Chapter 630 Firearms
Jia Ke and Jia Baoyu were a little confused after listening to Jia Mu's words.

Mother Jia was also a little excited when she saw the eyes of these two people seeking knowledge. She took out a few books from the box, stroked them carefully, and then said: "These books are not the same. One is a secret book on physical exercise that your ancestors got when they started their family with the Emperor Taizu, and the Dukes of our Jia family have been able to control the army of the capital all the time with this book."

Jia Baoyu and Jia Ke glanced at each other, but their expressions were the same, they didn't take this book seriously.

It should be said that Jia Ke possesses Lu Bu's martial arts, and the training methods in it are hundreds of times stronger than those described in this book, so he is not greedy for the secrets in this book.

But Jia Baoyu was not interested in these dancing with knives and guns at all, so he didn't take this book seriously.

Mother Jia did not see the expressions of the two, so she took out the other book, put it in her hand, stroked it carefully, and said: "This book is not as important as the previous one, but it is just some Strange skills, but back then your grandfather, the old man, was very concerned about this book, but I don't know the reason."

Jia Ke was also a little surprised when he heard it, and then took the book from Jia's mother, flipping through it there.

Looking through it, Jia Ke was startled. This book is really like what Jia's mother said, in the eyes of ancient people, it is some strange and obscene skills.

But in Jia Ke's view, it is a priceless treasure. This book not only tells about the production of various engineering equipment, but also many important weapons.Methods for using them are also described in detail.

Jia Ke even saw the method of making firearms inside, which made Jia Ke very excited.

Ever since Jia Ke came to this world, no trace of firearms has been found in this world.

Originally, Jia Ke thought this was a fairy world, so the firearms were restricted, but he didn't expect to find his trace in this book.

And Jia Ke himself once wanted to make firearms, but although he is a modern person, he is just an ordinary person, and he is not very clear about the manufacture of firearms. Even the formula of gunpowder is only the most basic knowledge.So Jia Ke didn't bother with it.

Now that I have this book, relying on the strength of this dynasty and the detailed records in this book, maybe I can really develop a firearms unit.

But Jia Ke has a doubt, since the old Duke got this book, why didn't he speak to the court?

It seems that although he was divided into Duke Rong and took charge of the troops in the capital, the relationship between the monarch and his ministers was not as harmonious as it appeared on the surface.

Jia Ke sighed while flipping through the pages, this book came at the right time, although this time it was too late to make firearms when going south, but many of the weapons in it can also make Jia Ke's army even more powerful.

Mother Jia watched Jia Ke flipping through the book non-stop, with a smile on her face.Sure enough, Jia Ke and his grandfather were the most similar in character, and then Jia Mu turned to look at Jia Baoyu, who was similar to his grandfather in appearance.

The two grandsons are now the most valued by Mother Jia, and she can feel relieved by leaving these family heirlooms to them.

Jia Ke read the book for a while, and suddenly realized that she was in Jia Mu's room, hurriedly closed the book, and then held it with both hands and sent it to Jia Mu's side.

But Jia Mu didn't pick it up, but said with a smile: "Since you like it, take it. I originally wanted to share these things with you and Baoyu."

Jia Ke didn't refuse either, and immediately put the book in her arms with a smile on her face.

When Jia Mu saw that Jia Ke had asked for this book, she put the martial arts secret book back into the box and pushed it in front of Jia Baoyu.

Although Jia Baoyu didn't like this kind of thing, since it was a gift from Jia's mother and it was a treasure inherited from the family, he reluctantly held it in his hand.

Mother Jia distributed these two items to the two grandchildren she valued the most, so she felt at ease. From now on, the Jia family will rely on these two people for support.

Seeing Mother Jia put down her mood, Jia Ke hurried forward and reported, "Old lady, grandson has something to report this time."

Mother Jia looked at Jia Ke, and then said, "Are you going to lead the army?"

When Jia Mu said this, there was concern in her eyes.

Jia Ke nodded, and then said with some guilt: "I've made the old lady worry. There won't be any danger for my grandson to lead the army south this time."

"I know the hardships of leading soldiers in battle. You must take care of yourself this time."

Jia Ke kept saying yes from the sidelines.

Mother Jia told Jia Ke a few words before letting him go.

After Jia Ke left Jia Mu's place, she went to Jia Zheng's place again, as farewell to Jia Zheng.

Then I went to Aunt Zhou's place and talked with Aunt Zhou all afternoon before returning to the palace.

As soon as Jia Ke returned to the palace, he immediately called the eunuch Li Deshan beside him.

"Do we have a hidden place surrounded by mountains outside the capital?"

After Li Deshan heard this, he didn't know what Jia Ke was going to do, but he still replied respectfully: "Returning to the master, there is a small mountain about ten miles away from the capital, and there is only one road leading to the outside."

Jia Ke was quite satisfied after hearing this, "You immediately send people to move all the residents in that small depression out of all their land and take it into national ownership."

Li Deshan didn't understand what Jia Ke meant, but he didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately went out to deliver orders to his subordinates.

