Chapter 745
Li Zhi's words were very effective, and after a while, Xi Ren and several other aunts rushed to the door of Lin Daiyu's main room.

When these people saw Li Zhi, they immediately knelt down and saluted her.

But Li Zhi didn't make them stand up, but walked up to them, and asked with a blank expression: "The princess is sick, why don't you wait on the bed?"

These people looked at each other, and finally they all focused on Xi Ren.

Xiren has the highest status in Prince Fu's mansion after Lin Daiyu.

And Xiren had known this second mistress a long time ago, and she still knew Li Zhi's temper, but she was just a dough-like character.

So the attacker raised his head and said respectfully: "If you go back to the princess, it's only because I am a slave and have to take care of the little prince. Our prince especially spares the slave from serving himself in front of the princess."

Li Zhi looked at the previous Xiren who understood the overall situation and was gentle and considerate, feeling a little emotional in his heart, this time and the environment really can change a person.

Although Li Zhi felt emotional in his heart, he didn't show it on his face. She stopped in front of Raider, stepped forward and said, "The princess is ill, who is in charge of the palace during this time?"

After Xiren heard this, her heart trembled, but she still forced herself to remain calm, and said with a smile on her face: "Our concubine is not in good health these days and can't manage affairs. The prince saw that there was some chaos in the mansion, so he temporarily let the little one take charge of the affairs." The affairs of the palace."

"Since you are in charge of all affairs of the palace, why didn't you send someone to report to the palace if your concubine is so ill?"

"Slave, I'm just a person who can't get on the stage. I don't have the right to send a message to the palace. All of this has to be decided by our prince."

There is nothing Li Zhi didn't understand here, Jia Baoyu was so careless, he didn't take this matter to heart, and probably entrusted everything to the aunt in front of him.

And this Aunt Xiren, I am afraid that she has a small plan in her heart, which is to let Lin Daiyu slowly die.

Now Li Zhi felt that there was no need to say anything to Xiren, so he directly ordered, "Hua Xiren has neglected his duties, and the princess is seriously ill and did not report it. She will be dragged out to beat [-] boards."

When the family members of Prince Fu's Mansion heard Li Zhi's words, they all looked at each other in blank dismay, and didn't step forward to make a move.

It's all because Hua Xiren is actually the head grandma, the immediate boss of these people.They are servants, how dare they go up and do it.

When Hua Xiren heard Li Zhi's words, he was a little unconvinced and said, "I'm afraid the second grandma made a mistake. This is Prince Fu's mansion, not Prince Shirong's mansion."

After Hua Xiren said this, he dared to stand up from the ground, and then gave Li Zhi a provocative look.

It's not that Hua Xiren really doesn't take Li Zi seriously, but she thinks that this time she can't be kind. If she really does what Li Zhi said and gives herself thirty boards, if it's true, she will Life is gone.

When Li Zhi saw that the Huaxi people dared to be so presumptuous, his face turned ashen, and he stared at Hua Xiren with gloomy eyes and said, "Which character are you on the stage? But you fell in love with Yudie? How dare you be so shameless in front of me?" Li, it seems to really let you know, know, the laws of the country and the family are powerful."

After Li Zhi finished speaking, he shouted to the maids and mothers in Fu Wang's mansion: "What are you still doing? Why don't you take down this arrogant slave?"

But Hua Xiren shouted loudly: "Who dares to do it? This is still Prince Fu's Mansion, and everything will be dealt with when the prince comes back."

Because of Hua Xiren, he knew that if Jia Baoyu came back, he would just make a living, so in the end he kowtowed to make amends, and his life was saved.

Li Zhi looked at the servants of Prince Fu's Mansion, and suddenly smiled at Hua Xiren: "What a grandma who is in charge, she doesn't care about me. If this is the case, I will have no face to stay here."

After Li Zhi said this, he led the people out of the staff and left Fu Wang's mansion.

And Hua Xiren was relieved when he saw Li Zhi leave. If Li Zhi was furious again, those people in the palace would try their best to take him down.Those maids and mothers below may not dare to carry Li Zhi's orders.

But Hua Xiren didn't know that what she did just now completely annoyed Li Zhi, if Hua Xiren could calm down the matter, it would be fine if he gritted his teeth and stood up to the 30 boards.

In the end, Hua Xiren dared to contradict Li Zhi in order not to be beaten, which made Li Zhi lose face in front of so many people, and at the same time let Li Zhi understand that Hua Xiren was unscrupulous in Fu Wang's mansion.

Therefore, Li Zhi decided to make Hua Xiren disappear from now on, so Li Zhi did not return to the Rong Palace, but directly ordered people to drive the car outside the gate of the palace.

Li Zhi ordered his servant girl to send a message to the eunuch outside the gate of the palace, saying that it was Rong Wangfei Li Zhi who asked to see the noble concubine Xue Baochai.

Knowing Li Zhi's identity, the eunuch dared not neglect him, so he immediately sent someone to Chengqian Palace to report to Xue Baochai.

And Xue Baochai was dealing with the palace things of the past few days in the palace at this time, and her son Jia Hui was playing around next to her.

