The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 773 Southern Tour

Chapter 773 Southern Tour
At the gate of the capital, under the kneeling of civil and military officials, he traveled all the way south and went straight to Tongzhou Wharf.Here, dozens of dragon boats have long been waiting.

Jia Ke boarded the dragon boat at Tongzhou Wharf, and then the fleet headed south along the canal.

Not to mention Jia Ke's downstream activities in the mountains and rivers, but in the capital, since Jia Ke left, Jia Zhi, the king of Chu who was the supervisor of the country, immediately became active.

As he grew older, Jia Zhi also understood that he was not Jia Ke's valued son. With the competition of many brothers, it was not easy for him to become the crown prince, so he regarded this time as a prisoner of the country. Golden opportunity.

The first thing Jia Zhi did was to assign all the disciples around him to a position in the six departments.

However, Jia Zhi knew that this matter was against the rules. After all, since Jia Ke proclaimed himself emperor, there had never been anyone who had not taken the imperial examination as an official title.

Jia Zhi didn't dare to arrange any important positions, these people all took up a vacant position in the six ministries, so as not to cause the civil and military rebellion of the Manchu Dynasty.

However, Fan Kang, who was sitting in the capital, could not agree. After receiving Jia Zhi's order, he went to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to discuss with Jia Zhi that day.

And Jia Zhi seemed to know it a long time ago, and when Fan Kang came to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, he had already hid in the palace.

And Fan Kang couldn't enter the palace, so he could only leave helplessly. In this way, Fan Kang entered the palace three times, and Jia Zhi avoided him three times.

In the end, Fan Kang had no choice but to accept Jia Zhi's order, thinking in his heart that he was still tossing around now, as long as there were no major disturbances, the emperor would naturally sort out the current situation when he came back.

After Jia Zhi finished arranging his cronies, the second thing he did was to win over the gentry from all over the world, so he sent orders to him several times to ask the officials all over the world to treat the squires favorably.

And the people around Jia Zhi kept beating the side drums, asking Jia Zhi to exempt the gentry from the taxes of the year.

Jia Zhi was not a fool either, how could he dare to make a decision on such a major matter, if he dared to issue an order, Jia Ke would be able to depose him the next day.

Now, Jia Zhi also began to understand that these people around him probably have selfish intentions, and they don't really help him wholeheartedly.

So Jia Zhi turned his attention to the imperial court, trying to choose a few confidantes among them, and in the end he chose his teacher Li Wenbin.

This Li Wenbin was Jia Ke's Kaimeng teacher back then, and later served as Jia Zhi's master. Over the years, he had been diligently advising Jia Zhi. Jia Zhi felt that Li Wenbin was the only one who was sincere for him.

So one night, Jia Zhi summoned Li Wenbin to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

As soon as Li Wenbin entered the Hall of Mental Cultivation, before he knelt down to salute Jia Zhi, Jia Zhi hurried over, grabbed Li Wenbin's arm, and helped him to a seat.

Then Jia Zhi sat aside to accompany her.

When Li Wenbin saw Jia Zhi being treated so courteously, he knew that he had something important to discuss with him, so he asked, "Is there something that the prince cannot decide on his own?"

"Sure enough, I can't hide anything from the teacher. These days, I have been ordered by my father to sit in the capital and supervise the world. Only then do I know how difficult it is for my father to govern the country?"

Li Wenbin was a little surprised, this is fine, what does King Chu say these things for?
King Jia Zhi of Chu continued: "I think that now that I am old, I can share my father's worries. If I can take care of my father more, my father will be able to work less. I wonder what the teacher can do?"

After Li Wenbin heard this, he was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat. Now Jia Zhi almost said that he wanted to ostracize Jia Ke and make himself emperor.

Li Wenbin looked Jia Zhi up and down, and felt a little discouraged. He originally thought that the King of Chu was also a person who knew the times and knew how to advance and retreat. He didn't expect that he was so ambitious, but he didn't have any long-term vision.

But Li Wenbin couldn't withdraw at this time, because the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty already knew that Li Wenbin was under the command of King Jiazhi of Chu.

So Li Wenbin could only speak persuasively: "I would like to ask my lord to be safe and calm. Now the emperor rules China, and his cronies are all over the court and the public. No one in the world can mobilize a single soldier without the emperor's order. If the lord acts rashly, I'm afraid it will be lost forever."

After listening to Fan Kang's words, Chu Wang Jiazhi knew that what he said was reasonable, but he sighed, looked at Fan Kang sincerely, and spoke from the bottom of his heart.

"My king has also realized over the years that my father will never pass on the throne to me. I will not hide the reason from Master Li. It is because my mother has the blood of the previous royal family."

After Li Wenbing heard the secret, he immediately understood that Jia Ke did not make the eldest son of Jia Zhi, king of Chu, the crown prince.

Now things can be a little tricky.

Chu Wang Jiazhi saw Li Wenbin's face changed drastically, so he knew that he was a little scared, so he smiled slightly and said to him: "Teacher, now is my last chance to rule the world. Allow me to do anything."

