Chapter 249

Lou Yun was surprised: "Huh? Even your father-in-law knows about us drinking with General Huang in Yichun Courtyard?"

Cheng Quan looked leisurely and fascinated, and he said: "Of course, our family is actually very envious of Eunuch Fang, since he is of the same level as our family.

But since I made friends with General Huang, things have turned around, and now I am the eunuch who is supervised by the Royal Horse Supervisor. Not only is my rank three levels higher than ours, but the actual assignment is even more popular. "

"It's true. Before I met General Huang, I was just a captain of Jinyiwei who liked to drink and fight. Because of a whim, I followed General Huang to fight a slave formation and cut a level. After that, the sesame blossomed steadily."

"So our family also wants to have a good relationship with General Huang, next time you get together, don't forget our family."

"Definitely, father-in-law, we have agreed to go out of Zunhua North Gate and go straight to Da'ankou early tomorrow morning."

"No problem. Although our family doesn't have family martial arts, we can ride a horse for a few days."

Liu Zhilun in Da'ankou was very surprised to see the angel. After receiving the decree, he found that it was Zhongzhi who felt even more wrong. It seemed that the procedure was wrong.

The civil servants of the Ming Dynasty were more powerful. They only believed that the imperial edict drafted by the cabinet and approved by the supervisor of ceremonies for red use, and the civil officials had a tacit understanding to resist the imperial edict.

Zhongzhi is the will issued by the emperor directly or by the supervisor of ceremonies, without being drafted by the cabinet. This kind of decree represents the imperial power but does not reflect the power of the ministers.

It stands to reason that if Liu Zhilun, a civil official of the third rank, does not want to go against the civil official group, he should reject Zhongzhi.

But Liu Zhilun is a different kind. He was originally at odds with too many scholar-bureaucrats. After he received the imperial decree, he didn't struggle with why there was no cabinet vote.

Chengquan learns that there is no need for the emperor to order Governor Shuntian to cooperate with the "Red Banner Army" operation. He is actually one of the planners of the surprise attack on the grassland.

He was on the road day and night because he was afraid of making mistakes. At this time, he found that Liu Zhilun would do his best to help the "Red Banner Army" whether he came or not to deliver the decree.

Knowing that the emperor and his "Red Banner Army" went out to kill the enemy, Chengquan urgently needed to know how sure of success he was. He completed the task of delivering the decree and learned a lot about the "Red Banner Army"'s exit from the customs.At this time, of course, we must rush back to the Forbidden City to report these new news to the emperor.

Liu Zhilun also wrote a thousand-word memorial to Datian Listening, which described the composition of the "Red Banner Army" who left the customs, pointed out the loyalty and bravery of Huang Han, and expressed his request to the Holy Son of Heaven to treat his loyal ministers and generals favorably.

He did not retain the eunuch who delivered the decree who proposed to return to Beijing immediately. Liu Zhilun now has money in hand, and gave the angel 200 taels of hard-earned money.

Lou Yun looked at the snow-capped mountains in the distance at Da'an Pass, and suddenly he was full of energy. He decided not to leave, and wanted to venture out of the pass to get in touch with the "Red Banner Army".

He knew that if he could get more accurate information about the "Red Banner Army", it would be a great achievement, and if he was lucky enough to get the chance to participate in the war, it would be the icing on the cake.

He thinks he is proficient in bow and horse, and he has become more aware of the importance of combat power since he fought once at the beginning of the year.

At that time, his hundred households in the Jinyiwei Examination will be the focus of the streets and alleys of the capital, and promotion and fortune will come naturally.

Lou Yun made up his mind and came to Governor Xingyuan to ask Chengquan to bring a message to his immediate superior Li Ruolian. He said:
"Cheng Gonggong, I decided to stay at Da'ankou to wait for the opportunity to go out to find the 'Red Banner Army', so I won't send you back to the capital in person. There is nothing wrong with sending you to the eunuch. Please return to the capital and return to the capital. A few words of humility."

Cheng Quan readily agreed: "Haha, Lou Baihu is a good guy. If our family has the martial arts handed down like Mr. Fang, we will choose to keep it. Unfortunately, we don't know how to use swords, guns or archery so we won't cause you any trouble." .”

Seeing that Lou Yun, the direct leader, would stay in Da'ankou to fight for credit if he didn't go back to Beijing, the five Jinyiwei small banner officials were not happy.

They also made a high-profile statement that they were willing to be loyal to Daming, and voluntarily stayed in Da'ankou to fight the enemy, and hoped for your permission.

The situation this time was completely different from that in Jiulitai Village. It seemed that Jin Yiwei's blood was much hotter.

Eight or nine people under Lou Yun's command once drank, ate meat, and sang songs with Huang Han before he made a fortune in the spring, but they were not brave enough to stay and kill the enemy together.

The result is that the remaining Jinyiwei are prosperous in their official career, and now everyone has been promoted to three ranks in a row. These people are regretful. Today is like yesterday.

The power of role models is infinite. Li Ruolian, Lou Yun and other five Jinyiwei volunteered to join the "Red Banner Army" who attacked and killed Jiannu.

Except for the Jinyiwei who had been to Jiulitai Village and refused to go back, the other Jinyiwei also refused to let go of the opportunity to make contributions. Without exception, they all chose to stay and join the war. In the end, none of them was willing to escort the eunuch Chengquan and the four young eunuchs back to the capital. .

Lou Yun really had nothing to do, he couldn't let Chengquan bring the four eunuchs back to the capital by himself, if there was a mistake on the way, it would be a big crime.

After discussing with the five small banner officials, he decided to send a small banner man to escort the angel back to the capital. In order to demonstrate the principle of fairness, he adopted the most effective and acceptable method-drawing lots.

When the lottery started, all the guards in Jinyi came to watch. Of course, five small flag officials were drawn on behalf of the 55 brothers. In the end, a small flag officer who was unlucky led ten dejected subordinates reluctantly to the south. official way.

Lou Yun was bold, and he also knew that wealth and wealth are in danger, so he asked Liu Zhilun the next day for an order to take 44 Jinyiwei brothers out of the customs to find the "Red Banner Army". Liu Zhilun had not heard from Huang Han for seven or eight days. Already impatient.

This year, Liu Zhilun, who has money, food and power, has not been idle. He now has a hundred armored servants in his hands, and the seven hundred cavalry and fifteen hundred infantry in the Fubiao Battalion are all selected strong men.

Liu Zhilun was willing to spend money, and provided three meals a day for the Fubiao Camp, and the distribution of uniforms and weapons, including salary, was not lower than the standard of the Guanning Army.

He was very strict in running the army. He clearly told the more than 2000 people in the Fubiao Camp that they would have money and food to support their families. Recover the part that is higher than the salary of ordinary battalion soldiers.

Most of the more than [-] soldiers in the Fubiao Battalion are veterans selected from various battalions. After a year of intensive training, their combat effectiveness and mental outlook are much stronger than those of other Ming army battalions.

(End of this chapter)

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