Chapter 738
Mrs. Wang brought her family and servants to the gate of the palace in a sedan chair, and handed a sign to the palace.

The little eunuch in charge didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly spread the word inside, and soon it reached Xue Baochai in Chengqian Palace.

Xue Baochai felt a little funny when she heard the report from outside. She also heard about Jia Huan's marriage these days.

Now Empress Dowager Zhao has got her wish and married a daughter-in-law from a wealthy family. It seems that her sister-in-law got the news and came to ask her teacher for her crimes.

However, this matter had nothing to do with Xue Baochai, so Xue Baochai issued a sign at that time to let Wang enter the palace to meet Zhao Taifei.

Mrs. Wang finally entered the palace, and then hurried to Kangning Palace, where she met Concubine Zhao in the side hall of Kangning Palace.

Empress Dowager Zhao knew of such a trick after Jia Ke delivered the decree and bestowed marriage on Jia Huan. This time, her sister-in-law was not worried about finding her, but just sat there pretending to be sad.

When Mrs. Wang entered the side hall, she was taken aback when she saw Concubine Zhao frowning there, what's the matter?Her son has found a well-matched daughter from a high family, what's there to be unhappy about?

So Mrs. Wang first bowed to Concubine Zhao, and then Concubine Zao signaled to sit down beside her, and then asked in a strange way: "My lady, what's the matter? I heard that King Kang is a thousand years old, but I found a wealthy family. Daughter-in-law, the empress should be happy."

Concubine Zhao sighed, and then said: "It's the same when it comes to my family, but now I hope this daughter-in-law is caring."

After listening to Concubine Zhao's words, Mrs. Wang couldn't figure out what she was thinking, so she had to hold back her anger for a while and asked, "Since the empress thinks so, why did you take advantage of Zhao Shu's daughter in the end?"

Concubine Zhao said helplessly: "I want to agree, but how can I, a woman, be in charge of this matter? After you went back last time, I immediately reported this matter to the Supreme Emperor, and the Supreme Emperor scolded me right away. The dog blood sprinkler, and then told me not to care about this matter. As a result, within a few days, it was reported that Huan'er was bestowed with a marriage."

After hearing this, Mrs. Wang was even more helpless. Who would dare to disobey what the Supreme Emperor and the Emperor said? It seems that this matter is settled, and her daughter will not have this blessing.

So Mrs. Wang had no choice but to chat with Concubine Zhao for a few more words, and left the palace in a hurry on the grounds that something happened at home.

Concubine Zhao looked at the Wang family who left, with a smug smile on her face, she didn't look at what her daughter was like, how could she be worthy of her family ring.

Seeing that Jia Huan's marriage was getting closer, Xue Baochai suddenly invited Jia Ke to his Chengqian Palace on this day, saying that he had something important to discuss.

Jia Ke was also puzzled, Xue Baochai was in charge of the harem, so he could discuss with him any important matters, but since Xue Baochai had said it, he had to save face, so after finishing the business, he brought people Came to Chengqian Palace.

As soon as Jia Ke entered the Chengqian Palace, she heard the laughter of children inside, and then a child with a tiger's head and a tiger's brain ran out.

When Jia Ke saw it, she immediately went up and hugged it in her arms. It turned out that the child was Jia Hui, king of Qi.

This Jia Hui was held in Jia Ke's arms, and he was even more happy that he hugged Jia Ke's neck and kept acting like a baby in Jia Ke's arms.

While Jia Ke was playing with Jia Hui and his son, Xue Baochai came out from the inside and looked at Jia Ke holding Jia Hui, with a brighter smile on his face.

Xue Baochai came forward to salute Jia Ke, then took the reluctant Jia Hui from Jia Ke's arms, and handed it to the nurse beside her.

Jia Ke looked at Xue Baochai and laughed, then entered Chengqian Palace with her arms around her.

At this time, Xue Baoqin, who lived in the side hall of Chengqian Palace, heard that Jia Ke was coming, and hurried over to see her.

Next, Xue Baochai set up a banquet in Chengqian Palace to serve Jia Ke.

After three rounds of wine and five tastes of food, Xue Baochai said casually: "I heard that King Kang is going to get married soon."

Jia Ke was taken aback when she heard this. Xue Baochai should have known about the rumors of this incident, but now she is still asking about it, but she doesn't know what it means.

"That's right. King Kang's age has also come, and the Supreme Emperor has also informed me. I want to marry him sooner."

After hearing Jia Ke's words, Xue Baochai pursed her lips into a smile, then took a piece of steamed bear's paw for Jia Ke, and put it on the plate in front of Jia Ke's eyes.

"Your majesty, this nobleman forgets things too much. Have you forgotten that there is a princess in our family who should also get married?"

As soon as Jia Ke heard Xue Baochai's words, she was taken aback for a moment, and immediately thought of Jia Tanchun.

Jia Tanchun is the sister of Jia Huan's first-milk compatriot, she is a few years older than Jia Huan, and now even Jia Huan is going to get married, she is still in the palace, so she is no longer an old girl.

"Oh, my concubine didn't say anything, and I forgot about it. What should I do now? Concubine Ai has an idea."