Jia Ke sat alone in the East Nuan Pavilion and thought carefully. Jia Ke wanted to use this place as an ordnance factory. As long as someone sent someone to seal the road from Taniguchi, it would be able to isolate internal and external traffic.In this way, there is no fear of the secret being leaked.

Moreover, this place is 10 miles away from the capital, so there is no need to worry about the apocalypse explosion on the earth plane.

However, it's too late before I go out to fight, so I'll make room for it first, and I'll arrange it myself when I return in triumph.

For such an important place, Jia Ke didn't feel relieved to hand it over to others.

The next day, Jia Ke held a long-awaited court at Qianqing Gate.

On the imperial steps of Qianqing Gate, Jia Yuanchun sat in the middle with the little emperor in his arms, while Jia Ke sat beside him on a golden chair specially set up for him.

All the ministers worshiped the little emperor together and then stood in separate hatchbacks.

Seeing that the etiquette was over, Jia Ke stood up from the chair, came to the middle of the imperial steps, and said to the people below: "The southern countries have not paid tribute for a long time, and they have frequently violated the border in recent years. The people on the border have suffered a lot. It’s been a long time, and we have almost lost all the face of the heavenly kingdoms, so this king decided to send troops south to conquer the kingdoms.”

After listening to Jia Ke's words, the ministers below knelt down together, cupped their hands upwards and said: "The ministers will follow the order of the prince, and wish the prince a successful victory."

Jia Ke nodded and said, "Everyone is at peace."

The minister over there stood up again and stood on both sides again.

Jia Ke then ordered: "This time going south, Sun Yan, the chief minister of the military aircraft department, will accompany the army to counsel the military aircraft, and Fan Kang, the minister of the military aircraft department, will be in charge of the capital."

Sun Yan was a little surprised when he heard this. Originally, he thought that this time he would be the sole leader of the capital, but he did not expect that Jia Ke would let him go south with the army. At the same time, he was also a little anxious now. It seems that his lord has not fully believed it. Myself, since this is the case, I have to present some more certificates, so that my lord can completely dispel his worries.

After Jia Ke finished giving these instructions, he continued: "Jia Yucun, the former prefect of Jinling, has made great contributions over the years. Since he was transferred to Beijing to take charge of the household department, he has worked hard. Now he is temporarily in charge of the nine admirals."

The reason why Jia Ke let Jia Yucun be in charge of the nine admirals is because among the civil servants, apart from Fan Kang, Jia Ke believed in Jia Yucun the most. In addition, this person had served as the chief minister in the Dream of the Red Chamber, so it seemed right. There are also some studies in the military, so that he can rest assured that he is in charge of the nine admirals.

After Jia Ke finished speaking, he looked down and saw that they had no advice, so he announced loudly: "The army will leave in three days, and all ministers will go to the suburbs of Beijing to be sent off by the army."

After Jia Ke gave these orders, he left the court.

Not to mention that Jia Ke returned to the Hall of Mental Cultivation and was preparing to go on an expedition, Jia Yuanchun, who had returned to the Palace of Compassionate Ning from Qianqing Gate, felt uncomfortable now.

Just now at the top of the court, although he was sitting in the middle with the little emperor in his arms, the ministers below didn't pay attention to his mother and son at all.

This made Jia Yuanchun feel very unhappy, and since the little emperor came to the throne, Jia Yuanchun has become more and more worried that Jia Ke will usurp the throne, so he always wanted to have some protection.

After Jia Yuanchun thought about it, the only one who could check and balance Jia Ke in the army was his uncle Wang Ziteng.

It's also because Jia Yuanchun didn't understand the key point. Although Wang Ziteng is a high-ranking inspector of the Nine Sides, it is actually just a cover for Jia Ke to put on the bright side. The reason why he has not been touched for so many years is only because Wang Ziteng Very honest.

And Jia Yuanchun wanted to rely on him to check and balance Jia Ke, it was a daydream, but Jia Yuanchun himself didn't understand this truth.

On the same day, Jia Yuanchun ordered the young eunuch Mrs. Xuan Wang to visit the palace on the grounds that he missed his mother.

Mrs. Wang is already familiar with entering the palace, even without Jia Yuanchun's call, he would run into the palace every few days.

This time when she got her daughter's letter, she naturally did not neglect and entered the palace that afternoon.

After the mother and daughter met, they talked about some family matters, and then Jia Yuanchun sent out all the court ladies and eunuchs beside him, saying that he wanted to have some private conversations with his mother.

Dai Quan, as Jia Yuanchun's personal eunuch, and the chief supervisor sent by Jia Ke to monitor Jia Yuanchun, was naturally the first one to be sent out.

After Dai Quan left the main hall, he looked at Jia Yuanchun and Mrs. Wang in the room and sneered.Dai Quan turned around the main hall of the Palace of Compassion and Ning, and came to the back of the Palace of Compassion and Ning. He stopped at a rockery and looked around to see if there was no one else. Then he entered a cave in the rockery. In the underground cave, Dai Quan followed this tunnel three times and turned twice to arrive at the bottom of Jia Yuanchun's bedroom.

(End of this chapter)

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