Chapter 67 Kaipingwei
Jia Ke was very surprised when he heard his answer. These few answers almost reported Kaipingwei's current situation to him.Instead of simply answering him in one sentence.It seems that this Zheng Kai intends to seek refuge with him, and even so, he first arrived in Kaipingwei, and he also needs someone who understands the local conditions. He wants to seek refuge, and he has no reason not to accept him.

So Jia Ke stood up, came to him, patted him on the shoulder and said: "Brother Zheng Kai knows Kai Pingwei's situation so well, he will stay with me for the time being, and I will arrange a job for you when the opportunity arises. I don't know what you want."

After hearing Jia Ke's words, Zheng Kai knelt down excitedly, and said to Jia Ke: "After a humble job, you will be an adult. You can go up the mountain of swords and go down the sea of ​​fire with a word from an adult."

Jia Ke was very satisfied with his statement, but she didn't fully believe him. She was making a decision whether to fully accept him or not based on his future performance.Now is the time to employ people, so use them first.

So Jia Ke ordered Zheng Kai to lead the way, and then Jia Ke and his party followed Zheng Kai to Kaipingwei.

Zheng Kai himself led the way slowly, and ordered one of his cavalrymen to go back quickly to report that Lord Qianhu had arrived, and let the adults greet him outside the gate of the fort.

After walking for about an hour, Zheng Kai respectfully said to Jia Ke: "The Kaipingwei is in front of you, my lord."

After listening to what he said, Jia Ke set up an awning and looked forward.I saw a castle in front of me. The stone walls of the castle were towering, the crenels stood tall, and the gun holes were deep. The whole castle looked fortified.

When Jia Ke and the others approached the castle, they saw dozens of military officers in armor and several civil servants standing outside the city gate.

When Jia Ke came up on horseback, the officers knelt down on one knee, bowed their hands and saluted Jia Ke and said, "Your subordinates are waiting, welcome Lord Qianhu."

Jia Ke hurriedly got off her horse, walked up to the officers, put her hands on her hands, and said, "Everyone, please get up quickly. I'm new here, and I need your support in the future."

Only then did the officers stand up. Zheng Kai was beside Jia Ke and was introduced one by one by Jia Ke.These officers are all chief and deputy officials of Kaipingwei.

While listening to Zheng Kai's introduction, Jia Ke carefully observed everyone's faces, and found that most of them were full of respect.There are only a few who don't know how to be unruly, or have other plans in their hearts, and they don't show much respect to Jia Ke.

Jia Ke wrote down the expressions of these people one by one, then exchanged a few words with everyone, and was about to enter the castle.

At this moment, those people who looked like civil servants walked over slowly.He cupped his hands and bowed to Jia Ke, and the leader said flatly: "My subordinates didn't know about Lord Qianhu's arrival, and never greeted him from afar. Please forgive me, Lord Qianhu."

Zheng Kai hurriedly introduced, "My lord, this is Lord Wang, the chief bookkeeper of the fort, who is in charge of the Kaiping Guard's document exchange and the distribution of money, food and resources."

After listening to Zheng Kai's words, Jia Ke finally understood why this person dared to be so unreasonable, and even dared to be indifferent to himself, a superior.

Jia Ke held back the dissatisfaction in her heart, and thought to herself, she still doesn't understand the situation, so she will bear with him for a while, and settle accounts with him after she has grasped the situation.

So Jia Ke, with a smile on her face, stepped forward and took Master Wang's hand, and said to Master Wang, "From now on, I will leave the writing work to Master Wang." Acropolis gate to go.And the crowd followed closely behind, and they all entered Kaipingwei together, Zheng Kai led the way in front, and soon arrived at the mansion of Qianhu in Kaipingwei.

At this time, Master Wang said to Jia Ke: "Your Excellency has just arrived, and I have been tired all the way, so I will not go in and disturb Your Excellency. Let me take my leave." Without waiting for Jia Ke's answer, he left without looking back.Then the rest of the civil servants also left.

