The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 743 Mother and Daughter Meet

Chapter 743 Mother and Daughter Meet
Besides, Huang Bofeng returned to the Central Plains with a large group of people, and then he received the news from Feng Mo, knowing that Feng Mo had successfully got rid of Meng He's entanglement and returned to Liaodong Town safely.

After Jia Ke received the news of the return of the two armies in the capital, he stayed in the house alone for a long time, depressed.

This time, Jia Ke thought he was sure of winning, but he didn't expect the two armies to come back in such an anticlimactic manner.

Jia Ke couldn't understand why the two armies each had 5 musketeers, so they couldn't defeat the cavalry on the grassland.

Jia Ke thought about it for the last time, and finally realized that musketeers alone were not enough to gain a decisive advantage.

You know, as long as these cavalry on the prairie don't take the initiative to attack the well-organized formation of the Musketeers, then the Musketeers really have nothing to do with these prairie cavalry that move as fast as the wind.

The number of Eight Banners cavalry sent by Jia Ke this time is very small compared to the cavalry on the grassland, and it is not enough to completely contain them.

After Jia Ke figured it out, he also sighed a little. It seemed that he had taken it for granted, thinking that with the advantages of technology, he could be crushed properly, but he didn't expect that reality taught him a heavy lesson.

Fortunately, this time, the generals he sent were all battle-tested and resourceful, and did not cause major damage to the two armies.

Jia Ke sighed, this time it could only be like this, and next year or the year after, he had to learn his lesson and send troops to the Northern Expedition, even if it was exhausted, the Tatars would be exhausted.

Jia Ke thought that in terms of national power, he had already gained an absolute advantage over the Tatars, and the Tatars, as a grassland nation, often plundered the Central Plains. Naturally, Jia Ke could not tolerate such a fierce tiger and slept soundly beside his couch.

Jia Ke was troubled here. Unexpectedly, a few days later, Huang Baifeng sent him another military report. This time it gave him good news. It turned out that Huang Baifeng had captured the mother of Hui Fei Naren Gaowa Khan's Yanshi - Andy Na.

Jia Ke is satisfied now. This time the Northern Expedition finally did not return empty-handed. Next, there is also a rhetoric for the publicity to the people of the Central Plains. Whether it is victory or failure, at least he can capture the queen of the opponent. Can also be satisfied.

That night, Jia Ke came to the Changchun Palace where Naren Gaowa lived.

Knowing that Jia Ke is here, Naren Gaowa is naturally happy. Although Jia Ke is very fond of Naren Gaowa, there are many beautiful women in the palace. That is five or six days of effort.

Naren Gaowa held a banquet in the Changchun Palace, and brought her son to wait for Jia Ke outside the palace gate. When Jia Ke arrived, the two of them knelt down beside Jia Ke's imperial chariot and saluted.

Seeing that Naren Gaowa came out to greet her with her son, Jia Ke hurriedly got off the imperial chariot, first came to her son and hugged him, and then complained to Naren Gaowa: "It's getting cold, you What are you taking him out for? What if there is a wind?"

Naren Gaowa stood up, and said nonchalantly: "Why are you afraid of the cold? His father is a hero in the world, a hero in the world. And his mother is also a princess on the grassland. If he is worried about these things like other children , how to ride a horse to fight in the future."

Jia Ke shook her head, completely disagreeing with Naren Gaowa's parenting experience.

Next, Jia Ke carried his fourth son Jia Ying and Na Ren Gaowa into the main hall, and then sat directly in front of the banquet. The whole family had a meal here.

After taking away the leftovers from dinner, Jia Ke drank a cup of tea, and then said to Naren Gaowa: "This time there is news, for you, I don't know whether it is joy or sorrow."

As soon as Naren Gaowa heard this, she immediately remembered that the two countries were at war, and then she looked at Jia Ke with sad eyes, looking a little helpless, and she was completely different from the strong princess before.

Seeing this situation, Jia Ke stopped teasing her, "This time the fighting between the two countries is over, and Huang Baifeng and Feng Mo have returned to their respective camps."

When Naren Gaowa heard what Jia Ke said, she finally breathed a sigh of relief, and no longer had to be in a dilemma about the war between the two countries.

But what Jia Ke said next surprised her.

"This time Huang Baifeng attacked your father's residence by surprise. Your father escaped with his own soldiers, but Huang Baifeng captured your mother back. They will send the prisoners to Beijing soon."

Naren Gaowa was a little surprised when she heard this, she didn't expect her father to encounter such a crisis, and even left his family and ran away alone.

Naren Gaowa thought for a while, then stood up, came to Jia Ke, and bowed down gracefully.

When Jia Ke saw Naren Gaowa kneeling on the ground, she knew what she meant. She wanted to intercede for her mother.

As expected, Naren Gaowa prostrated herself in tears and said, "Your Majesty, when I was in the grassland, I was very stubborn and caused many disasters. In the end, it was my father and mother who covered me up. I was young at that time, and I didn't know what my parents were doing. Now that I am married to His Majesty and gave birth to Jia Ying, I realize how hard it is for my parents. Please, for the sake of my concubines, Your Majesty will settle down for my mother."

