Chapter 215
Liang Tingdong went out to play and said: "Your Majesty, the Funing Guerrilla Battalion approved [-] troops, including [-] cavalry.

The 18 taels of silver consumed in silver and military pay are allocated directly from the Liao pay.The original color is [-] shi per year, of which half of wheat and half of miscellaneous grains are supplied by Yongping Prefecture. "

The emperor pondered for a moment and said: "The number of soldiers given to the 'Red Banner Army' is still too small. Aiqing..."

At this time, Sun Chengzong, who was worried that Huang Han's soldiers would be strong and horse strong, could do whatever he wanted, couldn't bear it anymore. He went out to play and said: "Your Majesty must never give Huang Han more troops. He can organize more than [-] troops."

The emperor was surprised: "Where did you start?"

Sun Chengzong said: "A person's ability varies from size to size, and that's what kind of people lead what kind of soldiers.

Huang Han has the position of commander of the guards. Given his ability to give him two years, the 360 or [-] guards may not be weaker than the frontier army. In addition to his father's [-] and [-] Luanzhou garrison troops, It is inevitable that the total number of people exceeds [-]. "

Xu Guangqi was very unhappy to see his old friend openly demolishing the stage, and said with a serious face: "According to what the supervisor said, Daming has thousands of guards, and there should be as many as one million guards on the register, so why didn't you transfer tens of thousands of guards?" The Guards Army went to Liaodong to participate in the war?"

Sun Chengzong said embarrassingly: "Master Xu is joking, the guards are not worthy of battle, they can only be used as labor force, it is a joke to fight against Jiannu, of course we must use the barracks of the Daming Frontier Army."

Xu Guangqi became even more unhappy and sneered: "Master Supervisor, the two standards are clearly revealed! Huang Han has the title of commander of the guards, and his five or six thousand guards will not be weaker than the frontier army. The other guards The army is just labor? Which sage book is your theory summarized?"

The ministers couldn't help laughing, even Chongzhen thought it was funny, Sun Chengzong blushed and then calmed down.

He thought he was selfless and magnanimous. At this time, Jun Qianqian was right for Daming's consideration, and said:

"The veteran doesn't think that Huang Han has no talent, but is worried that he is full of talent. Let's wait and see. The veteran thinks that if he is given a guard, he will be able to turn those guards who are almost the same as farmers into howling tigers and wolves again. division."

Xu Guangqi said disapprovingly, "Isn't this bad? Why should I be afraid of Dongnu's prying eyes with such a talented person?"

Sun Chengzong stomped his feet and said, "The magic weapon can kill the enemy invisible, but it is also easy to hurt yourself!"

Xu Guangqi said: "It's alarmist, isn't Mr. Sun Ge jealous of his talents? It stands to reason that you and I are more than half the age, so we should spare no effort to support the younger generation!"

"You, you, you nerd, I can't explain it to you. All in all, Huang Han is not very useful."

"This old man has a completely different opinion from yours. This old man thinks that this son is good enough for both appearance and appearance."

For Huang Han's sake, the two old men lifted up the bar in the court hall, one pushed it hard, and the other stepped on it hard.

In fact, these two were famous loyal and good ministers in the late Ming Dynasty, but they had completely different views on Huang Han.

Sun Chengzong thought that a small garrison dared to attack and kill a lieutenant general. This shows that this person is bold and lawless. If his troops are strong and strong, who can control them?

Xu Guangqi lived with Huang Han day and night for nearly a hundred days. He saw Huang Han's love with his own eyes, and saw that he never treated ordinary people and low-level soldiers with a superior attitude.

Chongzhen originally thought about whether he could give the "Red Banner Army" some more soldiers and pay more Liao pay, but Sun Chengzong's reaction was so strong, he had no choice but to give up.

Xu Guangqi saw that the number of soldiers of his lover had more than doubled and he had the dominance of a guard, so he didn't fight for anything anymore. He had seen Huang Han's way of leading troops, and thought that Huang Han Funing was given the stage. After one year, the "Red Banner Army" will shine again.

Huang Han didn't know that he had been restored to his original post, and he had been promoted from a garrison general to a third-rank guerrilla general. At this time, he was strolling around the streets with his concubine, Chu Chu, who sold roasted sweet potatoes and fried potato chips on Jingshi Street. Without exception, the stalls are crowded with people.

It has been on sale for three days, and there are people waiting in line for [-] baked sweet potato stoves and [-] potato chip shops from beginning to end.

A single stove can actually sell three to five hundred catties of roasted sweet potatoes in one day, and two to three million catties of sweet potatoes were sold in three days, and the capital returned was as high as more than one thousand taels, plus the turnover of potato chips has exceeded 30 taels of silver.

Huang Han knew that the advertising effect and freshness were the normal manifestations of turnover in the past, and it was acceptable for a baked sweet potato stall to sell two to three hundred catties a day.

The monthly income of the women in each booth will not be less than one or two taels of silver at two hundred catties. If they can achieve sales of three hundred catties, they will get one or two or eight taels of silver a month. If they are motivated, they will not worry Enthusiasm, when you go to other cities to expand sales, you will face the pursuit of recruiting people again.

Huang Han sold roasted sweet potatoes in the capital, making it very popular and well-known to everyone. He also took high-profile concubines in Yichun Yuan.

He is about to get married on December [-]th. His first wife is from a famous family, and she is the daughter of a second-rank official in the court. The news spread like wildfire, and even the slave chief Hong who is far away in Liaodong knows about it.

This is not surprising, the "Red Banner Army" repeatedly let the Jiannu suffer, and they were naturally targeted by the Hou Jin Xizuo. Huang Han's every move was the main target of surveillance for the Jiannu.

But after a few days, Huang Han did not show up in public. It is said that this hero loves his sons and daughters.

Zheng Guochang, who had just returned to the capital to take up his post, unexpectedly didn't wait for Huang Han's visit, felt humiliated, and was so angry that he had the intention of regretting the marriage.

Zheng Xiu'e was heartbroken when she learned that her future husband could not bear the temptation so much, she wanted to talk to Chu Chu, who seemed to be well-educated and polite, and let her restrain her children's affair, so as not to miss her husband's bright future.

Huang Han lives in Yichunyuan and doesn't go out all day. Not only is he close to his concubine Chuchu, but there are even more ambiguous rumors. It turns out that he and several Yichunyuan red card Begonia, Xiao Taohong, and Qianlixue are not clear, and they are so fragrant all of a sudden. The story spread widely.

That's how people are. Dirty things in the entertainment industry have always been the talk of the banquet, and there have been many dirty jokes made up by people with good things.

For example, the story of General Huang's absurd night, sleeping together with several oirans in Yichunyuan, and a fight that really defeated several beauties, caused the envious and jealous son, grandson, and grandson to flow all over the floor.

As the rumors spread more and more outrageous, Xu Guangqi was furious, and sent his servant to Yichun Courtyard to call Huang Han to see him, but the servant who came back faltered.

(End of this chapter)

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