Chapter 231 Established Tactics
The third day after the "Red Banner Army" left the customs was destined to be the harvest day. Not only did Sang Yu's general banner find the Harqin people, but more than half of the other ten general banners also encountered yurts.

The small winter settlements of these Karaqin people are not too large. The smallest is that two families set up four yurts. The population is only a dozen, and only three people can ride and shoot.

There may be fifty or sixty households in the largest settlement. The one who scouted this place was General Banner Pei Daneng. He obeyed the order of the head of the family to the letter, and quickly sent a subordinate of the small banner back to the camp to make contact.

Yuan Siming, the official of Qianhu, received the spy report and commanded the five general banners and Pei Daneng general banner to encircle and wipe out the Tatars. They killed 63 Tatars and captured nine of them.

Since all our knights were tightly wrapped in iron armor and cotton armor, there were still more than 300 armored soldiers fighting against seventy or eighty Tartars, and they used surprise attacks to kill the enemy, so no one was killed in battle, only a dozen or so people were slightly injured. .

Without exception, the officials of the "Red Banner Army" are good men who can live a good life, and they are all similar to the Sang Yu General Banner.

After the yurts were attacked by them, only a few naked or dozens of headless corpses were left in the original residence of the Tartars waiting for the wolves, and not even a nail was left there.

The knights of the "Red Banner Army" finally felt that they had a good day. With negligible casualties, they not only killed more than a hundred Karaqin Tartars and seized a lot of gold and silver treasures, but also seized many cattle, horses, and fat sheep. and yurts.

What is even more gratifying is that three hundred and dozens of Han men and women were rescued. Most of these people were young and middle-aged, and basically no one was over 35 years old. There were only a few dozen children, and there were no young children among them.

Less than half of these Han people had been to Qingcheng, or they were brought back by the Tartars in exchange for livestock at the Qingcheng population market.

In the afternoon of that day, the "Red Banner Army" camped early, and all the personnel could beat their teeth and eat mutton and beef, even the Han people who had just been freed.

Not only did they work with the army to identify the rescued Han Chinese, but many "Red Banner Army" soldiers also came to inquire, because they also had relatives who were taken away by Jiannu and Tartars, and their lives were unknown.

It's a pity that no miracle happened. Among the 370 rescued Han Chinese, no immediate family members of the "Red Banner Army" were found.

Dozens of them were slaves in the Karaqin tribe as early as three or five years ago. These people were Han people in Liaodong, and they were used as commodities to exchange war horses with the Karaqin people.

After communicating with each other, only three military conscripts met their former fellow villagers, but they didn't find out where their wives and children are now?Are you still alive?One by one wept so loudly.

A total of less than [-] Karaqin Tartars were captured, and then Huang Han basically found out the situation in Qingcheng by interrogating the Tartars and asking the Han people.

Huang Han also discovered Xiang Chengliang, a scholar who was proficient in Mongolian and could write Chinese characters. After communicating with him, he learned that this person had a deep hatred with Jiannu and Tartars. Died in a sea of ​​flames.

The officials of the "Red Banner Army" recorded the confessions of the Tartars to summarize, and listened carefully to the descriptions of the Han people. Now it can be confirmed that several tribes directly related to Harqin Taiji spend the winter in Qingcheng.

The direct tribes of Taijiburgadu and Zhuoerbi in Karaqin have taken root in Qingcheng, and they are also learning to build slaves. In recent years, they have enslaved Han people and reclaimed 10,000+ mu of wheat fields around Qingcheng.

Of course the Tartars don't know how to farm, they are all farmed by Han slaves.It is estimated that there are between [-] and [-] Han Chinese slaves in Qingcheng, and three to four thousand Manchu Tartars. The population of Harqin should also be [-] to [-].

No wonder Karaqin Qingcheng has a certain reputation. Many Taiji tribes choose to spend the winter here. It seems that there are about [-] to [-] permanent residents in the city, and there are more than [-] shi of grain in storage.

In the sparsely populated prairie, such a commodity gathering place with sufficient food and a large population will indeed be sought after by herdsmen.

A city with a population of 4 to [-] is nothing special in Daming. It is just an ordinary county town. Besides, there are at least half of the slaves there, and more than [-]% of the slaves are Han Chinese. Some of them should be obtained after Karaqin conquered other tribes. loot.

One of the main trophies of the grassland peoples is women. The tribes attack each other. According to Genghis Khan's law, men who are taller than the wheel are the targets of massacres, but all tribes without exception do not kill women.

Therefore, the women of the steppe nation are neutral, they belong to the victors, and the Tartars don't mind that it takes a few years for their women to be taken away by the enemy, and there will be more people when they are taken back again.

Because the women of the Tartars have given birth to children for the enemy, this is not alarmist, and Genghis Khan in history also had a cheap son.

Attacks between tribes may not kill all adult men, and the Tartars also accept surrender, so not all slaves may be Han Chinese, and some of the hostile tribes are also captives.

It has been confirmed by many parties that Karaqin Qingcheng is only a hundred miles away, and the "Red Banner Army" will face three or four thousand Tartar cavalry. When the old man joins the battle, it is estimated that there will be more than [-] or even more troops.

It looks like the cake is too big!At this moment, Huang Han couldn't help hesitating. If the people of Karaqin were willing to work hard, thousands of troops would defend the city, and the casualties of the "Red Banner Army" could not be controlled, and the final outcome would be a miserable victory.

It seems that the established tactics of the raid need to be modified. You can't eat Qingcheng directly in one go. Doing so will break your teeth. You should find a way to lure the Harqin people to divide their troops.

A person can eat a cow, but not all at once. The "Red Banner Army" can fight tens of thousands of Tartars, but they cannot win a single battle.

Huang Han convened a pre-war meeting. He bluntly expressed his worries and told the senior officers above the general banner that the enemy's troops were twice as strong as ours. They could not directly attack Karaqin Qingcheng according to the established plan, and needed to lure the Tartars to leave. Qingcheng had a field battle with the "Red Banner Army".

The "Red Banner Army" has just appeared, and the number of troops is not large. The Karaqin people don't know the equipment and combat effectiveness of this puny army. It is estimated that when the first battle was fought, the Karaqin Taiji in Qingcheng would not have thought of all the people. Mobilization, they should bring two or three thousand Tartars to fight this battle.

As long as the "Red Banner Army" is ruthless enough to kill half of Harqin's troops in the field, the situation will be much better when facing a tough attack.

To make it easier for the Tartars in Qingcheng to discover the "Red Banner Army", the closer they are to the heart of Harqin, the more settlements will become, and the cavalry will find more yurts tomorrow. If the child is round, there will always be fish that slip through the net.

The Tartars who had escaped from birth went to Qingcheng to report that there were more than a thousand Ming cavalrymen looting the yurts in Karaqin Taiji. Of course, Taiji and the tribal leaders would not sit idly by, and it was inevitable to lead people to fight.

(End of this chapter)

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