Chapter 782 Punishment
The monk breathed a sigh of relief when Fan Chunxia left the temple with the people, but then felt ashamed for a while, the master Ji Dian in the dream instructed him to shave Jia Baoyu, and now all previous efforts have been wasted.

Not to mention the remorse of the old monk here, but also to say that Fan Chunxia and others escorted Jia Baoyu out of the temple gate, got into the carriage, and returned directly to the capital.

When they arrived in the capital, they did not go back to Prince Fu's Mansion, but went directly to the palace.

The Supreme Emperor Jia Zheng and the Emperor Jia Ke in the palace had already received the news that Jia Baoyu had been found.

Jia Ke was not very concerned about Jia Baoyu's life and death, but Jia Zheng was very worried. Now that he was found, he was relieved.

But then there was a wave of anger, this Jia Baoyu is so worrying, now he is in his 20s, his daughter-in-law has married several houses, and he is still messing around like this, he must be taught a lesson this time, otherwise he will not know The sky is high and the earth is thick.

Jia Baoyu and others entered the palace and came to the Kangning Palace. There were already more than a dozen strong eunuchs in front of the gate here. When they saw Jia Baoyu coming, they immediately stepped forward and wiped their shoulders. Tie it up firmly.

As soon as Jia Baoyu saw the actions of these eunuchs, he knew that Jia Zheng inside was angry.

You know, the person Jia Baoyu fears the most in Jia's mansion is Jia Zheng. Now when he sees this situation, he immediately knows that it is not good, so he hurriedly said to Fan Chunxia, ​​Princess Fu, "Hurry up and find your mother and old lady." Otherwise, madam, I shall have myself beaten to death."

Fan Chunxia didn't take any action, but said lightly: "Your Majesty, don't worry, after all father and son are united, the Supreme Emperor can't beat you to death, at most you will be half disabled."

As soon as Jia Baoyu heard Fan Chunxia's words, she knew that she was also angry. Now Jia Baoyu also regretted it. If he knew it, he would not have listened to that monk's bewitching, otherwise, he would not be so ineffective now. the point.

After the eunuchs tied up Jia Baoyu, they bowed to Princess Fan Chunxia, ​​and then carried Jia Baoyu directly into Kangning Palace, followed by Princess Fan Chunxia.

When they entered the main hall of Kangning Palace, they saw that the Supreme Emperor Jia Zheng was sitting on the front seat, and the current emperor Jia Ke was sitting on the golden chair next to him.

When Jia Zheng, who was sitting on top, saw Jia Baoyu coming in, wearing a robe and half of his hair had been shaved, his face flushed with anger, and he picked up a teacup and threw it at Jia Baoyu.

Jia Baoyu had already been tied tightly, and now he couldn't dodge even if he wanted to, so this time it hit him directly on the forehead.

Fortunately, Jia Zheng, you don't have much strength. Although you said you hit it this time, it just broke some oily skin.

But it also frightened Jia Baoyu, he immediately knelt down on the ground, shrunk into a ball, not daring to speak out.

Seeing that Jia Zheng was very angry, Jia Ke, who was sitting by the side, hurriedly persuaded, "Father, don't be so angry. Didn't the third brother come back? I think he was just bewitched by others to do such a thing." If it is done, father will teach him a lesson, and he will be under strict supervision in the future, and it will be peaceful in the future."

Although Jia Zheng listened to Jia Ke's persuasion, he was still not relieved.

"Come here, give me thirty boards for this evil obstacle."

The empresses on both sides listened to the orders of the Empress Jia Zheng and did not dare to neglect, so they immediately tied Jia Baoyu to a spring stool.

Then, on the main hall of Ningshou Palace, they picked up the board and began to fight.

This time, in front of the Supreme Emperor Jia Zheng and the Emperor Jia Ke, the eunuchs did not dare to keep their hands, so Jia Baoyu was beaten to pieces in a short time, and he was also crying for his father and mother there.

How could Jia Baoyu's body and bones withstand such tossings? After a few blows, he couldn't stand it anymore. Standing aside, Princess Fu Fan Chunxia said that she was angry with Jia Baoyu and refused to say goodbye to go outside to become a monk, but seeing him like this Suffering is also distressing.

So he hurriedly knelt down there and kowtowed to the Supreme Emperor Jia Zheng, "Please forgive me, Father Huang, and make a note of the beating this time. When he makes another mistake, it will not be too late to combine the two crimes into one."

But this time, Jia Zheng was determined to teach Jia Baoyu a lesson. Although he said that Princess Wang Fu was pregnant and knelt there to intercede with Jia Baoyu, a little soft-hearted, but when he thought of Jia Baoyu's nonsense, he immediately threw the My heart hardened.

"You don't need to beg for mercy. If you don't teach him a lesson this time, he doesn't know what crazy things he will do."

Seeing that Jia Zheng's mind had been made up, Fan Chunxia, ​​Princess Fu, felt a little numb, and secretly winked at her personal servant girl.

The maid was clever and immediately exited the hall quietly.

After a while, a jingle of rings was heard outside the main hall, and then a group of palace maids surrounded the Queen Mother and came in.

As soon as the Queen Mother entered the hall and saw Jia Baoyu's miserable appearance, she immediately burst into tears, stepped forward a few steps, pushed the eunuch away, and lay on Jia Baoyu's body.

"My son, whoever made you do such a foolish thing should be beaten, but if you are beaten to death, what's the point of leaving me, an old woman, in this world?"