At this moment, Ying'er came in from the outside, came to Xue Baochai's side, and said softly: "Your Majesty, Princess Rong Li Zhi is asking to see you."

Xue Baochai paused for a moment, then raised her head and asked, "Did Princess Rong say something is wrong?"

"It's not going to work, but the eunuch below came to report that Princess Rong looked a little ugly, as if she was angry."

After hearing this, Xue Baochai was a little puzzled. Although Li Zhi said that his temper had grown, he was not as friendly as before.There is still no precedent for bringing someone into the palace to seek an audience.

"Send her in."

Ying'er bowed and retreated after listening.

Soon, Li Zhi's chariot and horse entered the palace, and finally changed into a sedan chair, and stopped at the gate of Chengqian Palace.

As soon as Li Zhi got out of the car, he saw Xue Baochai's personal maid, Ying'er, waiting here respectfully.

Ying'er went up to perform the ceremony for Li Zhi first, and then secretly looked at Li Zhi's face, seeing him and her complexion was very gloomy, so she didn't dare to ask more questions, she led the way in front, and led her into Chengqian Palace.

Li Zhi came to the main hall of Chengqian Palace, looked up, and saw Xue Baochai sitting there.

Well, if it was in the past, it would be fine for Li Zhi to go forward and just salute, but now his status has changed drastically, and Li Zhi has no choice but to follow the rules and kneel down to kowtow to Xue Baochai.

After Li performed the ceremony, Xue Baochai smiled and asked Yinger next to her to help her up.

Finally, he asked the eunuch to set up a chair for Li Zhi next to him, and asked Li Zhi to work there and talk to him.

After the two sat down again, the maid served fragrant tea to them.

Only then did Xue Baochai ask, "I see that you are angry, what's the matter?"

Hearing Xue Baochai's question, Li Zhi immediately remembered what happened to him in Prince Fu's Mansion, his eyes widened immediately, and then he said angrily, "What else can happen? Now Prince Fu's Mansion is in a mess. If you go down, you won't have a few days to live."

When Xue Baochai heard that Lin Daiyu was not well, she was a little worried, but she knew that Lin Daiyu couldn't live without medicine when she was a girl, not to mention that now after the miscarriage, her body has not recovered.

"I haven't heard of anyone reporting it? What's going on?"

So Li Zhi told Xue Baochai what happened today in detail.

After hearing this, Xue Baochai didn't look so good. To be honest, Xue Baochai, Lin Daiyu and others had lived and played together for several years, and they still had some feelings.

Li Zhi asked Xue Baochai what happened just now, "You are in charge of this matter, you have to make up your mind, you can't let Fu Wang's mansion continue to be in such a mess."

After hearing this, Xue Baochai was a little embarrassed. Since Jia Baoyu went to Qin Keqing's mausoleum without authorization a few years ago, Jia Ke has never seen Jia Baoyu again, nor paid attention to the affairs of Jia Baoyu's mansion. It seems that he regarded him as a Invisible man.Will Jia Ke be unhappy if I ask about the matter of Prince Fu's Mansion now?

Seeing Xue Baochai's silence, Li Zhi was a little displeased: "If the imperial concubine can't make the decision, I will leave now."

Seeing that Li Zhi was about to leave, Xue Baochai quickly grabbed him and asked, "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to Ningshou Palace now, and ask the old lady for an explanation."

Xue Baochai pulled Li Zhi aside helplessly, and whispered in his ear: "Didn't you realize that the emperor and Baoyu haven't met each other in recent years?"

When Li Zhi heard this, he thought about it in his mind, and sure enough, the emperor and Baoyu hadn't appeared in the same place in the past few years.Thinking of this, she immediately knew something was wrong.

After Xue Baochai appeased Li Zhi, she said helplessly: "If it is someone else's family matter, I will settle it with an edict from my palace. But the matter of Baoyu's family, the emperor has decided to let him fend for himself. What do you want my palace to do?" ?”

"Then let them torment Daiyu?"

Xue Baochai thought for a while, and said: "Daiyu is no better than others, she is also the emperor's cousin, she has suffered such grievances, I cannot ignore her."

Xue Baochai turned around and said to Dai Ying, the personal eunuch standing next to her: "You take someone to Fu Wang's mansion, and give this lowly servant girl to this palace to kill on the spot. Then let the people in the imperial hospital send a few capable imperial doctors to personally give Fu The concubine takes care of her, and tells them that if something happens to Concubine Fu, the emperor will not spare them."

Dai Ying got Qin Keqing's order, and immediately retreated, and then left the palace with dozens of young eunuchs, and then came to the front of Fu Wang's mansion all the way.

And the servants in front of Prince Fu's Mansion saw such a group of eunuchs barging in, and immediately stepped forward to stop them.

"What are you doing? Do you know where this is?"

Dai Ying said with a blank face: "The imperial concubine has a decree to pass on, you all get out of the way."

When the family servants heard Dai Ying's words, they knew something was wrong, and they didn't dare to be negligent, so they hurriedly invited these people to the palace.

Dai Ying came to the living room and sat down, then asked the servants, "I don't know if King Fu Qiansui is in the mansion."

"If you go back to your father-in-law, our prince is eating outside, not in the mansion."

(End of this chapter)

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