Li Wenbin is now in despair. This King Jiazhi of Chu is abolished. It seems that he has voted for the wrong person. "My lord, you have no hope. You want to stand on your own in the capital. The infantry commanding the yamen, as well as the forbidden army near the palace, which army is not a direct descendant who followed the emperor to fight in the north and south, which general is not the emperor's confidant? Can the prince command them one by one?"

Li Wenbin sighed and continued: "I'm afraid the prince just announced here, but on the other side, they sent people in to arrest the prince."

King Jia Zhi of Chu nodded after listening to Li Wenbing's words, but there was no look of fear on his face.

"Because they are all the confidantes of the emperor, if the emperor dies, they will naturally obey me as the supervisor."

Li Wenbin's heart trembled when he heard this, even his legs trembled a little. Hearing what the ancestor Wang Jiazhi said, the emperor was about to die.

But it knew the emperor's body, and the emperor went north to resist the Tatars at a young age, and his kung fu on horseback was rare in the world.

How could such a good body die?

And Chu Wang Jiazhi smiled mysteriously at Li Wenbin and didn't say much, but continued to ask: "If the father dies, Mr. Li thinks this king has a chance to rule the world?"

Li Wenbin now knew that he could only do his best to plan for Chu Wang Jiazhi when he got on the pirate ship. He listened to Chu Wang Jiazhi's question and bowed his head in thought for a long time.

"If the emperor dies as the lord thinks, then as the lord who oversees the country, you are naturally a legitimate heir. At that time, all civil and military people in the world will support the lord."

Li Wenbin was silent for a while, and then he said: "To rule the world is inseparable from military power. Now the prince is relatively weak in this aspect. I can see it. During this time, the prince has often been in contact with Jia Yucun, who is in command of the infantry."

"Why is that?" In Jia Zhi's thinking, Jia Yucun was Jia Ke's absolute confidant, and it was Jia Yucun who planned Jia Ke's accession to the throne back then. Such a character was not something he could win over.

But Li Wenbin said to him: "These people in the capital have almost all fought against the emperor for so many years. They will never betray the emperor. Even if the emperor dies in the end, they will wait and see what happens. Only Although this Jia Yucun was promoted by the emperor, I think this person is a villain who is ungrateful for profit. As long as the prince treats him a lot, this person will definitely fall to the prince. This is the only chance for the prince to take over the military power. "

King Jia Zhi of Chu’s eyes widened after listening to it. Thinking about Jia Yucun’s usual behavior, it was really what Li Wenbin said. It seems that this is a breakthrough.

Li Wenbin saw Jia Zhi's non-stop nodding, and then continued to say: "When the news of the emperor's death comes, the prince can use the infantry controlled by Jia Yucun to command the military power of the yamen, block the nine gates, and then send troops to kill the other princes of the emperor. Watch it. After that, you can immediately succeed to the throne. At that time, the status of the monarch and ministers has been determined, and the big thing can be done."

King Jia Zhi of Chu understood Li Wenbin's plan after hearing this. According to Li Wenbin's arrangement, he could really easily ascend to the throne, but the premise was that Jia Ke could die according to the plan.

Regarding the matter of Jia Ke's death, Jia Zhi was still somewhat confident.

Some time before Qin Keqing's death, he had already thought of Jia Ke, king of Chu, and his life would not be easy in the future.

So he secretly kept his own power in the palace, as well as the incomplete power of that young master outside the palace, all secretly, and arranged for people to lurk silently.

In the past few years, Jia Zhi gradually got older, and these talents contacted Jia Zhi.

Only then did Jia Zhi realize that there was still such a power in the hands of her mother.

And these years, these secret hidden forces, although there is no development?But it was precisely because of their hiding that they escaped several cleanings by Jack.

And among these people, there are two eunuchs and a court lady, and now they actually hold a lot of positions beside Jia Ke.

Jia Zhi, King of Chu, had already given orders to these people before Jia Ke left, that they must drink the immortal drunk in Jia Ke's tea and rice.

This Immortal Drunken sounds like a pretty name, but it is actually a kind of poison, it seems to be the venom extracted from a poisonous snake in Nanyang, it was obtained by the young master after all kinds of tricks, because it has not been used, it has been kept until now, This time, Jia Zhi was determined to make Jia Ke die.

It is precisely because of this value that Jia Ke is sure that Jia Ke will die during this southern tour.

After Jia Zhi discussed with Li Wenbin all night, from the next day, Chu Wang Jia Zhi frequently summoned Jia Yucun, Minister of the Household Department, who also served as the admiral of the Nine Gates.

Every time he summoned Jia Yucun, he was respectful and good, and when he left Jia Yucun, he would give a lot of gifts.

This is not counted, and hinted in front of Jia Yucun several times that he wanted to marry Jia Yucun's daughter as the princess.

On the surface, Jia Yucun's attitude towards Jia Zhi is getting better and better. In fact, he has already become vigilant in his heart, and he has already seen what big moves Jia Zhi is going to make.

So Jia Yucun wrote a secret letter every night during this period, and ordered people to send it to Jia Ke quickly.

At the same time, Jia Yucun also ordered the generals of the nine admirals that without his order, no one should mobilize a single soldier.

Now Jia Yucun is pretending to be a snake with Jia Zhi on the surface, but secretly waiting for Jia Ke's order.

(End of this chapter)

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