Chapter 252
After understanding Zhao Kun's narration, Lou Yun, Liu Quan, etc. were very happy, and everyone exchanged cups and drank happily.

At this time, the singing in the camp was endless. It turned out that the cavalrymen of the Fubiao Battalion who were drinking in other yurts or big tents were learning to sing plum blossoms, and the soldiers with singing talents were already catching on.

Liu Quan asked: "Master Zhao, the tunes sung by the brothers outside are really nice, may I ask if this is Master Huang's new work?"

Zhao Kun was also considered a half-literate man, and he said proudly: "This song was just when my mentor led the troops out of the customs, and saw the prairie covered with ice and snow for thousands of miles, so he blurted out his feelings, and we all learned it in a short time.

Liu Quan flattered and said: "Good words, good songs, good artistic conception, General Huang is really a great talent!"

After all, Liu Zhilun was born as a scholar-bureaucrat, and his confidants are also educated, and they speak Zou Zou.

Lou Yun suddenly howled: "Snowflakes are fluttering and the north wind is blowing, the world is vast." He took a glass of wine and drank it down, and then said: "These snowstorms have directly caused half of the Jinyiwei to be discouraged!"

Zhang Chao said with a smile: "My lord, don't be sorry, there are brothers like us who are determined to follow!"

Liu Hewen, who was a little bit drunk, said: "It always blooms on the coldest branch, and there will always be someone who gives up the opportunity at the last moment. Haha, this is the artistic conception of this song!"


An hour and a half later, the more than [-] cavalry, who were full of wine and meat, finally moved into the warm yurt and slept comfortably...

The next day, Jinyiwei and Fubiaoying, who were eager to make meritorious deeds and make a fortune, were impatient. They actually gathered early for breakfast and set off in the dark before dawn.

Liu He knew that the patriarch was hopeless, so he sent a small bannerman back to Da'ankou to report victory.

The bad weather made it inconvenient for the "Red Banner Army" to move, and it would even affect the speed of the fleeing Karakin people, and it would also make the Houjin Army who might come to help give up their actions.

Huang Han had Qingcheng to rely on, wine, meat, food, and manpower. He was not in a hurry to retreat and still sent cavalry to search for yurts every day.

Looting is really the quickest way to make money. It used to be that the Karaqin Tartars were very poor, but now it is very different. Every time the cavalry raided a settlement, they would get gold, silver, treasures and a large number of cattle, sheep and horses without exception.

Now the blacksmith Shen Cunli had a new mission. He organized [-] Tartar men and women and [-] Han Qingzhuang to kill and skin the sheep. Every day, [-] to [-] fat sheep were slaughtered.

The flock of sheep is the hope of the grassland people to live and multiply. On average, a Tartar may have more than [-] sheep.

The Han people don’t need sheep to live, and it would cost fodder to keep these live things, so killing all the live sheep and transporting them away by truck is the only way.

Many of the sheep here are the healthiest and youngest sheep that the herdsmen deliberately left behind. Unfortunately, the Han people don't understand this, and they all turn into mutton.

Without breeding sheep, the surviving herdsmen don't know how much cold and heat it will take to start all over again?
This is completely different from the resumption of production by Han farmers. With a bag of seed grain, the Han people may be able to grow the grain output before the destruction.

There used to be [-] sheep in the herdsman's house. Even if they bought three or two sheep for breeding after they were looted, it would take three to five years to recover to the original level.

Huang Han has no sympathy for the old enemy of the Han people in the northern prairie. Tartars can enter the customs to fight grass valleys, and the "red flag army" can enter the prairie to cut mutton.

Aren't Tartars good at running?It doesn't matter, the "Red Banner Army" no longer minds that the light cavalry fled. In order to reduce casualties, they gave up their pursuit. Now everyone has managed to lay down a small tribe without leaving even a sheep or a bowl of food.

It's a pity that I don't know how long those Tartars who lost their homes, tribesmen, cattle and sheep can survive in this icy and snowy prairie?

On November [-]th, Huang Han, who had been stationed in Qingcheng for eight days, unexpectedly saw more than [-] cavalry led by Lou Yun, Liu Quan and Liu He who came from Le Zizi.

The knights of the "Red Banner Army" kept looting the yurts, because it was inevitable that there were casualties and downsizing caused by battles of various sizes every day, and now it is less than a thousand.

There are still many areas nearby that have not been searched. Huang Han thinks that before retreating, he may not be able to complete the idea of ​​dragging the entire [-]-mile radius of Qingcheng.

Seeing the Jinyiwei and Fubiao battalion cavalry who were enthusiastic about robbery, Huang Han felt that with the addition of more than [-] cavalry, it was possible to complete the net dragging.

Lou Yun and Liu He got the task that day. They were led by the two general banner "Red Banner Army" knights who had accumulated some experience in finding the Tartars' hiding places to search East Qingcheng.

They were lucky enough to break through several small tribes one after another and gain more than 5000 levels, and the gold and silver treasures they got were close to [-] taels in silver.

Jinyiwei had few casualties, only one captain was seriously injured, three or four were slightly injured, and the Fubiao Battalion lost 17 casualties, three of whom died in battle.

At night, in the huge yurt built by Jibul Kadu in Karaqintai, which can accommodate more than a hundred people, Lou Yun, who roasted mutton and drank kumiss, was very intoxicated, and his Jin Yiwei was also very happy from ear to ear.

Because Huang Han stated that as long as the Fubiao Camp and Jinyiwei seized gold and silver treasures, they could distribute them by themselves, and the two general banner brothers of the "Red Banner Army" would not participate in the distribution, and the "Red Banner Army" would only accept those materials that could not be carried with them.

The officials Lou Yun and Liu Quan settled accounts. It seemed that every Ming army who participated in the looting could get gold and silver treasures worth 20 taels of silver.

It is impossible for them to distribute the seized money evenly, and they will leave some of them to the officers, and some will go back to deal with the superiors, because after all, there will be casualties, and if they don't cover everything, they may not be able to live well in the future.

Moreover, Liu Quan and Liu He are Liu Zhilun's confidantes and generals, of course they will withhold at least [-]% of the gold and silver treasures and bring them to the Patriarch.

While Jin Yiwei and the cavalrymen of Fubiao Battalion were celebrating, in the Forbidden City of the capital, Emperor Chongzhen felt that the corners of his eyes were moist after reading Cheng Quan's memorial to Governor Shun Tian on behalf of Chen Zuo.

Because he was too emotional to meditate in the imperial study, he stood up and walked around irritably.

The two eunuchs Cao Huachun and Wang Chengen didn't know how to speak to persuade His Majesty to be safe and not to be impatient, they both stood quietly beside the Longshu case.

"The governor of Shuntian reported that Huang's guerrilla troops were insufficient, and he even brought half-grown children out of the pass.

Now Liu Shilang is leading the Fubiao Battalion to defend Da'ankou to ensure the retreat of the 'Red Banner Army'. The key is, can Huang Guerrilla's little troops retreat?If the "Red Banner Army" is wiped out, how much negative impact will this cause? "

Wang Cheng'en said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, Huang Gueran is not a reckless person, he is a Confucian general with both wisdom and courage. He will never make arrangements to die in vain. He will definitely come back victorious."

Chongzhen shook his head and said: "Not necessarily, Huang Han once told Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian that the Han general Li Ling's entire army was defeated tactically, but he was victorious strategically. Since then, the Huns have never dared to provoke again. strong man."

(End of this chapter)

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