The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 721 Princess Naren Gaowa

Chapter 721 Princess Naren Gaowa
Aodenggerile spent a long time raising funds outside the king's tent but did not dare to enter.

Just when Aodenggeril didn't know whether he should go in to plead guilty, he saw a group of people rush out from Arslen Khan's camp.

The leader is none other than Meng He.

When Aodenggeril saw Meng He, it was like seeing his own mother after a long-lost child.

And Meng He obviously saw Ao Denggerile and his followers.

So Meng He dama turned around and came to them, then got off his horse.

Aodenggerile hurried forward and grabbed Meng He's hand, and then asked anxiously, "I sent the letter to Da Khan, what's Da Khan's reaction after reading it?"

Meng He smiled when he saw the interaction between the other party, and then said: "This little thing scares you like this. Do you still look like a grassland warrior?"

"Okay, my general, don't joke with me. I can say that I have trouble sleeping and eating during this time, so you should give me a letter."

Seeing how anxious he was, Meng He said, "At first, Da Khan didn't agree with it, and even got angry because of this matter. Even I received twenty lashes."

"What happened after that?"

Meng He went on to say: "I didn't expect this news to reach the ears of the princess. You know that we are proud of the princess. We don't look down on any warriors on the grassland."

Ao Denggerile nodded immediately, he knew the princess' temper, many warriors on the grassland were the princess' admirers, but the princess looked down on these people.

"After the princess knew about it, she never expected that she would be willing."

Hearing this, Ao Denggerile suddenly realized that what the princess often said was that she wanted to marry an unrivaled hero.

And since Jia Ke's debut, he has grown from a small family to the emperor of the Celestial Dynasty, invincible and invincible.Even the elite cavalry like the Tatars couldn't please him in front of him. It was he who once rode alone and chased and killed Arslen Khan several times. There was only one such hero in the world.

"We Da Khan couldn't hold back the princess. After being acted like a baby by him so many times, and I persuaded him from the sidelines, Da Khan agreed to this matter."

Ao Denggerile finally heaved a sigh of relief, this time he didn't have to lose his head.

Seeing that Aodenggeril was relaxed, Meng He also asked, "How is your trip to the Central Plains this time?"

Aodenggerile bowed to Meng He, "Finally, I have lived up to my trust. The emperor of the Central Plains has agreed to turn the war with our dynasty into friendship."

After hearing this, Meng He finally felt relieved, "If that's the case, let's go, I'll take you in to see Da Khan."

After finishing speaking, Meng He took him and Xiangyun walked with him.

When they entered the camp, they saw that it was completely different from the original barracks.There are songs and laughter everywhere, as well as cattle, sheep and horses, and there is an endless stream of herdsmen coming and going.

Meng He took Ao Denggerile to a heavily guarded tent.

Immediately, a guard came up to stop them and asked them why they came. Meng He explained the cause and effect, and the guard immediately went into the big tent to inform them.

After a while, a message came from Erli, asking them to enter the big tent to answer.

So the two straightened their clothes, and then handed over their weapons at the door of the big tent, and then entered the big tent.

As soon as they entered, they saw that the great Khan of the Tatars, Arslen Khan, was sitting on the tiger-skin chair above.

The two immediately knelt down on one knee and saluted like the one above.

Arslen Khan sat on the top and looked at the two people below. He didn't say anything for a long time, and let them kneel down for nearly a quarter of an hour.

Meng He and Ao Denggerile knew that they were sweating profusely and were angry in their hearts, so they did not dare to say anything.

After a while, Arslen Khan asked, "How is the matter going to the Central Plains this time? Has the emperor of the Central Plains agreed to our peace proposal?"

Ao Denggerile hurriedly said: "Back to the Great Khan, the emperor of the Central Plains has agreed to our peace request, and I have also drawn up a specific contract with them. I will use the seal after the Great Khan has read it, and then send it to the Celestial Dynasty."

After Ao Denggerile finished speaking, he took out two contracts from his back and held them high above his head.

The attendant next to Arslen Khan hurried forward to take the two contracts, and then respectfully handed them to Arslen Khan.

Arslen Khan opened the contract and looked at it carefully. It was not bad, and there was nothing bullying. It was still a fair and reasonable contract.

"This treaty is not bad, it is a good choice for both parties."

Aodenggeril knelt down and listened to Arslen Khan's praise, but he didn't dare to take any credit.

"The minister did a stupid thing this time, and I ask the Great Khan to punish him."

After hearing this, Arslen Khan was silent for a while, and now he knew what the stupid thing Aodenggeril said was going on.

"Jia Ke has agreed to marry the princess?"

"Yes, the Emperor of the Central Plains. He has heard the name of the Palace Master for a long time. When he heard that the princess was married to the Emperor of the Central Plains again, he was naturally very happy."

