Chapter 791 Conspiracy
After Xiao Yue swept away all the obstacles in Lhasa, he began to promote his policies to the whole of western Tibet.

All of a sudden, there was a bloody storm in the whole of western Tibet. Those nobles and living Buddhas in the eyes of the common people were either pulled out and beheaded, or forced to commit suicide and went to the west.

The land confiscated by the nobles and temples was evenly distributed by Xiao Yue to the serfs below.

These serfs were given to the princes and nobles and lama temples for generations, and they never had their own property after suffering. Now that they have land, they are all incomparably grateful to Xiao Yue, and they all compare it to the living Buddha.

Xiao Yue was very happy here, he had won the hearts of the people in Tibet, but he didn't feel that, as Xiao Yue gained the hearts of the people in Tibet and his prestige became higher and higher, those Eight Banners cavalry gradually got along with them. Xiao Yue's Fenwu Battalion was stationed separately.

It turns out that Jirigala, who is the most prestigious of the Eight Banners, considers himself a family member of the emperor, and the other leaders of the Eight Banners are also loyal to Jia Ke.

These people looked at Xiao Yue's deeds in western Tibet, and they completely set aside the imperial court and established a set of policies on their own there, so these people suspected that Xiao Yue had a rebellious heart and wanted to occupy western Tibet for self-reliance. be king.

So Jirigla immediately separated the army from Xiao Yue's Fenwu camp, and used cavalry from a distance to monitor every move of the Fenwu camp.

One is that he asked the secretary next to him to write a memorial, sent it to the capital quickly, reported the situation here to Jia Ke, and asked Jia Ke for instructions on the next step.

And Xiao Yue is now completely immersed in the transformation of western Tibet, and he never thought that these actions of his have violated taboos.

Besides, Jia Ke received Jirigra in the capital.Immediately after the memorial sent by Kuai Ma, he was taken aback.

One must know that Jia Ke held Xiao Yue very seriously, not only married his sister to him, but also made him a marquis, if he rebelled, it would be really a wolf.

Jia Ke took the memorial sent by the fast horse and hesitated for an entire afternoon in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and finally realized that such a thing is better to be believed than not to be believed.

"Li Deshan."

As soon as Li Deshan, who was serving beside him, got Jia Ke's call, he immediately ran over.

"Long live, the slave is here."

"Is there anyone from us in the Fenwu Camp?"

Li Deshan was taken aback when he heard Jia Ke's question. The Fenwu Camp can be regarded as the emperor's old army, and the leader of the Fenwu Camp, Xiao Yue, is also the emperor's loyal confidant. Now what does the emperor mean by asking this question?
Since Li Deshan was skeptical, he had to answer the emperor's question, "If you answer the emperor's question, there are a few candidates for the hidden guards in the Fenwu camp, but they are not high-ranking."

Jia Ke thought for a while, then suddenly said: "Your people immediately contact the other generals in the Fenwu camp to see if these people are still obeying my orders."

As soon as Li Deshan heard Jia Ke's words, he knew that something big happened in the Fenwu Camp, otherwise Jia Ke would not have sent someone to contact the generals in the Fenwu Camp.

"The slave will do it now."

After Li Deshan finished speaking, he got Jia Ke's consent, and then gently left the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

As soon as Li Deshan left the Hall of Mental Cultivation, he immediately trotted towards the contact point of the hidden guards in the palace.

After Li Deshan came to comfort him, he immediately ordered his subordinates, "Immediately contact the spies in the Fenwu camp and ask them to quietly contact a few generals. If these generals still obey the imperial court's command, let them stand still temporarily and wait for the emperor." If these people have disobeyed the orders of the court, then leave them alone and wait for the emperor to send troops to quell the chaos before making a decision."

Those spies were all stunned when they heard Li Deshan's words. Seeing what happened to Xiao Yue, the commander of Fenwu Camp, otherwise, the emperor would not be able to send someone to contact the generals under Fenwu Camp.

These people were puzzled, but they didn't dare to neglect what Li Deshan explained. It didn't take long for fast horses to come out of the capital, and at the same time, pigeons flew out.

After several transfers, these spies and carrier pigeons finally arrived in western Tibet after about 10 days.

As for the hidden guards in the Fenwu Camp, after receiving the instructions from above, they immediately took action quickly.

They first contacted a few thousand households they knew well. These people were all from Jia Ke's own soldiers, their wealth and lives were in Jia Ke's hands, and they had the highest loyalty to Jia Ke. Even if Xiao Yue wanted to turn against him, they would never will not follow.

Following the activities of these hidden guards in the Fenwu Camp, almost all officials with more than a thousand households secretly expressed their views.

At this time, the spies felt that they were absolutely sure, and dared to contact a few generals who commanded the army.

And these generals are Xiao Yuehui's confidantes, these people were all promoted from the grassroots after Xiao Yue arrived in Fenwu Camp, their loyalty to Xiao Yue is not comparable to those thousands of figures.

Sure enough, these commanding generals.For the contact of these hidden guards, each of them hates it deeply.

And captured all these hidden guards, and tied them up to meet Xiao Yue.

