Chapter 786 The Battle
Gudamai led his men and horses and walked eastward to Kucha. When the army arrived here, he had already received news that all the land east of Kucha had been occupied by the army of Dayan.

Therefore, Gudamai had no choice but to garrison the army under the city of Kucha. He was going to do his job here and wait for the army from the Central Plains to come.

Sure enough, Huang Baifeng lived up to Gudamai's wish, and within 10 days, he brought his troops to the city of Kucha.

Knowing that the opponent had arrived, Gudamai didn't want to give the opponent any chance to rest. He lined up the next day after the opponent arrived, and with more than 30 horses, called for formation at the gate of Huangbaifeng Dazhai.

Huang Baifeng knew the opponent's formation, so naturally he didn't have the courage to lead his troops out of the camp.

Gudamai didn't know that the Central Plains army had changed its combat methods, and thought that the two sides would split up and charge each other as before.

Gudamai saw that the Central Plains army had finished forming, and immediately sent his generals to the front of the formation to fight against the enemy.

Huang Baifeng looked at the opponent rushing out of a fierce general, just glanced at his mouth, what time is this, and he is still fighting alone in front of the battle.

Huang Baifeng ignored the opponent's arrogance in front of the battle, but winked at his own soldiers next to him.

The soldier immediately understood what Huang Baifeng meant, and immediately took off the Minigun from his back, aimed carefully, and suddenly there was a bang, and the other general who was showing off his power in front of the formation immediately fell off the horse with a gun in his eyebrow. .

This action startled Gudamai who was behind the formation. What's going on?Could it be that there is a wizard who is good at using thunder in the opponent's formation?
Otherwise, how could there be a sound of thunder, and his general would fall off his horse.

Huang Baifeng was satisfied with killing the opponent's general, so he blew the horn and ordered the infantry to move forward slowly.

These 10,000+ infantry lined up in a neat line, slowly approaching the black-clothed army.

Gudamai looked carefully after the formation again, and found that the troops in the Central Plains were not holding knives and guns, but holding fire sticks one by one, and he didn't know what happened.

But up to now, he couldn't tolerate his wild thoughts, so Gudamai blew the horn and ordered the army under his command to start moving forward.

The armies of both sides slowly approached like this. When the two sides approached about 200 steps, the army of the Central Plains stopped advancing, lined up one by one, and pointed the Mini guns at the front.

And the troops in black and big food didn't know what the Central Plains army was doing in front of them. They only knew that they were slowly approaching with shields and knives and guns in hand.

When they got closer and closer to the Central Plains troops and were about to enter the range of bows and arrows, Huang Baifeng immediately sounded the war drum behind the formation.

As the drums sounded, the Central Plains troops also formed into three rows and began to fire ammunition at each other.

As soon as the Dayan army started shooting, it immediately killed and injured the black-clothed Dashi army on the opposite side.

However, the black-clothed troops armed their minds with religion. Although they saw their comrades keep falling, they still held the determination to be loyal to God, gritted their teeth, and approached the Central Plains army desperately, wanting to After connecting with the opponent, slash and kill.

Their ideas are beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

No matter how they ran, they could not get within 100 steps of the Central Plains army.

100 steps ahead of the Central Plains army, there seemed to be an invisible barrier, preventing the whole army in black from approaching.

Seeing his warriors behind the formation, Gudamai fell down row by row and advanced row after row, but still couldn't get close to the Central Plains army formation.

He knew that if he did not take measures now, his army would collapse soon, so he no longer had any reservations, and immediately ordered the 10 cavalry behind the formation to move forward and attack the large formation of the Central Plains army from both sides.

After Huang Baifeng fought again, he saw people in the opponent's formation screaming, not knowing that the opponent's cavalry was about to dispatch, but Huang Baifeng didn't have any intention of changing tactics.

Because the opponent's tactics are exactly the same as when they played against the Tatars.

The cavalry of the master in black came to the front of the formation, immediately divided into two steps, bypassed the infantry in front of their own side, and charged towards the infantry phalanx of the Central Plains Dynasty from both sides.

Huang Baifeng saw that the cavalry of the opponent was really coming, so he ordered the horn to be blown immediately to let the infantry in front change their formation.

Changing formations in the middle of a big battle is very dangerous and cannot be done without strict discipline.

The army under Jia Ke's command has just undergone strict training and has reached this standard in terms of discipline.

With the change of formation of the troops in front, two more barriers were added on both sides of the troops, which happened to be the route to resist the advance of the opponent's cavalry.

The black-clothed and well-fed cavalry didn't pay much attention to the thin two layers of obstacles in front of them, and they urged the Arabian horses under their crotches to charge forward desperately.

As they got closer, at 200 paces, the infantry who had blocked them in front began to fire.

With the sound of gunshots, rows of cavalrymen in black clothes fell down in front, and the cavalry in front of the formation fell, and immediately became an obstacle for the cavalry behind, and as the cavalry behind began to slow down, they These people immediately became the targets of the Central Plains army.

