Chapter 728 Death
As soon as Jia Ke saw Qin Keqing wake up, his face immediately showed ecstasy. He immediately bumped into Qin Keqing's bed, grabbed Qin Keqing's hand and asked, "How is it? Is it better?"

Qin Keqing smiled when she heard Jia Ke's question, reached out and touched Jia Ke's face and said softly, "It's hard for Your Majesty."

Seeing Qin Keqing's words, Jia Ke felt helpless, and knew that he had recovered this time.

While Jia Ke and Qin Keqing were rejoicing, Xuan Miao suddenly appeared in the sky.

Once the mystery descended, Qin Keqing's soul power would be a little unstable in his body.

And Jia Ke has felt this mystery many times, and as soon as this mystery came, he knew that something big was about to happen.

Sure enough, as Jia Kedao had expected, Qin Keqing's body began to decline immediately after the mystery arrived.

As soon as Jia Ke saw this situation, she immediately understood.

So Jia Ke immediately knelt down on the ground and bowed his hands to the sky, "I don't know which god came. I bowed my head here and asked the god to spare the queen. I promise here that I will definitely repair the temple in the future and worship the god." .”

Xuan Miao in the sky that day only listened to Jia Ke's words for a while, and then a vague meaning reached Jia Ke's heart.

For a moment, Jia Ke seemed to understand that life and death are determined by destiny.Qin Keqing's fortune is poor, and she should have been sent to Huangquan long ago, but she married Jia Ke by mistake. Jia Ke was a person of great luck, so Qin Keqing's life was continued.

But manpower is sometimes exhausted, and now Jia Ke's luck can't save Qin Keqing's life. Just now Jia Ke used the rejuvenation talisman to go against the sky.

When Tiandao has a reaction, it will come immediately. In this small world, Jia Ke is naturally the darling of heaven and earth, and Tiandao is naturally very tolerant to him.But she treats everyone else equally. Although Qin Keqing is a queen, she doesn't have the ability to make people look at her differently.

If Jia Ke used the Rejuvenation Talisman to heal himself, Heavenly Dao would not intervene, but if he applied this magical power to Qin Keqing, Heavenly Dao would not allow it.

It is precisely because of this that the Dao of Heaven came down in person to send Qin Keqing's soul into the Underworld.

After Jia Ke understood the cause and effect, she also sighed for a while, knowing that although she had some abilities, she couldn't compete with this side of heaven no matter what.

As for Qin Keqing's recovered body, he was dying again in the blink of an eye, and Qin Keqing's spirit flew out of the body again, and then fell into a gray halo, disappearing.

Jia Ke is powerless now, and can only cry on Qin Keqing's body.

This is the only time Jia Ke has cried bitterly since she came to this world. Who can feel the side pain of losing a loved one?

And Jia Ke was crying in the hall, which naturally alarmed the people outside the hall. Others dared not go in, but Jia Zhi, the king of Chu, couldn't control so much. He threw Ruizhu away and took his hand, and ran in immediately. palace.

Seeing Jia Zhi coming in, Jia Ke immediately waved to him, and said with a choked voice, "Your mother has passed away, come and see your mother for the last time."

When Jia Zhi heard this, she threw herself down in front of Qin Keqing's bed, kowtowed and cried bitterly.

At this time, Jia Ke also stood up and called out of the hall to let these people come in to deal with Qin Keqing's funeral.

Jia Ke came forward and hugged Jia Zhi and said to him, "Let's hide for a while and let them dress your mother."

Although Jia Zhi was young, she was very sensible. Although she was still sobbing, she still waited outside with Jia Ke.

After a while Li Deshan came to report that he had finished dressing for the queen.

Jia Ke nodded after listening, and took Jia Zhi into the bedroom again, and came to Qin Keqing's bed.

At this time, Qin Keqing's face had already been covered with rouge, and her face was ruddy, as if she had just fallen asleep.

Seeing Qin Keqing like this, Jia Ke felt sad, thinking that the husband and wife have loved each other for so many years. If it weren't for this royal world, if Jia Ke was still an ordinary general, then they should still be a harmonious husband and wife now.

After Jia Ke was sad for a while, he delivered a decree: "Jia Zhi, king of Chu, is still young, and his concubine Li Ruizhu will take care of him for the time being."

Jia Ke felt endlessly exhausted after saying this, and then delivered the decree again: "Decree to Fan Kang, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, to handle the queen's funeral according to the rules."

After Jia Ke finished giving these instructions, she left the bedroom and came to the side hall of Kunning Palace, silently alone.

Not long after, the eunuch outside came in to report: "Report to the Emperor, Fan Kang, Minister of Rites, is waiting outside Kunning Palace."

"Call him in."

After a while, Fan Kang, who could wear a white robe, came to Jia Ke cautiously.

First he knelt down to salute Jia Ke, and then asked, "I ask the emperor, how should the empress's funeral be held?"

Jia Ke glanced at Ankang who was kneeling there, and then said: "The empress is my first wife when I was young, and she has worked hard in the harem for many years, so I don't have any worries."

Fan Kang naturally knew about Qin Keqing's affairs very clearly, so he echoed the matter and said: "The queen's mother respects the world, and she stands upright, and she can be a model for women in the world."

