Chapter 648 Guerrilla
Ruan Zhengyu turned around abruptly, staring at Ruan Tiande fiercely.

At this time, Ruan Tiande was still crying in the cell.

Ruan Zhengyu stared at Ruan Tiande for a while, then flung his sleeves and left the cell. The guards and the cell boss who were in charge of the cell followed Ruan Zhengyu closely.

After Ruan Zhengyu came to the square of the prison, he pondered for a moment, and said to the old man next to him, "Prepare a sumptuous dinner for Uncle Huang tonight, and then send him away."

The prison boss often does this kind of thing, now that he heard Ruan Zhengyu's words, he naturally understood what the king was thinking.

"Your Majesty, the little one must be taken care of by your Majesty, and send the General on his way properly tonight."

Ruan Zhengyu nodded in satisfaction after listening, and then went back to the palace.

On the way back to the prince, Ruan Zhengyu was thinking about the solution Ruan Tiande gave him.

Although Ruan Tiande wanted to exchange Ruan's family for the whole Annan, which he would not do, but some of the strategies he came up with could still be used by him.

In the prison, according to Ruan Zhengyu's instructions, the head of the cell prepared several exquisite side dishes and a jug of good wine, and delivered them to Ruan Tiande's cell at night.

Seeing this scene, Ruan Tiande didn't understand that their king might not be able to tolerate him anymore.

Ruan Tiande did not cry, but silently poured a glass of wine and drank it down.

Seeing Ruan Tiande like this, the cell boss next to him was also a little sad, "My lord, you are still too stubborn. If you could say a few nice words, how could you have fallen to where you are today?"

Ruan Tiande shook his head, and then said: "It's not that I'm too stubborn, it's that the king only has one family and one family name in his heart, and I, Annan, will be in trouble soon."

The prison chief thought for a while, and then asked in a low tone: "I heard you talking to the king, has it really reached this point?"

Ruan Tiande thought for a while and said, "It's even more dangerous than this. If it's a bad moment, our Annan Kingdom will become slaves of the Central Plains people for generations."

The jailer trembled a little after hearing this, but Ruan Tiande smiled and said to the jailer: "You don't have to worry, I have already thought about your escape route, you take my letter to my house, and my family members will naturally Will keep you safe."

The old man's eyes lit up after hearing this, and he immediately left the cell. After a while, he prepared the Four Treasures of the Study and a small table, and sent them to Ruan Tiande's side. Ruan Tiande wrote a letter without hesitation, and then Carefully seal it and hand it over to the old prison chief.

That night, the letter was delivered to Ruan Tiande's home, and Ruan Tiande's son sighed for a while after reading the letter.So they prepared secretly, and in the next few days, Nuan Tiande's family members left Shenglong Mansion little by little in the form of mouse moving, and headed south.

Early the next morning, Ruan Zhengyu immediately ordered the convening of a court meeting, and all civil and military ministers with status must go to court.

Ruan Zhengyu sat on the big seat above the treasure hall, looked at the people below and said: "Now I am in danger, and all the lovers have nothing to do in the discussion of the past few days. If this is the case, this king will act arbitrarily."

All the ministers below breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this, and now they really don't have any ideas to come up with.

Ruan Zhengyu said with an excited face: "The Central Plains has no way and invades our territory. Naturally, we Annan people should rise up and resist."

Ruan Zhengyu said that he looked down at the civil and military people below, and saw them standing there expressionless, and he sneered in his heart. For the benefit of the family, these people don't care about the country's major affairs at all, and now I let them steal Chicken can't eat rice.

"It is at a time when the country is in crisis, and we must destroy our family and build our country. I pass on the king's order and order all the nobles in the south to immediately gather their family members and cronies, gather in Shenglong City, and wait for the king's arrangement."

Ruan Zhengyu thought about it all night last night, and felt that if he wanted to consume his strength, it would be better to use up all the strength of the nobles in the south first, even if he was defeated in the end, he could still survive in the south, otherwise he would use up all his troops, and he Arriving in the south alone, he was no longer the puppet of these nobles in the end.

After listening to Ruan Zhengyu's words, some of the ministers standing there cheered up immediately, while others whispered.

Because these great civil and military ministers whose homes are in the north are naturally willing to send the southern troops to the north for reinforcements.

And these civil and military ministers in the south were extremely unwilling to go north to fight Jia Ke with an egg against a rock.

These whispering ministers finally elected one person, and it was Grand Tutor Du Lin.

This Du Lin is not an ordinary person either, he is a great noble in the south and the leader of the nobles in the south.

In order to win over these people in the south, Ruan Zhengyu's father specially invited him out of the mountain and appointed him as Ruan Zhengyu's tutor. It was because of this move that the south began to rebel from time to time and began to calm down.

Ruan Zhengyu didn't dare to neglect this person when he came out, "Teacher, I don't know what advice I have."

After Du Lin came out, he stroked his gray beard, and then said: "My lord, now that the north has fallen, all the supplies of the imperial court depend on the south. If the south sends troops to resist, I am afraid that the place will be unstable. In the opinion of the veteran , since the south has already sent supplies, let the north send troops."

