Chapter 710
When Jia Mu heard Yuanyang's words, she felt dizzy for a while. She supported herself reluctantly, and then asked, "What does Baoyu mean?"

After hearing this, Mother Jia looked at the room next to her, and then said helplessly, "My lord is bewildered now, and has been crying in the room for a long time."

Jia's mother immediately understood the meaning of the mandarin duck, and she also abandoned Jia Baoyu in her heart. When the critical moment came, she was not worthy of the matter, and she was not as good as a daughter's family.

And the Queen Mother, who was on the side, immediately said after hearing Yuanyang's words: "Of course I want to keep the young ones, this is the blood of the royal family, the descendants of the dragon."

Mother Jia was a little unhappy after hearing this, but she couldn't refute the Queen Mother, because during this period of time he also learned some palace rules in the palace, and knew that in case of dystocia, he must protect the prince's children and grandchildren.

In fact, Yuanyang still cherishes Lin Daiyu very much. Now she can't bear to hear the Queen Mother's words, so she looks at the Queen Mother Zhou next to her. She is the only one who can speak to the Queen Mother at the scene and wants to compete with the Queen Mother.

But she didn't know that her heart immediately turned cold when she saw it. It turned out that the Empress Dowager Zhou was standing there with her eyes downcast, not saying a word.

Mother Jia gritted her teeth and said, "Go and call Baoyu out. Why is he crying like a big man? Now is the time to use him."

The lady next to him listened to Wang Jiamu's order and went to the next room. After a while, several people helped Jia Baoyu out.

When Jia Baoyu came out and saw Jia Mu, he immediately stepped forward and knelt down in front of Jia Mu, hugging her legs and crying loudly.

After all, Mother Jia had raised Jia Baoyu by her side since she was a child, and seeing him so sad now made her feel a little sad.

Jia's mother helped Jia Baoyu up, then patted him on the shoulder and said, "Baoyu, you are now a man with a family and a family, and it's time for you to say something. Are you protecting the adults or the children?"

Jia Baoyu's eyes started to flicker when he heard this, he stepped back a few steps, his eyes were blank, he didn't know what to do?
In the end, Yuanyang stood by and couldn't stand watching anymore, "My lord, are you just watching the princess die?"

Jia Baoyu was shocked when he heard this sentence, and then said: "I won't let Sister Lin die, and I can't live without Sister Lin."

As soon as Jia's mother heard Jia Baoyu's words, she immediately ordered the eunuch next to her to say: "Hurry up and pass the word inside, and say that the prince has spoken. No matter what, we must save the life of the princess."

Just after Jia Mu gave her orders, the Queen Mother who was standing aside hastily stopped her and said, "Lafayette, this is against the rules."

After hearing this, Mother Jia gave the Queen Mother a hard look, "It's against the rules? Now that you refute me, is it in compliance with the rules?"

After listening to Jia Mu's questioning, the Queen Mother felt a little guilty, and then she could only step aside and said nothing.

The little eunuch saw that Mother Jia had repelled the Queen Mother, so he hurried in to deliver a message.

Seeing that things were almost done, Yuanyang quickly ordered people to prepare tables and chairs for Jia Mu in the next room, and then invited Jia Mu to the next room to wait for news.

Soon, news came out again in the delivery room that Lin Daiyu had given birth to a stillborn baby, and Lin Daiyu was not in any danger yet.

Mother Jia breathed a sigh of relief, but the Queen Mother's face was gloomy. In the Queen Mother's heart, this child was [-] times more important than Lin Daiyu.

After a long time, Imperial Physician Qian from the Imperial Hospital came out of the delivery room and knelt down in front of Mother Jia to salute.

"My minister kowtowed to the Empress Dowager."

"Don't be too polite, what's going on inside."

The imperial doctor's face was a little bad after hearing this, and he will report the truth later.

"If you go back to Lafayette, although the princess's life is not in danger for the time being, but this time the body loss is serious, I may not be able to have children in the future, and this time I hurt my vitality, and I may be lingering in the future."

After hearing this, Jia's mother was also a little helpless. She had guessed that Lin Daiyu was not in good health, which might not be good for her childbearing.

"It's a blessing to be able to save my life. What else are you asking for? Besides, people like us are so short that someone can take care of them? Let Daiyu take good care of her in the mansion from now on."

On the other hand, the Queen Mother rolled her eyes a few times, not knowing what was on her mind.

Seeing that this was the case, Mother Jia had no choice but to tell Jia Baoyu not to neglect Lin Daiyu, and then she took her back with her.

When the Queen Mother left Fu Wang's mansion, she pulled Xi Ren to her side, said a few words quietly, and grabbed her hand and shook it vigorously before leaving.

It is said that Jia Ke received a report from the people below in the Hall of Mental Cultivation the next day, saying that it was Jia Baoyu's wife, Lin Daiyu had a dystocia, and although she gave birth to a child, it was stillborn and her body was broken.

Jia Ke was noncommittal about this matter. Back then, he helped Lin Daiyu marry into Jia's family, and he was worthy of her.

Then someone came to report that the empress Qin Keqing had contracted a cold these days, and the imperial physicians from the imperial hospital had visited several times, but none of them cured her illness.

After hearing this, Jia Ke understood that Qin Keqing had a heart disease, and he could only be cured if the knot in his heart was untied.

