The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 715 Calculation

Chapter 715 Calculation
Jia Zheng listened to Concubine Zhao's words, pondered for a while, and then said: "This matter is not a trivial matter, the eldest brother is different now, you go to Madam now, let her wait a few days before trying again, So as not to look bad when it happens."

Concubine Zhao was somewhat unwilling to deal with the Queen Mother, "Your Majesty, why don't you send an eunuch to talk to the Queen Mother. If I go over, the Queen Mother will have a different face and a different nose, so how can she talk then?"

Jia Zheng could only nod helplessly when he heard this. If Aunt Zhao had stood in front of Mrs. Wang before, she wouldn't even be able to lift her head.

But now the identity has changed, Aunt Zhao has become Concubine Zhao, and Mrs. Wang has also become Queen Mother.

Although the identity of Queen Mother Wang still weighs on Concubine Zhao, Mrs. Wang is not Jia Ke's biological mother after all, so she is not as confident with Concubine Zhao now as before.

But Jia Zhengjia felt a little bit unflattering among this wife and all the concubines.

Jia Zheng hurriedly called his personal eunuch Wang Shun.

"Go to the harem and tell the Queen Mother that Xue Baoqin's matter is temporarily put aside, and it's not too late to try it out after a while."

Besides, the Queen Mother left the main hall and just returned to the back hall, ready to take a rest, who knows how long she hadn't finished sitting, so Wang asked to see her by the way.

When the Queen Mother called Wang Shun to her face and asked why, she realized that Jia Zheng had backed down on what she had said just now, and even asked him and her to calm down temporarily and observe for a period of time before making a decision.

The Queen Mother hadn't heard the rumors in the palace, so she didn't know what Jia Zheng meant, and she didn't know what Jia Zheng asked her to observe.

It's just that since Jia Zheng had spoken, the Queen Mother didn't dare to disobey her, so she could only sulk in the harem.

Speaking of the current Chengqian Palace, sisters Xue Baochai and Xue Baoqin are talking there.

Xue Baochai looked at the innocent and unparalleled Xue Baoqin in front of her, and she was also very envious in her heart.

If she had the color of Xue Baoqin, Jia Ke would definitely be by her side like how she favored Qin Keqing back then.

"Sister, how is your family doing now?"

Xue Baoqin showed an innocent smile on his face when he heard this, "Very well, now my brother is doing business with Brother Pan, and he has some savings. A few days ago, he told me to save more money and live outside by himself. A house, and then marry me a sister-in-law."

Xue Baochai nodded with a smile. Given the current situation of the Xue family, even if Xue Pan doesn't know how to do business, those big merchants will naturally send money into his pocket.

As long as Xue Pan helps Xue Biao a little bit, it is enough for Xue Biao to make a fortune in Beijing.

Xue Baochai was not thinking about Xue Biao now, but asked, "How is your relationship with Mei Hanlin's family?"

Xue Baoqin blushed immediately when she heard this, and sat there coyly without speaking.

Xue Baochai wanted to laugh seeing him like this, but it was related to his future plans, so it was better to ask clearly.

"It's just us two sisters here, so what do you say?"

Hearing that Xue Baochai insisted on asking, Xue Baoqin wanted someone to consult her, so she said, "I heard from my brother that Mei Hanlin's family has been sent to other places as officials, so they are not in Beijing. My friend left a letter, asking my brother and I to wait in Beijing for a year or two, and hold the wedding after his family returns to Beijing."

Xue Baochai frowned after hearing this. Xue Baochai still knew about Mei Hanlin's family. He and Xue Baoqin's family hadn't been in touch for a long time. Xue Baochai thought their marriage was in vain, but she didn't expect that it was Mei Hanlin who stayed behind. letter.

But Xue Baochai is such a smart person, and after careful thought, he understood the truth.

Although Xue Biao had the help of Xue's family in the past, he was a poor family after all.

At any rate, Mei Hanlin came from a family of officials and eunuchs. When Mei Hanlin's son and Xue Baoqin were just engaged, Er Xue's family was supported by Xue Baochai's father.

Since the death of Xue Baochai's father, the Xue family has gone downhill, and Xue Biao's house has become even more dilapidated.

Presumably, at that time Mei Hanlin had the intention to regret the marriage, but who knew that Jia Ke was in charge of the court, and even ascended the throne all the way to the palace, and because of Xue Baochai, the Xue family began to restore its old appearance and flourish.

In this way, Mei Hanlin naturally took a fancy to the relationship between Xue Baoqin and Xue Baochai, and if he wanted to follow his wife's route, he naturally took this marriage very seriously.

Xue Baochai thought for a while, now that Mei Hanlin was an obstacle to his plan, he seemed to find a way to let the emperor and Xue Baoqin uncook rice to cook mature meals.

As long as the emperor favored Xue Baoqin, wouldn't that Mei Hanlin dare to trouble the emperor openly?

But this matter must be made clear to Xue Baoqin first, otherwise it will be a big joke in the end.

"Sister, I see that Mei Hanlin's family is not a reliable family."

