Chapter 683
Jia Ke was somewhat taken aback by Wang Xifeng's fuss, but the beauty in her arms didn't stop. She hugged Jia Ke's neck, and said with orchids: "You also know that our family's difficulties all depended on me a few years ago. The dowry is only supported, and later I wanted to make up for it, but now that Princess Li wants to check the accounts, won't I be short of money and money?"

Jia Ge is now a little distracted by Wang Xifeng's teasing. If it was before, with Jia Ke's willpower, Wang Xifeng's actions would have no effect at all.

However, since Jia Ke ascended the throne as the emperor, many guards have been put down, so when it comes to women's sex, now she is quite willing to refuse anyone who comes.

Since Wang Xifeng is throwing herself into her arms now, Jia Ke is not a sage or gentleman. The two of them had been a little ambiguous before, but now they are naturally burning fire.

Not long after that, the two of them rolled onto the bed. Seeing this situation, Li Deshan, Jia Ke's personal eunuch, hurriedly withdrew from the main hall, and at the same time ordered the little eunuchs around to patrol around, just because he was afraid that someone would come in and bump into Jia Ke's. good thing.

In the dormitory of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Jia Ke is currently playing with Wang Xifeng, playing with dragons and phoenixes.

After everything calmed down, Wang Xifeng lay contentedly on Jia Ke's chest, playing with Jia Ke's hair non-stop.

"Your Majesty, I think we will be kicked out by that Li Zhi soon. You said that although our master has the title of a prince, he doesn't live in a house, and our second master Lian is even more dependent on others."

Jia Ke stroked Wang Xifeng's smooth back and said with a smile, "What's there to say? Isn't there a new palace next to it? I'll order uncle to live in the new palace."

"Our Elder Master has gone to the new palace, so Jia Lian is just living under the fence?"

Jia Ke immediately understood what Wang Xifeng meant, which was to ask Jia Ke to give Jia Lian a title.

If Jia Ke didn't decree to give Jia Lian a title, he might not be able to inherit Jia She's throne, because Jia She had a deep prejudice against Jia Lian because of Aunt Zhang's death that year.

Jia Ke thought for a while and said, "It stands to reason that Lian Er is the eldest uncle's son, so he should inherit the throne no matter what, but since you are in a hurry, I will make an order in advance."

After Wang Xifeng heard this, she pushed Jia Ke again and said, "What about the account books of the Rong Palace?"

Jia Ke felt a little annoyed when she heard this, why couldn't she control her lower body?This will cause endless troubles, and I'm afraid they will have to lose money.

"You go back and burn all the ledgers, and then take 5 taels of silver from me and send them to the warehouse. If Zhu Er's wife has anything to say, you can let her come into the palace to talk to the old lady and me."

Only now was Wang Xifeng completely satisfied, and then Wang Xifeng began to tease Jia Ke again, serving her diligently.It was only after the clouds cleared and the fog cleared that Jia Ke put on her clothes again under the service of Wang Xifeng. The two of them walked out of the bedroom and came to the main hall.

When Li Deshan saw the two people coming out, he hurried forward to pay his respects.

Jia Ke saw that it was Li Deshan who gave the direct order: "Take 5 taels of silver from the inner treasury and send it to Prince Rong's Mansion."

After hearing this, Li Deshan didn't dare to ask why, so he bowed his head and withdrew to work.

Seeing Li Deshan retreat, Wang Xifeng took Jia Ke's arm and said, "Er Lian's mind is on that Second Sister You now, can you find a way to get this person away for me?"

Hearing this, Jia Ke shook her head like a rattle. He didn't dare to agree to this matter. With Third Sister You's aggressive nature, if he really dared to do this, Third Sister You would dare to chase him in the palace with a sword .

Seeing Jia Ke's refusal, Wang Xifeng could only calm down, but he and she had other thoughts in their hearts.

Now Jia Lian seldom sleeps with her. Since Jia Lian is ruthless to her, Wang Xifeng, then don't blame yourself for playing tricks. Otherwise, when Third Sister You gave birth to a child and finally inherited Jia Lian's foundation, I'm afraid I will have to do it in the future. Living under the hedge of others, watching other people's faces.

So Wang Xifeng looked like Jia Ke next to her smiling, and touched her stomach at the same time, thinking, if she can't conceive once, then she will try again several times, and when she gives birth to this child in the future, Jia Ke should know it well , will not let their children have no end.

At that time, she would like to see what will happen to Jia Lian and that vixen.

After Jia Ge and Wang Xifeng finished speaking, they turned their heads to Li Deshan and said, "Send someone to send Second Grandma Lian back, and let them do whatever orders Second Grandma Lian has."

Li Deshan quickly agreed, and then withdrew from the Hall of Mental Cultivation. After a while, he recruited a few confidant eunuchs and asked them to wait outside the hall.

After a while, Wang Xifeng came out from inside.

Seeing Wang Xifeng coming out, Li Deshan didn't dare to neglect, so he hurried over to give her a thousand kowtows: "My servant pays my respects to grandma."

Wang Xifeng nodded casually, and then asked: "The person the emperor asked you to prepare for me, are you ready?"