When Jia Ke heard this, she also sighed a little. If she doesn't have a child, she doesn't know the kindness of her parents.Only after experiencing it can we know how much the older generation has paid for the next generation.

So Jia Ke stood up, helped Naren Gaowa and said: "My beloved concubine, don't cry, you married from the grasslands to the Central Plains, and you don't have any relatives. I know your difficulties in my heart. It's not as good as your mother just came to the Central Plains this time." Bringing her to the palace to accompany you will also relieve your pain of missing your relatives."

After listening to Jia Ke's words, Naren Gaowa immediately burst into tears. Over the years, although she seemed to be joking and didn't take being away from the grassland seriously, she actually missed her relatives on the grassland in her heart.

Now after listening to Jia Ke's words, I know Jia Ke and understand my own heart.

In the evening, Naren Gaowa flattered Jia Ke in order to repay Jia Ke, and Jia Ke lived a very comfortable life.

More than 20 days after Huang Baifeng gave the memorial, thousands of soldiers escorted, hundreds of carts and a gorgeous cart came to the capital.

These things are all the treasures that Huang Baifeng looted from the location of Ars Lenghan's king's tent, and Naren Gaowa's mother was placed on a cart.

After Jia Ke received the report in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, she immediately ordered Li Gui to transport the treasures into the inner treasury of the palace, and at the same time brought Naren Gaowa's mother into the palace to have an audience.

Li Gui got an errand, led his men on fast horses, and hurried out of the west gate.

When he came to the place where Ximen was shot, Li Gui saw the general who was escorting this time. After the handover between the two sides, the general led his troops back to Xuanfu Town.

And Li Gui slowly entered the capital with the vehicles sent by the strong eunuchs of his imperial horse supervisor.

After Li Gui counted the treasures in the carriage, he brought Andy Na to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Then people watched Andy Na, and went in to report to Jia Ke.

Jia Ke had just finished reviewing a memorial, and looked up to see Li Guigong kneeling there respectfully.

"No matter how you come in, don't say a word."

The servant saw that he was also busy with taxation, so he didn't dare to disturb him. "

Jia Ke nodded in satisfaction, and then asked, "What are the things Huang Baifeng sent?"

Li Guigong replied respectfully: "30 taels of gold and 200 million taels of silver. There are still many precious treasures."

After listening to Jia Ke, she nodded in satisfaction. It seems that this time the Northern Expedition did not suffer. This is not the military expenditure of the Northern Expedition, it is all out.

Jia Ke then thought again, this time the military expenses for the Northern Expedition were all paid from the Ministry of Households. If he squashed all the tribute treasures, then the courtiers might have gossip.

So Jia Ke could only say helplessly: "The gold will be kept in the inner treasury, and all the silver will be sent to the account department for them to account."

Li Gui hesitated after hearing Jia Ke's arrangement, because in Li Gui's view, since it was a tribute sent by Huang Baifeng and entered the inner treasury, it was naturally the emperor's private property, so there was no reason to send it to the Ministry of Household Affairs, but in the end it was He nodded and agreed, because Li Gui could also see that this was the emperor's compromise with the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty. He couldn't eat meat alone, and those ministers had to drink some soup.

After reporting this matter, Li Gui went on to play: "Long Live Lord, Concubine Hui's mother is still waiting outside the hall, I don't know if the emperor will receive her."

Jia Ke nodded without hesitation.

Then Li Gui understood what Jia Ke meant when he saw it, so he retreated respectfully, and led Andy Na into the main hall after a while.

Andy Na looked up after entering the main hall, and saw a middle-aged man wearing a bright yellow embroidered dragon costume sitting on the treasure seat.

And Jia Ke also lowered his head to look down, seeing Jia Ke immediately felt hot and dry.

This Andy Na really deserves to be a beauty of Western descent, her figure is not comparable to that of a Han woman.

When Andy Na saw Jia Ke looking over, her face blushed immediately, and later imitated the Han people and gave Jia Ke a blessing, and then stood aside and stopped talking.

Jia Ke stared at the woman for a long time, finally Li Deshan coughed, he became a little sober, and then said with a smile: "Naren Gaowa is alone in the palace, you will stay with Naren in the palace after a while Gao Wa."

Andy Na breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Jia Ke's words, and it's not bad to be able to accompany her daughter in the palace to continue to live a life of prosperity and wealth.

You must know that the other concubines who came here with her are all suffering in Huang Baifeng's camp now, and I'm afraid they will never be able to leave that barracks again.

After Jia Ke finished her orders, she ordered Li Gui to take Andy Na to Naren Gaowa's Changchun Palace.

After arriving at the Changchun Palace, when Naren Gaowa and Andy Na's mother and daughter met, they naturally hugged each other and cried.

Fortunately, Naren Gaowa has grown up a lot during this time, after crying for a while, she helped her mother into the main hall, and then set up a banquet to cleanse her mother.

From now on, Andy Na has lived in Changchun Palace for a long time, and it didn't take long for rumors to spread in the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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