Chapter 278 Training Recruits
Seeing that Qin Yuyi almost went in and out with her husband during these days, Zheng Xiu'e felt even more disappointed when she was so busy every day.

Seeing his wife frowning, Huang Han, who stayed in the dowager's room at night, saw the clue and asked:
"Why is Xiu'e unhappy? Don't hold back what's on your mind? There is nothing unspeakable between you and me."

"Husband, I also want to help you with things like sister Yanyi. Every day I see you and Yanyi are in pairs, I am very envious!"

The strong smell of aged vinegar!Sometimes having too many women of your own is also a burden.

Huang Han said with a smile: "I went out with Yan Yi, but we didn't do anything together at all. She went to the female barracks to train recruits. If you want to go too, you can! But you can't run fast with your little feet!"

As he said that, he stretched out his hand to grab Zheng Xiu'e's fluffy feet that were shrunk into the bed and played with it. It seemed that Zheng Xiu'e was particularly sensitive to this and immediately softened. Next...

After a long time, Zheng Xiu'e, whose face was still red and sweaty on the tip of her nose, acted like a kitten and said coquettishly, "Husband, I want to share your worries, can you arrange some important things for me?"

"I've entrusted this family to you, isn't it a big deal? Besides, she has a specialization in art, and Yanyi is suitable to be a general. Of course, you and Chuchu are civil servants."

"There's really nothing going on at home. You Rou'er, Tianxiang and the others take care of it and basically don't need my concubine to intervene. I'm so busy these days that I'm flustered."

"Idle? How is this possible? Young age is the best time to study and work. How can we let the time go by in vain? Tomorrow, my husband will teach you and Chuchu a new painting method, so that Rou'er and Tianxiang will have a good time." Learn the basics of painting as well."

Zheng Xiu'e is quite confident in her painting skills, and she also knows that her husband is a very strange person, he is not very good at using a brush, and even writes crookedly with a brush, let alone ink painting.

She blinked her beautiful eyes and asked with a smile: "Husband, are you sure you didn't follow my concubine to learn painting, but taught me how to paint? Hehe..."

The beauty couldn't go on talking, and what followed was another cloud and rain...

Naturally, Huang Han was going to teach Zheng Xiu'e and Chu Chu the basic sketches of several paintings. He learned it in his previous life, but it was just for better drawing. He didn't go deep into it, and his skill level was only able to draw a bitten apple.

The next day, Huang Han really didn't go out early in the morning, and let Qin Yuyi, who was used to walking with her husband, go first.

Huang Han prepared several kinds of pencils, charcoal and white paper, and said while drawing: "This technique is the foundation of painting, the skeleton of painting, and it is also the most restrained art that needs the assistance of reason."

He drew an egg under the watchful eyes of Zheng Xiu'e, Chu Chu, Tianxiang, Hongxiu, Rou'er and other six attendants. The egg is just a circle.

And Huang Han took half an hour to draw the egg, and the eight girls were shocked when it was finished, as if the egg would fall from the paper.

Zheng Xiu'e was amazed, and said: "Husband, how did you do it? What kind of painting is this?"

Huang Han said proudly: "All talented women, how is my painting skill? Do you want to learn it? Can I be your master?"

Chu Chu immediately flattered her and said, "Master is great, master is great, and the disciple wants to learn, so I ask master for advice."

Huang Han immediately became rude, pulled Chu Chu into his arms and gave her a bear hug as a reward.

Zheng Xiu'e was still looking at the egg painted by Huang Han, thinking about it with an expression of disbelief.

Huang Han said: "Xiu'e, this method of drawing is called sketching, and it is the painting method of Francine people. It is only the foundation, and it is nothing. If a painter with mature skills, he can draw people in every detail. Lifelike."

Zheng Xiu'e was completely attracted, she asked: "Is there really such a magical painting skill in this world? I don't know if I can learn it by myself."

"As my master has three to five thousand students' experience, Zheng Xiu'e will definitely be able to become a generation of painting masters. Chu Chu's impetuous temper may only be able to draw tigers and dogs, and Tian Xiang's student may become a master..."

Chu Chu was not happy anymore, and said coquettishly: "Master, my family is serious about things. In the past, when learning music, singing and dancing, my family always took the lead!"

Huang Han said with a smile: "In fact, I'm just guessing randomly, and I can't take it seriously. Besides, the life of a beggar can be changed because of his willingness to work hard. There is nothing difficult in the world as long as you are willing to climb up."

Next, Huang Han gave Zheng Xiu'e and Chu Chu three consecutive mornings to explain the three sketching skills and theories he had mastered, such as the three major aspects and the five major tunes. The careful Zheng Xiu'e took notes during the lectures. She wanted to edit Publish a sketch textbook and spread it all over the world.

Huang Han reckoned that his wife and concubine had just learned something new, and it would take a while for them to be fresh. At least for a few months, they wouldn't smell the sour smell of stale acetic acid.

The "Red Banner Army" recruited troops on a large scale, and all those who had served with the army on the battlefield became fully paid battalion soldiers without exception. Even one-third of the soldiers who stayed in the "Tiger Cave" city were converted to full-time due to their active performance. Opportunity.

Now the "Red Banner Army" is actively preparing for the battle, training hard every day, and the recruitment of military service has begun again. The treatment is the same as before, but this time the reputation is better, and they will join the army with the number of guards.

Funingwei existed in name only, and the former military households fled. When the "Red Banner Army" came to take over, there were not even a thousand households.

Last year Zheng Xiaowen and Gao Youmou joined forces to integrate most of the embezzled military farmlands by using their network and resorting to underworld, white, legal and illegal means, and also captured hundreds of fleeing guards.

In fact, it is a bit harsh to say that they were arrested. These military households heard that Huang Han, the chief general of the "Red Banner Army" and a part-time Funing Wei, saw hope, and they dragged their families back home one after another.

Now there are [-] military households in the Funing Guard Station, and [-] to [-] mu of dry land has been allocated for them to cultivate according to the labor force in their families.

Handing over [-]% of the output sounds like a lot. Huang Han seems to be a bit dark-hearted, but he is not.

Because the [-]% includes the land rent and all the exorbitant taxes, if the tenant farmers rent and plant the land of the landlord’s family, in addition to the land rent and taxes, there will be all sorts of apportionments and corvee that the ordinary people don’t even understand.

In the end, it is impossible to predict how much food will be sold in a year to fill the bottomless pit. Can the remaining food keep a family from starving to death?

(End of this chapter)

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