Chapter 708 Bloodline

Seeing Jia Ke coming forward in anger, Shi Xiangyun gently stroked her back, and then said: "I think the Queen's sister is a little anxious this time, so she disobeyed His Majesty. For sake, don't be angry."

Hearing this, Jia Ke's expression softened a little, and then he patted Shi Xiangyun's hand and said, "You are still sensible, unlike the one outside, who knows to come to force me, and doesn't want to think about what her brother did."

When Jia Ke said this, the firearm in her chest came up again, "This is because of the relationship between husband and wife, so I let her go. If it was put on other emperors, she would have been staying in the cold palace for a long time. gone."

Shi Xiangyun didn't know what was going on outside, and what Jia Ke said now meant that the empress's younger brother conspired against him, and Jia Ke caught him now.

So now Shi Xiangyun didn't dare to intervene anymore. Although Shi Xiangyun was a little naive, she was not stupid and knew that she couldn't get involved in such things.

At this time, another little eunuch came in to report: "Long live, the empress is crying outside and said some unpleasant things, what do you think should I do?"

When Jia Ke heard this, his eyes flashed fiercely, so he immediately walked to the outside of Zhongcui Palace.

As soon as I got to the gate of Zhongcui Palace, I heard Qin Keqing yelling brazenly there, saying that Jia Ke was ungrateful, that it was his father's people who helped him back then, and now Jia Ke has become the emperor facing south and facing north, but Throw away all the previous family affection.

When Jia Ke heard the anger here, she couldn't bear it any longer. She was showing off her little contribution back then. Did they really think that they couldn't do anything without them?

Jia Ke took three steps and made two steps, came to Qin Keqing, and slapped him as soon as he raised his hand.

Qin Keqing said these words just to provoke Jia Ke to come out. Now that she saw Jia Ke coming, she immediately hugged Jia Ke's leg with both hands.

"Long Live Lord, for the sake of serving you all these years, let me spare my brother this time. In the next life, I will change into a cow and a horse to repay the kindness of Long Live Lord."

Although Jia Ke was angry with Qin Keqing, after all, she has liked Qin Keqing for so many years. Whoever was hugged by him and gently opened his legs a few times did not break free, so he stopped exerting force. It can make Qin Keqing fly a few meters away.

"You are the master of the harem, don't you know that people in the harem can't wait to do politics?"

Qin Keqing's face was full of tears, pear blossoms were raining, "Long Live Lord, I really can't do anything about this concubine. This younger brother is the only blood in our family. I also ask the emperor to give him extra favors. Just leave him alive, that is, imprison him for the rest of his life." , The concubine also thanked the emperor for his great kindness."

Jia Ke was silent for a while after listening. If it was something else, Jia Ke would naturally agree, but such a thing, Jia Ke would never tolerate it.

Seeing that Jia Ke was silent for a long time, Qin Keqing knew that he did not agree, so she cried again: "Long live, are you so unfeeling? If you can reuse those people left by my father, can't you let my brother go?" life?"

Jia Ke saw that Qin Keqing brought up the old story again, as if his country depended on Prince Yizhong to keep those people, the anger in his heart could no longer be controlled.

Jia Ke pushed Qin Keqing aside with a little force on his legs, and then said to the eunuchs standing around: "What are you still doing? You haven't helped the queen back."

The eunuchs and maids around received Jia Ke's order, and rushed forward to stop Qin Keqing who had jumped back again, and then a few people supported Qin Keqing's arm and pulled him out.

Although Qin Keqing struggled a few times, she was a girl, so she couldn't break free, so these people forcibly put her on a soft sedan chair and carried her back to Kunning Palace.

And Jia Ke was not in the mood to continue staying in Zhongcui Palace, and immediately came to the Hall of Mental Cultivation in a Luanjia.

Jia Ke had left the harem, but today the empress' disturbance in Zhongcui Palace was widely spread in the harem.

It didn't take long for the masters of the entire harem to know about it.

Among them, Xue Baochai was the first to get the news.

To say that this Xue Baochai is indeed a bit scheming, since she was conferred the title of noble concubine, she is still kind and pleasant to the people below, without any pride, so all the court ladies and eunuchs in the world have a good impression of her.

In addition, Xue Baochai used his family's money to give generous rewards in the palace, so there were many people in the palace who received Xue Baochai's favor. These people did not have much power on the surface, but they were all at the bottom, and they knew the most about the troubles in the palace. clear.

Now as soon as the Empress made trouble in Zhongcui Palace, Xue Baochai got the report within a quarter of an hour.

Xue Baochai hugged her son and sat on the bed in the palace, listening to the report from the people below, the smile on the corner of her mouth became wider and wider.

Originally, Qin Keqing, as Jia Ke's first wife, gave birth to another son for him. Now her position is very stable. If there is no accident in a few years, Qin Keqing's son may be named the prince. Who knows that she herself But something went wrong.

