Chapter 705 Poison

The person who came in from behind the door was a middle-aged man with a very simple and honest look on his face, which made it easy for people to relax their vigilance.

The man came into the room and asked the woman softly: "In the room, the man who came with the old housekeeper, you can see clearly, is he a nobleman?"

The lady glanced at her, and then said: "With my eyes, anyone can see that he is almost inseparable."

"Although this young man is wearing ordinary civilian clothes, his whole body is skinny and tender. The old butler is standing beside him, like a servant. Such a person is nothing but a nobleman."

The middle-aged man who came in lowered his head and thought for a while before saying, "We have been in this business for two lifetimes. To be honest, I worry about it every day. I haven't had a good night's sleep for so many years."

The woman also sighed after hearing this, and tears kept rolling in her eye sockets, "If it weren't for this business, our son would be able to marry a wife and have children now."

The honest middle-aged man was also a little sad when he heard this. Finally, he gritted his teeth and made up his mind and said: "Just now I saw the yamen servants searching around on the street. I thought they were arresting some important criminals. These two people are probably the ones the court wants to take."

After the woman heard this, a fierce light appeared in her eyes, "I don't want to live this day, since this is the case, I will fight with you once, and if it succeeds, we will hide our names and live in peace In the next life. If it doesn’t work, I will go to hell with you.”

"Okay, those in the house, I'm afraid they will leave suddenly on the way, and then our previous efforts will be wasted. You secretly put the medicine we prepared on these two people. After they are paralyzed, we will tie them up again. Going to report to the official will be safe."

The woman nodded, then went to a corner of the kitchen, picked up a brick from the ground, there was a small hole in the bottom, and then took out a porcelain altar, from which some white bricks were dug out with a spoon. Powder comes.

The middle-aged man standing next to him looked at it and said urgently: "It's a bit low, add more."

The woman turned her head and gave her a white look and said: "If you eat more, the taste will come out, and this is enough for them. When you deliver the food later, take some antidote in advance, I'm afraid that when the time comes The old butler let you taste it first."

The middle-aged man nodded, then left the kitchen and went back to the main room.

After a while, the woman prepared the meal, and then called her head to send the meal to the back.

The middle-aged man dragged his food, took a deep breath, and then showed that simple and honest smile on his face.

The middle-aged man dragged his food to the remote hut at the back. He knocked lightly on the door a few times before saying, "Old housekeeper, I'm here to deliver the food."

Then the door opened with a creak, and the old butler first poked his head out to look around, and seeing that there was only a middle-aged man, he nodded and let him in.

After the middle-aged man came in, he quickly put the food on the table in the middle, "There is nothing delicious at the old butler's house. I have tried my best. If there is anything wrong, please bear with me."

"I know your difficulties, and it's already hard for you to be able to prepare for this."

Then the old butler first asked Wang Yi to sit in the middle, and sat beside him to accompany him, and then said to the middle-aged man standing: "Sit down and eat with us too."

Under such circumstances, ordinary people would naturally refuse, but now the middle-aged man immediately sat down at the table, then picked up the chopsticks, took out a little from each dish, put it in the bowl in front of him, and used it I dug a spoonful of porridge and ate it together with these dishes.

Seeing people eating these things, the old butler was relieved, and then smiled and said to Wang Yi who was sitting in the middle: "Master, this is Laiwang. His father was rescued by the old prince back then, and he has given it to our family." Been doing it for decades.”

Lai Wang, who was sitting by the side, was terrified when he heard the address of the old housekeeper. Could this be the only child of the old prince in the world?Their titular masters?

The middle-aged man didn't dare to be negligent, he stood up quickly, knelt down on the ground and kowtowed to Wang Yi.

Seeing that the middle-aged man was still smart, Wang Yi nodded in satisfaction, and then comforted him softly: "You don't need to be so polite, this time it's up to you to deal with it."

"The master is killing the slave. If the master dies, the slave will die forever."

The old butler continued: "Go to the front and take a look, don't make any mistakes, and report to the back if you have something to do."

After hearing that, Zhou Wang hurriedly kowtowed to Wang Yi again, then left the room with the tray in his hand, and closed the door behind them.

After Zhou Wang left, the old housekeeper made a bowl of porridge for Wang Yi, put it in front of her and said, "Master, let's eat something."

Wang Yi just started eating.

After Wang Yi and the old housekeeper finished their meal, they originally wanted to discuss their future actions, but for some reason, they felt that they were tired today, and now their eyelids were upper and lower, and they couldn't open their eyes.