Xiao Yue was discussing the distribution of land with several civil servants in the main hall at this time, when he suddenly saw these generals barging into the main hall with a group of people tied behind them, it was a bit strange.

"What's the matter? Could it be that they are spies sent by the enemy."

One of the generals, Zhou Jian, saw Xiao Yue's inquiry and hurried forward and said: "Commander, these people are the emperor's secret guards, and they dare to contact the general and ask him about his attitude towards the general."

After hearing this, Xiao Yue was taken aback for a moment, then sank a little, he is not a fool, he knew what the secret guards did.

So Xiao Yue waved his hand to let some civil servants go down, and then stood in front of these hidden guards and asked: "Did the emperor send you here?"

Those hidden guards were also hard stubbles, since they started this business, they had no plan to die in peace, and now they didn't say a word to Xiao Yue's questioning.

When Zhou Jian saw these hidden guards, he didn't say a word, he was furious immediately, took out his riding whip, and whipped them hard at these hidden guards.

These hidden guards were bloody hard from being whipped, but they all gritted their teeth, but none of them made a sound.

Xiao Yue stood aside and waited for a long time, seeing that these hidden guards had no intention of compromise.

Then he waved his hand and asked Zhou Jian to step aside, "If you don't want to talk about it, I won't ask any more. Someone will take them down, watch them strictly and wait for my fate."

After these hidden guards were brought down, Xiao Yue sat down on the seat in the middle again, and began to think about where she made a mistake, which actually attracted Jia Ke's taboo.

And the generals under him couldn't wait any longer. One of the generals named Wang Kai came a few steps to Xiao Yue's side, cupped his hands and said, "Commander, the meaning is very obvious. A dead dog cooks, and a bird is exhausted. Why don't we just stay here in the west of Tibet, and I will wait for Marshal Bao to ascend the throne as king."

As soon as Wang Kai said, the several generals below also handed over together, and they all agreed with Wang Kai's meaning.

But Xiao Yue was a little hesitant. In fact, he didn't have any intention of betraying Jia Ke in his heart, but seeing Jia Ke's suspicion of him, and he had already started to contact his generals, if he returned to the capital, he might die.

"What you said is all right, but the emperor treats me well, promotes me between dangers, makes me a marquis, and bestows me with a princess. If I betray the world, how will people think of me?"

"Marshal, that's what I said, but if we return to the capital, I'm afraid the emperor won't spare us, so we might as well just stay here in the west of Tibet. The emperor has nothing to do with us in the end. Maybe we can come back after many years." Beijing."

Xiao Yue kept nodding when he heard this, but he was also afraid. After returning to the capital, Jia Ke took him without asking.

Besides, Xiao Yue still doesn't understand what mistake he made to let Jia Ke target him like this.

"Since this is the case, wait for you to go back and worry about the soldiers and horses under your command, and wait for my order."

After hearing this, these generals immediately responded with a bang, and then withdrew from the main hall and went back to organize their own troops.

After these people left, Xiao Yue felt more and more bored, and at the same time felt waves of chill hovering around his neck.

And this bad premonition is getting stronger and stronger, Xiao Yue desperately shook his head, trying to throw this premonition out of his head viciously.

Besides, these generals, Zhou Jian, returned to his camp and called thousands of households to announce Xiao Yue's decision.

But Zhou Jian didn't know at all that it was impossible for these thousands of households under him to surrender.So as soon as Zhou Jiangang announced at the top, from now on he would no longer respect the orders of the court, but only the orders of the generals.

Those thousands of households below were blown up. When the dark guards contacted them a few days ago, although they said they were completely loyal to Jia Ke, they didn't think Xiao Yue would rebel, but now it looks like the emperor is indeed Shengming Yuanzhao , this Xiao Yue really had a rebellious heart, and they, the emperor's confidantes, couldn't follow the rebels anyway.

So the thousand households below clamored and reprimanded Zhou Jiannai for rebellion, and some of them were irritable, and even drew their waist knives and wanted to kill Zhou Jian on the spot.

The summoner had already anticipated the following situation, and when he saw that these people had pulled out, he called for his own soldiers to come in to protect them.

When these thousands of households saw this situation, they glanced at each other, and each of them armed with knives and guns to break out of the big tent.

Although these soldiers under Zhou Jian were very loyal, they were still soldiers of the Great Yan Dynasty after all, and they still didn't dare to kill these thousands of households.

It wasn't until Zhou Jian called out to some soldiers behind him that he made up his mind and started to kill and slash, but it was too late. Seeing this situation, their guards outside the camp rushed forward and snatched their master back.

As soon as Zhou Jian saw this situation, he knew it was not good. He knew the military system of the dynasty very well. Although he said he was a general, he did not have an army directly under his control. They all relied on this official position to control the army Ten thousand households.

Those who really control the army are these thousands of households, and they are all from Jia Ke's own soldiers.

Now these thousands of households have broken out of their own tents, once they return to their own camp, then these hundreds of people will face the onslaught of more than 1 people.

So Zhou Jian didn't hesitate any more, taking advantage of the opportunity they had not assembled their troops, he rushed out of the camp with his own soldiers and headed straight for Jia Ke.

(End of this chapter)

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