Chapter 632
But it was said that Jia Ke took Ma Xiaoxing with him overnight and traveled for more than a month before arriving in Yunnan.

When Jia Ke arrived in Kunming with a large team, the governor of Yunnan and various officials under his command were already waiting there ten miles away from Kunming city.

Guo Yu, the governor of Yunnan, immediately ordered people to hoard food and grass after receiving the news that Jia Ke was leading troops south, and ordered the troops on the border to step up their guard.It is because these small countries who are afraid of the border, got the news and attacked in advance.

Fortunately, those small countries did not expect that the always tolerant and magnanimous Heavenly Kingdom would send troops south.They are still immersed in the fact that as long as there is a shortage of money, it is like invading the Celestial Empire, and in the future, as long as they submit a few letters of apology, they can settle the matter.

Jia Ke arrived at the outskirts of Kunming, met with various officials from Yunnan who came to greet him, and then took his troops to the outside of Kunming City, where they were stationed. He brought his own soldiers and followed the governor of Yunnan, Guo Yu, to the city of Kunming. His ready house.

Here Jia Ke sat in the middle, while dozens of generals and officers under his command stood on both sides, and the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs of Yunnan was at the bottom.

"Guo Yu, Governor of Yunnan."

Hearing Jia Ke's call, Guo Yu hurried out of the shift and knelt down on his knees to salute Jia Ke.

"Master Guo, you don't need to be too polite, please hurry up."

It was only now that Guo Yu dared to stand up, and then glanced up tremblingly. After all, he was the governor of Yunnan appointed by the Supreme Emperor, and now Jia Ke is in charge of the imperial court, and his official position depends on Jia Ke's face.

"Master Guo, how are the wolf soldiers in various places preparing?"

"If you go back to the prince, all the wolf soldiers from all over the place have also assembled and are stationed in the south of Kunming City."

After hearing this, Jia Ke looked down, but did not find anyone in ethnic minority costumes.

"Who is the commander of the wolf soldiers? Why is no one coming?"

After Guo Yu finished listening, he said nonchalantly: "The barbarians are small people, so they are qualified to come to see the adults."

When Jia Ke heard this, he knew that the ethnic minorities in the south were discriminated against by the Han people to such an extent that even a general with a command of 8 horses was not qualified to enter this hall.

But Jia Ke couldn't correct the thinking of these people for a while, because these scholar-bureaucrats were very stubborn after all.

Jia Ke then changed the subject, "How is the food collection going?"

Guo Yujian asked that there was nothing sloppy about the business, "If you go back to the King of Yan, all the food and grass have been raised, and the young ones have notified all over Yunnan to prepare more than [-] strong men for the adults. Deliver food and grass to the front line."

Jia Ke was quite satisfied after hearing this. It seems that the governor of Yunnan is still capable and capable of doing things.

In the next few days, Jia Ke ordered his men and horses to meet up with the wolf soldiers, and then 2 elites from all over Yunnan had also arrived.Just wait for the troops from Guangxi to arrive before heading south.

As a result, on the third day, the troops from Guangxi came to Yunnan, led by Wu Lu, the general soldier of Guangxi.

Jia Ke saw that the troops had been prepared, and immediately ordered the governor of Yunnan, Guo Yuxiang, to deliver the letter of credence to King Annan.

The general meaning of this letter of credence is this: Annan, as a vassal state, has repeatedly violated the celestial dynasty. Today, King Yan of the Shang Kingdom is a thousand years old and has millions of soldiers. He intends to hunt Annan. If King Annan still has a trace of remorse, he should come here. Pleading guilty, in this way, the lives of Annan Kingdom will be spared, and the ancestral temple of King Annan will not be lost.

Guo Yu sent this letter of credence to Shenglong City, the capital of Annan.

While Jia Ke was waiting for Annan King Ruan Zhengyu to reply, he was not idle either.

Since he got Jia Mu's book on making equipment, he has been studying with a new one. Attacking Annan this time can be regarded as a small attempt.

The artisans of General Jia Ke, as well as well-known artisans from all over Yunnan, gathered together and distributed the drawings one by one for them to make carefully.

These craftsmen have been engaged in the trade of craftsmen for several lifetimes. If they are asked to invent something, they do not have the ability, but if they say that their craftsmanship is superb, it has been passed down for several lifetimes.

As soon as Jake's blueprints were sent to these old craftsmen, they gathered together to study carefully for a day or two, and finally started to make them by hand, and soon sent the things on the same paper to Jia Ke.

Jia Ke looked at these things carefully and was very satisfied.

The most powerful of these utensils are the eight-ox crossbow, the catapult, and the ramming cart.

Among them, the eight-ox crossbow is the most delicate and complicated to make, but its power can be said to be the pinnacle in ancient times.

This eight-ox crossbow can shoot a distance of one or two thousand steps, and it can also shoot multiple arrows at once. Coverage kills.This is simply an ancient machine gun. If more than a dozen of these crossbows are placed in front of the formation of the two armies, no matter how many people there are in the enemy army, they will not be able to approach the formation.

While Jia Ke was tinkering with these strange obscene techniques, King Ruan Zhengyu of Annan received the letter of credence, and was so angry that his seven orifices smoked.

In Ruan Zhengyu's heart, although the northern celestial dynasty has a huge territory, its soldiers are very cowardly. Since he took the throne, he has invaded the north more than ten times, and each time he returned with a full reward.

