The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 735 State affairs and family affairs

Chapter 735 State affairs and family affairs
After Arslen Khan got these tattoos, his complexion was very ugly, because these things are the signs of warriors in the tribe.

Each tribe is bestowed by the leader of the tribe himself, and then under the auspices of the wizard, he personally stabs the eagle in front of the gods.

Most of the people who attacked Menghe this time had tattoos on their bodies, which showed that many tribal leaders were dissatisfied with Menghe's existence.

Arslen Khan did not rule out that it was the work of the tribes under his command. Perhaps these tribal leaders thought that he, the great Khan, did not want to leave any excuses for others, so they took action to get rid of this trouble for themselves, but they didn't know what they were doing. It can be regarded as a major event that ruined oneself.

After Arslen Khan found out what happened, he immediately wrote a letter and sent it to the tribe of Menghe in Beihai.

In this letter, Arslen Khan placed all the incidents of Meng He's attack on Jia Ke, and told Meng He not to fall into the opponent's tricks.

After Meng He received this letter, he was also a little helpless. With Meng He's wisdom, he naturally figured out that this was not something Jia Ke could do at all.

Jia Ke had some spies on the Tatar side, but the route he took when he left the king's tent was beyond the reach of these people.

In addition, the assassins who came here were all very powerful. If Meng He hadn't developed a mind, came to a tribe he was acquainted with, and borrowed some soldiers and horses, he would have been buried in the grassland this time.

Although Meng He knew that the people under Arslen Khan must have done it privately, but now he was about to fight Jia Ke, so the enemy could only hold back his anger for the time being.

So Meng He also wrote back to Arslen Khan, in which Meng He denounced Jia Ke's unjust act, and assured Arslen Khan that when he confronts Jia Ke, he must kill the enemy with all his might, in return for this. hatred.

After receiving the letter, Arslen Khan was relieved. He was going to fight Jia Ke. Without Meng He, a think tank, Arslen Khan was really not sure.

Not long after, Jia Ke also received the news that Meng He was attacked, and felt very sorry to see that he was not dead.

Jia Ke is now thinking that it is not so easy to take measures. He is saying that Beihai is thousands of miles away from Dayan Dynasty, and Jia Ke's hand can't reach that far.

After Jia Ke didn't do anything about Meng He, he hastily delivered another decree to the two marshals, telling them to be careful this time, and they would rather act slowly than fall for the opponent's tricks.

At the same time, an order was given to the two of them that once they were surrounded, they could not break out, they could only stick to their positions and wait for reinforcements from the rear.

Jia Ke is just in case, Meng He is powerful, Jia Ke has tasted it, if his two generals are really besieged, once they break through, they will be defeated by Meng He, and there will be hundreds of thousands of soldiers will be scattered on the grasslands.

Huang Bofeng and Feng Mo, the two Jiedu envoys, took an oath together on July 7, and then set off for the Northern Expedition.

After Arslen Khan received the news that Jia Ke sent troops to the north, he did not dare to be negligent, and hastily called all the tribesmen to meet in the king's tent.

The Tatars are all horsemen, and Arslen Khan's convening of men and horses moved very quickly. In less than 20 days, he gathered 50 cavalry in the king's tent.

This time, Arslen Khan handed over the position of commander-in-chief to Meng He. After several battles, Arslen Khan has made it very clear that his command tactics are far inferior to those of Meng He. To gain an advantage in this battle with Jia Ke, he can only hand over the command to Meng He.

Not to mention the Tatars concentrating their troops and horses to prepare for a decisive battle with Jia Ke, but also Marshal Huang Baifeng on the left.

This Huang Baifeng was much older than Jia Ke, so he used his troops very cautiously. He led hundreds of thousands of soldiers slowly to the north, not in a hurry to fight the Tatars, but started to mop up the nearby tribes.

All the big and small tribes found by Huang Baifeng were wiped out by him, all the young and middle-aged men and women were reduced to slaves, and all the remaining useless old people were killed.

After Huang Baifeng made such a fuss on the grassland, waves of blood immediately set off.

Arslen Khan was very angry after receiving the news that Jia Ke had gone north to kill countless people this time.

Arslen Khan gritted his teeth several times to his subordinates and said: "The killing of the people in the Central Plains is no different from animals. In the future, when the army goes south, we must teach the people in the Central Plains a lesson."

When Arslen Khan said this, he completely forgot that he often bathed in the Central Plains, treated the young and strong people and women in the Central Plains as slaves, and killed all the old people.

Not to mention that the armies of the two countries gathered and approached slowly, but also that in the Forbidden City, the Tatar Princess Naren Gaowa was very anxious after receiving the news that the two countries were about to fight.

Naren Gaowa has been favored by Jia Ke in the Central Plains Palace over the years, and she gave birth to a son for Jia Ke—Jia Ying, King of Shu.

These days Naren Gaowa can be said to have trouble sleeping and eating, because she got the news that Jia Ke sent two armies northward to fight her father Arslen Khan.

This made Naren Gaowa feel awkward, with her father on one side and her husband on the other.

Naren Gaowa couldn't figure out what these men were thinking in their hearts. The two sides had been calm for so many years, why did such turmoil suddenly arise again?
Naren Gaowa decided to ask Jia Ke in person, but Naren Gaowa still decided to support Jia Ke no matter what the outcome.

