Chapter 718 Rumors
Jia Ke sat on the top of the treasure hall, staring blankly into the distance, and then murmured to himself: "It is because of our marriage that our Han people have gradually become weak in bones. We don't want to fight to the death when facing external threats. , but thinking about using a woman's body in exchange for a short period of peace."

"I only heard that after the defeat, women are sent to the victors, but I have never heard that after the victory, the women are sent to the arms of the enemy. This is not to seek peace at all, but to insult the Great Yan Dynasty. .”

Fan Kang, who was kneeling below, blushed even more when he heard Jia Ke's words. At the same time, these words of Jia Ke had a huge impact on his soul.

Fan Kang has always thought about problems with the thinking of ancient people, and never thought that marriage is a shame for a nation.

It took Jia Ke a long while before she came back to her senses, and said to Fan Kang below: "Go and tell the Tatar envoy that the Central Plains will never marry a princess into the wilderness. Let him die. If he really wants to seek peace, he must show his true sincerity."

Fan Kang only knew that what he had done this time was not in line with Jia Ke's wishes, so he didn't dare to refute, and knelt down and agreed repeatedly.

Jia Ke was in no mood to continue talking to Fan Kang, and told him to back down.

After Fan Kang left, Jia Ke let out a sigh of relief and left the Hall of Mental Cultivation in a depressed mood.

Li Gui, who was following Jia Ke, heard that Jia Ke was in a bad mood, so he wanted to find something to make Jia Ke happy.

So she came to Jia Ke's side and said in a low voice: "Master, we have a new batch of maids in our palace, and some of them are the most beautiful in the world. Master, why don't you go and have a look."

How could Jia Ke be in the mood to look at the beauty now, "I'm not in the mood now, let's go to Chuncao."

As soon as Jia Ke finished giving his orders, Luanjia went straight to Yanxi Palace where Chuncao lived.

As far as the Yanxi Palace is concerned, it is not as bustling and lively as it is said on TV.

The Palace of Yanxi Palace is in the southeast corner of the East Six Palaces in the imperial palace, which can be said to be a very remote location.The group of people living here are all unfavored concubines.

However, Chuncao, the canonized concubine at the time, thought that she was humble, and she hadn't been pregnant all year round, and her color was not very beautiful. Naturally, she couldn't compare with those young, beautiful and noble women, so she asked Jia Ke for orders and lived in Yanxi Palace. .

Chuncao has been very quiet since she lived in Yanxi Palace, living her own life by herself.

And since Chuncao was the first to serve Jia Ke and Queen Mother Zhou, she still has some face in front of them.

Therefore, the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not dare to neglect the spring grass, and all the utensils were prepared very thoughtfully.

Therefore, Chuncao has lived quietly in Yanxi Palace all these years. Although Jia Ke rarely spends the night in Yanxi Palace, she has no complaints.

This time, Jia Ke was troubled and didn't want to go to those chattering beauties, so she thought of this quiet spring grass and wanted to be quiet and quiet here.

When Jia Ke waited for Luanjia to arrive at the Palace of Yanxi Palace, Chuncao greeted her at the door with someone.

Jia Ke got off the Luanjia, supported the spring grass, and entered the main hall of Yanxi Palace together.

After each sat down, Chuncao made tea for him as she had served Jia Ke in the past, and then delivered it to him.

"Master, today I see that your complexion is not very good. Is there something wrong with you?"

Jia Ke has been emperor for some years, but Chuncao is still used to calling Jia Ke "uncle" as he did back then.

As for the name Chuncao, Jia Ke also tolerated it magnanimously.

"There's nothing to do, I'm just annoyed, I want to come to you to be quiet and quiet."

After Jia Ke finished saying this, she closed her eyes tiredly, resting her head on the throne, a little listless.

Seeing this, Chuncao stood up, came behind Jia Ke, and massaged his temples with both hands.

Not to mention that Jia Ke is hiding here, but also that there are no secrets in the palace.

The Tatars came to the Central Plains to ask for peace and asked the princess to marry into the grassland. This matter did not take long before the palace was full of turmoil.

And these gossips soon spread to the ears of Jia Tanchun's servant girl Shishu. After Shishu got the news, she was frightened out of her wits.

You know, since ancient times, few women married to the grasslands have ended well.Coupled with the chaos of human relations in the grassland, which Central Plains woman can bear it?
So, the servant didn't dare to neglect, and hurried to move Jia Tanchun's palace. As soon as he entered the room, he saw Jia Tanchun holding a book there, shaking his head and looking at it with enthusiasm.

The servant hurriedly stepped forward to grab the book, and it was taken away by her.

This made Jia Tanchun jump, and when she looked up, she saw the servant standing there anxiously.

"What's the matter? It made you so anxious."

"Princess, you are still in the mood to read there, don't you know what's going on outside?"

"What's wrong? Did the sky fall?"

"Good my princess. The sky just fell down."

The servant then told the rumors he had heard, just like Jia Tanchun.

After Jia Tanchun heard this, his eyes were gloomy, and he thought about it in his heart. She is the only princess of the right age in this palace. There is another Jia Xichun, although she is also a princess, but she is still young. Jia Ke is separated by a layer.