Among the remaining [-] households, some saw that Master Wang had left, and found various reasons to leave.

Jia Ke was angry in her heart, she didn't show a little bit on her face, she was still smiling and asked the remaining one hundred households and nearly one thousand households to continue the conversation.

The rest of the hundred households did not refuse once and followed Jia Ke into the hall of the Thousand Households Office. Jia Ke sat in the center, and all the hundreds of households stood on both sides.

Jia Ke looked down at the sun, and there were fourteen white households left behind.It seems that these are fourteen hundred households, and they intend to get closer to themselves.That being the case, it should be done in batches.From now on, the fourteen households will be my team.

Jia Ke first asked the following hundred households to introduce themselves, so these hundred households introduced themselves one by one. Unexpectedly, these 14 hundred households were all infantry hundred households, that is to say, all the six hundred households who left were all It was from the cavalry, which made Jia Ke very strange.

Next, when the fourteen hundred households expressed their loyalty to Jia Ke, Jia Ke immediately accepted them one by one.The next step is to have fun with the host and guest.Since Jia Ke had just arrived, the house hadn't been tidied up yet, so he couldn't invite all the sincere families to have a drink, but the guests and the host still had a good chat, and finally Jia Ke personally sent them outside the mansion.

Jia Ke returned to the hall of the mansion, and saw Zheng Kai that you did not leave, but waited in the hall.Jia Ke nodded to him in satisfaction.

Jia Ke sat down in the hall again, and asked him intentionally or unintentionally, "They're all gone, why don't you go?"

Zheng Kai hurriedly replied: "I still have something to report to my lord, so I stayed here for now."

Jia Ke said little by little, "Since that's the case, you should sit down and talk slowly."

Zheng Kai just sat gently on the chair closest to Jia Ke, and then said to Jia Ke: "My lord, is it strange that all the infantry households are left today, while the cavalry households are all gone."

Jia Ke nodded solemnly and said, "Yes, this is exactly my doubt."

Zheng Kai said to Jia Ke: "To be honest, Kaiping Guard originally had two deputy Qianhu households, each in charge of seven infantry hundred households, while your lord personally controlled six cavalry hundred households."

After hearing what he said, Jia Ke was even more surprised. Shouldn't the six cavalry households approach him, while the other fourteen infantry households either waited and watched or moved closer to the master?Why is it the other way around now?

Zheng Kai saw Jia Ke's doubts, and explained to him: "Your Excellency, I don't know, the Lord Wang is the cousin of the former Qianhu, and the brother-in-law of the prefect of Xuanfu Town. So the six cavalry Baihu, They all look forward to the head of the king. And the two deputy thousand households were frightened after the death of the previous Wang Qianhu. Your lord is here, so naturally you have to rely on him. After all, your lord is a legitimate official of a thousand households."

After hearing what he said, Jia Ke understood completely, but he didn't pay much attention to Master Wang.You must know that in the officialdom, it is the first-level official who crushes people to death, not to mention that he is the chief official of Kaipingwei. The master Wang said it is not good, but he is just a clerical.Fighting for power with a thousand households with him is just relying on the magistrate of Xuanfu Town.But he forgot that the fortress here is closed by military law, and he is not a serious civil servant, but just a subordinate of the army.At that time, Jia Ke can find any reason to deal with him.As for the so-called magistrate, there was nothing he could do about Jia Ke.

Jia Ke is very satisfied with Zheng Kai now, and said to him: "When you go back, tell all your households that I will transfer you to listen to me. You go back and hand over, and then you will listen to me directly by my side."

Zheng Kai was overjoyed. In fact, it was no wonder that he fell down in front of Jia Ke and said, "I am willing to do my best for you, and I will definitely live up to your expectations."

Jia Ke nodded, comforted him a few more words, and let him retreat.

(End of this chapter)

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