Xue Baoqin originally wanted Xue Baochai to give her advice, but now she is a little nervous after hearing Xue Baochai's words.Now she stared at Xue Baochai with two big eyes, wanting her to finish speaking.

Seeing Xue Baoqin's delicate appearance, Xue Baochai was in a trance for a while, and Xue Baochai became more determined to send Xue Baoqin to Jia Ke's side in order to pave the way for her child.

Even a woman like herself was fascinated by Xue Baoqin, let alone Jia Ke, a big man.

"It should be said that this marriage was arranged for you when my father was around, but since the engagement, our family has been in decline, so Mei Hanlin has never contacted their family again."

Xue Baoqin also looked sad when she heard this. Although she said she was naive, she was not a fool. Now that Xue Baochai said this, she already understood Mei Hanlin's thoughts in her heart.

"Now that our family is well-off, we can be regarded as relatives of the emperor in the capital, a number one figure. But Mei Hanlin was only a magistrate outside, a small fifth-rank official, so naturally he has to rush to curry favor with our family , such a family who dislikes the poor and loves the rich may not be a good match for my sister."

Xue Baoqin had tears in her eyes when she heard this, and she didn't know what to do.

Seeing him like this, Xue Baochai wanted to laugh in her heart, but her face was full of pity. She took out a handkerchief and wiped her tears, then said: "It's not a big deal, why cry?"

As soon as Xue Baoqin heard Xue Baochai's words, she knew that she had an idea, and hurriedly grabbed Xue Baochai's hand and asked anxiously, "What can my sister do?"

"Isn't it easy? When the emperor comes here in a few days, I will prepare a banquet. You can have a few drinks with the emperor. If the emperor takes a fancy to you, you will enjoy endless glory and wealth in the future. And how dare Mei Hanlin fight with the emperor?" Can't compete?"

Xue Baoqin didn't expect Xue Baochai to say such embarrassing words, and immediately lay down on the bed with a flushed face, writhing all over her body.

Although Xue Baoqin was lying on the bed, she agreed with Xue Baochai's idea in her heart.

In the past few days, she lived in Xue Baochai's Chengqian Palace, seeing Xue Baochai's food and clothing expenses, she was extremely envious of the living environment.

From time to time, I imagined that if she, Xue Baoqin, was like Xue Baochai, what a beautiful day it would be.

Now that Xue Baochai has given her a way out, she will naturally go down this way.

Xue Baochai didn't understand Xue Baoqin's appearance, she agreed.

Xue Baochai originally wanted to ask Xue Baoqin to help her with martial arts, but now that Xue Baoqin agreed, a sense of sourness welled up in her heart.

But Xue Baochai is a very rational person, as soon as the jealousy welled up, she suppressed it again.

Now Xue Baochai no longer regards competing with other women for Jia Ke's favor as her top priority.Her current idea is to let her son take the lead in competing for the position of crown prince in the future.

Because Jia Zhi, king of Chu, should be a legitimate prince, but Jia Ke has been on the throne for a year or two, and Jia Ke has not been canonized as a prince. From this matter, it seems that Jia Ke does not value Qin Keqing's mother and son as much as the rumors outside.

Now that Xue Baochai saw the contradiction between them, she naturally wanted to make her son the future master of the world.

But now it seems that Jia Ke attaches great importance to the balance of the harem, and he cannot change Jia Ke's thoughts with his own strength.

That's why Xue Baochai wanted to let Xue Baoqin serve Jia Ke with him. The two sisters are natural allies in the palace, and they can also increase the power for his son Qi Wang Jia Hui to seize the heir apparent in the future.

Make sure that since you have this idea, you will naturally implement it immediately.

And Xue Baochai is also afraid of long nights and dreams, because when the Queen Mother came to visit Aunt Xue a few days ago, she looked at Xue Baoqin with something wrong, and thinking about the relationship between Baoying and Lin Daiyu, how could Xue Baochai not understand the Queen Mother's heart? idea.

So Xue Baochai ordered the eunuch to send a letter to Jia Ke that night, saying that he hadn't seen the child for many days and missed his father, so he held a banquet in Chengqian Palace and invited Jia Ke to the banquet.

But Jia Ke originally thought that she hadn't been to Xue Baochai's place these days, so she should go and have a look these few days, after all, she shouldn't be too neglected.

Now that he has accepted Xue Baochai's message, it is natural to push the boat along.

When Jia Ke's Luanjia came to the gate of the palace in front of the city, Xue Baochai had already brought Xue Baoqin and all the palace ladies and eunuchs to greet him on their knees at the gate.

Jia Ke got off the Luanjia and came to Xue Baochai with a smile and helped him up, then looked to the side and saw a pretty girl with a naive expression kneeling beside her.When Jia Ke saw this, she couldn't take her eyes away.

Just because this woman is so beautiful, only Qin Keqing, who was at her peak, could slightly surpass her in the palace.

But now in the palace, I am afraid that this woman is the number one.

Seeing Jia Ke looking at her younger sister, Xue Baochai couldn't take her eyes off her. She felt a little jealous, but she still smiled and said to Jia Ke: "Long live, this is Xue Baoqin, my sister from my natal family. The concubine picked her up in the palace. Stay for a few days."

(End of this chapter)

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