Chapter 658

Jia Ke glanced at Ruan Zhengyu in the prison car, expressionless, and directly ordered the soldiers under his command to take over the prison car, then cupped his hands and said to Arontai, "The king of your country understands righteousness, and from now on, we will never commit any crimes between our two countries."

Only then did Alongtai feel relieved, he was afraid that Jia Ke would get Ruan Zhengyu, and he still had a peeping heart towards Thailand.

After that, the two of them retreated without saying a word.

Jia Ke returned to the big camp, and immediately brought Ruan Zhengyu to the big tent.

Ruan Zhengyu came to the big tent and looked at Jia Ke sitting in the middle, with a look of resentment in his eyes.

Seeing that Ruan Zhengyu had entered the tent, Jia Ke didn't kneel down to salute her, and was a little displeased.

Those escorting Ruan Zhengyu were all Jia Ke's personal soldiers, and when Jia Ke frowned, they knew their master was unhappy.

So the two looked at each other and kicked Ruan Zhengyu's knee fiercely at the same time.

Ruan Zhengyu only felt a sharp pain, and couldn't stand anymore and fell to his knees with a plop, but he immediately realized that he was struggling and was about to get up, and the two soldiers behind him couldn't help him get up, so they held down one left and one right. Ruan Zhengyu couldn't stand up no matter how hard he struggled.

Only then did Jia Ke nodded in satisfaction, and said to Ruan Zhengyu below: "King Annan, my dynasty treats you well. At the beginning, my emperor Taizu helped you quell the rebellion, so that your ancestors can sit firmly in the country. How dare you repeatedly violate my border now?"

Ruan Zhengyu knew that there was no reason to survive this time, so he also risked it.

"Although your celestial dynasty helped my ancestors, your country has always been weak, but you occupy great rivers and mountains. Naturally, I want to do justice for the heavens and fight for slaves and land for the people of Annan."

After hearing this, Jia Ke was furious. King Annan was already at the end of his rope, and he dared to speak such nonsense.

"Come here, drag Ruan Zhengyu out of the tent and behead him for public display."

Just as Jia Ke finished giving his orders, Sun Yan, who was standing next to him, immediately came out to remonstrate, "My lord, you can't, Ruan Zhengyu is the king of Annan. It is right for me to plunder him back to the capital, kill him in the Taimiao, and announce it to the world. Now To kill him in the camp is to take advantage of the king."

Jia Ke was also furious for a moment, but after hearing Sun Yan's words, she immediately understood that Ruan Zhengyu wanted to provoke herself deliberately so as not to be humiliated again.

So Jia Ke quickly ordered someone to release Ruan Zhengyu.

Ruan Zhengyu entered the big tent again, looked at Jia Ke, and saw that Jia Ke was smiling, and the angry face was no longer there. He knew that Jia Ke had seen through his plot, and now there was nothing he could do, so he could only stay silent. .

Jia Ke didn't talk nonsense with him anymore, and ordered someone to lock him up again.

After that, Jia Ke rested on the spot for three days, and then returned to Annan's Shenglong Mansion with the army.

After Jia Ke returned to Shenglong Mansion, he asked people to settle down the army and let the soldiers rest. After all, the soldiers were tired from fighting for so long, and it was time to relax.

But Jia Ke summoned all the generals in the main hall of the royal palace of Shenglong Mansion.

After all the soldiers arrived, Jia Ke sat in the middle and said to the people below: "This time, the king was ordered by the emperor to conquer Annan, and the process went smoothly. Now that Annan has surrendered, how should we deal with Annan's affairs next? Do you have any suggestion?"

If the generals below are talking about attacking, killing and defending, they are naturally one set, but if you ask them to talk about governing the local area now, it is of course asking Yu Blind.

Seeing them like this, Jia Ke didn't hold much hope, so she turned to Sun Yan and said, "Master Sun is the foreman of the military aircraft, what can I tell you now?"

Sun Yan was Jia Ke's most important civil servant in the military camp, so he naturally did his part. He came out of the shift and said to Jia Ke, "Now Annan has two methods to stabilize the situation."

Jia Ke nodded with a smile on his face, and asked Sun Yan to continue talking.

"The first one is to choose a young child from Annan's royal family as the king, and send our civil servants from the Central Plains as prime ministers, so that Annan can quickly stabilize."

Jia Ke was noncommittal after hearing this method, and it took a lot of money and food to bring down Annan with great difficulty. Now, isn't another king just looking for him?

Sun Yan quietly raised his head and saw that Jia Ke didn't make a statement, so he knew that he was a little dissatisfied with this method, so he quickly said the second method.

"What's more, set up the Annan Protectorate and order the general to lead it. Although Annan still resisted a little for a while, he will naturally surrender after a long time."

Only when Jia Ke heard this was he satisfied, "What you say makes sense, sir."

After Jia Ke finished speaking, he looked at the generals below, and finally said, "Where is Wu Lu?"

Wu Lu stood below and listened to Jia Ke and Sun Yan's words, his heart jumped up and down. He had been peeping at the job of guarding Annan for a long time. Now that Jia Ke changed his name, he immediately left the shift. Jia Ke cupped his hands and said, "The end is here."

Jia Ke is still very satisfied with this Wu Lv. Since he followed him to fight for Annan, he has taken the lead in every battle and has not made any mistakes.

"Wu Lu, this king has appointed you as the governor of the Annan Governor's House. I hope you will guard Annan and contribute to the country."

