Chapter 234
What the military formation pays attention to is coordination. All the infantry officers are ordered to maintain the formation, even when the formation is marching, the formation must not be chaotic.

Therefore, all infantry and military service have their own specific positions. If the formation is disordered, those who are light will be flogged, and those who are serious will be beaten with army sticks and recorded once.

Now the top and bottom of the "Red Banner Army" would rather be whipped and batoned than leave a demerit on the file, because this will directly affect promotion.

The officers and soldiers in this infantry formation are like parts with numbers marked on them, and their positions cannot be changed arbitrarily.

Therefore, among the two thousand or so people, only Huang Han and his four followers are free people. They found out that the Tartar sentry horse rushed out of the formation and planned to take advantage of it.

Fang Liandong was shocked and hurriedly asked Song Pengfei, one of the seven members, to report the situation, but Xiao Song could only smile wryly.

He couldn't send infantry with swords and shields out to chase after his mentor who had gone away. Now he can only choose to watch the battle and pray that nothing will happen to the general. Song Pengfei is actually superstitious about his master's combat power and is not too worried.

Several groups of Tartars were watching the Ming army nearby. They didn't care at all when they saw five cavalry suddenly killed in the Ming army formation, and they continued to cruise in front of the Ming army at their own pace.

How would they know that the force value of these five cavalry is capable of one-on-one confrontation with Jiannuba Yala and can win. The horses under the horse are also selected from more than [-] Arabian horses in total.

It is too much to say that Huang Han and his four followers are the kings of the cavalry with cold weapons, but it is not far away!
A trio of Tartars scouted their horses and saw the Ming army's five cavalry approaching. They began to steer their horses and run back. All three of them took out their bows and turned around to shoot arrows.

This is a kind of mangu's tactic. While using horsemanship to keep the distance from the pursuing enemy, the Mongolian cavalry turned back from time to time to shoot and kill the enemy cavalry who came into range.

Often at the end of the toss, there will be fewer and fewer enemies exhausted. At this time, the Tartar light cavalry stopped running, and swung Mongolian scimitars one by one to turn around and charge, killing the exhausted and disordered enemies.

But this time the Tartars failed to fulfill their wish, the Ming army cavalry who were chasing them were incredibly fast, they had just turned around and shot a round of light arrows before they were approached by Huang Han and the others to thirty paces.

Of the four attendants, only two had riding and shooting skills, Lei Mingchun and Gu Kui were accustomed to throwing spears and throwing axes.

Huang Han didn't care about the light arrows shot at his chest that didn't slip through the armor and fell to the ground, he took out the steel pulley bow and arrows and shot ten arrows with ease, and the three Tartars fell from the horse one after another.

In just a moment, Huang Han came back with his entourage after the small test of the sword. Yan Congyou's horse had three bloody Tartar heads hanging around its neck, and Lei Mingchun was leading the three captured Mongolian horses.

The chief general went out and returned immediately, and the three riding Tartars became a victory, which immediately inspired everyone, and the "Red Banner Army" shouted: "Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng! The general is mighty!"

The "Red Banner Army" was not afraid of the Tartars, but now they were only worried that they would not dare to come, and thousands of people would make preparations for a battle in vain.

At noon today, in a yurt that was huge enough to accommodate more than a hundred people in Qingcheng, Karaqin, Taijiburgadu, Zhuoerbi and several other Taijiwen reported that the Ming army was looting the southwest of Qingcheng. The small tribe's winter camp turned pale with horror.

After they asked how many troops the Ming army dispatched, they were full of suspicion.

When did the Ming army become so daring?How dare their little army go deep into the grassland for two or three hundred miles?
Zhuoerbi was not reckless, and immediately sent out several teams of sentry cavalry again, ordering them to bypass the Ming army to find out whether there was a mighty main force following the Ming army.

From the beginning to the end, he did not believe that more than [-] Ming troops would run such a long distance from Guancheng, and not all of them were cavalry, but infantry pushing carts accounted for the majority.

Zhuo Erbi couldn't figure it out. The Ming army came with more than two thousand infantry and pushed many small carts. What did they want?
Zhuoerbi asked Burgadu for advice, "Dai Qing, Burgadu, has a wide range of knowledge and knowledge. The Ming army is so strange. Do you know what kind of conspiracy they have?"

"Dai Qing" is a transliterated word, a Mongolian title, representing honor and honor.In fact, Jiannu also used the Mongolian language. Dorgon was awarded the title of "Mergen Daiqing" the year before last.

"Zoerbitaiji, I also find it incredible. What is the Ming army planning to do? Are they going to attack our Qingcheng? Probably not, they only have two to 3000 people, are they planning to come to the city to die?"

Zhuoerbi thought for a moment and said: "Well, you stay and guard Qingcheng, and I will order three thousand sons to go and have a look. If there are no thousands of troops following these Ming troops, it means that they are not the vanguard, but some people. Li Lingzhi, a general of the Ming army, thought of coming to the Karaqin territory to rob cattle and sheep, and horses to rob people."

Bulgadu nodded and said: "It makes sense. It should be that these Ming soldiers were unlucky and chose the wrong direction, and they happened to appear not far from our Qingcheng."

"Haha, the Ming army is unlucky, and I, the Karaqin people, are very lucky. According to the sentinel report, the Ming army's armor is bright, and they also brought hundreds of wheelbarrows. I guess there should be many good things in the car. Woolen cloth!"

Bulgadu was also full of excitement, he said: "Even if the things in the car are not worth much, we can get a lot of armor and weapons from the Ming army."

"The Ming army is simply here to give us gifts! This should be the longevity of the Karaqin people who favor me."


Huang Han's entry into the grassland this time was actually a naked military adventure. Because the "Red Banner Army" had too few troops, the Tartars would not think that the target of the Ming army's attack was Karaqin Qingcheng.

After analysis, the Taiji people in Harqin believed that if they did not find other large Ming army troops, it can be concluded that a certain Ming army general led the plunder, and they were unlucky and came to the vicinity of Qingcheng by mistake.

The people of Karaqin were inexplicably excited, thinking that they had encountered a good thing that they could find a big bargain at their doorstep.

Huang Han was lucky, the situation he was most worried about did not happen.

He had been worried that the Harqin people would immediately make arrangements when they found out that the Ming army was invading. If they sent messengers to ask for help from the nearby Tartar tribes, they would urgently gather all the string controllers within a radius of tens of miles of Qingcheng.

The "Red Banner Army" who came to attack Qingcheng might face tens of thousands of Tartar attacks, and other Tartar tribes who received requests for help would arrive one after another according to the distance.

This turned into the "Red Banner Army" fighting alone, while the Tartars fought more and more. It is very likely that Huang Han and Bu Han will follow in Li Ling's footsteps.

However, the Karakin people misunderstood it. They judged that the Ming army came for plunder, and they should leave with one blow and not stay.

(End of this chapter)

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