Chapter 262
Zheng Xiu'e blushed and said hastily: "Yes, always. She, General Zhang Fengyi and General Qin came to the capital at the beginning of November. They attended the wedding the day before yesterday, and they may return to Sichuan in a few days."

"Old General Qin is in the capital? Xiu'e hastened to prepare a generous gift and find out where they live. I will take you and Chuchu to see the ceremony." Huang Han ordered and walked out, followed by several female soldiers who rushed in Almost hit.

"Yuyi? Yuyi? Qin Yuyi? Are you here? Come out quickly and let me see. I didn't know you were also in the capital, or I would have visited you and the old lady earlier."

The female soldiers who rushed in angrily heard Huang Han's shout, and immediately calmed down, and they immediately burst into tears.

Qin Rong sadly said: "Our young lady can't come anymore, she is dying, woo woo..."

"What?" Huang Han was shocked.

"Impossible!" Hanzi couldn't believe it.

"Ah? How could this be?" Chuchu was startled, and tightly covered her mouth with both hands.

"What's wrong with Sister Qin? Hurry up and speak clearly!" Zheng Xiu'e said.

"For the sake of General Huang's safe retreat, and for the Liaodong Ming Army's early feint to cooperate with the 'Red Banner Army' to make contributions, she galloped [-] miles to Shanhaiguan in two days.

She felt unwell at the time, but she wanted to attend your wedding and was looking forward to seeing you again, so she didn't want to spend a few more days in Shanhaiguan before going back to the capital again. "

"What is she doing? Thinking of herself as a courier for the six-hundred-mile rush? The six-hundred-mile rush is constantly changing people and horses! Is she a woman running back and forth for more than a thousand miles in the ice and snow to die?"

"Miss is not desperate, but is fighting for you. It was inconvenient for her to set off, so she just gritted her teeth and rushed to Shanhaiguan..."

"Fool, she is the biggest fool in the world. My arrangement is comprehensive, do I need Liaodong people to feint?" Huang Han complained as he walked out the door.

Hanzi asked: "Brother Han, shall we visit Miss Qin immediately?"

"I still have to ask? Hurry up."

At this time, Wang Zhanpeng, who got the news, rushed over. They didn't go far. On the way, they heard that a large group of female soldiers went to Sifang Express in a hurry and came back in fear of something.

A moment later, there were eleven riders galloping along Guangqumennei Street, followed by thirty or so riders. When people on the street asked about it, they immediately regained their spirits.

The newlywed Huang Guerrilla left his bride to visit the sick female general?I'm afraid there is a story here!
Not long after, a large carriage appeared behind, and someone who knew it immediately shouted: "Everyone, come and see! It's General Huang's wife's carriage. Is she also going to visit General Qin?"

"Interesting, how will Mrs. Huang's family deal with it if she learns that General Qin is acting like this?"

Huang Han's face was ashen, he rushed to the post house in a hurry without notifying him, and went straight in. The post office and officials who were in charge of reception were a little confused when they saw more than a dozen murderous men, but fortunately, Qin Rong followed closely It was reassuring to bring a group of female soldiers to explain immediately.

Seeing Qin Yuyi and Huang Han who was in a coma, Huang Han also panicked. You must know that a cold in this era is very likely to kill someone.

Huang Han, a big man who appeared in the big girl's boudoir was already indecent, and at this moment, he didn't care about whether a man or a woman would give or take a kiss. He stroked Qin Yuyi's forehead and found it was very hot, so he hurriedly asked Wang Zhanpeng to go back to get alcohol to physically cool Qin Yuyi.

He asked Qin Rong to bring warm water, sat on the edge of the bed and gently supported Qin Yuyi to let her lean against his chest, and then fed water to the unconscious Qin Yuyi spoon by spoon.

At this time, Zheng Xiu'e and Chu Chu also came to Qin Yuyi's room, seeing Qin Yuyi who was unknown, Chu Chu immediately sobbed softly, and Zheng Xiu'e was also very sad to see that the person who was so handsome a while ago had become like this now.

Wang Zhanpeng came back very quickly. He not only brought alcohol but also a first aid kit.

Huang Han didn't leave Qin Yuyi's room. With the help of Qin Rong, Chu Chu, and Zheng Xiu'e, he used alcohol to wipe Qin Yuyi's palms, feet, armpits and other parts to cool her down.

At this time, there is no good way, only physical cooling and feeding a large amount of boiling water, Huang Han has been with him until the beginning of the Hua Deng, and he has no intention of leaving.

Qin Liangyu already knew that Huang Han was coming, and she couldn't face all this at this moment. Zhang Fengyi advised her mother-in-law not to show her face at all, as her sister was dying, so there was no need to worry about anything at this time.

With tears in her eyes, the old lady sighed softly: "The Huang Han rushed over immediately when he learned about everything, and he has been guarding Yanyi all the time. It's not in vain that Yanyi has a deep love for him."

Zhang Fengyi sobbed and said: "The doctor Li who has been guarding the posthouse said that my sister might not be able to make it through. She has been feverish and talking nonsense for the past two days without a grain of rice. Mother, you can let my sister go in front of Huang Han with peace of mind." ..."

"She's too stupid, too stupid..." The old lady couldn't hold back the tears at last.

Huang Han kept watch all night unknowingly. During the night, there was no interruption in physical cooling, and he kept feeding Qin Yuyi boiled water and rice soup. At noon the next day, a miracle happened, and Qin Yuyi opened her eyes in a daze.

Doctor Li sighed when he got the news: "Miss Qin is back to life, you all go and see her, and listen to what she has to say!"

Qin Liangyu and Zhang Fengyi panicked after hearing this, and hurried to Qin Yuyi's room, only to see that she was leaning softly on Huang Han's chest with a happy expression, and a rosy glow appeared on her fair and thin face.

Qin Liangyu is getting older, and has seen birth, old age, illness and death a lot. Seeing her daughter's appearance, experience tells her that this is completely in line with the state of returning to the light, and the old lady suddenly feels sad.

Huang Han hurriedly said: "General Qin, please follow the authority in a hurry. Please forgive me for being rude. Yan Yi is not in good condition now. I have to guard her for a day before I can rest assured. Please give me your permission. Don't worry, when Yuyi recovers, the next official will definitely go to the saint to ask for grace and give the Qin family an explanation."

At this time Qin Liangyu didn't react, she thought it was Huang Han who said this on purpose to make Qin Yuyi feel at ease, she suppressed her sadness and said: "That's very good, General Huang will take care of you, please spend more time with her."

Zhang Fengyi said with tears in her eyes: "Yi Yi, do you have anything to say to sister-in-law?"

"Mother, sister-in-law, I must be dreaming, right? I am so happy to see him, I am afraid that I will suddenly wake up from the dream."

Huang Han said: "Silly girl, this is not a dream, I am by your side. Fortunately, Qin Rong went to find me in time. If you come a day later, you may really never see me again. Don't worry now? General Qin has agreed Let me stay with you!"

When Qin Liangyu saw her beloved daughter dying, she finally saw her sweetheart. She was afraid that there would be too little time, and she was even more heartbroken. At this time, she didn't care about fame.

She coaxed Qin Yuyi and said: "Mother also likes General Huang, I hope you can fly together, you are not dreaming, General Huang is really by your side."

(End of this chapter)

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