After Xue Baochai finished listening, the smile on her face became even brighter. She said to Jia Ke: "The sisters in our family are all talented and knowledgeable, and full of knowledge. If you marry an ordinary family, I am afraid that the couple will not be able to go together. How about Choose someone with talent and learning, and don't care about high officials and small ones."

Jia Ke listened and nodded, and then said: "The Tanhua man in the last imperial examination - Li Zhi, is a young talent, and I heard that he is not engaged yet, why don't we make him and our family Tanchun together?" Yes, what do you think?"

After Xue Baochai finished listening, she thought about it silently, and found this person out of her memory.

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month of this year, when all the officials came to admire the flowers, Xue Baochai met this Tanhualang. This Tanhualang wrote a poem at that time. pressed down.

Now that I think about it, this person really has a beautiful face and outstanding literature. If he is paired with Jia Tanchun, they will really be a match made in heaven.

"Sure enough, he is a good candidate. With such a good son-in-law, I think he will be happy in the future when he comes to Tanchun."

Jia Ke also nodded, but Xue Baochai said, "Among the girls in our family, Tanchun is a hero among girls. If she marries an ordinary family, it will really ruin her talent and learning."

Jia Yuanchun smiled, and then said: "This is the emperor, don't spread it. I will go to the palace and ask Tanchun if he is willing. Don't let us mess up the mandarin ducks."

Jia Ke naturally had no objection to this. An ordinary emperor would have been annoyed by Xue Baochai's words.

We must know that in ancient times, the emperor and his ministers, father and son, and the father of the emperor made a will, so there is no reason to disagree.

That is to say, Jia Ke still has the thoughts of modern people, so he doesn't care about it.

Since Jia Huan's marriage was about to start, Xue Baochai didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly brought the maids and eunuchs to Yonghe Palace where Jia Tanchun and other sisters lived.

In the current Yonghe Palace, there are only two sisters, Jia Tanchun and Jia Xichun, who live in such a large palace, which can be said to be very spacious.

When Xue Baochai came to Jia Tanchun's palace, an eunuch had already gone in to report, and Jia Tanchun hurried out to greet him.

After everyone saluted, they entered the main hall, where the guests and the host were seated, and then Jia Tanchun asked: "Is there something wrong with your empress coming to my little sister's place this time?"

Xue Baochai sat there and took a sip of tea, and then said solemnly: "I came to this palace today to ask for a gift, and the things you want to give don't suit my wishes, and you will suffer at that time."

When Jia Tanchun heard Xue Baochai teasing there, he knew it was a good thing, so he also stood up, came to Xue Baochai's side, shook her arm and said, "Good sister-in-law, as long as you want anything, as long as I have something here , you just take it. What's the matter? Sister-in-law just tell me."

Xue Baochai felt a little dizzy when Jia Tanchun shook her head, so she could only beg her for mercy: "Okay, okay, don't shake it, I'm afraid of you this time."

After Xue Baochai finished speaking, he pulled Jia Tanchun to sit on the seat next to him, and then looked Jia Tanchun up and down.

I saw that Jia Tanchun at this time was quite different from when he was in Rongguo Mansion. I saw that Jia Tanchun was wearing a phoenix crown on his head and a xiapei on his body, like a fairy descending to the mortal world.

Jia Tanchun made Xue Baochai look a little embarrassed, so he turned his head to the other side and ignored Xue Baochai.

Xue Baochai could only close his eyes, took Jia Tanchun's hand and said, "Your brother Jia Huan is going to get married soon, do you know that?"

After Jia Tanchun finished listening, a smile finally appeared on his face, "I have already heard from the people below that the girl is the daughter of Zhao Shu, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and she is a lady of everyone and the daughter of a wealthy family. Found a good match."

Xue Baochai was a little funny looking at Jia Tanchun's happy look, she patronizes others, and I'm afraid she has forgotten all about herself.

So Xue Baochai continued to fight Jia Tanchun and said, "Unfortunately, I don't know how long this marriage will take."

"What did you say? Didn't the emperor's brother already make an order? I see that this year is just right for them to get married. What is there to delay?"

Xue Baochai sighed, and then said: "That's what I said, but this important matter of marriage can't be more reasonable. It must be orderly."

Jia Tanchun didn't even think that this was talking about himself, but asked a little puzzled: "Brother Baoyu has been married for several years. Where can I get in the way of Huaner?"

Seeing that Jia Tanchun didn't understand, these Baochai couldn't help it anymore, so they smiled and nodded her forehead and said: "Although Kang Wang's elder brother is married, why would she have a sister to stay in the boudoir."

Jia Tanchun knew that Xue Baochai was talking about her when he heard this, and immediately blushed with shame. Jia Tanchun now fully understood that Xue Baochai came this time for her marriage.

Xue Baochai didn't seem to notice the shyness on Jia Tanchun's face, and continued: "Yesterday your brother discussed with me and felt that if we want to arrange Jia Huan's marriage, we must first take care of your affairs."

Having said this, Xue Baochai took another look at Jia Tanchun, and then asked: "What do you like, people like us have nothing to be afraid of, if you talk to me, I will naturally let your brother decide for you. "

(End of this chapter)

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