Chapter 237 Blood for Blood
During the first round of shooting, the Tartars had already approached forty steps away. A total of more than 500 bird guns fired at close range, and [-] feathered arrows shot directly.

Such a violent blow was too sudden, and the Tartar light cavalry who were maintaining a state of extremely fast charge had no time to react, and three or four hundred cavalry fell.

Unexpectedly, there was almost no gap, and the second round of strikes by the Ming army came again. Many Tartar cavalry were even more distressed. They were still moving forward due to the inertia of the impact. At this time, they were about ten steps closer to the Ming army formation.

The closer they are, the more dangerous they are. Even if they escape two rounds of strikes, they have no future.

Because it takes time for them to return to their horses, and it takes time for them to get out of the range of the Ming army. Are the archers and gunners fools?Such a big target would give up the chance to hit them in the back?
The Ming army did not forgive others, and almost all of the more than 200 selected bird gunners who came after the attack had Tazi's feather arrows nailed to their bodies. How could this revenge not be avenged?

They were all furious at this moment, "You son of a bitch, you can't shoot me to death, let's see how I beat you until your brains burst."

These bird gunners are all outstanding shooting achievements in the "Red Banner Army". At this time, they are close to precise shooting, and lead bullets have penetrated into the body of the Tartars within twenty or thirty steps, as if they had eyes.

This is not terrible. Amidst the louder explosion, 120 three-two-weight projectiles fired by raising the gun flew along parallel trajectories. Whether it was a man or a horse, as long as they were hit, they would almost die.

Relatively speaking, three hundred feathered arrows are not powerful enough to join in the fun. Some Tartars have three or four feathered arrows stuck in their bodies and have not yet fallen.

Why would there still be Tartars who dared not fear death and charged twenty or thirty steps ahead of the Ming army's formation?
In fact, everyone misunderstood. It was not that the Tartars were not afraid of death, but because of the inertia of the Tartars in the middle of the attack formation.

The horses that were not hit by the Ming army's bird gun harvested still galloped forward, so they sent their masters to hell on earth.

There are also war horses that are frightened and their owners lose control of them. Most of these war horses run wildly forward until they are killed or injured in front of the wheelbarrow.

The miserable howls in Mongolian were endless, and the hoarse shouts of centurions and thousand commanders kept coming. None of them issued an order, and no one ordered their subordinates to march forward bravely to break the formation regardless of casualties.

Without exception, they were terrified and shouted that the firecrackers of the Ming army were too powerful, and the warriors quickly distanced themselves from the Ming army.

Just as the Tartars turned their horses' heads to play back and forth in order to increase the distance, the Ming army's third and fourth rounds of firearm strikes followed one after another.

During this period, seven or eight rounds of feathered arrow attacks caused considerable damage. Huang Han had already shot eighteen arrows at this time, and he could responsibly believe that at least six Tartars were shot down by himself. Down.

Looking at the Tartar light cavalry rushing forward, Huang Han secretly rejoiced that half of the Tartars who launched the attack seemed to be left behind!The Karakin people not only lost a thousand elites, but they should have been terrified, and the next battle should be much easier to fight.

At this time, the sound of horseshoes rumbled from the rear of the infantry formation of the Ming army, and more than [-] iron cavalry came aggressively. .

At the same time, the infantry formation moved, and the spearmen and sword shieldmen covered in steel rushed out of the formation.

Although there were only four spearmen and sword-shieldmen who fought hand-to-hand for the first time, most of these people were martial artists, and their combat skills can be imagined.

The Tartars have lived on horseback since they were young, and their riding and shooting skills are first-class. The level of foot combat is not satisfactory. The Tartars who have lost their horses and still have fighting power wield a Mongolian scimitar suitable for cavalry warfare. Come?

What's more, they don't have formations in twos and threes. The infantry of the "Red Banner Army" is not only well-equipped and skilled, but also forms a formation to kill the enemy with a degree of advancement and retreat, and a balance between left and right.

At this time, it was not a battle, but a one-sided massacre. Not only did the Tartars wielding Mongolian scimitars die one after another, but also the Tartars who had fallen off their horses and were wounded and were struggling and howling were relieved.

The spearman and the sword and shield hand were extremely sour today. They stabbed and hacked four or five hundred Tartars to death with almost no casualties. Fang Liandong shouted happily. He had already chopped off seven heads , was drenched in the blood of the Tartars.

In the face of many Tartars begging for mercy, no one is merciful. The Tartars are the old enemies of the Han people, and the Karaqin Tartars are the leading party to build slaves. They entered the customs last year. I don’t know how many Han people were killed, how many good homes were destroyed, How many Han women's innocence has been ruined.

More than [-]% of the spearmen and sword shields of the "Red Banner Army" have a blood feud with the Hou Jin army. Today, when it's time for blood for blood, they will certainly not let a Tartar go.

Dozens of warriors gritted their teeth and wept as they stabbed and slashed. They thought of their relatives crying in the sea of ​​fire, and the Tartars and Jiannu grinning on their horses...

They were all muttering to themselves at this moment, "Father, mother, my son avenged you today, and those beasts who harmed you are howling and crying at this very moment!"

Huang Han and the four guards did not rush up to fight on horseback. They swam around the infantry formation, shooting and killing the fish that slipped through the net while surrounding the unowned horses. Soon Song Pengfei and dozens of officers with horses also joined the team .

There was no need to issue an order, Liu Dashou and Guo Xiao had already brought medical soldiers to bandage the injured robe.

The thousand miscellaneous servants were very depressed. They were on the battlefield but they were arranged to wait and see behind the soldiers of the "Red Banner Army" twenty steps away. They had no casualties and did not accomplish an inch.

Huang Han considered that the handyman and the bird gunner did not have armor, so he did not arrange for them to go out to assassinate at the first time, so as to avoid unnecessary casualties when they slashed face to face.

When the spearmen and sword-shieldmen had killed two hundred paces away, a thousand miscellaneous servants were given the task of harvesting the heads and cleaning the battlefield, quickly clearing the corpses of the Tartar soldiers and horses, so that no obstacles would hinder the progress of the infantry formation. .

Zhuoerbi led more than [-] Karaqin elite cavalry to block the Ming army's infantry head-on. He thought it was Changshengtian who gave him equipment and supplies, but he knew that Changshengtian was teasing him.

He is not stupid. When the Ming army array faced two thousand cavalry rushing into the formation without a sound, he felt a lot of pressure. When he found that the men under his command had approached fifty paces and shot feather arrows one after another, the Ming army in the array could still hold their breath. Without firing the blunderbuss, he already had an ominous premonition.

But the arrow had left the string and could not turn back, he could only bite the bullet and sweat to see the result.

When the Ming army array filled with gunpowder smoke and exploded like beans, Zhuoerbi trembled with distress. Most of the light cavalry there were soldiers from his direct tribe, and heavy casualties would cause him to lose his overwhelming force. Laqin's reign was low.

(End of this chapter)

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