Li Deshan heard this, and quickly recruited a few eunuchs, "Slave, it's ready for grandma."

Wang Xifeng nodded vigorously, took a careful look at the eunuchs, and then said: "Then I will keep these people for use, and ask them to greet you in the future."

"Grandma can do whatever you want, but aren't the slaves just running errands for the masters?"

Only then did Wang Xifeng nod, and then walked out of the hall, while Li Deshan behind him was holding his arm like a dog's leg, and sent her outside the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

At this time, outside the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Ping'er and the others were already waiting impatiently. When Ping'er saw Wang Xifeng coming out, he hurried over to help him. When he took a look, he found that Wang Xifeng's clothes were a little messy, and her face was rosy and moist. .

This Ping'er was startled, maybe something happened to grandma in the hall.

"Grandma, what did you say to the emperor in the palace just now, did the emperor agree to help you?"

Wang Xifeng glanced sideways at Ping'er, and then said nonchalantly: "The emperor has promised to pay me tens of thousands of taels of silver, don't ask me about other things."

Ping'er shut up immediately after hearing this, that's why Ping'er was so clever. Following Wang Xifeng, he saw that Jia's mansion had four personal maids, and now she was beside Wang Xifeng, leaving only Ping'er alone.It can be seen how clever Ping'er is.

Then the master and servant left the palace under the escort of several eunuchs, sat up again and returned to the Rong Palace.

Wang Xifeng didn't go to her own room either, but went directly to the accountant, and said to the eunuchs beside her, "Get all these accountants out of here."

These eunuchs were originally tyrannical people, when they saw Wang Xifeng's order, they didn't hesitate at all, so they went up immediately and drove out all the gentlemen who were settling accounts.

Wang Xifeng saw that the people had left, and said to Ping'er and the eunuchs: "Let me sort out all the books."

Ping'er didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly took these eunuchs to prepare all the books of the Rongguo Mansion over the years. There are probably several stacks, twenty or thirty books.

Wang Xifeng stepped forward to touch these ledgers, then smiled coldly, "I want to see how ugly I am, you haven't learned yet."

Ping'er was taken aback, not knowing who Wang Xifeng was talking about.

After Wang Xifeng said this, he immediately ordered the eunuch to take all these ledgers into the court of Rongxitang.

And this is outside the courtyard of Rongxi Hall, surrounded by countless servants, maids and servants. These people have heard the news and come to watch the excitement.

Wang Xifeng didn't care about the presence of so many people, so she ordered the eunuchs to put the ledgers locally, and then ordered someone to find a fire from the kitchen and light it immediately.

What Wang Xifeng did made Ping'er next to him scared out of his wits. This is too much to pay off. Why does this account book look like Li Zhi, who is now Princess Rong?

At this time, Li Zhi, who was in Rongxi Hall, also got the news, and immediately brought his maid to the courtyard. When he arrived, those account books had been turned into ashes.

Seeing this situation, Li Zhi straightened his eyebrows and opened his almond eyes.

If Li Zhi had given Wang Xifeng a few points in the past, but now that she is the majestic Princess Rong, Wang Xifeng doesn't know what will happen in the future, and she dares to be so unscrupulous with herself, that's okay.

"Lian's second daughter-in-law, what are you doing?"

Seeing Li Zhi coming, Wang Xifeng immediately put a smile on her face, came to Li Zhi in three steps and two steps, first gave her a blessing, and then said: "When I went back to the princess, it was because I accidentally walked out of the water." , these ledgers have been destroyed, and I am also in a hurry here."

Li Zhi looked at Wang Xifeng's smiling face, and now he felt extremely disgusted. This was embarrassing himself in front of everyone.

Wang Xifeng's heart is extremely happy now, the tens of thousands of taels that Jia Ke originally prepared, let her send it to the public house of Prince Rong's mansion, so that the family name can be used temporarily at that time.

But now Wang Xifeng thinks about it, it's better to keep the money for herself, and Li Zhi can do something to herself at that time, so she didn't mention Jia Ke's gift of money.

Li Zhi really can't do anything to her now, but Li Zhi couldn't bear it, so he glared at Wang Xifeng and said, "This is Prince Rong's mansion, Lian's second daughter-in-law, I think you should move back to uncle's place today." .”

Li Zhi said this, took a long breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and left Rongxi Hall with a flick of his sleeves.

Seeing Li Zhi leave helplessly, Wang Xifeng also sneered, and then unconsciously touched her stomach with both hands.

At this time, Jia Lian hurried back from the outside, and when he got the news of the accident at home, he immediately rode back to the mansion on a fast horse, regardless of the friends who had a drink with him.

When he came to Rongxi hall, naturally a servant told him the ins and outs, and he was both angry and happy when he heard this.

What made her angry was that Wang Xifeng was so unscrupulous that she dared to offend the current King of Rong, Jia Zhu. If Jia Zhu said a few words in front of the current emperor Jia Ke in the future, it would not make their family feel overwhelmed.

The good news is that this account book is completely destroyed, so the old accounts from the past can no longer be brought up, and the money he scooped up in the company can also fall into the pocket.

(End of this chapter)

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