Chapter 637
While Ruan Zhengyu was complaining and sighing, a pair of crossbowmen suddenly rushed out from the camp of the Annan Army. These people let go of the fleeing defeated soldiers, and then formed a formation in front of the formation, so they began to draw their bows and release them. arrow.

Ruan Zhengyu's eyes lit up when he saw this scene, maybe he still has a chance to recover.

It turned out that this archer was under the command of An Nanguo Taiwei Ding Xiaochun. He watched his troops suffer a complete defeat from the tall buildings in the camp. Under such circumstances, my own side may be completely wiped out.

So Ding Xiaochun didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately got off the high platform, ordered thousands of archers under his command, and rushed out of Dazhai.

This round of random arrows temporarily blocked the ground. Jia Ke was afraid that his army would lose too much, so Ming Jin immediately stopped the attack, which allowed An Nanguo to escape.

Ruan Zhengyu fled back to the camp surrounded by the guards, and he was relieved to see that Jia Ke did not attack with his army.

At this time, Ding Xiaochun, who was slowly retreating back to the camp, came to Ruan Zhengyu's side, cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, the people in the Central Plains are too powerful to fight again. You should fight with them with deep trenches and high fortifications. retreat."

Ruan Zhengyu has nothing to say now, and can only agree one by one.

So from this day on, An Nanguo never fought against Jia Ke again. They kept deep trenches and high fortifications, guarding the camps tightly, not seeking meritorious deeds, but seeking innocence.

Jia Ke challenged for several days in a row, but the opponent refused to fight. Jia Ke also saw the opponent's intention, which was to refuse to defend the camp, so that he would automatically retreat due to shortage of food and grass.Maybe there is another idea, which is to lure myself to attack the stronghold, and finally use this stronghold to kill and injure a large number of my own troops.

In the previous confrontation with the Tatars, the Tatars had always been the main attackers. Jia Ke was stationed on the side, and then killed and wounded a large number of Tatars while defending. Unexpectedly, they lost all of them now.

Jia Ke intends to attack the opponent's camp with his army, but he knows that if he does so, his side will suffer heavy losses.

So Jia Ke didn't act too hastily, but sent thousands of wolf soldiers who were familiar with the route nearby to inquire about the geographical situation of the mountains and rivers, as well as the route for An Nanguo to transport grain and grass.

These wolf soldiers are accustomed to walking in the mountains. They divided hundreds of routes to infiltrate An Nanguo from all directions, and protected the Han scribes who followed them. In less than half a month, An Nanguo and the vicinity of the Central Plains The mountains, rivers, geography, rivers and roads are all clearly understood by them.

Jia Ke got the information, studied it carefully, and found that the border between Annan Kingdom and the Central Plains is indeed densely populated with mountains, and there are only two roads leading to the Annan Kingdom Camp.

Jia Ke looked at the map and sneered, "If you don't fight and want to use up my food, I will let you run out of food first."

Now that Jia Ke had made up his mind, he didn't hesitate. He immediately ordered Wu Lv, the commander-in-chief of Guangxi, to lead [-] wolf soldiers into the territory of Annan Kingdom, and began to harass the other party's food roads. support.

Wu Lv has also served as the commander-in-chief on the border for so many years, so he naturally has a better understanding of An Nanguo's affairs.

He knew that the people in An Nanguo were still very belligerent. If he wanted to block the two roads, the other party would definitely attack him desperately. I'm afraid he couldn't take care of both.

So Wu Lu personally led his own soldiers and hundreds of wolf soldiers first.

Wu Lu went to the main road first, and it turned out to be a wide and straight road. This road was newly built on a plain, and the road was convenient for the passage of the army. An Nanguo's grain and grass mainly passed through this road.

When he came to another road, he saw that this small road was built along the mountain, and the form was very dangerous. It can be said that this place is indeed guarded by one man, and no one can open it.

But because of this, since there is no critical pass here, as long as this road is destroyed, it will take a lot of effort to dig through it again.

Wu Lv had an idea after inspecting the two roads separately. He immediately ordered the wolf soldiers to destroy the trail.

To say that it is easy to destroy is difficult to build. When building this small road built on the mountain, An Nanguo did not know how many craftsmen and how many years it took to complete it. Now that Wu Lv gave an order, tens of thousands of wolf soldiers started together , or take a shovel or a wooden stick, and within a day or two of effort, this path was destroyed for more than ten miles.

Don't look at it and ruin these ten miles. If you want to dig through it again, it will take a lot of effort.These roads are built close to the mountains, and they cannot gather a large number of young and strong people, so there are very few people who can really participate in the project. To dig through the roads of more than ten miles is a day and night, and it does not take a few months. Don't even try to succeed.

Wu Lv was not satisfied until now, so he left 1000 people here, and as a response, the others were taken to that avenue by him, where he blocked the road and built a big camp.

Just as Wu Lu's camp was set up, he received a report from the soldiers, saying that hundreds of people were coming from the opposite side to pass through here with food and grass.