Jia Ke originally didn't want to interfere with Jia Baoyu's affairs, but seeing that the Queen Mother had arrived, she knew that the fight would be impossible, so she could only put on a show of persuasion.

"Father, looking at the third brother is also a lesson, why not let him go this time."

Jia Zheng didn't want to do anything to Jia Baoyu at first, but just wanted to teach him a lesson.Seeing Jia Ke begging for mercy now, he went down the donkey.

"Since that's the case, let's spare this bastard for the time being."

Jia Zheng paused at this point, and felt that it would be impossible to just let Jia Baoyu go like this, in case something bad happened to him in the future.

"From now on, Baoyu will stay in the mansion, studying behind closed doors, and Princess Fu Fan Chunxia will be responsible for all affairs in the mansion."

Jia Zheng's words made Jia Baoyu empty-handed, and I am afraid that every word and action in the future will depend on Princess Fan Chunxia's face.

Although Jia Baoyu was in unbearable pain from the beating, he felt a little uncomfortable hearing Jia Zheng's will. He was afraid of his wife. Eat and wait to die.So he looked at the queen mother who was crying beside him with begging eyes.

Seeing Jia Baoyu's pitiful eyes, the queen mother opened her mouth to agree, but when she thought of Jia Baoyu's stubbornness, she immediately hardened her heart.

Since Jia Baoyu is so ignorant, it is better to let his wife take care of it, so as to save him from having such a thing in the future.

So the Queen Mother turned her head aside and stopped looking at Jia Baoyu.

Looking at the situation, Jia Baoyu knew that he would not be able to escape Fan Chunxia's control for the rest of his life, so he couldn't help feeling even more depressed.

Jia Ke looked at Jia Baoyu a little funny, this Jia Baoyu lacked a tough daughter-in-law like Fan Chunxia to take care of him. If Lin Daiyu was half as capable as Fan Chunxia back then, she would have taken care of Jia Baoyu a long time ago.

Jia Ke's matter was over, so he bid farewell to Jia Zheng.

And Jia Zheng also knew that Jia Ke was busy, so he didn't keep him.

After Jia Ke left, Jia Zheng let go of Yan Fu's face, and hurriedly ordered the palace staff to fetch the soft bag immediately, sent Jia Baoyu to the back of Kangning Palace, and then hurriedly invited the imperial doctor to see his injury.

After a while, four or five imperial physicians came, and they took turns to show Jia Baoyu's injuries, and they all breathed a sigh of relief in the end.

Seeing these imperial physicians, Jia Zheng began to relax, knowing that Jia Baoyu was fine.He felt relieved, but he was too embarrassed to ask Jia Baoyu, so he could only pretend to be tough, and left with a flick of his sleeve.

After Jia Zheng also left, the Queen Mother asked the imperial physician about Jia Baoyu's injuries.

The imperial physicians hurriedly reported that Jia Baoyu only suffered some skin trauma, and did not hurt his muscles and bones. As long as he took the medicine, he would be fine after a few days of rest.

At this time, the queen mother was completely relieved, and then ordered someone to use her Luanjia to send Jia Baoyu back to Fuwang's mansion.

From then on, after Jia Baoyu returned to Prince Fu's Mansion, he no longer had any rights. All the big and small things in Prince Fu's Mansion belonged to Concubine Fu Fan Chunxia.

After that, Jia Baoyu could only drink and have fun in the mansion, write poems and composing right, never intervene in those ordinary affairs, and put aside all the things about Buddhism and Taoism.

A few months later, in Yanxi Palace, Xiangui Concubine Chuncao was already pregnant.

Seeing that she was about to give birth, Jia Ke had prepared four or five midwives for her, and two or three experts in gynecology, waiting for Chuncao to give birth.

On this day, Chuncao went back to bed early because her stomach was too big to walk.

As a result, as soon as he fell asleep, he vaguely noticed a cloud of colorful clouds flying from the sky, and a ball of red light was wrapped in the colorful clouds.

The ball of light came to the sky above Yanxi Palace and then sank after a short pause. The roof entered the inner hall of Yanxi Palace.

The ball of light came to Chuncao along the inner store.

Somehow Chuncao felt very sympathetic with this ball of light. The ball of light came to Chuncao and shook up and down a few times, as if kowtowing to her.

Before Chuncao could react, the ball of light sank into Chuncao's belly.

Chuncao was so startled that he immediately woke up, and then Chuncao felt a pain in his stomach, and he immediately knew that he was about to give birth, so he hurriedly called the maid beside him.

As soon as those court ladies saw Chuncao's appearance, they knew that Chuncao was about to give birth, so they didn't dare to neglect, leaving a few people to take care of Chuncao, and the others either went to find the imperial doctor, or went to find the midwife, and some people went to look for it. Jia Ke reported the situation of Chuncao.

And Jia Ke was resting at Shi Xiangyun's place today, and was sleeping until midnight, when he suddenly heard Li Gui, who was beside him, calling outside the door, and only then did he know that the spring grass was about to grow.

So Jia Ke hurriedly got up, dressed neatly, and brought Shi Xiangyun to the Palace of Yanxi Palace in Chuncao.

When they entered the Yanxi Palace and came to the courtyard, they could already hear the hissing and lung-piercing shouts of the spring grass in the room.

Jia Ke has also been a father several times, knowing that it has just started and it will take some time to give birth, so she took Shi Xiangyun and waited in the next room.

(End of this chapter)

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