Ruan Zhengyu's face changed after hearing this.He already understood that these nobles in the south had already thought carefully.

"This is absolutely impossible. The invasion of foreign enemies naturally requires concerted efforts. How can we divide the north and the south? I have made up my mind, so there is no need for the Taifu to say more."

Seeing this situation, Du Lin wanted to remonstrate again, but how could Ruan Zhengyu make him speak again, he directly ordered the people below: "Immediately pass on the king's order, and the nobles in the south must raise 20 yuan for the king. People and horses."

The civil and military people below began to change their faces when they heard the people in the south here. You must know that for the densely populated and economically developed areas in the north, 20 horses can still be raised.

But for the south, except for the Champa generation, it is still prosperous, and other places are not densely populated. It is not so easy to raise the 20 people.

But Ruan Zhengyu had taken the weight and made up his mind, and he must let the south gather troops quickly.

Although Du Lin had no choice but to agree to Ruan Zhengyu in the court hall, after they returned home, the nobles in the south held meetings one after another.

Although they complained a lot among them, Du Lin still took the overall situation into consideration. As the leader of the south, he temporarily suppressed all kinds of complaints. After all, when the country is in danger, the nobles in the south have to make certain decisions. compromise.

So these noble leaders in the capital wrote letters and sent them to the south, asking their families to prepare quickly.

After a lot of effort, they finally raised 20 people and sent them to the vicinity of Shenglong Mansion. Now there are more than [-] people near Shenglong Mansion.

But Ruan Zhengyu was not optimistic about these troops. How could these mobs who had just been assembled compare with the 50 million elite soldiers in the Central Plains?

Although Ruan Tiande has some faults, his strategy is still good.

So Ruan Zhengyu sent the 20 troops to the south according to Ruan Tiande's strategy, and began to attack Jia Ke's troops going south on the main road.

Although these men and horses are not worth mentioning in a frontal war, they seem to be natural experts in these sneak attacks.

These people were either broken up into pieces, or suddenly concentrated. They kept attacking Jia Ke's troops going south. In particular, Jia Ke's two teams were harassed several times. If it weren't for the heroic wolf soldiers in Guangxi, they would have killed these people. , I am afraid that Jia Ke will lose a large part of the food.

And Jia Ke had foreseen this situation a long time ago, but Jia Ke didn't take it seriously. If it was in modern times, these guerrilla warfare tactics are still very powerful.

However, in ancient times, transportation was inconvenient and transportation was also very difficult. If it was an army without supplies for a long time, it would soon collapse.

So Jia Ke ordered the captive soldiers under his command to gather all the villages and towns they encountered, and then put these people together in several important strongholds.

Although Jia Ke's move was a bit frenzied, it was very effective. Annan's attacking troops lost important supplies.

It seemed that the number of these sneak attacks was not small, and they were very rampant at the beginning, but after losing supplies, the frequency of attacks gradually became weaker and weaker, and in the end they were unable to even launch a large-scale attack.

In the end, these people were even captured by Jia Ke's soldiers, and they followed the trail to find several places where soldiers were stationed. This made these Annan soldiers become fish caught in a net.

According to Jia Ke's statistics along the way, they killed at least [-] Annan soldiers on the road from Longcheng Pass to Shenglong Mansion.

In fact, Jia Ke didn't know that the Annan soldiers he wiped out were far more than that.

When these remnant soldiers returned to Shenglong Mansion, Ruan Zhengyu counted and returned only 3 to 10,000 people, and the other [-]+ people all disappeared.

Ruan Zhengyu was also very satisfied with the arrangement this time. After losing so many troops in the south, it seems that he will be very honest in the future.If he is defeated and retreats to the south, his safety can be guaranteed.

But Ruan Zhengyu didn't know that on the secret path leading to the south, 10,000+ people were rushing back day and night.

It turned out that Du Lin had already seen Ruan Zhengyu's thoughts, so Du Lin also came up with a countermeasure, that is, he followed Ruan Zhengyu's orders on the surface, went to harass Jia Ke, and secretly withdrew most of the elite to the south.

Du Lin also has his own little calculations, as long as there are people around.In the future, no matter whether Ruan Zhengyu wins or loses, they will be safe in the south.

The worst plan is to surrender to Jia Ke. At that time, Jia Ke will also need them to stabilize his rule. Although there will be some losses, the foundation will not be lost, and it will take a few years to recover.

Naturally, Ruan Zhengyu didn't know this. Now, he felt that he had no more worries, so he gathered all the 30 troops he had just assembled in Shenglong Mansion, and wanted to fight an offensive and defensive battle with Jia Ke to weaken Jia Ke's strength as much as possible. In this way, when he retreated to the south, Jia Ke was unable to invade the south and could give him a respite.

On the second day of Ruan Zhengyu's preparations, Jia Ke brought five 10,000+ people to Shenglong Mansion.

Ruan Zhengyu stood at the top of the city and looked at the endless troops below the city. He was not afraid that it was a lie. Originally, the Central Plains troops were elite, plus the 10,000+ Annan soldiers who surrendered on their own side, this battle is not easy to fight. .

(End of this chapter)

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