Chapter 641 Captive
After hearing Ruan Zhengyu's order, the soldiers around Ruan Zhengyu immediately stepped forward to arrest Li Guangren, and then dragged him out without any explanation. After a while, there was a scream beside him, and then a soldier dragged Li Guangren's head in to return his orders.

Ruan Zhengyu looked at the man's head in disgust, and then said: "Hang this head on a high pole to warn the generals."

Seeing that the matter had been dealt with, Li Guangqing had nothing to do, the most important thing now was what to do next, so he quickly stood up and said to the king, "Your Majesty, there is no need to delay now, we should rush to Longcheng Pass day and night, as long as we When we arrive at Longcheng Pass and defend it with this, even if the opponent has a million troops, it will not be easy to attack."

At this moment, Ding Hao, who was standing beside him, said: "Your Majesty, on the road ahead, there is still a Central Plains army blocking our way. If we don't defeat this army, I'm afraid we won't be able to reach Longcheng Pass."

When Ruan Zhengyu heard this, he immediately remembered the army that had been looting his logistics supplies.

If this army hadn't caused huge logistical troubles to him, he wouldn't have been able to retreat. Thinking of this, Ruan Zhengyu felt his teeth itch with hatred.

"Ding Hao, you immediately lead 5 troops, and you are the vanguard of the army. You must defeat this army."

Ding Hao didn't hesitate to accept the military order, and immediately clicked on 5 horses beside the road. Although these people had traveled all night, they were very tired and unwilling to move on, but Ding Hao was not as indecisive as Ruan Zhengyu.

Anyone who dared to disobey his order was immediately killed by him. This time he frightened these bastards, so it didn't take long for them to be rectified.

Ding Hao immediately moved forward with his troops.

Li Guangqing watched Ding Hao rectify the troops and turned away, turned to Li Guangqing, watched Ding Hao rectify the troops and left, turned around, and said to Ruan Zhengyu: "My lord, we should also prepare, in case the barbarians from the Central Plains attack, We're going to be wiped out."

After hearing this suggestion, Ruan Zhengyu felt that it was right for him, so he didn't delay any longer, and ordered the army to set off immediately and retreat towards Longcheng Pass.

The soldiers of An Nanguo were about to set off after hearing this, and they all sighed. After all, they didn't rest all night last night. They just ate some porridge just now, and now they are on their way again. Everyone can't stand it.

But there was an order from above, and they had to obey, so they packed their bags one by one, and by the time they finished packing, it had been an hour or two.

Ruan Zhengyu stomped his feet while watching, but he didn't dare to urge him too much, he could only be anxious there.

Finally, in the afternoon, they started to set off as a whole team, but they delayed the precious retreat time, so it was a catastrophe.

When An Nanguo's army marched southward for more than ten miles, suddenly there was loud thunder behind them.

But anyone with a bit of military common sense knows that this is when a large number of enemy cavalry began to approach.

As soon as Ruan Zhengyu saw this situation, he knew it was not good, and immediately ordered all the troops to stop immediately, and then rectify the soldiers and horses, at least to resist the chasing cavalry from behind.

But these two 10,000+ people dragged on for more than ten miles, so there was no way to rectify it. Before the soldiers of An Nanguo gathered together, the cavalry from the Eight Banners behind had already arrived.

Zhenghuangqi led Jirigra, and the cavalry with his Zhenghuangqi took the lead. When he approached An Nanguo's brigade, he saw that they were in a mess.

How could he let go of such a good opportunity?So Jirigla immediately ordered the cavalry under his command to charge.

The cavalrymen of the Zhenghuang Banner had all fought with the Tatars on the grasslands before seeing the snow. Many of them were even Tatars themselves before, and their bravery was something that these small countries in the south could not understand.

Zhenghuang Banner only has 1 horses, but as soon as they rushed into the army of An Nanguo, they rushed from left to right and killed them, as if entering an uninhabited land.

Those people in An Nanguo couldn't resist at all, so they could only flee in all directions, which made An Nanguo's army even more chaotic.

When Ruan Zhengyu saw this scene, he knew that if the army was not allowed to calm down, the entire army might be wiped out again this time.

So Ruan Zhengyu ordered his generals to gather all the soldiers, about 5000 people, let them, the most elite and best equipped, go forward to resist the impact of Zhenghuangqi.

Not to mention, these people are quite powerful, they are equipped with excellent armor, and they are all strong and strong.

As soon as these thousands of people went up, they immediately hindered the pace of the Zhenghuangqi cavalry's forward charge. Seeing this situation, Jirigla also sneered. The cavalry on the grassland never charged forward in a rigid and dogmatic manner.

Following Jirigla's order, the [-] cavalrymen of the Zhenghuang Banner immediately divided into two groups, and bypassed the patchwork army.

Next, the cavalry of the Zhenghuang Banner circled around this fairly well-equipped bodyguard team.

