expedition these days." Buying food, now it seems that even if we have money, we can’t buy food. It’s better to use this money to go south. Besides, those countries in the south have a lot of goods. If we win this battle, we can make a lot of money Woolen cloth."

Fan Kang is now satisfied, "My lord is really thoughtful. Let's use the money to pacify his small countries. When the land and food are available, we can earn back the money."

"Okay, since everyone agrees, then, Peng Bi, as Minister of the Ministry of War, you will be responsible for the early arrangements."

After hearing this, Peng Bi hurriedly asked again: "My lord, I don't know how many troops are needed to go south, and how to coordinate the troops. Please let me know, so I can prepare."

Jia Ke thought for a while, and then said: "This time I'm going south, I'm thinking of transferring 8 cavalry from the Eight Banners as support, and then transfer one of the three major battalions in our capital to follow me south, and then order the cavalry in Yunnan and Guangxi to go south with me. The wolf soldiers will gather [-] soldiers for me, and then the general soldiers of Guangxi and Yunnan will each send [-] troops. What do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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