Chapter 634
As soon as Jia Ke saw Xiao Yue asking for a fight, he put down the idea of ​​fighting in person, and said directly to Xiao Yue: "Be careful, don't be careless."

When Xiao Yue was young and full of vigor and pride, after listening to Jia Ke's words, he said nonchalantly: "What can you do with a mere barbarian? My lord, sit quietly in the formation, don't go back as soon as you go."

After Xiao Yue finished speaking, he urged the white dragon horse who sat down, and came to the front of the formation with a three-pointed double-edged knife in his hand.

"The barbarian on the other side heard it. A certain family is Xiao Yue, the commander of the Fenwu Camp. That person dares me to fight Sanbaihe."

Ruan Zhengyu saw a young general in white robes, white horses and silver helmets flying out from the opposite side. He was born with a face like a crown jade, very beautiful.

And Chen Tai, who had already come to the front of the battle, seeing Xiao Yue's arrogance, didn't talk to him, raised his iron gun, urged the BMW, and went straight to Xiao Yue.

Xiao Yue didn't show any weakness, he waved the three-pointed and two-edged saber to meet him.

Chen Tai acted first, he raised his hand and shot straight at Xiao Yue's face, Xiao Yue raised the three-pointed two-edged knife to the side, then moved the head of the knife to offer the tail, and stabbed Chen Tai's chest.

Chen Tai really deserved to be Annan's warrior, when he saw Xiao Yue's sword coming, he dodged the move by lying on the saddle bridge.

Then the two men fought together with swords and guns.

After five or six rounds, Chen Tai felt a little sore in his arms, and he couldn't hold back.

Xiao Yue also saw that the opponent was about to lose, so the speed of the three swords became faster and faster, and they kept cutting around Chen Tai.

This Chen Tai knew that if he didn't leave, he might lose his life, so he took his time, and desperately poked the iron spear in his hand like Xiao Yue.

Xiao Yue turned the three-pointed double-edged knife, and gently pulled out the gun. Chen Tai had been waiting for this move for a long time. When he saw Xiao Yue's empty door opened, he immediately threw the iron gun out of anger with both hands. He poked around in his arms and took out a golden dart.

Chen Tai didn't hesitate, he threw the golden dart towards Xiao Yue with his hands.

When Xiao Yue saw that the other party was angry with the iron gun, he knew there was a fraud. At this moment, he saw a flash of cold light and went straight to his face, and he was shocked.

Since Xiao Yue came out of the mountain, he had never lost a battle under Ben Bray's hands, so he was a little arrogant.

But Xiao Yue is a general with great skills after all, seeing that Han Guang had already rushed to the door, he tried his best to dodge to the side, the fire dragon dart brushed Xiao Yue's shoulder and flew out.

Fortunately, the silver armor on Xiao Yue's body was not an ordinary thing, so the bloody disaster was avoided.

When Chen Tai saw that Xiao Yue was safe and sound under his darts, he immediately panicked, besides, he had no iron gun under his hand, so he turned his horse's head and was about to flee to the main formation.

How could Xiao Yue let him go, he hung the Sanjian two-person knife on the bird's wing ring of the victory hook, took out the carved bow from behind, drew the bow and set an arrow, and aimed an arrow at Chen Tai's back.

Chen Tai didn't have Xiao Yue's ability, when he heard the sound of the bow and wanted to hide, it was too late, the arrow directly passed through his neck.

Chen Tai's body immediately fell off the horse, one of his feet was still hanging on the horse stool, and the horse dragged his body all the way back to the main formation.

Xiao Yue killed his opponent, urging the white dragon horse to wave the three-pointed and two-edged saber in front of the battle non-stop.

On Jia Ke's side, drums were beating like thunder, and they cheered for Xiao Yue together.

Just as Xiao Yue was showing off his power in front of the battle, a general flew out from the opposite side.

This man is thin and dry, as if he doesn't have much strength, but he is holding a pair of sledgehammers in his hands. From this look, if the sledgehammers are real, the strength of these two arms is not small.

Ruan Zhengyu, who was behind the formation, showed displeasure when he saw this person. It turned out that this person was not a general of Annan Kingdom, but a savage in the mountains.

Chen Tai met this man while hunting, and then recommended him to Ruan Zhengyu's subordinates. Because of his ugly appearance, Ruan Zhengyu didn't pay much attention to him, and even because of his ugly appearance, he had an interesting dislike for him. Wu Yi drove him out a long time ago.

But this person was somewhat loyal, he saw his recommender was killed by Xiao Yue, he was not angry, he took a big hammer, stepped off the BMW and went straight to Xiao Yue, wanting to avenge his recommender.

Sitting on the horse, Xiao Yue saw an unattractive monster coming out from the opposite side, but he was carrying the pair of big hammers, so it should not be underestimated.

The monster didn't talk when it came to Xiao Yue, but raised the big hammer and smashed it down. Xiao Yue saw that the opponent's hammer was very huge, so she didn't dare to parry it, but just picked it aside cleverly.

To say that this person is also a jerk, seeing that Xiao Yue didn't dare to parry his own hammer, he became even more arrogant, swinging the big hammer didn't have any moves, just kept smashing at Xiao Yue like a shooting star chasing the moon.

Although Xiao Yue possessed martial arts, he couldn't use them even when he was attacked continuously by the opponent.

Xiao Yue thought to himself that this was not the solution, so he thought about it as soon as he rolled his eyes.

I saw that Xiao Yue was showing his weakness, as if he was invincible, urging the white dragon horse to run away, the little man saw the opponent fleeing, immediately shouted excitedly, urged the sitting BMW to chase after him.

