Chapter 697
Jia Ke took Shi Xiangyun all the way to Ningshou Palace, entered the main hall, and greeted Jia Mu and asked each of them to sit down.

Mother Jia was naturally happy to see Jia Ke and Shi Xiangyun coming together.

Jia Ke accompanied Jiamu and Shi Xiangyun to say a few homely words, then inadvertently winked at Jiamu.

When Jia Mu saw Jia Ke's expression, she knew that he had something important to discuss, so she smiled and said to Shi Xiangyun, "I left something good for you at the back, let them take you to have a look."

The mandarin duck next to him was also smart. Seeing this scene, he smiled and walked forward, bowing to Shi Xiangyun, "Imperial concubine, please follow the slaves to the back, where is the thing the old lady left for you?"

Shi Xiangyun didn't doubt that he was there, stood up, first greeted Jia Ke with a smile, and then followed the mandarin duck to the back.

When Shi Xiangyun left, Jia Ke told them again: "Take someone outside and wait outside. I will call you if something happens."

After Li Deshan finished listening, he immediately led all the maids and eunuchs in the palace out of Jia Mu's bedroom.

After these people withdrew, Mother Jia said with some blame: "What's the big deal, being so careful?"

In Jiamu's heart, her family has settled down in the world now, and there is nothing to do, so there is no need to be so cautious.

After listening to Jia Mu's words, Jia Ke organized his words in his mind, and then said: "Old lady, besides the queen, do the queen's family have other heirs in the world?"

After listening to Jia Ke's words, Jia's mother immediately tightened the smile on her face, then frowned and looked at Jia Ke, and finally thought about it in her heart, and then said: "I never heard that the righteous and loyal prince back then, at the end At this juncture, Qin Keqing was entrusted to your grandfather, and he did not say that there are other heirs."

Mother Jia paused after she finished speaking, and asked Jia Ke with a cloudy face, "Could it be that you have heard some news?"

Jia Ke sighed, and then said: "My secret guards have found out that Prince Yizhong not only left behind Qin Keqing, but also left behind a little son."

When Mother Jia heard this, she gripped the armrest harder and harder, and then she smiled coldly: "It seems that your grandfather's sacrifice was in vain. He still didn't trust our family at the last moment."

Now Mother Jia has completely abandoned the point of seeking to usurp the throne and her guilt.

Jia Ke nodded after listening, and then continued: "The child left behind by Prince Yizhong is in dire straits now. There are a lot of spies under him, and they have already reached out to our palace."

When Jia Mu heard this, she understood Jia Ke's meaning, "Is there something wrong with the Queen?"

"Qin Keqing probably already knew about this matter, but she kept it from me. I think she has ulterior motives."

Mother Jia frowned even more after hearing this, and then said to Jia Ke: "This kind of thing is better to be believed than not to be believed. We have taken away her family's country. Does she have no resentment at all? Can't keep it Now that we have contacted the outside world, we are going to seek to usurp the throne."

With the promotion of Jia's status, Jia's mother is becoming more and more dissatisfied with Qin Keqing. Back then, when Jia Ke was asked to marry Qin Keqing, it was to be loyal to the old prince Yizhong, and to use the power left by the old prince Li Yizhong to increase Jacques' wings.

But now that Jia Ke has successfully ascended the throne, the forces left by the old prince Yizhong are a bit of an eyesore.

Especially Qin Keqing, now Mother Jia is very worried that the next generation of the dynasty has the blood of the previous dynasty.

"Then what do you mean?"

After Jia Ke heard this, a look of pain appeared in her eyes. Since Qin Keqing married her, she has never made any mistakes in caring for her husband, teaching her children, and respecting her parents-in-law. Therefore, Xiang Jia Ke still has great affection for her.

Mother Jia also saw what Jia Ke meant, but there was a trace of hotness in her eyes.

"Emperor, don't have the benevolence of a woman. This is related to the great cause of our family. Don't make wedding dresses for others just because you have a little mercy."

When Jia Ke heard this, she immediately made up her mind, "Now is not the time. I will deal with the harem after I have wiped out all these people."

Jia's mother nodded after hearing this. Jia Ke's words are not bad. This matter should not be rushed. It will not be easy to find these people in case of alarming the snake.

The purpose of Jia Ke's visit to Jia Mu this time was to discuss with Jia Mu about Qin Keqing, the harem. Now that she has made up her mind, she has no intention of staying here.

Jia Ke bowed to Jia Mu with a disappointed face, said goodbye, then left the hall alone, and went back to Qianqing Palace.

After Jia Ke left, Jia's mother showed a smile on her face. Now she thought that as long as Qin Keqing was finished, then the next queen would be Shi Xiangyun from her family.

As long as Shi Xiangyun becomes the queen, her historian family can continue to be prosperous and rich.

In fact, Jia's mother also had some opinions on Jia Ke. Since Jia Ke ascended the throne and sat in the palace, he granted civil and military titles, but Jia Mu's two nephews were not granted.

Mother Jia also told Jia Ke about this matter, but Jia Ke's answer to Mother Jia was that the two uncles were already marquises in the previous dynasty, and they had no credit for this dynasty. How can they continue to be awarded if their titles are eliminated?
After Jia Mu was blocked by Jia Ke, she was helpless, because she knew what Jia Ke said was right.