As for the northern celestial dynasty, the most punishment for themselves is to send envoys to ask for accountability, and as long as they say a few good words, they will be safe and sound.

So Ruan Zhengyu thought that the army of the Celestial Dynasty was weak, but it was only because of their large size that they could coerce the south. If they really fought, they would really not be afraid of him.

Now the other party actually sent a letter of credence and asked him to go to plead guilty, how could he bear it.

So Ruan Zhengyu was furious and wanted to send someone to execute the envoy.

Although Ruan Zhengyu was a little arrogant, the ministers under him were sober.

This person was none other than his prime minister, Li Guangqing. Seeing that the king was about to execute him, he hurried out to stop him.

"Your Majesty can't be like this. Although the Northern Dynasty invaded for no reason this time, there is a saying that the two armies are fighting each other without beheading the envoy. Please ask the king to stop the thunder and let this person go back. This also shows the national prestige of our southern kingdom of Da'an."

Although Ruan Zhengyu was still bristling with anger after hearing this, she calmed down for a while.Then he said to the envoy: "Go back and tell your Jia Ke that my Da'an Southern Kingdom has a million armored heroes to dominate the south. If he dares to come, I will wipe out his entire army and hang his head in Shenglong City."

The emissary had already been terrified by Ruan Zhengyu just now, and now he didn't have any rebuttal to Ruan Zhengyu's words, and only agreed.

Ruan Zhengyu couldn't help but feel more confident seeing the envoy's cowardly appearance, so he waved his hands and asked the soldiers to drive the envoy away.

After the envoy was driven away, Ruan Zhengyu said to the civil and military personnel in the main hall: "The Northern Dynasty was unkind and violated our border. Now this king wants to lead a large army to conquer, what do you think?"

All the civil and military personnel in the main hall heard this and started to talk about it.

Most of these people are still very afraid of the Kingdom of Heaven, because they know that the Kingdom of Heaven has a huge territory and a large population. If they really want to make things difficult for Annan Kingdom, who has a small land and few people, how can they be an opponent?

That is, Annan Kingdom was able to win for a while, but the northern celestial dynasty did not give up and sent people to attack continuously. If the time dragged on for a long time, it would drag Annan down even if it was delayed.

Being able to fight against the Celestial Dynasty now has the upper hand, but it is only because the Celestial Dynasty did not concentrate its energy on the south. Now that the Celestial Dynasty Yan Wang leads the troops to the south, I am afraid it is going to settle accounts with An Nanguo.

General Ruan Tiande of Shenwuwei knew very well that Annan's strength was like the light of a firefly compared with the Celestial Dynasty, and compared with Haoyue.

Moreover, Ruan Tiande knew more clearly that the center of gravity of the Celestial Dynasty was in the north, and their elite troops were all in the north to resist the Tatars.And these troops in the south are just old, weak, sick and disabled.

If the Celestial Dynasty sent the elite troops from the north to the south to conquer Annan, with the bravery of those soldiers who fought against the Tatars all the year round, Annan's army might be even worse.

Now Ruan Tiande was very anxious when he heard that the emperor wanted to lead the soldiers to the north to confront the Celestial Dynasty, so he came out of the squad to persuade him: "Your Majesty, the Celestial Dynasty is powerful, this time the King Yan of the Celestial Dynasty will lead the troops to the south, and the leader must be the North." The elite who fought against the Tatars, we are fighting against them is like hitting a stone with an egg, and the most important thing is to send an envoy to the north to seek peace."

After Ruan Zhengyu heard this, he smashed a piece of jade in his hand to the ground, and now he was blushing with anger. If it wasn't for the fact that Ruan Tiande was of the same clan as himself, he would have pulled him out and beheaded him.

"Shut up for me, there is no one who has not fought, first builds up the ambition of others, and destroys his own prestige."

Seeing the king's anger, Li Guangqing was afraid that Ruan Zhengyu would do something to Ruan Tiande in his anger, so he hurried out and said: "Your Majesty, Ruan Tiande is speechless, please forgive him this time."

After hearing this, Ruan Zhengyu finally suppressed his anger, so he tossed his sleeves and said to Ruan Tiande, "I miss you old, forget about this time, but let's go back and retire from now on."

Ruan Tiande is now burnt, but he has no choice but to kneel down on the golden palace and kowtow to the king a few times, then tremblingly took off the black yarn on his head, put it aside, and finally stood up trembling Trembling out of the hall.

At this moment, all the civil and military objections of the Manchu Dynasty were swallowed up, and they dared not speak out again. Even the elders of Ruan Tiande, who were relatives of the emperor, were kicked out of the court. They went out to persuade, Isn't that just the head falling to the ground immediately?
Ruan Zhengyu saw that the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty were silent, and angrily slapped the table and said, "I want to go north, what do you think, please tell me quickly."

At this time, Ding Xiaochun, who was the Taiwei, could only stand up and say: "Your Majesty, since we want to go north to fight against the enemy, then we must be fully prepared."

Ruan Zhengyu saw that someone finally came out and wanted to talk about something serious, so he hurriedly said: "Old Ai Qing, but it's okay to talk."

Ding Xiaochun cupped his hands upwards, and then said: "I think that we should gather the elites from all over the country, especially the four guards who tame elephants and the four guards who are free from horses. As long as we have these eight guards, together with the cooperation of other guards, we may be able to defeat the current army. enemy."

(End of this chapter)

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