Xue Baochai thought of touching her child's back here, thinking in her heart that she and her son are also blessed, and if Qin Keqing fell, then her son's chances of competing for the crown prince in the future will be even greater.

Besides, after Qin Keqing was sent back to Kunning Palace, she immediately put away her sorrowful expression. The way she acted just now was to make herself look a little pitiful, so that Jia Ke could move her heart and be able to say goodbye to her brother. a few words.

Now it seems that Jia Ke's heart is as hard as a stone, and his younger brother seems to be in danger this time.

Qin Keqing remembered Zhu Lin's begging when she left, and wanted her to protect the roots of her family. At that time, she thought it was not a big deal, but she didn't expect that Jia Ke would not agree to what she, the queen, said.

Ruizhu standing next to Qin Keqing was also pitiful to Qin Keqing. The two of them grew up together as master and servant, but they were actually sisters.Originally, Qin Keqing had a good life on the surface when she was in the Qin Mansion, but in fact she was just dependent on others. After marrying Jia Ke, she was finally able to be the master of the family. She thought that the good times would come, but she didn't expect that just a few years later, this kind of thing happened again. Things, why is her master's life so hard?

"Master, if you really want to leave a root for the young master, why don't we send a court lady to the cell and let her serve the young master during this time. Once she is pregnant, it can be regarded as leaving the blood for the young master."

After Qin Keqing heard this, she nodded silently. This is not a solution.

"You don't want to make decisions on this matter. You go and talk to Li Deshan yourself to see what he means. If he agrees, you personally choose a good-born woman to send to the cell, and tell this woman that if she is really pregnant, I guarantee that their mother and child will enjoy the prosperity and wealth throughout their lives."

Ruizhu nodded after hearing this, and went down quietly.

When Ruizhu found Li Deshan, he had just left the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Ruizhu hurried up to stop Li Deshan, pulled him aside and said, "How about Wang Yi?"

Li Deshan was startled when he heard Ruizhu's question, "Did the empress order you to inquire?"

Ruizhu shook her head, "The empress did not give such orders."

Only then did Li Deshan breathe a sigh of relief. If it was someone else, Li Deshan would have slapped him long ago, but Ruizhu was different from others.

It turned out that since Li Deshan followed Jia Ke, he often went in and out of Jia Ke's inner house, and he still knew a little about Ruizhu's affairs. Several times when Qin Keqing's menstruation came, Jia Ke went to Qin Keqing's place to rest, always accompanied by Ruizhu. Sooner or later, this aunt was also a master of the harem.

"Go back and tell your master, let her not take care of this matter anymore, the water here is deep."

Rui Zhu nodded at first, and then said: "Our mother just wants to save Wang Yi's life."

"Don't even think about it. If Wang Yi is not Ling Chi this time, it is already an extrajudicial favor from the emperor. He still wants to save his life? This is impossible."

"Then can you send a court lady in, so as to leave him a root?"

Li Deshan nodded when he heard this. If it is done properly, it can be done, but he dare not agree to such a big matter privately. If Jia Ke finds out, he will be beaten to death immediately.

"You go back first, let me think about this matter, and I will send someone to notify you when I think about it."

Ruizhu finally had a smile on his face when he heard this, "Then I will prepare someone for you when I go back, and I will send it in as soon as you have news."

Li Deshan nodded helplessly, and then dismissed the happy Ruizhu.

After sending Ruizhu away, Li Deshan himself felt embarrassed, and finally thought about it, he should say hello to Jia Ke, so he turned around and entered the Hall of Mental Cultivation again.

Just after Jia Ke finished processing a memorial, she looked up and saw that Li Deshan had returned.

"What's the matter with you?"

Li Deshan hesitated a little, but finally he had the courage to kneel down to Jia Ke.

"Long Live Lord, just now Ruizhu in front of the Empress came to ask the slave if he could send a woman in to leave a root for Wang Yi. The slave didn't know what to do, so I went back and forth to Long Live Lord."

As soon as Jia Ke heard it, she knew that Qin Keqing came to beg her in the morning and was dismissed by herself, so she had given up thinking about saving Wang Yi, because she wanted to leave a bloodline for their family.

After all, they have been a couple for many years, and Jia Ke also likes Qin Keqing's color. She touched her just now, but now she still can't bear it.

So Jia Ke wanted to agree to him, but he couldn't tell him about it, so he asked Li Deshan, "What do you mean?"

Li Deshan has followed Jia Ke for so many years, so he naturally understands Jia Ke's temperament. After hearing him ask this question, he knows that Jia Ke has agreed, so he stood up and walked to Jia Ke's side, licking his face and smiling: "Long live, slave Look, it’s not a big deal to leave him a root, when the child is born, we can just find another Zhuangzi to raise him, and we can be considered worthy of the empress.”

After hearing this, Jia Ke pondered for a while and said, "You should handle this matter yourself, this child can no longer escape our surveillance."

Seeing that Jia Ke agreed, Li Deshan immediately smiled, flattered Jia Ke a few words, and then left.

(End of this chapter)

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