Chapter 756
Meng He sat in the middle and watched these tribes filled with righteous indignation, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then disappeared immediately, and then he said with a sad face: "I have been loyal to the Great Khan, and I have fought everywhere for decades. I never had any second thoughts, never thought that Da Khan would be so suspicious of me, it really chills me."

As Meng He's close friend, Ao Denggerile knew that Meng He had turned against him when he heard Meng He's words.

But he thought in his heart, in the current situation, even if Meng He did not turn against him, Arslen Khan would not spare Meng He, and he and others, as Meng He's friends, might be purged in the end.

Since this is the case, it is better to follow Meng He and turn against him. If Meng He becomes the Great Khan himself, these people will also benefit and the tribe will expand.

So Aodenggerile stood up, slapped the table, and said to several other people: "How can Da Khan convince the public by doing such a thing? If we continue to let Da Khan continue to make trouble like this, we're afraid It's not moving west, it's just being caught by Jia Ke."

After listening to Ao Denggerile's words, the other people also felt that it was reasonable, so they clamored one by one.

"That's right, if he didn't listen to Meng He's words and insisted on fighting the Central Plains, we wouldn't have left the grasslands to go to the bitter cold place in the northwest."

"It's okay to go to the northwest. I thought, our ancestor's mausoleum is still on the grassland. I'm afraid this trip will be far away, and we will never be able to worship our ancestors again."

"When we get to the west, we still have to fight those savages in the west. I don't know how many warriors will die on the battlefield."

Meng He and Ao Denggerile glanced at each other, and then there were smiles in the corners of their eyes, the two of them knew each other.

Meng He still tried to persuade these people with a pretentious appearance.

"You don't need to complain, now we can only unite as one, otherwise how can we survive surrounded by enemies in the west."

As a result, as soon as Meng He finished speaking, one of the tribal leaders below immediately replied: "With such a profuse sweat, I feel that going to the west and now is the same death. I think it would be better to die on the grassland and leave the clan." closer to the soul in it."

Aodenggeril also slapped the table after hearing this and said: "It's not time to die yet, mainly because we are going to the west, and the current ability of the Great Khan may not be enough to convince the public. Will be wiped out by those savages in the West."

After Aodenggerile finished speaking, the tribal leaders below kept nodding.

Aodenggeril was almost done with one thing, so he stood up immediately, bowed his hands to the tribal leaders and said, "Why don't we make a military remonstrance, capture Arslen Khan alive tonight, and let him hand over the military power to Meng He, so that we It will be safer in the West."

After the other tribal leaders below heard this, they were shocked at first, and then fell into a deathly silence in the big tent.

After all, these tribes are just complaining and making them really rebel. They really don't have this idea.

Ao Denggerile saw these people backed down, and hurriedly said again: "Think about it, if Meng He hadn't fought Jia Ke a few times and kept our main force, now you would have been decapitated on the grassland .”

"Besides, as long as there is Meng He commanding the battle in the west, how can those wild people in the west be our opponents, why don't they become slaves to herd sheep and horses for us?"

The tribal leaders looked at each other and nodded slightly. They have seen clearly Meng He's ability over the years.

I am afraid there is no one on this grassland who can compare with Meng He, and it is only because Meng He has been with them that they have been able to confront Jia Ke for so many years. Otherwise, the people Jia Ke killed would have turned their backs on their backs.

Seeing that the leaders had wavered, Aodenggeril hurriedly said: "Arslen Khan has lost his support, as long as he is controlled, distributed among the tribal leaders, and his power dismantled, Will he still be able to turn the sky up by then?"

The eyes of the other tribal leaders lit up when they heard this. You must know that Ars Lenghan's tribe is the largest on the grassland, otherwise he would not be able to command the grassland.

When these tribal leaders heard that there were such great benefits, they half-heartedly agreed to Aodenggeril's proposal.

So these people recommended Meng He as the leader at that time. Meng He still declined, as if he was unwilling to do something against the Lord, but after Ao Denggerile and the leaders pleaded, Meng He seemed Only then did he reluctantly agree to them.

That night, these people conspired in the tent, and asked the tribal leaders to arrange troops to approach the king's tent during the daytime gathering tomorrow. When Meng He gave an order, they killed the guards scattered around the king's tent and rushed into the big tent. Control Als Leng Khan.

After they finished discussing, they dispersed separately.

The next day, Arslen Khan gathered in the big tent to discuss the next step.

Unexpectedly, after saying a few words just now, Meng He stood up and pointed at Arslen Khan in front of everyone for being greedy for meritorious service and ignorant of current affairs. This provoked Jia Ke to lead a million soldiers to conquer the grassland, making everyone a Homeless savages.

Arslen Khan is indeed inferior to Meng He in terms of marching and fighting, but he is far better than Meng He in political struggle.

