Chapter 769
A few days later, Jia Ke came to Ningshou Palace to greet Jia Mu.

But after Jia Ke saluted, Mother Jia smiled and let Jia Ke sit next to her.

"Emperor, things in the court these days are going well."

"There is nothing difficult. In recent years, we have had good weather, and government affairs are much easier than in previous years."

What Jia Ke said was true. In the past few years, the weather has been good and the people have been in good health. The number of official affairs that Jia Ke can handle in his turn is much less than before.

"Emperor, I have something I want to discuss with you."

"If Lafayette has anything to do, just tell him, and his grandson will definitely do it."

"What are you talking about? Let others think that my old lady has done something to you, the emperor."

After Jia Ke finished listening, she could only sit there and smile awkwardly.

Jia's mother continued: "Two days ago, Yuan Chun brought his son to me to pay his respects. I saw that his son is not too young, and he is still staying in the palace. If something happens, it will be difficult to hear it. What I mean is why don't you just separate the titles and let their mother and son live outside the palace."

After Jia's mother finished speaking, she raised her eyes to look at Jia Ke, seeing that Jia Ke's expression was calm and she didn't make any movements, so she let go of her heart.

After listening to Jia Mu's words, Jia Ke actually had waves in his heart. During this period of time, the little emperor gradually understood the human affairs. When he met him, he disrespected him several times, and Jia Ke actually became murderous.

It's just that the little emperor has been living in the palace, and if he died suddenly, it would be another scandal, so Jia Ke put down his thoughts for the time being.

Now that Mother Jia came to beg, it was of course following Jia Ke's wish. It seemed that the little emperor was doomed.

"Since Lafayette has spoken, grandson, I will naturally obey the order. I will arrange this matter after I go back."

Seeing that Jia Ke obeyed her words, Jia's mother nodded in satisfaction. It seems that she still has some authority in Jia's family.

After Jia Ke left Ningshou Palace and returned to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, she sat alone on the throne, knocking on the table with her hands, thinking about the future of the little emperor.

The little emperor got older and became more and more an eyesore. It seemed that he couldn't be kept.

After Jia Ke finished thinking, he immediately ordered Li Deshan next to him to draw up an edict. Li Deshan was already familiar with writing imperial edicts. Over the years, Jia Ke has rarely written, and Li Deshan did it every time.

"The eldest princess, Jia Yuanchun, has made many contributions to the Jia family, and specially bestowed the title of Xiaoyaohou on his son to reward his contributions."

After Jia Ke finished reading it here, Li Deshan had already written it there. Then Jia Ke read it over and used the Emperor's Treasure.

Although the imperial decree has been written, Jia Ke didn't let people go out to deliver the decree, but sat there thinking for a while, and then said to Li Deshan: "You send someone to arrange a better house outside the palace. , this can be considered as a gift to the eldest princess."

"I'll deliver the decree in a while, and you can tell the eldest princess to let her live outside with peace of mind. Rather than being a brother and sister after all, I won't let her go to hell."

After listening to Jia Ke's words, Li Deshan quickly said a few compliments.

"It's still the emperor's kindness. If they want to keep up with the previous court, they don't know what they will suffer."

After listening to Li Deshan's words, Jia Ke showed a smile on his face and nodded enthusiastically.

Over the past few years, Jia Ke has become more and more fond of listening to those who are pleasant to the ear, and has become somewhat reluctant to listen to those harsh advice.

And Li Deshan stayed by Jia Ke's side day and night, so he knew Jia Ke's current temper well, so he flattered him one after another, all in Jia Ke's arms.

*** took the imperial decree and left the Hall of Mental Cultivation, surrounded by eunuchs, and came to Chuxiu Palace in a mighty manner.

Jia Yuanchun, who was in the palace, received a report from the eunuchs outside, only knowing that Li Deshan had come to deliver the decree, and hurriedly ordered Li Deshan to enter the main hall.

Li Deshan came to the main hall, held up the imperial decree in one hand, and nodded to Jia Yuanchun who was sitting in the middle.

"The slave has an imperial decree that he cannot kneel down, so I ask the eldest princess to be magnanimous."

Jia Yuanchun laughed and said, "Eunuch Li has been serving the emperor day and night. He has worked hard and made great achievements. How dare the slave family make you kneel."

When Li Deshan heard what Jia Yuanchun said, he immediately became a little vigilant, and hurriedly bowed to salute, "The eldest princess is serious, the slave is just a servant, the eldest princess is a noble person, and the slave should kneel..."

But before Li Deshan finished speaking, someone next to him took his words, "Since it's the right thing to do, why don't you kneel down?"

Li Deshan was stunned and turned his head to take a look. Walking in from the side, a young and handsome young man, isn't he the former little emperor or who?
Li Deshan didn't pay much attention to the little emperor's words, he just looked up at Jia Yuanchun who was sitting in the middle, what would she do next?
Seeing that his son ran in and disturbed the otherwise good atmosphere, Jia Yuanchun felt a little anxious.

This Li Deshan is the chief steward of the palace, and Jia Ke is an absolute confidant. If I tell Jia Ke what I said today with embellishments, how can my eldest brother not be angry?
So Jia Yuanchun immediately stood up and slapped the table, and said to the little emperor below: "What are you talking about? I don't know the severity, why don't you hurry up and make amends to Mr. Li."