Wang Yi was very vigilant at this critical juncture, and he knew it was not good when he saw the situation, so he hurriedly said to the old housekeeper, "There is something wrong with this Laiwang, there is something in the meal."

After Wang Yi finished speaking, he was about to stand up. Who knew that he felt dizzy just as he stood up, and then collapsed on the seat again.

The old butler knew that this time he had hunted geese for many years, so the geese pecked at his eyes.

At this moment, the door opened with a creak, and the middle-aged man and the woman came in with ropes in their hands.

The old housekeeper felt more and more unconscious now. He gritted his teeth and bit his tongue to wake himself up again, and then asked the middle-aged man: "The old prince has treated your family well, have you saved me?" Your father's life, the master also took care of your family, otherwise, how could you have this yard and the grocery department in front, why did you betray the master?"

A trace of guilt flashed in the middle-aged man's eyes when he heard this, but he immediately came to his senses. He said in a firm tone: "The old prince and the young master are really kind to me, but our family has worked hard for the old prince for two generations. We have repaid the kindness. Now we don't want to live in this worrying life again, so please let the little master help us this time. In the future, we will definitely burn more paper for the little master, so that you can eat and drink down here without worrying."

And the woman standing next to her was a little unhappy when she heard that they were still chattering here.

"What are you talking about, quickly tie them up, so as not to have long nights and dreams."

The middle-aged man stopped talking after hearing this, took out the rope in his hand and went forward first, and tied Wang Yi firmly.

Then with the help of the woman, the old housekeeper was also tied up.

After the two were tied up, Zilaiwang said to his wife: "You stay here and watch them, I will report to the police now."

After Laiwang finished giving these instructions, the woman nodded and said, "Hurry up, old lady, I've been licking blood with knives for so many years, and I can't even look at these two people? You still need to order."

Laiwang thought that he trusted her daughter-in-law very much, and after hearing what his daughter-in-law said, he went out in peace.

Now that Laiwang is out of the house, he is a little embarrassed. Which yamen should he go to report to the official?

Finally, Zhou Wang thought about it, and felt that they had been fighting with the court's hidden guards for so many years, and he thought that the dark guards would be very happy if they could catch the leader of their organization.

Now that Lai Wang had made a decision in his heart, he no longer hesitated, went straight to the street and went straight to the palace. When he reached the gate of the palace, he was a little embarrassed, how could he come in and out of this place casually?

At this moment, Li Deshan came out from Wuchao Gate with the eunuchs and fans of the brigade.

Zhou Wang watched from the side, and felt that the person in charge must be a well-known eunuch in the palace.

So Zhou Wang took a few steps forward and shouted at the wretched Li Deshan, "Eunuch, I have confidential news to report to Eunuch."

Li Deshan had already rode his horse for a certain distance, when he suddenly heard someone shouting and reported something to him, he hurriedly reined in the horse's head, turned around and saw a simple and honest middle-aged man shouting there.

"Go to someone, bring that person over, I'll ask what's going on at our house."

After listening to Li Deshan's order, two eunuchs were immediately separated and came to Zhou Wang's presence quickly.

"What do you do, do you know the consequences of yelling here?"

"You two father-in-laws, I really have confidential information to report."

The two eunuchs looked at each other, then grabbed Laiwang's arms one by one, and dragged him to Li Deshan's horse.

Sitting on the horse, Li Deshan looked at this person condescendingly, and felt that he was still kind-hearted, and then asked, "Who are you? What's the point of stopping our family?"

Laiwang raised his head and looked around.

Li Deshan smiled: "These people are our family's confidantes, and they all serve the emperor. You can just say what you want."

This time Zhou Wang said: "Back to Eunuch, I was originally a spy under Prince Yizhong's command. This time I captured the only son left by Prince Yizhong and came here to report to the police."

When Li Deshan heard what he said, he was very pleasantly surprised. He immediately jumped off the horse, came to Zhou Wang, and asked in a deep voice, "You caught Wang Yi?"

Na Laiwang was a little hesitant, and finally said: "I don't know the exact name of this person, I just heard from the housekeeper next to him that this person is the little prince left by Prince Yizhong."

After hearing this, Li Deshan felt right. The news he got was that Wang Yi left the mansion with his housekeeper.

Li Deshan patted Laiwang with satisfaction, and then said: "If you really catch Wang Yi this time, you will not be to blame for what happened before, and the emperor will definitely reward you."

Standing beside him, Laiwang finally smiled. What he thought was to live a normal life from now on, and now he was happy to hear Li Dewang's promise.

(End of this chapter)

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