Jia Ke nodded, and then said with tears in her eyes: "The empress unfortunately died of illness, and my heart is too sad to preside over the empress's funeral in person, and I will have Lao Aiqing next."

"I must do my best, but I don't know where to put the empress after her funeral."

What Fan Kang asked was a big question. After Jia Ke ascended the throne, he began to prepare his mausoleum according to ancient rituals.

But because Jia Ke is still young, he is not very anxious. The Taoist priests he sent out to search for auspicious places in the mountains near Beijing have not yet replied to Jia Ke, let alone Jia Ke. Ke's mausoleum.

Jia Ke thought for a while and then said: "We are now building a temporary mausoleum in Xishan, and we will send the queen's coffin into the mausoleum after I have selected the auspicious place for ten thousand years and built the mausoleum."

After hearing this, Fan Kang hurriedly responded.

Jia Ke then ordered: "The queen passed away, I have no intention of official business, so I will stop court for nine days."

"After bathing and changing clothes, the empress stopped in the Qing Palace."

"Concubines, princes, and princesses wear white cloth filial clothing, three times a day, and guard the spirit in front of the queen's mausoleum."

"Stop marrying and having fun for 27 days; all soldiers and civilians in the capital, men should go to crown tassels, and women should go to earrings."

"Officials in the world must cry for three days in the office."

"Women of first-rank to third-rank civil servants and first-rank to fifth-rank military officers should go to Qianqing Palace in plain clothes tomorrow morning, and enter the palace in mourning clothes. Gold, pearls, silver, emerald jewellery, and makeup powder are not allowed. For mourning, linen hijabs, linen shirts, Linen dress, linen shoes."

After Jia Ke finished giving instructions, she asked Fan Kang, "Do you see any omissions?"

Fan Kang thinks about it, Jia Ke's richness has covered all the important things.

"The emperor shines brightly for thousands of miles, and his thoughts are very comprehensive. This humble minister has nothing to add."

"In this case, you go down and do business."

When Fan Kang heard that Jia Ke asked him to go down, he didn't dare to neglect, and bowed out of the side hall.

Just after Jia Ke left, the expression on his face became both sad and joyful.

Now Jia Ke's mood is very complicated. He and Qin Keqing are indeed husband and wife, but Qin Keqing has the blood of the previous dynasty, and she was born as the queen. Prince, and this is exactly what Jia Ke taboos.

Jia Ke absolutely did not want the next emperor to have the blood of the previous dynasty, even if the child was born of Qin Keqing, whom he really liked, that would not be tolerated.

Besides, in Chengqian Palace, after Jia Ke hurriedly left, Xue Baoqin immediately arrived at Xue Baochai's inner hall.

At this time, an eunuch had already reported to Xue Baochai. She had just dressed up when she saw Xue Baoqin rushing in.

As soon as Xue Baoqin saw Xue Baochai, she immediately went up and said, "Sister, the empress is not well, the emperor has just left me in a hurry."

After hearing this, Xue Baochai was overjoyed at first, and then frowned.

"You've heard the truth."

"How dare I lie to my sister, just now Li Gui personally came to report to the emperor."

When Xue Baochai arrived here, his eyes began to flicker. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. After Qin Keqing's death, there must be someone in the palace who decides.

Xue Baochai thought about the people in the harem, and in the end the most likely only ones were himself and Shi Xiangyun, but this Shi Xiangyun was innocent and innocent, and he was not in charge of things.

Your Majesty is an enlightened ruler of the ages, so he will naturally see the good and the bad. It seems that this time he can jump the dragon's gate with a carp.

"Sister, in this case, let's hurry up and order the eunuch to prepare mourning clothes. After a while, the queen will pass away, and we have to pay homage."

After Xue Baochai comforted Xue Baoqin, she quickly ordered the eunuchs and maids in her palace to change out of their gorgeous clothes and prepare for mourning.

Sure enough, within a short while, Jia Ke's order came. Empress Qin Keqing had passed away, and ordered all concubines, princes, and princesses to cry for the empress three times starting tomorrow morning.

Xue Baochai immediately ordered someone to change her into mourning clothes, and then took Xue Baochai straight to Kunning Palace.

When Xue Baochai arrived at Kunning Palace, he found that Shi Xiangyun was already there.

Xue Baochai and Shi Xiangyun glanced at each other, then nodded silently, and entered Qin Keqing's bedroom together without saying a word.

At this time, Qin Keqing had already been bathed and changed into Jifu.

Xue Baochai and Shi Xiangyun came to Qin Keqing's body, knelt down on the ground and bowed three times and kowtowed nine times before standing up.

Shi Xiangyun spoke at this time: "Sister Bao, why don't I have the coffin guard here today, and Sister Bao will preside over it tomorrow."

Xue Baochai nodded, and then said: "Then I will trouble Sister Shi today. I will go to see how the emperor is doing. The emperor and the empress are deeply in love. The empress is suddenly gone. The emperor must be in great pain."

Shi Xiangyun nodded after hearing this, so the two separated, Shi Xiangyun Kunning Palace was in charge of Qin Keqing's funeral, and Xue Baochai went to find Jia Ke.

(End of this chapter)

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