Chapter 701
After a few days of peace, once Jia Ke came to pay her respects to Jia Mu.

And Mother Jia asked Jia Ke to sit beside her with a smile all over her face, and said earnestly, "My emperor, this family is in harmony with everything. I saw that the boss had some conflicts with you two days ago. I hope you will be magnanimous. Don't take it to heart."

When Jia Ke heard Jia's mother mentioning this matter, she was still a little angry, after all, this matter has already been rumored outside.

Jia Ke now hated Jia Lian for lifting the cover, wondering if this Jia Lian had a grudge against our time traveler?Aunt Zhang back then was killed by Jia Lian secretly, and now Jia Lian is making trouble for herself.

If it weren't for Jia Lian's relationship with him for many years, he would have lost his temper at that time.

Now that Jia Ke heard Jia Mu begging Jia Lian again, she couldn't bear it anymore.

But Jia Ke didn't show the slightest bit in front of Jia Mu, "Lafayette, this is just a trivial matter, so you don't need to worry about it."

Although Jia Ke didn't seem to take this matter seriously, his face was ashen now, and Jia's mother was a little scared when she looked at it.

Jia's mother didn't want to take care of this matter at first, after all, after her death, she didn't care about the flood, and Jia She and his son really didn't like her.

But he promised Zhang Taoist those three things back then, and now he uses this to blackmail him, so he can't break his promise.

"Brother, you can put this matter aside, I don't think their father and son will dare to talk nonsense anymore."

Jia Ke fell silent after hearing this.

Seeing this situation, Mother Jia could only force herself to persuade Jia Ke, so she turned her face down, "Why? My old lady is not dead yet, so no one listens to me."

Jia Ke felt even more unhappy when Jia Mu said that, but in this ancient world, even the emperor could not be polite.

Gritting her teeth, Jia Ke stood up and said to Mother Jia, "Since Lafayette said so, the grandson can only obey."

When Jia Mu saw that Jia Ke had agreed to her, she finally breathed a sigh of relief. She was about to say something nice to Jia Ke to calm her down.

Unexpectedly, after Jia Ke gave in, she immediately cupped her hands and said to Jia Mu: "Lafayette, I still have government affairs ahead of me, so I won't stay any longer."

After Jia Ke finished speaking, she left the hall without waiting for Mother Jia to reply.

This left Jia's mother there, which made her feel a little overwhelmed.

In the end, Mother Jia could only sigh, wipe the tears from her eyes, and said to the mandarin ducks beside her, "Everyone in the world longs to become the emperor's family, but who knows the emperor's family is ruthless."

Yuanyang listened to Jia Mu's complaint, stood there with her head lowered to her chest, and did not dare to respond to Jia Mu at all.

Besides, when Jia Ke left Ningshou Palace, she was so angry that she suddenly asked Li Deshan on the way: "Two days ago, I looked at the old lady and didn't want to care about this matter. What's the matter today?" ? Who passed the word to the old lady?"

Li Deshan quickly replied: "Long Live Lord, it seems to be Taoist Zhang from Qingxu Temple, who came to Ningshou Palace once two days ago."

Jia Ke was even more unhappy when she heard this, about my royal family, what do you, a Taoist priest, do to live?
"Come here to pass on my order. From today on, I will stop all the consecration of the Qingxu Temple, and I will remove Taoist Zhang from the post of the Secretary of Daolu."

After hearing this, Li Deshan understood that this Taoist priest might be in trouble after the attack.

As Jia Ke's order was passed on, naturally a young eunuch led the king's orders and led them straight to Qingxu Temple.

When the little eunuch came to the gate of Qingxu Temple, he saw that there was a sea of ​​people here, and the incense was in full swing. After all, this was the place where Jia Daishan became a monk as a substitute. With this name, the incense in the capital was indispensable.

But the little eunuch held the imperial decree and sneered when he saw the prosperity.

The little eunuch was so frightened that Ma Lai led his people to the gate of Qingxu Monastery, and said to the Taoist guarding the gate: "Quickly order your temple master to open the gate, and tell him that the emperor's imperial decree has arrived, and let him come to greet him in person. "

After the little eunuch finished speaking, he held the imperial decree high above his head so that the Taoist priest could see it clearly.

Seeing this scene, the Taoist priest at the door did not dare to neglect, and immediately ran in to report to the old Taoist priest Zhang, the master of the Qingxu Temple.

After Daoist Zhang returned to Daoqingxu Temple these few days, although he had completed this matter, he always felt a little restless, as if something big was about to happen.

On this day, he was sitting in the abbot's room giving a sermon to his disciple Zhang Xuanqing.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and the voice was hurried.

Daoist Zhang was surprised when he heard this, and then glanced at Zhang Xuanqing. Zhang Xuanqing immediately understood what the master meant. He stood up from the futon, came to the door and opened the door, only to see another junior brother of his Knocking on the door hastily.

"Junior Brother Wang, what are you doing here?"

Before their master preached to Zhang Xuanqing, he had already told these people in the audience not to disturb them.

When the Taoist surnamed Wang saw Zhang Qingquan, he immediately shook his head, bowed his head and said, "Brother Zhang, there is an angel delivering the decree outside, let our master prepare quickly."

Taoist Zhang in the room understood after hearing this that this was retribution, and this time it might not be a good thing, no, he tripped Jia Ke, and Jia Ke praised him for his reasoning.