When Xiao Yue was about to approach her own formation, she suddenly took out something from her bosom, which was a threaded silver hammer.

Xiao Yue waited for the two sides to get closer and closer, and suddenly returned, throwing the silver hammer like the face of the monster opposite.

Although the man at the back was extremely powerful, he had no formal training after all, and his martial arts skills were sloppy. When he saw the opponent throwing the silver hammer, he was immediately a little dumbfounded. He had never seen such an attack method.

But this person's reaction is really sensitive, I saw that he didn't care about other things, turned over and fell off the horse.

As soon as Xiao Yue saw this situation, the stepping horse fought back and before the opponent got up, the three-pointed double-edged knife had already landed on his neck.

This man got a three-pointed two-edged knife to his neck, and he became honest immediately.

Then Xiao Yue greeted, and a dozen soldiers rushed out from behind, and tied up the monster tightly.

Ruan Zhengyu looked at it from behind the formation and couldn't help being furious.

And next to Ruan Zhengyu, there was also a general. This person was not someone else, but Ding Gao, the deputy of Shenwu Four Guards. Speaking of this person, he had the highest martial arts among the Shenwu guards. If it wasn't for Ruan Tiande, he was the royal family A veteran, his qualifications are placed there, this Ding Gao has long been a general of the Four Guards of Shenwu.

"Your Majesty, the last general is not talented, so he took the opponent's head and fell under his command."

Ruan Zhengyu saw that this person turned out to be Ding Gao, so he promised him with a smile on his face, "If the general kills this enemy general, this king will let you succeed the general of Shenwu Four Guards."

Ding Gao was overjoyed when he heard King Annan's promise. He thought he was proficient in swords and horses. He had never met an opponent in the past few years. In his eyes, he urged the horse to go before the battle.

Ding Gao's head is as big as a bucket, with broad arms and round waist, a cinnabar face, short face and broad cheeks, eyes like copper bells, and a red beard under his jaw. His arms are as strong as a thousand catties. A series of big swords, weighing 120 jin, sat down a group of Huang Biao BMWs.

He doesn't talk about moves when confronting people, just relying on his big knife is enough to kill people, and he uses one force to drop ten times.

The man didn't even talk to him when he came to the front of the formation, he took the nine-ring sword and slashed at Xiao Yue's head.

Xiao Yue did not neglect either, he parried the three-pointed two-edged saber in his hand upwards, only to hear a clang, this sound only shocked the ears of all the people in front of the formation.

Xiao Yue felt a little sore in his shoulders just at this moment, and immediately understood that the person coming opposite was probably not short of physical strength, so he didn't dare to neglect, swung the three-pointed and two-edged knife in his hand, and did not fight him hard. Fighting, using clever energy, the three-pointed and two-edged knife turned into a cold light, flying up and down around Ding Gao.

This Ding Gao didn't show weakness, he waved the nine-ring sword left and right to cover.

These two men were right in front of the formation of the two armies, and they were killed in complete darkness.

I saw that one is a black iron tower, one is beautiful, one is strong, one is clever, one is a nine-ringed knife, and the other is a three-pointed blade that breaks a thousand catties.

The two fought fiercely and fought for more than 100 rounds before the battle, and there was no winner.

Looking at the battle between the two from behind the formation, Jia Ke couldn't help nodding. This general really has some skills.

As for Xiao Yue's ability, Jia Ke knew it. Among the close generals under his command, Xiao Yue's martial arts can be said to be ranked first. This general can fight him for such a long time, which shows his ability.

So Jia Ke couldn't help saying, "What a black iron tower, what a great general."

While Jia Ke was admiring, Ben Bulei, who was next to him, was a little reluctant to see this situation.

"Master, why build up the ambition of others and destroy your own prestige, and wait for the servant to go and kill this person."

Jia Ke looked at Ben Bray next to him and laughed. Now Ben Bray has married a wife and had children in the capital, and he has also built a house near the capital. Jia Ke thought that such a gentle township had been consumed. His vigor was aroused, but he didn't expect that he would get angry as soon as he entered the battle. It really is that the situation is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change.

"In that case, you go and replace Xiao Yue."

Ben Bray was overjoyed when he heard this. This time he came with Jia Ke, thinking about being rewarded for his meritorious service, and being promoted to a noble.

It turns out that ever since Ben Brean established his family, he has been concerned about it, and he no longer only knows how to eat and drink as before, and doesn't take money seriously.

When he left Beijing, he promised his wife that he would save 3000 taels of silver when he returned to the front line.

And when his daughter-in-law left, she had already discussed the use of the money, which was to go to a small village in Baoding.

Therefore, Ben Bray was very active in front of the battle this time. Just now, when he saw that Xiao Yue couldn't fight the opponent, he thought about the merit he went to make.

Now he heard Jia Ke promised to immediately mobilize the green-maned beast under his command, brandishing his big iron spear, and ran towards the front of the formation. While running, he yelled to the opposite side, "That barbarian should stop being rampant, don't be arrogant, See your grandpa come to meet you."

Xiao Yuezheng and Ding Gaozan were fierce, and when they heard Ben Bray's call behind them, they were a little unhappy. They said that I have fought this brute for more than 100 rounds, and it is possible to win after fighting for dozens of rounds. , Why are you here to join in the fun.

Ben Bray didn't care about Xiao Yue's thoughts, he rode his horse to the front of the battle, and shouted to Xiao Yue: "Master misses you tired, let you go back for a rest, and leave this person to me."

Xiao Yue didn't want to give in at first, but seeing that Ben Bray had come up in disregard of his face, and he couldn't fight this brutal general with him, so he could only wave the three-pointed double-edged knife and quit the battle circle.

(End of this chapter)

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