When Meng He blamed himself in public, Ars Lenghan had already realized that Meng He was trying to usurp the throne.Otherwise, Meng He would not dare to do such a thing.

It seems that Meng He has already finished his preparations, maybe there are countless soldiers and horses waiting for him outside.

Arslen Khan saw Meng He accusing himself eloquently in the middle of the big battle, and wooing other tribal leaders in the account, he knew that Meng He could not go on like this.

Arslen Khan also went all out. He immediately stood up from the precious seat, came to the center of the big tent, knelt down on the ground with a plop, and said to the tribal leaders: "It's all my fault. , and repeatedly fought decisive battles with Jia Ke. This provoked Jia Ke to lead the soldiers. I kowtow to the leaders here to apologize."

After Arslen Khan finished speaking, he kowtowed three times with his head on the ground.

Meng He didn't know what to do after being made such a fuss by the Ars people, and the other tribes also spoke out after seeing Ars Neng Khan, who knew his mistakes and corrected them, and kowtowed to himself and others. Arslen Khan was forgiven, and several people who were close to Arslen Khan came forward to help Arslen Khan and helped him back to the throne.

Standing below, Meng He felt a little impatient. He didn't expect Ars Lenghan to be so vigilant. As soon as he got into trouble, he thought of a countermeasure.

Meng He stood below and thought about it very quickly. The matter has reached this point and he can no longer allow himself to back down.

So Meng He, regardless of the other leaders, took a few steps forward, pointed at Ars Lenghan and said, "Even if the Great Khan kowtows and pleads guilty, it will not change our current predicament. In my opinion, it is better for the Great Khan to surrender his military power temporarily and let him go." I will be in charge, and when the repelled Jia Ke or we are safe, the Great Khan will take charge of the whole clan again, I wonder what you are doing, Great Khan?"

After Arslen Khan heard the words of asking and talking, his heart became ruthless for a while, this Meng He was indeed a wolf with ambition.

Meng He stood below and remonstrated, but Als Khan kept silent, knowing that he was unwilling, so he yelled: "Come on."

Following Meng He's loud shout, there was a sound of hacking and killing outside.

When Arslen Khan saw this situation, he didn't know that Meng He was against him, so he looked around, looking for a general to go forward and kill Meng He.

And standing closest to Arslen Khan was his younger brother Hadanbaatar.

This Hadanbaatar has been keeping a low profile since he was captured alive by Jia Ke last time, and Arslenhan finally exchanged him with the Suihou Bead.

Although I attended important meetings every time, I never said a word.

But this time he saw Meng He turned against him. At the same time, his elder brother looked over and knew that if he didn't take action now, their family's family would be ruined.

So Hardan Battelle stood up suddenly, grabbed the knife that cut the flesh in front of him, and went away like Meng He.

If you say that Meng He is indeed a handsome talent, but if you want him to fight the enemy, he is just ordinary.

And although Hardan Battelle was defeated by Jia Ke, you can still compare him with Jia Ke. If you compare him with other people, he is also a brave general.

Meng He was startled when he saw Hadanbaatar coming in front of him, and then dodged to the side with all his strength.

But with Meng He's force, there is no way to avoid Hardan Bateer's attack.

Hadanbaatar took a step forward, grabbed Meng He's front collar with one hand, and was about to stab Meng He in the heart with the dagger in the other.

At this critical moment, Ao Denggerile suddenly picked up the seat under his feet and threw it at Hadan Battelle.

Hadanbaatar felt the bad wind nearby, hurriedly let go of Meng He, and then escaped from the wooden bench.

With just a few efforts, the entire big tent was in chaos.

Arslen Khan heard the shouts of killing getting closer, and knew that Meng He's troops were approaching the Zhongjun Avenue, and now it was the most critical moment.

Arslen Khan pulled out the sword beside him, and said to the civil and military people below: "Meng He rebelled, whoever kills Meng He will add three thousand households."

After Arslen Khan finished speaking, he took the lead and rushed towards Meng He.

And there are many loyal generals who are loyal to Arslen Khan. These people saw that Arslen Khan could rush up, so they rushed forward, trying to capture Menghe.

But Meng He didn't come alone, he also had a few cronies, and these people knew that if they failed, their lives would be lost.So he desperately stepped forward to stop these generals.

And Meng He himself is also smart, seeing someone blocking him in front, he turned around as if retreating outside the tent.

Arslen Khan saw Meng He retreating and tried to stop him, but the tent was already in a mess, and he really couldn't squeeze through the entrance of the tent.

When Meng He got out of the big tent, he saw countless Tatar warriors outside, holding machetes and hacking and killing Ars Lenghan's personal soldiers who were guarding the big tent of the Chinese army.

But Meng He stepped forward and kicked one of Arslen Khan's personal soldiers, snatched a scimitar from his hand, and stabbed him with a backhand, which ended his life.

Then Meng He used the scimitar to cut a bloody path and charged into his own army.

(End of this chapter)

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