After hearing Jia Ke's words, Wu Lu was naturally overjoyed. Wu Lu knelt down on the ground, clasped his fists upwards and cupped his hands: "Please rest assured, my lord, but there will be a breath in the end, and Baonan will be safe."

Jia Ke nodded, but did not let him stand up, but continued to instruct: "You guard Annan, use barbarians to control barbarians, contact more with those Annan nobles who have surrendered to us, and let them contribute more to pacifying the place."

Wu Lv nodded quickly after hearing this. In fact, he also understood that the region Annan had just conquered was bound to be unstable. With the help of these nobles, the local affairs would soon be calmed down.

Jia Ke then asked Wu Lv to stand up and ordered again: "Starting this year, Annan must pay the imperial court 500 million dans of grain every year, not one grain less."

Wu Lu didn't feel any pressure after hearing this. He also inquired in private that the place in Annan is rich in three crops a year, and it is still possible to hand in 500 million dans of grain a year.

Jia Ke saw that Annan had finished his orders, so he said to the generals below: "Rest for ten days from now. After ten days, the army will return to the north and return to their respective camps."

For the next ten days, Jia Ke no longer restrained the soldiers under his command, and these soldiers rushed to Shenglong Mansion in a swarm, and began to have fun.

There were many incidents, such as going to the brothel and not giving money, or beating people by eating the king's meal. The most abominable thing was that some people dragged many women from good families into the mountains and insulted them.

These things were reported to Jia Ke, and Jia Ke dealt with them gently. The one who insulted women was beaten with 30 military sticks and let go.

Jia Ke had his own ideas. These soldiers followed him through life and death, and now they are not in his own country. Letting them indulge, as long as there is no large-scale commotion, it can be regarded as some reward for them.

On the 10th day, the soldiers who had been outside for a period of time returned to the camp.

On this day, Jia Ke took the soldiers and escorted Annan King Ruan Zhengyu to start his journey back north.

And now the people of Shenglong Mansion can be regarded as relieved, they have been harmed by these Central Plains soldiers in the past ten days.

After Jia Ke left Shenglong Mansion, Wu Lu became the emperor of the original Annan Kingdom and now the Annan Governor's Mansion.

And Wu Lu is also self-aware, he knows that he still has some ability in military-style management, but he doesn't have the ability to manage places.

So Wu Lu thought about it all night in the house, thinking of the instructions Jia Ke gave him before leaving, asking him to use barbarians to control barbarians, and he came up with an idea.

On the second day, Wu Lu held a meeting in Shenglong Mansion and summoned all the An Nanguo officials who had defected to him.

Wu Lv announced at that time that from now on, all the troops of Annan Kingdom would be commanded by himself, and no one could mobilize a single soldier without the military order of the Annan Governor and Protectorate.

Those An Nanguo officials below knew that such a day would come, so they didn't resist.

Then Wu Lv's face softened, and he said to the people below: "The governor is in charge of the military, and he has no time to separate himself, so he is going to hand over the government affairs of the Annan Governor's Mansion to you."

The officials below all stared wide-eyed after hearing this. They did not expect that Wu Lv would delegate such a large amount of power.

Wu Li looked at the Annan officials below, with a surprised expression, and smiled slightly: "This governor, follow the example of the imperial court to set up a military aircraft department, and will also set up a government affairs department in Annan. I will appoint three people to serve as bachelors in the government affairs department."

When Wu Lu said this, the eyes of the Annan officials below all lit up, and one of them looked at Wu Lu with expectant eyes.

"Old Mr. Du Lin is quite prestigious in Annan Kingdom, and he has made military achievements in this battle against Annan, so he can be appointed as the chief scholar."

After hearing this, Du Lin's heart skipped a beat, so Du Lin came out of the shift and said to Wu Lu, "Don't worry, Governor, from now on I will swear to serve His Royal Highness King Yan to the death."

Wu Lu was very satisfied after hearing his words, "Then the next one is Wang Jie, who will also join the Administrative Affairs Office as a bachelor."

Wang Jie was just a lecturer in the Hanlin Academy in An Nanguo, but he did not expect to reach the sky in one step and became one of the three people in charge of government affairs in Nanguo.

"The last bachelor will be Li Weng, former Minister of the Household Department of Annan Kingdom."

From then on, An Nanguo began to gradually stabilize under the two-pronged governance of Wu Lu's army and the three An Nanguo universities in the Government Affairs Office, Huairou.

Even more than ten years later, it became another granary of the Central Plains Celestial Dynasty. In addition to the 500 million dans of grain paid to the imperial court every year, it even had the ability to send several million dans of grain to the imperial court.

Besides, Jia Ke left Shenglong Mansion, led the soldiers all the way north, entered the territory of the Central Plains, and then sent the soldiers from Yunnan and Guangxi to return to their respective camps. An Nanbing, continue to go north.

The journey was not as rushed as it was when we came here. Jia Ke led the team, and sometimes they walked thirty or forty miles a day, just like traveling in mountains and rivers.

In this way, they arrived in the capital after walking for two months.

Outside the Shili Pavilion in the capital, Fan Kang had already brought all the civil and military officials there to greet him. When they received Jia Ke's arrival, they knelt down and congratulated Jia Ke together.

Jia Ke saw a large group of civil and military ministers kneeling outside the Shili Pavilion. He quickly got off his horse and walked a few steps to the side of the group of people. He first helped Fan Kang up, and then said to the ministers behind him: "Everyone! Please get up quickly, it doesn't have to be like this."

(End of this chapter)

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