Chapter 259 Worth It
Qin Liangyu regretted it so much, why did he stay in the capital and think about returning to Sichuan after eating the wedding wine of Zheng Guochang's married daughter?

It's good now, Qin Yuyi is so sick that she can't even go on the road if she wants to.

The old lady didn't know that her daughter was seven-point heart disease and three-point real disease, but she also knew that heart disease was also highly fatal. Seeing Qin Yuyi who was ill, sometimes sober and sometimes confused, the old lady was heartbroken.

Qin Liangyu lost face and went directly to the imperial hospital to ask for an imperial doctor. The envoy of the fifth-rank hospital of the imperial hospital not only received the anxious old lady in person, but also sent the eighth-rank imperial doctor with the most skilled medical skills to live in the posthouse all the time. Pay attention to Qin Yuyi's condition.

The imperial doctor was less than 50 years old, and his surname was Li. He admired the loyalty and bravery of the white soldiers. Knowing that Qin Yuyi was the daughter of the hero Qin Bangping, of course he did his best to save her.

The female soldiers around Qin Yuyi are basically members of the Qin family and the Ma family. Most of them are relatives, and many of them are children of the family. They usually get along with the general like sisters.

When the female soldiers saw that Qin Yuyi, who was alive and well, was now too sick to survive, they began to hate Huang Han, the instigator, in addition to grief.

On December [-], Huang Han, who had been at the back of the palace, finally returned to Da'ankou with a general cavalry led by Han Zi. Tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians lined the road to welcome them, and the cheers went up to the sky.

After seeing Liu Zhilun, the governor unexpectedly did not arrange a banquet to celebrate his victory, but urged Huang Han to go to the capital immediately.

Because the emperor ordered Liu Zhilun to make every effort to ensure that the "Red Banner Army" retreated safely into the pass, and urged Huang Han to enter the pass in time, so that he must arrive in the capital before the sixth day of December so as not to delay the wedding date.

Having just arrived in Da'ankou, Huang Han has too many arrangements to arrange, how can he just leave just for getting married, besides, he still has time.

Huang Han sent Zheng Xuewu and Zheng Xuewei, two former military attaches from Zheng Guochang's household who had been serving in the "Red Banner Army" cavalry, to gallop to the capital to report.

The only four servants of the Zheng family who are skilled in bow and horse have been fighting with the "Red Banner Army", and they fought bravely.

Zheng Xuecheng was unlucky and disabled in the ambush in Yongping South, and now he is assisting Zheng Xiaowen in the management of military supplies in the "Tiger Cave" city.Zheng Xuesi was seriously injured in the cavalry battle in the south of Qingcheng, and now he is recuperating in the Da'an wounded barracks.

Zheng Xuewu and Zheng Xuewei, all bearded and full-tailed, were anxious about the Patriarch's anxiety. They galloped to the capital with all their might, and entered the capital just as the city gate opened on the morning of the fifth day of December.

They rushed to Zheng's Mansion to announce the good news without delay. Zheng Guochang met Zheng Xuewu and Zheng Xuewei, who were already Liupinjia General Banner officials, and liked him very much. He was greatly relieved when he learned that Huang Han promised to arrive in the capital in time so that he would not miss the wedding date. .

Tomorrow is the wedding day, the Zheng residence is already full of guests and family members have already arrived, many people are discussing why there is no movement from the Huang family?It is said that Huang Guerrilla has not yet returned to the court after fighting outside the pass.

Zheng Guochang came out happily and announced that his son-in-law Huang Han's Northern Expedition to the Karaqin Mongolian formation cut thousands of levels and won the "Great Victory in Qingcheng" for the court. He left everything at this time and was already galloping back to Beijing.

Hearing this good news, the whole Zheng family exploded, followed by drums and music.

Zheng Xuewu and Zheng Xuewei were surrounded by the Zheng family.They already have the official rank of the sixth rank, and now that the "Red Banner Army" has made great achievements, they will be promoted at least two ranks in a row.

Being rich and honored without returning home is like traveling at night in a brocade of clothes. Surrounded by so many familiar brothers and sisters, Zheng Xuewu and Zheng Xuewei are very intoxicated. All the hardships and hardships this year have been worth it.

The Zheng family married a daughter this time with a high profile, and Zheng Guochang had already let it out that the son-in-law-to-be was relatively short of money, so the Zheng family tried their best to give their daughter more dowry, hoping to help the son-in-law to train soldiers and calm the people.

Rou'er is Miss Zheng's big dowry girl, and there are four other little girls, a nurse, two women, two cooks, two servants, two grooms and four bearers as the dowry team.

As for how much money the old lady gave to outsiders, it is unknown, relatives and friends only saw dozens of large boxes for dowry.

Dowry girls are usually the ones whose houses are confiscated. Of course, Rou'er hopes that such a good thing will happen to her. She has long regarded herself as Huang Han's woman in her heart.

At this time, seeing Zheng Xuewu and Zheng Xuewei who had been fighting with Huang Han come back, Rou'er immediately led a group of maids and servants to ask them to find out.

"Brothers Xuewu and Xuewei, Miss wants to hear the story of your battle in the Karaqin Grassland. Please tell me quickly. I will tell Miss after I hear it."

Zheng Xuewei said: "Sister Rou'er, I'm afraid you will be different after today, what a good word for us to serve the general in the future!"

Zheng Xuewu said: "Sister Rou'er, don't listen to Xuewei's nonsense, the 'Red Banner Army' speaks on its own merits, there is no need to take advantage of nepotism, is it true that Miss wants to know the story of our chief general, don't worry, I will tell you slowly ..."

Huang Han led troops, not only taught his subordinates to read and write, but also deliberately cultivated the eloquence of low-level officers and improved their verbal expression ability.

None of the four members of the Zheng family were illiterate, and they passed the cultural barrier with ease and became actual commander-in-chief officers. They had to often talk about military discipline and comment on composition with 55 subordinates, so the level of storytelling is not low now.

Surrounded by hundreds of people, in addition to the servants and servants of the Zheng family, there are also many relatives of the Zheng family. Many of them used to have to trot over to greet Zheng Xuewu and Zheng Xuewei when they saw each other. Take the initiative to hand over to them.

"There is no such thing as a general, and a man should be self-improvement." Sure enough, Zheng Xuewu and Zheng Xuewei had higher pursuits at this moment, and they wanted to be a general to honor their ancestors.

Listening to the story, especially the story of Zheng Jiaxin's son-in-law's northern expedition to the prairie to kill Tartars, everyone listened with gusto, and the voices of admiration and applause were endless.

The more Zheng Xuewu spoke, the more vigorous he became. He proudly told the audience that he, Zheng Xuewei, and Zheng Xuesi faced up to two thousand Tartar cavalry without fear. A few feather arrows.

Although the "Red Banner Army" knights were only half of the enemy's number, they killed more than a thousand Tartar cavalry in one fell swoop, and both he and Zheng Xuewei had two or three gains.

Everyone who listens to the story has an epic picture in their minds. A cavalry in a red shirt is particularly eye-catching in the ice and snow. The strongest voice of the grassland era.

The audience was intoxicated, the little girls of the Zheng family looked at Zheng Xuewei and Zheng Xuewu with admiration on their faces, and the two sons of the Zheng family also had the urge to emulate Zheng Xiaowen and join the army.

(End of this chapter)

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