As the black-clothed cavalry became more and more dead and injured, these cavalry were of noble origin, but they didn't have the concept of swearing to the death like the infantry, and they were already worried about their own lives.

So these cavalry turned their horses and began to retreat. When they returned to the back of the formation, they counted the 10 assault cavalry, and only 6 came back.

Seeing this fiasco, Gudamai was also a little scared. He didn't expect that all the soldiers in the Central Plains looked like Vulcans, and the fire sticks in their hands kept spraying flames.

Gudamai felt that this battle could not be fought, and if the fight continued, the entire army might be wiped out. It was better to retreat to the city of Kucha and defend against the city, to see what the other side could do to him.

So Gu Tamai immediately ordered the cavalry to retreat to the city first, and then began to order the infantry to retreat step by step, trying to completely break away from contact with the Central Plains army.

But his idea was so beautiful that Huang Baifeng couldn't let him realize it no matter what.

After the battle, Huang Baifeng saw that the opponent's army had begun to retreat, and knew that the opponent did not want to fight anymore, and wanted to retreat to Jiancheng.

So at this time Huang Baifeng dispatched his trump card, the cavalry of the Eighty Thousand and Eight Banners.

These cavalry attacked this time, but it was different from the last time they just delayed the opponent's retreat.

As soon as the Eight Banners cavalry came out of the formation, they divided into two groups and went straight to the opponent's rear camp.

At this time, the army of the master in black was retreating, completely chaotic, and did not expect the cavalry of the other side to make a surprise attack. After this settlement, the cavalry of the Eight Banners immediately killed the rear army and turned them on their backs.

When Gudamai realized something was wrong, it was too late, so he could only retreat into the city of Kucha with some infantry who had already pushed to the gate of the city, and the others could not control it.

Huang Baifeng saw that most of the opponent's troops had retreated into the city, so he ordered the Eight Banners cavalry to start wandering around the city to prevent the opponent from attacking, and the remaining infantry rushed forward to attack those troops left outside by Gudamai A siege was carried out.

This battle lasted from dawn to midnight, before Huang Baifeng completely wiped out all the black-clothed master infantry left by Gudamai outside the city.

Huang Baifeng returned to the camp and ordered to clean up the battlefield and count the losses.

Huang Baifeng was overjoyed by the reported results. In this battle, they eliminated 20 horse infantry and cavalry in total.

On the other hand, only about 1000 people were lost on my own side. These people were all lost when they fell into a melee while chasing the opponent.

Huang Baifeng now has more confidence in defeating the master in black, because from the reports he received, the opponent is in the Western Regions, with a total army of only 50, and now he has wiped out about 20 troops, and the rest of the troops are also fighting with him. His men and horses are similar, and coupled with the generation difference in their weapons, he will definitely be able to annihilate the whole army in black in this battle.

Huang Baifeng did not attack the city immediately after winning the battle, but ordered the troops to rest for three days, and the whole army attacked on the fourth day, forming a formation below the city of Guizi.

After Gudamai received the news that the Central Plains army wanted to attack the city, he immediately came to the city wall. Seeing that the enemy army was already lined up, he did not attack immediately. bucket.

Gudamai didn't dare to underestimate the large black iron buckets as before.Immediately order the troops to get ready, and at the same time order the catapults on the city to prepare, as soon as the opponent approaches, the bombardment will start immediately.

But his idea was so beautiful, Huang Baifeng couldn't make it come true, and when the artillery was 800 steps closer to the opponent's wall, they stopped advancing.

This distance is just the limit of the catapult shooting, even if the catapult can throw so far, it is not accurate, and its power is weak, so it has no effect on the artillery unit.

After Huang Baifeng's artillery was ready, they fired directly without any prompt.

As soon as the cannon was fired, bricks and tiles flew on the city wall, and cracks appeared on the city wall.

Gudamai also feels that his eyes are dark now. He has been fighting for so many years, and he has never seen a weapon like the Central Plains. During the field battle, the fire stick in the opponent's hand kept emitting flames, and his own infantry could not get close at all. When it came to the siege battle, the opponent had a large fire barrel, and it seemed that the city wall would not last long.

Gudamai frowned and racked his brains, but he couldn't think of a strategy to defeat the enemy. In the end, he could only think about withdrawing from Guizi City first, and then make plans, otherwise the entire army would be wiped out in this city.

So Gudamai ordered that the Kucha soldiers who had surrendered go up to the city wall to resist, while his own troops in black and full of food quietly withdrew from the city wall and headed towards the west gate.

And those Guizi soldiers on the top of the city were not fools. The leading general saw that the black-clothed Dashi couldn't resist, and let himself be cannon fodder, but they escaped.

So he immediately ordered people to stop resisting, and raised the white flag at the same time, preparing to surrender to the Central Plains army outside the city. After all, he knew the magnanimity of the Central Plains people. Food, clothing, wealth and women will be plundered by the other party, and they can only save their own lives.

(End of this chapter)

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