Calculated in this way, if Jia Ke wanted to get married, he would be the only one who went to the grassland.

When Jia Tanchun thought of traveling far away, he felt panic all the time.At the same time, he blamed himself for his own fate.

Seeing that Jia Tanchun was still in a daze until now, Shishu felt a little anxious for her.

"Princess, we can't just leave it like this. In ancient times, didn't you just find a clan relative to be a princess and marry off? Let's ask the emperor, maybe we don't need to go to the grassland."

When Jia Tanchun heard what the servant said, his eyes became firmer, "Whose girl is not the heart and soul of parents. How can I separate the flesh and blood of other people because of me? Besides, I am the princess of the Huang family. I'm not going anywhere at this time."

After listening to Jia Tanchun's words, Shi Shu was also silent.

In ancient times, the personal servant girl and her own girl can be said to be a community of interests. If Jia Yuanchun married to the grassland, then the servant girl would not be spared.

And as a big maid, she has been pampered and pampered all these years. Now she thinks about going to that barren and barren place, and she feels scared, so she turns around in her mind a few times and thinks of a way to let Jia Tanchun push this matter away. .

"Princess, we're fine in the grassland, don't you really trust Master Huan?"

As soon as Jia Tanchun heard him mention Jia Huan, Jia Tanchun, who hadn't shed tears after being hit so hard just now, immediately had moist eyes and tears kept falling down.

Because now De Jia Huan is not the bastard in Dream of the Red Chamber who only knows how to eat, drink and play, and has no manners.

Now Jia Huan is knowledgeable and motivated, and Jia Huan's enlightenment teacher is Jia Tanchun, and the two siblings have been together since childhood.Jia Tanchun's affection for Jia Huan has surpassed that of others.

Thinking of leaving the Central Plains, the only thing Jia Tanchun worries about now is Jia Huan.

The servant watched Jia Tanchun cry from the side, knowing that there was something wrong, he hurriedly persuaded Jia Tanchun and said: "Princess, before the emperor has made a decision, let's go and beg, maybe the emperor sees it for the sake of brother and sister." Your Majesty, let this matter be avoided. If we keep silent, the emperor thinks we are willing."

When Jia Tanchun heard this, he was also reluctant to part with Jia Huan, so he stood up and said, "In this case, let's force a fight. Now go and find out which palace the emperor is resting in?"

When the servant heard Jia Yuanchun's order, his face turned pale with fright. Spying on the emperor's whereabouts in the palace is a big taboo. Once found out, he will be killed immediately without asking why.

After Jia Tanchun finished speaking, he immediately realized, and then laughed himself first, "I'm also confused, if I really ask you to do this, I'm afraid we can't get along well."

Jia Tanchun sat there and thought for a while, and then she came up with an idea. She took her maidservant, left the palace, and went straight to the Empress Dowager Zhou's Compassionate Palace.

When he arrived at the Palace of Compassion, he ordered the eunuch to go in and report, saying that Jia Tanchun asked to see him.

But the Empress Dowager Zhou in the Palace of Compassionate Ning heard that it was Jia Tanchun asking to see her, so she ordered someone to bring her in immediately.

As far as the relationship between Queen Mother Zhou and Jia Tanchun is concerned, it is better than other girls.

It was only because when Jia Tanchun was still in Jia's mansion, Jia Tanchun often went to Aunt Zhao's place because he wanted to teach Jia Huan.

Because Aunt Zhao lived very close to the Queen Mother Zhou, Jia Tanchun occasionally went to pay her respects.

When Jia Tanchun saw the Empress Dowager Zhou sitting in the middle of Jingning Palace, her face was full of tears, and she took a few steps forward and threw herself in front of the Empress Dowager Zhou's legs, sobbing uncontrollably.

Seeing this, the Queen Mother hurriedly got up and picked up Jia Tanchun herself, and asked her to sit on the bed with her.

"What's the matter? Could it be that someone in the palace treated you slowly, if so, tell me, and see how I deal with them."

Jia Tanchun shook his head while sobbing, and finally held back his sadness, and said to the Queen Mother Zhou: "The reason for returning to the Queen Mother is because I will marry the grassland soon, thinking that I have always regarded the Queen Mother as my mother, and now I'm leaving, I'm sad."

When the Queen Mother heard this, she immediately raised her eyes and said, "What's going on? Why haven't I heard of it?"

As soon as the Empress Dowager Zhou finished asking, Xia Mai, her personal maid, came over.

This Xia Mai is the same as in Jia's mansion, she is very interested in gossip. She has already inquired about the fact that the Tatars came to invite and ask to marry a princess to the grassland.

At this time, Xia Mai whispered in Queen Mother Zhou's ear, "Queen Mother, it seems that the Tatars came to ask for peace, and the emperor is going to marry a princess to the Tatar Khan."

The Empress Dowager Zhou immediately understood the reason. Jia Ke has no daughters now, and her two younger sisters are Jia Tanchun and Jia Xichun, not to mention Jia Xichun, who is very young and only Jia Tanchun can marry.

(End of this chapter)

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