Now Jia Ke has no other way, after all, heart disease needs heart medicine, but this heart medicine cannot be given to her by herself.

While Jia Ke was thinking, Li Deshan came in with a thick stack of rosters.

After Li Deshan greeted Jia Ke, he reported: "Long Live Lord, this is the list of all the secret organizations under Wang Yi's command. The slaves have been rectified, and all the people have been taken down. We are waiting for the release of Long Live Lord."

Li Gui, who was next to Jia Ke, hurried forward, got the list, and sent it to Jia Ke's case.

Jia Ke picked it up and looked it over carefully. After Jia Ke had a rough look at the list, there were not many officials among them, but there were a few big businessmen who made Jia Ke look sideways.

It seems that they are all Wang Yi's money bags, and it is with this money that Wang Yi can develop such a large power.

Jia Ke picked up the brush from the royal case, and began to draw circles on these lists, drawing more than 100, and then stopped.

"All those whose names I have ticked off will be put to death, and the rest will be exiled to Hainan, and will not be allowed to return for nothing."

Jia Ke paused for a while, and then continued: "Wang Yi deserves to die, and the law should be lingering, but since he is a descendant of Prince Yizhong, he has some affection for the Jia family, so I will treat him extrajudicially." , give him three feet of white silk, and leave his whole body."

After Jia Ke finished giving her orders, she said to the eunuch Bingbi next to her, "Let's draw up an order."

The eunuch immediately wrote an imperial decree on the small table after receiving the order, and handed it to Jia Ke respectfully.

Jia Ke took a general look and found that there was nothing wrong. He told Li Gui next to him, "Use the Emperor's Treasure."

Li Gui hurriedly took out the jade seal from the imperial case, and sealed it on the imperial decree.

After all this was over, Jia Ke said to Li Deshan, "Go and do things according to my will."

Then Li Gui held the imperial decree and sent it to Li Deshan's side. Li Deshan knelt there, raised his hands high, received the imperial decree, saluted like Jia Ke again, and then bowed and exited the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Seeing that Li Deshan had withdrawn, Jia Ke thought for a while and said to Li Gui next to him, "When Wang Yi is executed, you will also be watching the execution."

After hearing this, Li Gui hurriedly agreed.

In fact, Li Gui already understood in his heart that Jia Ke didn't trust Li Deshan as much as before. Otherwise, Li Deshan could handle this matter by himself, so why let him monitor him.

Besides, after Li Gui returned to his residence in the palace, he received a report from the young eunuch outside, saying that someone was asking to see him outside the palace.

When Li Gui inquired, it turned out that his mother, Nanny Li, had been waiting for him outside for a long time.

Li Gui didn't dare to neglect, he changed his clothes hastily, then trotted to the outside of the palace, he saw a small sedan chair parked outside the palace gate.

Seeing Li Gui approaching, the person in the sedan chair also got out of the sedan chair. It turned out to be a middle-aged woman.

I saw that her crying eyes were as big as walnuts. When she saw Li Gui, it was as if she had seen a savior. She stepped forward and grabbed his hand, and the tears flowed down again.

Seeing him, Li Gui hurriedly comforted him: "Mother, what's wrong with you? Tell your son what's the matter."

Only then did Nanny Li stop her tears, "My son, you enjoy the blessings in the palace, how do you know the sufferings of my mother and me, your sister-in-law almost bullied me to death."

Li Gui originally thought that Nanny Li had some important matter, so he asked himself to handle it, but he didn't expect it to be such a trivial matter.

"Mom, please go back first. I will go home after two days off and talk to my brother and sister-in-law so that they can treat mother better in the future."

Your mother stopped crying after hearing Li Gui's words, and then said embarrassingly: "It's not a big deal, the main thing is that a servant of Mr. Bao was recommended by Mr. Bao to be the county magistrate, so Your brother is not happy."

Li Gui understood as soon as he heard it, his elder brother asked him for an official, but how dare Li Gui get involved in this kind of matter?
So Li Gui could only comfort him: "It's not too late, let my brother live in peace at home for a while, and when I have a chance, I can find a job for my brother."

Nanny Li was really satisfied this time, and with Li Gui's support, she got back into the sedan chair and went home.

But Li Gui was standing outside the gate of the palace, thinking what his mother said just now, all of Jia Baoyu's servants have become county magistrates, this is no small matter.

Because since Jia Ke became the throne, he has stopped all the buying of officials and nobles. If he wants to be an official, he must be born in the imperial examination.

Li Gui is very clear about Jia Baoyu's servants, these people are relying on Jia Baoyu's face to do evil, let them become county magistrates, it will be a disaster for the common people.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Gui had to tell the emperor about it, not for anything else, but to make a good impression in front of the emperor, and Li Gui found that Jia Ke was not as good to Jia Baoyu as he seemed on the surface. Give him eye drops, and no one knows.

In fact, Li Gui has another meaning, that is, Jia Baoyu is too frightened, if you arrange a county magistrate for your subordinates, then you can do it secretly, but the city is full of trouble, what will you do if you let me, the eunuch who is favored by the emperor, do?
Find a way out for your own home?Let the emperor know and still not peel off my skin. If I don't do it, my mother will come to make troubles from time to time.

That being the case, it can only make you Jia Baoyu lose face and your subordinates lose their official positions.

(End of this chapter)

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