Arslen Khan was taken aback when he heard this, then he giggled, and his expression suddenly changed after he finished laughing.

"You think I'm an idiot, but Jia Ke is such an arrogant person, he would do such a shameful thing because of a woman."

Ao Denggerile wanted to flatter, but he didn't expect to hit the horse's hoof, so he could only kneel there in embarrassment, bowed his head and said nothing.

While they were discussing, suddenly there was a commotion outside, and a few soldiers shouted there: "Princess, princess, you can't go in the office because of Khan."

Then the curtain of the big tent was opened, and several soldiers followed a young and beautiful girl into the big tent.

The girl was wearing a short dress, holding a whip in her hand, and beat the guards behind her indiscriminately.

"Get out, I want to see Father Khan, how dare you stop me?"

When Arslen Khan saw the girl below, a smile appeared on his face immediately.

Seeing Arslen Khan, the girl immediately ran to his side, grabbed his arm and asked, "I heard that the envoy to the Central Plains has returned. How is it? Did Jia Ke agree to the marriage?"

Arslen Khan grinned when he heard this, the girl was raised for nothing.

Seeing that Arslen Khan was silent, the girl hurriedly shook her arm again and began to act like a baby beside him.

Arslen Khan really had nothing to do with this little daughter, and finally he could only say helplessly: "I'm back, isn't this kneeling below?"

This princess knew Meng He, and when she looked at the one next to her, she thought it was the deceased, so she let go of Arslen Khan, came to Aodenggerile and asked, "Has the Emperor of the Central Plains agreed?"

Ao Denggerile also liked this pearl on the prairie very much. Now when he saw the princess asking, he immediately replied: "The emperor of the Central Plains has agreed to go to the princess, and the emperor of the Central Plains always admires the princess's beauty."

Arslen Khan heard him say that again, but he didn't refute this time. Impressing his daughter would be good for his future life.

"Then what does this Jia Ke look like?"

Ao Denggerile thought for a while and then said: "The emperor of the Central Plains is pretty handsome, and his skin is also fine." Then he sighed: "It doesn't look like a very majestic person, how can he have such martial arts? .”

The princess immediately said proudly: "What's the matter? A hero is born with a vision, how can he really be like a bear like those people on the grassland."

Arslen Khan, who was sitting on the top, was a little unhappy, "What nonsense, the sons and daughters on the grassland are majestic and mighty, and they are all heroes."

"Hmph, what kind of hero? I think they are all idiots, and none of them are my Dalang's opponent."

Ever since the princess knew that she might marry Jia Ke, she had inquired about Jia Ke's life experience and knew that Jia Ke was the eldest in the family, so she always called Jia Ke Da Lang, showing her closeness.

But if Jia Ke heard this name, I don't know if he would think of the scene where he was lying on the bed with a bowl of medicine delivered to his mouth.

Arslen Khan saw that the princess was making a fuss, and hurriedly said to her: "Naren Gaowa, did your mother let you see the dowry I prepared for you?"

"Look, I don't think it's very good. They're all things that radiate light, and I don't like them."

Arslen Khan was a little dazed when he heard this. The dowry he prepared for the princess this time was very valuable, many of which were precious stones transported from the Western Regions. If these things could buy thousands of horses on the grassland.

"What are you dissatisfied with, Father Khan, I will change it for you."

The princess rolled her eyes a few times, and then said coquettishly: "In that case, give me a thousand or two thousand good horses."

Arslen Khan frowned immediately when he heard this. If it was something else, he would naturally agree, but this horse is his lifeblood, let alone send it to the Central Plains. Now the cavalry in the Central Plains has become more and more If they are strong, give them some stallions, and then they will be able to do well in the future.

When Arslen Khan was about to refuse, Meng He said next to him, "The Emperor of the Central Plains has now reached an alliance with the Eight Banners of Manchuria, and they probably don't lack these horses. Since the princess wants them, why don't you give them some, Khan. "

Arslen Khan thought about it after listening to the same reason. Now the Eight Banners of Manchuria are developing more and more powerful, with a population of no less than one million, and only no less than 20 people under control.

Arslen Khan thought of this, and felt that it was too difficult for him to be born in this era.There was a Jia Ke in the Central Plains, and another Manchu in his own grassland.It made him feel like he was under attack.

Arslen Khan thought about it for the last time. The most important thing now is to reach a settlement with the war in the Central Plains. When he has the strength to get rid of the rebellion on the grassland, he will fight Jia Ke.

"Okay, my princess actually wants it. Father Khan, I will prepare it for you immediately. When you get married, you will be indispensable to even one of the two thousand fine horses."

After hearing this, Princess Narengaowa left contentedly.

(End of this chapter)

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