Chapter 276
These genuine knowledge enlightened the young and studious Emperor Chongzhen Mao Sai, and he also forgot the etiquette and walked around the Imperial Garden side by side with Huang Han for three full laps.

Huang Han lost no time in chatting with the emperor about Liu Zhilun's views, and also intentionally complained that Liu Zhilun refused to recommend his good friend Jin Sheng for the imperial court because of his dedication to the public, which made Mr. Jin, who was only thinking of killing the enemy, have no intention of serving the country Useful.

Wang Chengen and Cao Huachun who came later were shocked when they saw such a casual Huang Han, they quickly stopped the pointing maids and eunuchs, and quickly sent eunuchs to inform the harem concubines that there are foreign ministers in the imperial garden today, everyone should not come here.

Xu Guangqi was getting old, although he came with him, he deliberately didn't take a walk with Huang Han and the emperor. He sat and rested in a pavilion sheltered from the wind, and watched from a distance that his incomprehensible apprentice chatted speculatively with the emperor.

Fortunately, the Holy Son of Heaven seemed to be in high spirits, not only when he was talking to Huang Han with a pleasant face, but also when he ordered the little eunuch to do things, Cao Huachun and Wang Chengen just looked at each other and let go of their uneasy hearts.

Xu Guangqi, Huang Han, etc. did not leave the Forbidden City until the sun was westward.

In the afternoon of the next day, Li Zhonghua really got the canonization of the censor of the seventh rank, and Li Zhongzi and Wu Youxing were exceptionally awarded the rank of the seventh rank. The three of them jointly inspected several prefectures in Beizhili.

Zheng Xiaowen was also promoted to become a military officer with a virtual title of sixth rank, but it was a pity that Jin Sheng, who Huang Han specifically mentioned to the emperor, did not get a new appointment.

It was not the central decree that conferred the three of Li Zhonghua, but the imperial decree of the cabinet voted to draft the secretary and supervisor to wear red. When Xu Guangqi took out the draft, Wen Tiren, who was a mature man, immediately seconded it.

The chief assistant Zhou Yanru is also from Jiangnan, he is the number one scholar. Of course, his IQ is remarkable. How could he not know the medical accomplishments of the famous Jiangnan doctors Li Zhonghua, Li Zhongzi brothers and Wu Youxing? He knew it well and didn't ask much. A direct signature.

Two days later, there was an apprenticeship ceremony at the Imperial Hospital. Huang Han accepted three old apprentices at once. In fact, if Huang Han was willing to accept more, I am afraid that all the imperial doctors in the Imperial Hospital would come to apprentice.

Because the doctors found that worshiping Huang Han as a teacher not only can learn a lot of new things, but also be promoted and reused by the Holy Son of Heaven.

Li Zhonghua, Li Zhongzi, and Wu Youxing were recruited by Huang Han. They are still the inspectors of Beizhili Prefecture, and they will take up their duties in the first month. The first stop is Funing County, Yongping Prefecture.

Three days later, there was the Prisoner Presentation Hall, and the alleys of the capital were empty. Naturally, the Karaqin Datai Ji Zhuoerbi was not pardoned by Chongzhen, but was cut in half at Caishikou. Many citizens who were harmed by the Tartars to their relatives and friends were vying to eat his meat. It was much more enthusiastic than eating Yuan Chonghuan.

All the officials of the "Red Banner Army" have been promoted, but most of them are promoted two or three ranks.

It's not that the imperial court was intentionally mean, but that the "Red Banner Army" only had one guerrilla battalion and one guard. There were too many people who made great contributions, and it was really difficult to get promoted.

Now there are Song Pengfei, Yang Guoen, and Yang Danian as the commanders of the third-rank guards in Funing Weizheng, and Hanzi and Wang Zhanpeng have been added as the third-rank guerrilla generals in the Youbingying.

In addition, there are also 24 military officers from the third rank to the fourth rank, such as Zhao Kun, Zhang Yang, Sang Yu, Liu Fenyong, Yuan Siming, Wang Zhicheng, Liu Sihai, Huang Feng, etc. What if so many generals have been promoted without giving them empty posts?
Huang Han is destined not to be able to return to "Tiger's Cave" city for the New Year, because he is going to get married again, and the wedding date is set on the sixth day of the first lunar month. The man's matchmaker is Liu Zhilun, and the woman's big matchmaker is Xu Guangqi.

Qin Liangyu knew that Qin Yuyi would be 19 years old after the new year, and she was a full-fledged older young woman in this era, and her marriage could not be delayed any longer.

Now it's rare to meet Huang Han whom she likes, but it's a pity that he lost his status as a wife because he was a step too late. Fortunately, Huang Han really got a marriage from the emperor and won the imperial order for Qin Yuyi. It's too embarrassing.

In feudal dynasties, the identity of court wives was really important, because ordinary wives and concubines were sold as commodities by the headed women and there was no place to complain.

With the status of a married woman, not only the court's salary and kindness, but also the local officials have no right to deal with crimes. They must be deprived of the imperial order by the Ming court before they can be questioned. The possibility of being sold as a commodity naturally does not exist.

The reason why Qin Liangyu refused Qin Yuyi to marry Huang Han without a title was to protect Qin Yuyi.

Although with the strength of the Qin family and the Ma family, Qin Yuyi would not be betrayed by the big wife, but if her name is not right, life at home will inevitably be bumpy, and there is nothing she can do if she is wronged.

Now Qin Yuyi is also a court wife, and it is best to live in harmony with the old lady. If things are not compatible, they can live their own lives separately.

Huang Han made a lot of trouble in order to marry Qin Yuyi, and now the lovers finally got married, which also brought a happy ending to this good story.

It is obviously not advisable to go back to Shizhu, Sichuan and wait for Huang Han to marry the bride. Qin Liangyu is loyal to Daming, knowing that Huang Han, a general, is now very important in the court.

If he went back and forth to Sichuan to get married, it would probably take half a year, which would delay state affairs, so Qin Liangyu bought a dowry for Qin Yuyi at the posthouse, and specially arranged the wedding date on the sixth day of the first lunar month, which is an auspicious day.

Qin Liangyu's face is not small, and the excitement of the wedding day is no less than a month ago when Huang Han married the old lady Zheng Xiu'e, and there was an endless stream of guests who took the initiative to congratulate.

There were more than 1000 people in the guard of honor who got married, and Shengdou Xiaomin of the capital was grateful for the small benefits that Huang Han had obtained in the "Great Victory in Qingcheng", and took out the remaining firecrackers to set off.

Lovers finally get married, and many idiots, idiots, and idiots are moved to tears?

Storytellers in restaurants and tea shops have long compiled Qin Yuyi's bitter love into a storytelling that the public loves to see. Now the protagonist's happy marriage will of course make fans want to see it.

Huang Han, who was riding a big horse to welcome the bride, had a sense of happiness, and he thought to himself: "I like the feudal society's petty sentiments. It's so damn good to be able to legally marry three beautiful girls."

The old lady Chu Chu was very magnanimous and paid great attention to the face of the Huang family. She led Chu Chu, Rou'er, Tian Xiang, Hong Xiu and other maidservants to decorate the small courtyard for Qin Yuyi as much as her own new house.

On the day of the wedding, the Holy Son of Heaven really gave Qin Yuyi a royal order, and there was another unexpected canonization, that is, Huang Han's ranger battalion was upgraded to a reinforcement battalion.

Huang Han was appointed as the second-rank general of Yongping, and his base was still in Funing. The Ministry of War approved a total of [-] troops, and cavalry still accounted for [-]%.

(End of this chapter)

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