But now things have turned for the better. As long as Shi Xiangyun is in power, their historians will definitely rise.

Things went on like this for another three months, and the Chinese New Year was about to come. This year, the world is going well. Through Jia Ke's reform of the tax system, the income of the imperial court has also greatly increased.

When the country's finances were sorted out for the last time before the Chinese New Year, Jia Yucun, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, sent Jia Ke's financial income for one year to Jia Ke's case.

It was only after Jia Ke saw the twists and turns of Jia Yucun that he understood the specific income and expenditure of the imperial court this year.

This year, the imperial court collected about 500 million taels of commercial tax, and the agricultural tax of the spring and autumn taxes also collected nearly 3000 million dans of grain.In addition, the 700 million dan of grain supplied by the vassal state.The court's revenue this year is more than double what it was last year.

Seeing these incomes, Jia Ke was quite satisfied with his achievements in the past year since he took the throne. According to this progress, excluding expenses, he would have enough energy to move northward after saving for another year or two.

At that time, not only will he be able to eliminate the serious trouble of the Tatars, but he will also be able to not harm the people at all.

Now I have to start to stabilize the interior, otherwise, when I lead an army of millions to the north, if something happens to the court, all previous efforts will be wasted.

"Li Deshan, how did you find out about Wang Yi?"

After listening to Jia Ke's greeting, Li Deshan rushed forward and said, "Go back to Lord Long Live, the slave has already sent people to track down the line of Wang Yi's contact, and there has been some progress."

"When will this organization be wiped out?"

Li Deshan thought for a while before saying: "If you go back to Lord Long Live, I'm afraid the slaves will not be able to figure out all their manpower until after the Chinese New Year."

"Then you have to hurry up, next March, I must have an explanation."

After hearing this, Li Deshan felt a little pressure in his heart, but since Jia Ke ordered it down, he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

Not to mention these people, but in the Wenhua Palace, Wang Yi came to the Wenhua Palace on the first day today to assist Li Wenbin in teaching Chu Wang Jiazhi under the imperial decree.

To say that Wang Yi is in a pretty good mood now, it seems that his worries a while ago were a little unnecessary.

His elder sister still cared about family affection and did not betray his only younger brother. In this case, when he enthroned in the future, he would not make things difficult for this elder sister so that she could enjoy her old age in peace.

When he arrived in front of the Wenhua Palace, he saw that the security was heavily guarded. Several eunuchs stood guard at the door and greeted him. The eunuch knew that a new gentleman was coming today, but he didn't expect it to be such a young and handsome man. figure.

"It turned out to be Mr. Wang. The lord has not yet come to the Wenhua Hall. Please go to the side hall to rest for a while, and then go in with Li Dashi later."

Wang Yi hastily saluted the eunuch, took out a kit from his bosom, and stuffed it into the eunuch's hand.

"It's a little bit of fun, please treat your father-in-law to tea."

The chief eunuch weighed the bag in his hand and thought it was okay, the smile on his face was even brighter.

"Mr. Wang, don't worry. The prince has to eat breakfast and he has to greet the queen before he can come to the Wenhua Palace. Sir, just sit in the side hall of the Wenhua Palace. Wait a while, and I will invite you in person."

Only then did Wang Yi go to the side hall with peace of mind. When he entered the side hall and just sat down, an eunuch outside brought him tea and snacks.

Wang Yi drank tea and tasted snacks.

After a while, he heard the voice of greetings from outside the hall. Wang Yi knew that it was Li Wenbin who had come, so he hurriedly put down the tea in his hand, clapped his hands, stood up, straightened his clothes, and waited at the entrance of the hall.

After Li Wenbin came, he saw only a young man in an official robe inside the hall, and he knew that this was the assistant Jia Ke had sent for him.

Li Wenbin looked him up and down, and felt that although this young man was handsome, he was not feminine, but rather heroic, which made people feel good after seeing him.

"This is Mr. Wang, I heard the emperor said a few days ago that you are coming to assist me, and I will ask Mr. Wang for guidance in the future."

After Wang Yi heard this, he quickly bowed and cupped his fists to salute: "Li Daxue is ashamed to kill the younger generation. How can a kid dare to be called an adult in front of the elders. I will ask Li Daxue to give me more advice in the future."

Li Wenbin saw that Wang Yi was very respectful, not as proud of his talent as other young talents who became famous at a young age, and his affection for him became even stronger in his heart.

"What do you say to teach and not to teach? We will discuss everything with each other in the future, and the most important thing is to teach the King of Chu well."

While the two were talking, the eunuch at the gate of Wenhua Hall hurried in.

"Gentlemen, His Royal Highness King Chu will be at the Wenhua Palace soon, please hurry up and wait at the Wenhua Palace."

Li Wenbin nodded after listening, and then said to Wang Yi beside him: "In that case, let's go now."

Wang Yi hurriedly bowed: "Your Majesty invites you first, how dare the students take the lead."

Li Wenbing didn't refuse, turned around and went out of the side hall first, followed by Wang Yi, these people came to the Wenhua Hall, waiting for the arrival of King Jiazhi of Chu.

(End of this chapter)

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