So Taoist Zhang, who was sitting in the house, also stood up, came slowly to the door of the house, and said to the two of them: "Go and open the mountain gate, lead the angel to the Sanqing Hall, clean it up, and rush over there." .”

Zhang Xuanqing did not dare to neglect after receiving the order, and immediately led people to greet the Taoist priests in the city, then opened the mountain gate, and came to the gate together to welcome the angel.

The little eunuch, who had been waiting at the door for a long time, opened the door of the supervisory path, so he held his head up and went in directly through the main door.

Zhang Xuanqing and others accompanied the little Taoist priest to the Hall of Sanqing.

The little Taoist stood in the Sanqing Hall, looked left and right, but didn't see Taoist Zhang, and then asked unhappily, "Why didn't you see your temple master come to welcome you?"

Zhang Xuanqing hurriedly explained: "Back to the angel, the teacher is old, and it is inevitable to move, and it is a little inconvenient. Now I am changing clothes in the back, and I will come to pay homage to the angel when I tidy up."

While they were talking, they saw Taoist Zhang enter the Hall of Sanqing with the support of a young Taoist priest.

That Taoist priest entered the Sanqing Hall, left the person supporting him and walked a few steps forward, came to the little eunuch and said: "The angel still invites Haihan, the old Taoist is late."

The little eunuch saw that everyone had arrived, and he didn't have the time to deal with them here, so he said directly to these people: "The emperor's decree has arrived, everyone bow down."

All the Taoist priests in the Sanqing Hall hurriedly knelt down on the ground.

Only then did the little eunuch unfold the imperial decree and read: "By heaven, the emperor, the edict said: The master of the Sanqing pot is too old to be in charge of the Daolu department. He is hereby removed from the position of the Daolu department. It will be suspended from today, for this."

Daoist Zhang's face immediately aged several decades after listening to it. He knew that he had offended Jia Ke badly this time, so he had today's retribution. are acceptable.

"Clear emptiness contemplates the main purpose."

The little eunuch put the imperial decree in Taoist Zhang's hand, then snorted through his nose, then flung his sleeves and left.

After the little eunuch left, Taoist Zhang dared to stand up, but his body shook a few times, and Zhang Xuanqing, who was a little unsteady, hurriedly supported him.

After that, the master and apprentice returned to the abbot's room again.

After sitting down again, Taoist Zhang said to Zhang Xuanqing: "From now on, close the gate of the mountain and no longer accept incense. I hope we can get through this time."

Zhang Xuanqing nodded after listening, he knew that this time the emperor won't be able to get away with just a few words.

From this day on, Qingxu Temple closed its gates and no longer accepted pilgrims, and everyone in the capital knew that Qingxu Temple had offended the emperor and was now closing its doors.

It didn't take long for this matter to reach Prince Jing's residence.

After Jia Amnesty heard the news, he finally felt relieved. Since Jia Ke was next to Qingxu Temple, it must be Taoist Zhang from Qingxu Temple. What he said to the old lady made Jia Ke angry.But it seems that you have to be more careful in the future, if Jia Ke catches the mistake again, it will not be so easy to escape.

Jia Amnesty is relieved here, but Jia Lian is in trouble.

It turned out that since Second Sister You gave birth to a child, Jia Lian loved Second Sister You like a treasure, and Jia Lian came to see that child every day for fear of what might happen.

And Second Sister You's food and clothing expenses have been greatly improved, even better than the current Wang Xifeng, because Wang Xifeng is unhappy.

Wang Xifeng was holding back her anger, and took Ping'er to Second Sister You's room when she found a chance.

When Second Sister You saw Wang Xifeng coming, she hurriedly got up to greet her.

"I am a concubine, and the second sister You has met the concubine."

Wang Xifeng glanced at Second Sister You, and then asked arrogantly: "Do you still know that I am the Imperial Concubine? Why do I think you are the Imperial Concubine, and I am a concubine?"

After hearing this, Second Sister You trembled with fright, and hurriedly knelt down in front of Wang Xifeng, "I will never dare to enter Prince Jing's mansion to serve the Second Lord because of the magnanimity of the Crown Princess, how could I dare to have such a heart."

Wang Xifeng didn't ask Second Sister You to get up, but turned around and came to the bed. Looking at the white and fat baby lying on the bed, she couldn't help reaching out and touching her face.

Kneeling there, Second Sister You thought Wang Xifeng was going to do something to the child when she saw Wang Xifeng like this, so she got up from the ground and rushed to the bed, pushing Wang Xifeng down.

When Wang Xifeng fell to the ground, she felt an unbearable abdominal pain, and Ping'er was already frightened to the side.

Fortunately, Wang Xifeng is the husband of the girl's middle school, although he was sweating from the pain, he still forced himself to calm down, and told Ping'er, "Help me to the bed quickly, and then go to the imperial physician. "

Ping'er was reminded by Wang Xifeng and reacted, and hurriedly took a few maidservants to disturb Wang Xifeng on Second Sister You's bed.

Second Sister You was already frightened by the side. Seeing her standing in the way, Ping'er said directly: "Aunt You, let's take the child to the next room to hide."

Second Sister You came to her senses when she heard this, and hurriedly hugged the child and went down to the next room surrounded by several maidservants. Then, still a little worried, she hurriedly ordered her close-knit mother to go to Jia Lian.

(End of this chapter)

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