This is also related to the tradition of women on the prairie. Once a woman marries her man on the prairie, if her man conflicts with the tribe she came from, she will firmly stand by her man.

When Jia Ke was visiting the Imperial Garden one afternoon, she happened to run into Naren Gaowa who was also traveling.

It turned out that at the invitation of Shi Xiangyun, Naren Gaowa and the two came to the Imperial Garden to enjoy the flowers, but they just ran into Jia Ke who came to have fun.

Naren Gaowa has not seen Jia Ke for a long time since the news of the Northern Expedition was released by the imperial court.

This time Naren Gaowa ran into Jia Ke by accident, she was naturally full of joy, and finally found someone to solve her doubts.

When Jia Ke saw Naren Gaowa, she was taken aback for a moment, and then she showed an embarrassing expression. Over the years, Jia Ke had a good impression of Naren Gaowa, but she still couldn't hide that Jia Ke used Naren Gaowa to ease the tension. The nature of the political marriage in relations with the Tatars.

Naren Gaowa has learned the etiquette of the Central Plains for several years. She came to Jia Ke first, and gave Jia Ke a blessing, and then said delicately: "My concubine Naren Gaowa, I have seen my emperor, long live Long live long live."

Jia Ke hurried forward to help Naren Gaowa, and said with a smile, "Aifei, are you here to enjoy the flowers?"

When Jia Ke asked, Shi Xiangyun who was standing next to him said, "Concubine Shi Xiangyun, I have seen Your Majesty. It is only because I heard that the chrysanthemums bloomed well this year, so I invited my sister to come and enjoy the flowers together."

After listening to Jia Ke, she looked around and saw that the chrysanthemums were in full bloom, and her eyes were golden.

"I'm busy with business, I don't know about the chrysanthemums blooming yet."

Naren Gaowa took a few steps forward and grabbed Jia Ke's sleeve, "Your Majesty, I heard that my concubine intends to make a northern expedition and fight the Tatars?"

After Jia Ke heard it, she became angry for a while: "Concubines in the harem are not allowed to participate in politics, don't you know?"

But Naren Gaowa still straightened her swan-like neck, holding on to Jia Ke's sleeves, "Your Majesty, I am the Princess of Tatar, and I am more anxious about the war between the two families than anyone else. Your Majesty, please take care of me." For the sake of the ministers and concubines who have been serving for many years, the soldiers are suspended and the war is saved, so as to save the lives of the people of the two families."

Seeing that Naren Gaowa was about to cry, Jia Ke also felt a little distressed.

To say that Naren Gaowa has lost a lot when she came to the Central Plains, the most important thing is that she used to be a lark flying on the grassland, but now she is a canary in a cage.

Jia Ke calmed down for a moment, stretched out her hand to hold Naren Gaowa in her arms, and then said softly: "The war between the two countries is not only a matter of the kings of the two countries, but also the will of the people of the two countries."

"The Tatars envy the prosperity of the Central Plains, so they naturally want to come to the Central Plains to enjoy the glory and wealth. Can you stop your father Khan from harassing the Central Plains? This is a man's business. You don't have to worry about it as a woman. live a good life.”

After listening to Jia Ke's explanation, Naren Gaowa was also saddened. She naturally understood the Tatars' ambition to pursue wealth and slaves.

Naren Gaowa thought for a while, then knelt down to Jia Ke, "I don't ask for anything else, I just ask Your Majesty, once my father is caught, he can spare his life, even if he is locked up for the rest of his life, my concubine Also remember His Majesty Long En."

Jia Ke hurriedly helped Naren Gaowa up, and then comforted her again, saying, "My dear concubine, don't worry. Although we are enemies, we are also confidants. If we capture him alive in the future, we will definitely save his life. Don't make things difficult for Concubine Ai."

After hearing this, Naren Gaowa thanked them again and again, but Shi Xiangyun was a little jealous when he saw Jia Ke and Naren Gaowa.

So in the end, Shi Xiangyun also came forward and grabbed Jia Ke's other arm, and the three of them turned back to Shi Xiangyun's Zhongcui Palace in a short while.

That night, the three of them were in Zhongcui Palace, and they spent the whole night in a hustle and bustle.

Not to mention Jia Ke and the others, besides, the Supreme Emperor Jia Zheng lived very comfortably in the Kangning Palace these years. This was the most relaxed time since he was born, and he no longer had to worry about the future of the Jia family.

Therefore, Jia Zheng felt relieved and began to enjoy himself in the harem, and now the person Jia Zheng cares most about is that Concubine Zhao.

To say that Concubine Zhao's appearance in this palace is not top-notch, there are many beauties in the palace who are much better than Concubine Zhao, but for some reason, Jia Zheng doesn't care about other people, he just loves Concubine Zhao very much.

But this Concubine Zhao is very discerning, who can't be offended, who can be bullied, she has a steelyard in her heart.

Therefore, over the past few years, Concubine Zhao has lived a very nourishing life.

But with her son, Kang Wang Jiahuan is getting older and has reached the age of getting married, Concubine Zhao can be troubled.

The reason is that Concubine Zhao's sister-in-law came to the palace several times and wanted Jia Huan to marry his cousin.

(End of this chapter)

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