The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 689 Business Tax

Chapter 689 Business Tax (1)

After meeting with the woman, Sun Yan paid more attention, and after the Military Aircraft Department finished handling the matter again, Sun Yan quietly came to Jia Ke's Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Then he told Jia Ke about this matter in detail.

Jia Ke is quite satisfied with this. It seems that Sun Yan has completely trusted himself, and Jia Ke also loves and hates Sun Yan.

Sun Yan is indeed capable. After he served as the chief minister of the military aircraft department, he handled the affairs of the court in an orderly manner, and he smoothed out all kinds of affairs in the world.

But Jia Ke suspected that he was half-hearted. Even if he confessed to Jia Ke to show his loyalty, Jia Ke was also very worried about him. If this young man was wiped out, Jia Ke would be able to use this person by then.

As for why not get rid of him and replace him with someone he can trust, it’s not that Jia Ke hasn’t thought about it that way, but over the years, after all, he has some feelings, and Jia Ke feels that he is in control and has controlled everything, so Be patient for a while.

The next thing went smoothly, and when the exam started, Sun Yan and Li Wenbin came to Jia Ke to collect the exam papers in person, and then entered Longmen.

Three days later, when the exam was over, all the candidates went out of the dragon gate, and went back to rest without mentioning it.

Sun Yan and the others still couldn't go out of Longmen, they had to review these test papers inside.

Of course, there were so many papers that the two main examiners could not go through them one by one. They had many examiners under their command. These people wanted to pick out the best of these papers and send them to the two main examiners.

Sun Yan stayed in his room for a day and a night before he received the paper from below.

Sun Yan took the test papers and didn't look at how talented these people were, but just picked them one by one to see if there was the code, but he couldn't find the code after looking it over.

Sun Yan is frowning a little now, this young man's literary talent really does not seem to be good, and among the hundreds of papers, he does not have one.

In order to be able to complete Jia Ke's task, Sun Yan could only order his officials to bring over all the candidates' papers, and he looked over them one by one.

As a result, I turned over the papers, but I couldn't see the code.

Sun Yan has hesitated until now, what is going on?Could it be that the young master saw the flaw and didn't take part in the imperial examination this time.

After Sun Yan and Li Wenbin hastily determined the ranking of candidates, he left Longmen and went straight to the palace.

When Jia Ke learned what happened from Lisun Yan, she was also a little shocked.

Jia Ke didn't think that the young man hadn't taken the imperial examination, but Jia Ke thought that the young man was too suspicious and he didn't trust anyone anymore.

Jia Ke took a few steps back and forth in the main hall, "Keep quiet after you go back, and continue to wait for the other party to contact you. I think this young man must have taken the imperial examination. If that young man wants to become famous quickly, he must leave. If you don’t fire you, the chief minister, they will naturally reveal the news to you.”

After Sun Yan listened to Jia Ke's instructions, he had no choice but to go back and wait for news.As a result, on the day when the list was released, no one contacted him.

Sun Yan was completely discouraged this time, he could only put his mind on the government again, and he could only temporarily put aside those young masters.

And Jia Ke was alone in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, looking back and forth and doing it like this, waiting was not an option, so he called out: "Li Deshan."

Li Deshan has been serving Jia Ke by the side all the time, when Jia Ke told him to step forward immediately to come behind Jia Ke, he asked softly, "Long live Lord calling a servant?"

"You heard what Sun Yan said just now. We can't just wait like this. You send someone to monitor all Gongsheng students under the age of 30 this time. If the young master takes the imperial examination, he must be among these people. .”

After hearing this, Li Deshan agreed hastily, and at the same time he was full of confidence in this matter. Although there were many people who participated in the imperial examination, only 200 of them won the Jinshi, and most of them were not young. There were more than a dozen or twenty of them, and these people were just easy for the dark guards.

After Jia Ke finished handling the matter, someone from below came to spread the word that Wang Xifeng had come to the palace to visit the emperor.

After Jia Ke heard this, she felt a little helpless. After she couldn't control herself that time, this Wang Xifeng came to see her every now and then.

"Let Wang Shizi wait in the side hall."

After Jia Ke finished packing, the eunuch hurriedly read the rest of the memorial, and then said to Li Deshan next to him: "You should pay attention to the next memorial. If there is something important, report it to me quickly. If it is not important, just wait." Let's deal with it together tomorrow."

After Jia Ke finished speaking, she hurriedly took the maids and eunuchs to the side hall.

As soon as he entered the side hall, there was a gust of fragrant wind blowing towards his face, and then Wang Xifeng threw himself into Jia Ke's arms.

As soon as Jia Ke stretched out her hand, she hugged Wang Xifeng in her arms, and then carried her into the inner room. After a while, there was a storm inside.

After the clouds cleared and the fog cleared, Wang Xifeng lay in Jia Ke's arms, touched his chest and said, "Jia Lian knows about our affairs."

Jia Ke was taken aback for a moment, and then said nonchalantly, "So what can he do if he knows? At worst, I'll just let him inherit the Jing throne smoothly in the future."