Although the little emperor was angry, he didn't dare to disobey his mother's words, so he reluctantly came to Li Deshan's side, gave him a handshake and then stepped aside.

Seeing the little emperor saluting himself, Li Deshan hurriedly stepped aside, with a smile all over his face, he didn't even dare to say anything.

Jia Yuanchun's matter was temporarily suppressed, and then he said to Li Deshan with a guilty face: "Director Li also invited Haihan, the child grew up in the deep palace, and he didn't know personnel affairs, so he offended you just now."

Li Deshan smiled hastily and said: "Princess, you are polite, but it is just a small matter, so don't worry about it, let's pass the imperial decree quickly, so that the servant can go back and report to the emperor."

Jia Yuanchun knew what the edict was passed on this time, and it was a random wish, so he quickly ordered the maids and eunuchs to set up the incense table.

Li Deshan saw that the incense table had been set up, so he stood behind the incense table, held up the imperial edict and said to the others: "The emperor has an order, and Jia Yuanchun accepts the order."

Jia Yuanchun hurriedly fell to his knees, but the little emperor standing next to him did not fall down.

When Jia Yuanchun saw this scene, he was annoyed at the time. The older the child, the less sensible he was, and everything he did was not for him. If he really made Jia Ke anxious because of this incident, could there really be them? How are mother and child doing?

So Jia Yuanchun yelled at the little brother Huang beside him with anger on his face: "You still don't kneel down, what are you waiting for?"

The little emperor didn't want to kneel at first, after all, he was Jia Ke's master, but when he saw his mother's eyes were red, he could only kneel behind Jia Yuanchun reluctantly.

Li Deshan saw all this in his eyes and kept it in his heart. At the same time, he secretly resented that the little emperor of the former dynasty didn't give him face just now. Now that he went back, he had to talk to the emperor properly.

But Li Deshan didn't show it on his face, he still had a smile all over his face, and when he saw everyone kneeling down, he unfolded the imperial edict and began to read it out.

The general idea of ​​Jia Ke's imperial decree is that Jia Yuanchun named his son Xiaoyaohou because of his meritorious service to the Jia family.

After the edict was read out, Li Deshan quickly turned around the incense case and helped Jia Yuanchun up himself.

"Long Live Lord has already explained that he has prepared a mansion for Little Hou Ye outside the palace, and also said that if the eldest princess wants to, she can go out of the palace and live with Little Hou Ye."

Jia Yuanchun is finally satisfied now, as long as he leaves Jia Ke's eyes and everyone has a peaceful life, everything will be peaceful.

After Li Deshan left, Jia Yuanchun sat down on the road again and cheered up, facing the former little emperor standing below, he shouted angrily: "Kneel down, you bastard, I have worked so hard to keep our family safe, you Is it just blind?"

The little emperor heard his mother so angry, and knelt down to listen to her reprimand.

Jia Yuanchun lost his temper there for a while, and then gradually calmed down under Baoqin's persuasion.

Afterwards, Jia Yuanchun came down in person, helped the little emperor up, hugged him in his arms, and said softly, "Son, just accept your fate. Neither your grandpa nor your father is his opponent, let alone the one who has no rights and no rights." You are so powerful. Let's live our lives honestly, which is better than anything else."

The little emperor put his face on Jia Yuanchun's body and couldn't help sobbing softly. Now he feels a lot of grievances. He used to be relatively young and didn't know anything. Now that he is getting older, he understands the relationship between the present and the original. gap.

While comforting his son, Jia Yuanchun had a firm look in his eyes. Now he has to move out of the palace quickly, and he can't let his son stay in the palace anymore. Otherwise, I'm afraid he won't be unreasonable to Jia Ke next time. up.

After Jia Yuanchun figured it out, he immediately ordered Baoqin next to him, "Didn't Li Deshan just say that he gave us a house outside? You send someone to clean it up quickly. Let's move out of the palace as soon as possible."

Baoqin also understood Jia Yuanchun's current thoughts, and immediately turned around and left the main hall, then ordered a few eunuchs to go out of the palace immediately to find the house, and then began to tidy up, as soon as possible, tidy up several courtyards where Jia Yuanchun lived, Others can be cleaned up after living in.

Not to mention Jia Yuanchun's here, let alone Li Deshan's return to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

At this time, Jia Ke had just finished her day's work and was stretching and exercising.

Jia Ke glanced sideways and saw that Li Deshan was already standing beside her, so she asked, "Is the matter over?"

"If you go back to Lord Long Live, the servant has already passed the imperial decree to Chuxiu Palace."

"There are no twists and turns."

Hearing this, Li Deshan looked hesitant, as if time was at stake, and finally said hesitatingly: "Things are going well, the eldest princess is still kind to the servant."

Seeing Li Deshan's hesitant expression and hesitant tone, Jia Ke became a little unhappy, "To be honest, what's the matter, are you trying to deceive the emperor?"

After hearing this, Li Deshan quickly knelt down on the ground and kowtowed repeatedly, "This slave is so courageous, he dare not bully the king."

(End of this chapter)

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