Chapter 217
Xiao Taohong sighed: "If I knew that marrying a hero would be so worrying, it would be better to marry a mediocre person."

Haitang said: "Go, go, don't say that grapes are sour. If General Huang goes here to make meritorious service and return to the teacher, not only sister Chuchu will become famous all over the world because of covering for him to confuse slavery, and our sisters will also follow. Famous!"

Qian Lixue said disapprovingly: "Sister Haitang, what time is it, why are you still thinking about good things? Didn't you see Sister Chuchu already heartbroken?"

Haitang smiled and said: "You young ladies, General Huang has been invincible since his debut, how often did he not plan and then act?
This time, he tried his best to get our sisters to cooperate with his actions, which is enough to show that he has a plan in his mind. Don't you all have mourning faces and curse that General Huang will never return?
Do you also know that the army goes out to ask for auspicious luck? "

Xiao Taohong stuck out her tongue and said, "Sister Haitang, I know I'm wrong, okay, my brother-in-law will definitely come back triumphantly, and we will definitely be famous far and wide, hehe..."

Haitang said: "That's about the same, General Huang can triumph, whether you believe it or not, anyway, I firmly believe it.

Just wait, everyone, there will be another good story in the capital soon. There will be many sons and princes talking about how the beautiful and intelligent Begonia girl in Yichunyuan made everyone in the capital think that General Huang was in love with the flowers, but General Huang killed her thousands of miles away. Let the blood of the Tartars flow like rivers..."

The eyes of the beauties lit up, which seemed to show their faces!They chattered and chattered, and soon dilute the feeling of parting...

The newlyweds should be at the right time, but Huang Han had no luck, he only stayed in the capital for seven or eight days before quietly leaving.

The only people in the capital who knew the inside story were Huang Sifang and a few main leaders of the "Qiwei". Only two outsiders knew about it. Of course they were Li Ruolian and Fang Zhenghua.

The night before the farewell, Huang Han specially hosted the two of them again. They had already received the good news that their friends had been promoted to three levels in a row and awarded the Funing Guerrilla General. They congratulated Huang Han as soon as they met.

Fang Zhenghua thought that one day the Holy Son of Heaven would suddenly summon Huang Han and ask his friend to be mentally prepared.

Huang Han didn't put his mind on these things at all, he was thinking about the hundreds of thousands of Han people who were kidnapped by the Jiannu Tartars.
The enslavement of these populations by Jianshou and Tartars will strengthen the enemy's strength.

If you have a territory, you need to seek development. Population is especially important, and it is even more important to recognize the Han people who have a certain degree of loyalty to the "Red Banner Army".

At this time, he led the "Red Banner Army" to go out to recapture the already devastated Han people, give them enough food and work, and give them a shelter. These people will undoubtedly become loyal fortress households in the "Red Banner Army" system.

Huang Han planned to go out of the side wall of Da'ankou to attack and kill the Karaqin Tartars two to three hundred miles to the northeast, and destroy Qingcheng occupied by the Karaqin people.

Adopt Genghis Khan's grassland law, kill all Tartar men who are taller than wheels, and bring women, children, and livestock property back to the pass.

After drinking for three rounds, Huang Han got straight to the point and said: "My lords, I will leave the capital tomorrow when the city gate opens. Today I invite you to drink farewell wine."

Li Ruolian was very puzzled and asked: "Master Huang, why is this? Is there something wrong at home?"

Just as Fang Zhenghua asked Huang Han to get ready to face the saint again, he was puzzled when Huang Han said that he was going to leave, and said: "Master Huang's wedding is only a few days away, don't you plan to leave after the wedding? Our family But I heard that at that time, the Holy Son of Heaven will reward you generously."

Huang Han said: "The wedding date is still more than a month away. I am humbled because I am grateful for the kindness of the Holy Son of Heaven, so I decided to rush to Da'ankou to join the 'Red Banner Army' that has assembled in Guancheng."

"Assembly at Da'ankou?" Li Ruolian was shocked and said: "Master Huang, are you going to fight outside the pass with your own army?"

Fang Yihua also couldn't believe it: "The yellow sand outside the pass is covered with snow, and it is difficult to make a contribution by fighting alone! During the time of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Li Ling's 5000 troops were all rangers with outstanding martial arts skills, and they also ended up annihilated! "

Huang Han drank a cup and laughed loudly: "In fact, Li Ling's 5000 troops were wiped out. The Han Dynasty was defeated tactically, but it was victorious strategically.

Li Ling's [-] infantry beat the Xiongnu into a general mobilization of the whole people, and only after three times as many troops died did they win some battles. "

Fang Yihua said: "Master Huang is going to take a military adventure to win the strategic initiative? You must know that if you fail, you will lose your life and the hard-won 'Red Banner Army'. We hope you think twice."

Haitang, Xiao Taohong, and Qianlixue, who were accompanying the wine, were already so frightened that their pretty faces changed color. They took a peek at Chuchu and found her gloomy, but forced a smile on her face.

For a moment, the beauties felt a little resentful in their hearts, especially hating Huang Han's heroic aura. At this moment, it seems that marrying an ordinary person is the first choice.

Huang Han said: "The capital of the Ming Dynasty has just been plundered by Tartars and Jian slaves. Everyone fears the enemy like a tiger. After the robbers entered the pass, they lost a little and gained a lot. They are all spoiled and spoiled.

It is tolerable or unbearable.Seeing that the Tatars have become more courageous, those thieves will always be thinking about the wealth in the pass, and they will make a comeback again and again, and the Tartars will break through the pass again and again. Isn't the Ming Dynasty's side wall like a fake?

The purpose of the 'Red Banner Army' leaving the customs is to tell the Tartars who work for tigers that evil will be rewarded with evil. "

Li Ruolian and Fang Zhenghua were silent. They were also real men with heroic spirit. They were aggrieved by the Tartars and Jiannu to this day. Seeing their friends preparing to go out to take revenge, they actually felt heartbroken.

After a while, Fang Zhenghua stood up and toasted: "Master Huang, our family knows that this is definitely not your whim, it must be a tactic you have planned for a long time, there is nothing to say, our family will definitely support you, our family sincerely Here is a toast to you, and I wish you a triumphant return."

Li Ruolian also hurriedly got up and said: "Master Huang, the 'Red Banner Army' is already gathering, and there will be thousands of troops ready to go. At this time, I have no reason to persuade you to give up. I will recognize you as a good friend in this life. , you have to be careful, I will drink flower wine after you come back."

These two people deserved to be the loyal and brave people who died for the great Ming Dynasty. They did not hold back their friends and sincerely wished Huang Han an early victory.

Seeing that the two good friends did not persuade her Lang Jun at all, Chu Chu lost her illusions, and couldn't help but whispered: "Lang Jun..." Then tears flowed into rivers...

This is the moment when the heart is broken, even though Huang Han knows that he can't be indulging in gentleness, he still feels sorry for saying goodbye to the newly married concubine.

(End of this chapter)

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