They kept wandering, showing the characteristics of prairie cavalry who are good at riding and shooting, and kept drawing bows and arrows in the middle.

The cobbled together troops in the middle looked scary, all of them were well-equipped and fierce, but now they couldn't even touch the edge of the Zhenghuang flag, let alone go forward to fight.

At the beginning, these people were still desperately chasing the Zhenghuangqi cavalry with their two legs, but later they couldn't run anymore, and they were all downcast. They stood there and looked at the Zhenghuangqi cavalry in the distance. Just after stopping, Jirigla came back with someone.

The infantry guarded by the ministers chased Zhenghuangqi for a long time, and when everyone was out of breath, they naturally had no strength to confront Zhenghuangqi again.

As a result, they were torn apart by Zhenghuang Qi, and they were completely wiped out by Zhenghuangqi when they saw these elites.

Ruan Zhengyu retreated a few miles to the south under the protection of a group of generals and soldiers. He looked back and saw that the well-equipped personal soldiers he sent out were about to be wiped out, so he felt that this place was not safe anymore. , Immediately, the people in one place ran to the south at full speed.

At this time, the other seven banners of the Manchu Eight Banners also rushed to the battlefield, and immediately surrounded the hundreds of thousands of infantry present in the middle.

These infantrymen haven't rested since last night. They just ate some porridge and were urged to go south by their generals. Now they see that they are surrounded, and they all have no fighting spirit. Many of them threw their weapons and sat down. On the side of the road, they really didn't have the strength to fight. This kind of thing is to follow the crowd. Others saw so many people throwing down their weapons and surrendering, and their king and those senior generals all ran away. There was no need to continue fighting, so he followed the trend and dropped his weapons, waiting for the Central Plains army to receive them.

When the Eight Banners soldiers saw the weapons that the Annan soldiers had thrown away, they seemed to have surrendered, so they did not continue to attack. To them, these people were all good slaves, how could they be wasted?

So the leaders of the Eight Banners discussed on the side of the road for a while, and divided the 20 people into 8 waves. Each of them got a part of each banner, which was regarded as the spoils of this trip south.

Among them, Jirigala of the Zhenghuang Banner received the most slaves. First, they were the first to catch up with the enemy army in the Zhenghuang Banner, disrupted the opponent's formation, and wiped out the opponent's most well-equipped personal soldiers. They made great contributions, so they were allocated nearly 7 slaves.

At 10 o'clock in the afternoon, the wolf soldiers who are good at walking in the mountains finally followed up, and then the Chinese army led by Jia Ke.

After Jia Kebao came, she watched the Manchu Eight Banners excitedly, pointing around her captives, thinking that this was not a bad idea. In the end, she really didn’t know how to deal with them and killed them. The killing of captives is unknown.Let it go, after going back, it will be Annan's strength again.You keep it for yourself, and you have to feed them with food.

Now that the Manchu Eight Banners are in charge, it would be good for them all to be brought back to the grasslands as slaves. After all, these captives are also Jia Ke's own property.

As soon as Jirigla saw Jia Ke coming, he immediately came to Jia Ke in three steps at a time, and said flatteringly with a smile on his face: "Master, you don't want these captives anymore? You can bring them back to us." Go to the grassland, so that you can graze your cattle and horses."

Jia Ke pretended to think about it, and finally said helplessly, "Hey, I was talking about taking these people to the Central Plains to build roads."

Jirigla became tense when he heard this. He looked at Jia Ke with expectant eyes, afraid that Jia Ke would say that he would take all these slaves back.

Jia Ke squinted at Jirigla, "I'll take advantage of you this time, but it won't work if there are slaves in the future. After all, there are so many of us and we can't give all the benefits to your family."

Jirigla smiled immediately after hearing this, bowed his waist and kept bowing to Jia Ke, "Master, put your heart in your stomach, and then you must leave some soup for the other generals to drink."

Jia Ke nodded and waved him to deal with the slaves.

After Jirigla left Jia Ke, he ran back to the middle of the Manchu Eight Banners in three steps at a time, and told the tribe what Jia Ke wanted, and the cavalrymen of the Manchu Eight Banners immediately cheered like thunder, facing Jia Ke's direction. The direction shouted hooray together.

This time, almost all the soldiers of the Eight Banners who participated in the battle could get one or two slaves. How much effort would it save if they brought them home?My wife and children should suffer less.

You must know that life on the grasslands is very difficult, and everyone's life span is short. With the help of these slaves, their wives and children can be spared, and their parents can live for a few more years.

This is a very realistic problem. Once a catastrophe occurs on the grassland, the elders of the clan will leave consciously and go to the wilderness to fend for themselves. This is also a habit formed by grassland people for thousands of years, and it is also They wrestled with nature and formed cruel wisdom.

(End of this chapter)

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