Wang Xifeng nodded after hearing this, and then asked again: "I haven't had my menstrual event this month, and I suspect it has. What will happen to this child in the future?"

Jia Ke immediately became happy when she heard that, hugged Wang Xifeng and kissed her, and said, "What's the matter? Just let him inherit the Jing throne in the future."

Wang Xifeng was a little worried, "Second Sister You is also pregnant, if she has a boy, Jia Lian will be willing in the future."

"You don't have to worry about this, it's up to him whether he wants to or not."

Only then did Wang Xifeng nod her head, and once again lay in Jia Ke's arms without saying a word.

In the days that followed, everything was peaceful, the little prince hadn't contacted Sun Yan, and now Jia Ke was more patient than anyone else, because as time went by, the little prince's hope of restoration became less and less.

Next, Jia Ke focused all his efforts on the reform of commercial tax and salt tax.

To say that the business tax of this dynasty has inherited the system of the previous dynasty, it is about [-] yuan, but due to the strong collusion between officials and businessmen in the local area, this regulation has already existed in name only, and some counties even pay only [-] taels a year. Commercial tax on silver.

Therefore, the annual business tax in the entire Central Plains is several million, which is simply unbelievable in Jia Ke's view.

Because the three major merchant gangs alone pay 900 million taels of silver to Jia Ke every year, which is even more than twice the commercial tax paid to the imperial court. It can be seen where the profits of these merchants have gone.

In order for Jia Ke to normalize the commercial taxation of the imperial court, and also for the benefit of the future, the commercial taxation must carry out a big move.

After Jia Ke made up her mind, she immediately summoned several of her confidants to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to discuss the matter.

They are Sun Yan, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, Minister of Military Affairs, Fan Kang, Minister of Rites, Jia Yucun, Minister of the Ministry of Households, and Admiral of the Nine Gates, and Secretary of the Ministry of War, Peng Bi.

After all these people arrived, I might as well tell them what was on my mind. After listening to these people, they were silently thinking about Jia Ke's intentions.

Seeing that they were silent, Jia Ke said, "The commercial tax is in a mess now. I heard that some magistrates and counties are proud of collecting less commercial tax. If this goes on like this, what will the court do for it?"

After listening to Jia Ke's words, Sun Yan agreed with his opinion, but he was a little embarrassed. The three major business gangs gave him a lot of tribute every year. If he directly collected business taxes, how could he be worthy of 10,000+ taels of silver every year.

So Sun Yan came out of the class to play and said: "Your Majesty, the way of governing the country has always been to emphasize agriculture and despise business. If the merchant tax is increased, I am afraid that the merchants will complain, which is not conducive to the circulation of goods."

After listening, Jia Ke looked at it like other people: "What do you mean? Do you agree with Sun Shoufu's opinion?"

The others looked at each other and couldn't open their mouths, because they had also received money. If they disagreed with Sun Yan at this time, those businessmen would have something to say.

Only Jia Yucun, who was standing in the middle, rolled his eyes a few times, and immediately came out of the shift and said to Jia Ke: "Long live, I do not agree with Mr. Sun's opinion."

Jia Ke listened and nodded, this Jia Yucun really deserves to be a hardcore man controlled by him, others still consider interests, he first considers his loyalty to himself.

"Play as soon as you have something to say."

"Long live, emphasizing agriculture and minor injuries is to pay attention to agricultural production, not to say that farmers should be taxed heavily, but ignoring business is to let the court not focus on business, the money will not be brought with life, death will not be taken, hunger will not eat, but not drink when thirsty."

Jia Ke nodded after listening, and then said to the people below: "What Jia Yucun said is exactly what I want. Now the burden on the peasants is very heavy, that is, they have to pay the imperial court's spring and autumn taxes, and they have to pay rent to the landlord. If the weather is good and the weather is good, you can barely make a living, but if there is a disaster, you may have to sell your sons and daughters."

All the people below knelt down together after listening: "Your Majesty's kindness is the blessing of the people of the world."

After listening, Jia Ke looked at them and did not ask them to stand up, but walked down the imperial steps and came among them.

"You people have rich clothes and good food, and you don't know the hard work of the farmers. I was in Xiacaozhuang and Wangjiatun back then, but I saw with my own eyes how farmers planed food in the soil. These two villages were both from the Jia family back then. National tax, otherwise it will be even harder."

After Jia Ke finished speaking, she sighed, then gave them a disappointed look, finally gritted her teeth and went back to Yujie Street, and said to them, "This time, I will make my own decisions. , At the same time, various prefectures and provinces will build gates to check whether passing merchants collect and pay taxes."

As soon as Jia Ke finished saying this sentence, although the people below were dissatisfied, they could only bite the bullet and agree.

Jia Ke thought for a while, this time, the merchants sleeping under so many injuries might not be satisfied, so she then ordered: "From this year on, Shanxi merchants and Huizhou merchants don't have to pay filial money, as long as they pay enough taxes, I will protect them."

(End of this chapter)

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