It turned out that those Annan people who were transporting grain and grass did not know that the camp in front of them was under Wu Lu's command. They thought it was their king Ruan Zhengyu who sent it here to defend.

Since this was the case, Wu Lu was naturally not polite. He first lured these people into the camp, and then ordered the soldiers to swarm up, disarm and capture these people. The food and grass that were transported over became Wu Lu's possessions.

In this way, An Nanguo's convoy transporting grain and grass to the north was intercepted by Wu Lutong when it came near the road. As a result, An Nanguo's camp began to gradually become scarce in grain and grass.

Ruan Zhengyu didn't pay attention at the beginning. He thought it was the officers in the rear who started to slack off, so he sent his personal guards to urge them, but these people never looked back.

Seeing that the food and grass in the camp were dwindling day by day, Ruan Zhengyu realized that something was wrong.

So Ruan Zhengyu didn't dare to neglect, and immediately ordered Ding Xiaochun to take 1 people to check the situation.

Ding Xiaochun is also a lifelong battle. At the beginning, he was a general under Ruan Zhengyu's father, and after Ruan Zhengyu's father passed away, he was an important minister of Tuogu.

Now that Ruan Zhengyu has entrusted him with the important task of checking the passage behind, he naturally dare not neglect.

When Ding Xiaochun was marching south for a day, he suddenly came to report that the mainland in front had been blocked by a military camp.

Ding Xiaochun immediately knew that it was probably this team that had robbed his food and grass.

So Ding Xiaochun led his troops to the front of the big camp, and saw that the camp had deep ditches and high fortifications.Standing on the plain, the camp is heavily guarded with people coming and going.

Ding Xiaochun knew that with his 1 people, if he wanted to attack this camp by force, all of them would be dead, and they would not be able to break through.

So he had no choice but to order people to go to call the formation, hoping that the opponent would come out for a decisive battle. With the bravery of these people under his command, they might be able to defeat the opponent.

Wu Lv received the report from the horse scout and knew that the Annan people had sent troops to clear the road, so he went to the gate of the camp to look outside.

I saw that there were only [-] people on the other side, and the team was not organized, the armor was not good, and many people didn't even have complete weapons.

Originally, this weak brigade, if Wu Lu played, would definitely win a complete victory, but Wu Lu restrained the troops not to fight.

Wu Lv had figured it out a long time ago. This time, his task was to block this road, so that the Annan camp would have no food and grass. There was no need to go out and fight with them. Not only would they lose soldiers and horses, but if they lost, they might lose their lives. Not guaranteed.

So Wu Lu immediately issued an order to the surrounding chieftains in Guangxi and Yunnan, "From now on, no one is allowed to fight. If there is any violation, there will be no mercy."

These chieftains originally wanted to kill these people and make some contributions, and then ask for their rewards in front of King Yan.

They didn't know that the commander-in-chief would let them stand still. It is impossible to say that there is no resentment in their hearts, but they also know that the Central Plains Dynasty has strict military discipline, so even if they have resentment, they can only bear it.

Ding Xiaochun spent a whole day fighting against the enemy in front of the camp, but Wu Lu did not go out to fight.In the end Ding Xiaochun found out that the opponent seemed to be determined not to fight, so he could only attack by force.

So Ding Xiaochun set up a camp three miles away from Wulu's camp, and then asked the soldiers to bury the pot to cook and rest early.

When it was the third watch, Ding Xiaochun suddenly beat the drums to gather the generals, and then Ding Xiaochun ordered all the soldiers to tie white cloths on their left shoulders.

After getting ready, Ding Xiaochun quietly approached Wu Lu's camp with his troops.

After Ding Xiaochun approached the Wulu camp with his troops, he found that although the camp was well built, the soldiers were not well-defended. It seemed that they didn't take people like himself seriously.

Now that he had this opportunity, Ding Xiaochun naturally couldn't let it go, he immediately marched straight forward.

The soldiers guarding the camp gate didn't expect that the other party would come to rob the camp, so they were very lax. When the other party approached the camp gate, they found them and hurriedly knocked on the gong to remind the camp, but it was too late .

Ding Xiaochun rushed into Wu Lu's camp like this, and set fire to kill everywhere, but Wu Lu's camp did not have a unified command, although the wolf soldiers were ferocious, they fought on their own, and couldn't stop the opponent's attack for a while. .

Wu Lu was also a bit careless, he thought that the other party would come from a long way, and after another day of yelling and cursing in front of the camp, he must be exhausted, so he didn't expect that the other party would come to steal the camp and rob the camp. When Law reacted, his camp was already in chaos.

And Wu Lu was also awakened from his sleep by his own soldiers, and when he understood the situation, his face turned pale with shock.

Wu Lu's heart is not good. If he loses this time and allows the other party to open up the road again, King Yan will definitely not let him go lightly after he returns. At that time, not only himself, but his family members may also be implicated.

After Wu Lv wanted to understand this, he knew that he had no way out, so he immediately asked his own soldiers to bring the BMW. He turned on his horse and held a big gun, and galloped in his camp, calling out to the nearby rebels. The target is the leader of the opponent.

(End of this chapter)

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